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Memoirs / Articles

†KvwU gvby‡li Kɯ^i
Voice of Millions

fvB‡qiv Avgvi
†kL nvwmbv

My Brothers
Sheikh Hasina

¯§„wZK_v / wbeÜ
Memoirs / Articles

The racecourse ground. People had been

rushing to get there since morning. Those
†im‡Kvm© gq`vb| mKvj †_‡KB `‡j `‡j †jvK
living in the villages had started for Dhaka.
QyU‡Q gq`v‡bi w`‡K| MÖvgevsjv †_‡K gvbyl iIbv
By 10 or 11 am we learned that crowds had
w`‡q‡Q XvKvi c‡_| mKvj `kUv-GMv‡ivUvi
g‡a¨B Avgiv ïb‡Z †cjvg, gq`v‡b †jv‡Ki started to gather at the racecourse. A stage was
Avbv‡Mvbv ïiæ n‡q‡Q| GKUv g ˆZwi n‡”Q, being prepared, a very modest one without
LyeB mv`vwm‡a gÂ| gv_vi Ici †Kv‡bv Puv‡`vqv any canopy overhead, only an open platform.
It faced west. Stairs had been built on the east
side, next to the road. Loudspeakers were
†bB, ïay GKUv †Lvjv g ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
being placed on bamboo poles dug into the
cwðgw`‡K gyL K‡i gÂUv ˆZwi| c~e©w`‡K iv¯Ívi
cvk †_‡K GKUv wmuwo ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| gvVRy‡o ground at different points all across the field.
euvk cy‡u Z cyu‡Z gvB‡Ki nb© jvMv‡bv n‡”Q| hZB The bigger the crowd grew, the more speakers
gvbyl evo‡Q, ZZB nb© jvMv‡bv n‡”Q| gvBK hviv were put in place. The men who were setting
up the speakers seemed to be in a panic, they
could see no end to their task in sight. How
jvMv‡”Qb, ZuvivI †hb wngwkg Lv‡”Qb, †Kv‡bv
large was the crowd going to get? People kept
K‚jwKbviv cv‡”Qb bv| KZ gvbyl n‡e? gvbyl
evo‡Q Avi Zuviv Zvi Uvwb‡q hv‡”Qb| AvIqvgx coming and the men kept setting up more
jx‡Mi fjvw›Uqviiv LyeB Zrci| gvby‡li gv‡S wires. The Awami League volunteers were
cÖPÐ GK AvKv•ÿv, †kvbvi A‡c¶v, Kx K_v very resourceful. The crowd thrummed with
intense desire, a longing to hear what the
leader would say. They came carrying
†kvbv‡eb †bZv| huviv Avm‡Qb, Zuv‡`i nv‡Z euv‡ki
bamboo sticks, boat hooks and oars, and the
jvwV, †bŠKvi ˆeVv I jwM| Zuv‡`i †Pv‡L-gy‡L GKB
AvKv•ÿv-¯^vaxbZv, ¯^vaxbZv, ¯^vaxbZv| `xN© †ZBk same yearning on all their faces and in every
eQ‡ii †kvlY-hš¿Yv †_‡K gyw³i AvKv•ÿv G pair of eyes—freedom, freedom, freedom.
gvbyl¸‡jvi †Pv‡L-gy‡L| G gq`v‡b kwiK n‡q‡Q Freedom from the torment of twenty-three
long years of oppression. On those grounds
gathered people from all walks of life—
me©¯Í‡ii gvbyl-bvix-cyiæl, wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix, QvÎ-
women, men, teenagers, students, teachers,
wk¶K, wKlvb-wKlvwb, †R‡j, Kvgvi-Kzgvi, ZuvwZ,
wiKkvIqvjv, †bŠKvi gvwS, kÖwgK-†Kv‡bv farmers, fishermen, blacksmiths, potters,
m¤úª`v‡qi gvbyl N‡i †bB| weavers, rickshaw pullers, boatmen, and
XvKv kn‡i GZ gvbyl †Kv_v †_‡K G‡jv? G laborers—every community was present.
How had all these people come to be in
Dhaka? It was an unprecedented scenario, a
GK Af‚Zc~e© `„k¨, we¯§qKi wPÎ!
sight to behold.
avbgwÛ AvevwmK GjvKvi 32 b¤^i mo‡Ki
evwo| wgicyi †ivW †_‡K cÖ‡ek Ki‡j, A_©vr c~e© A house on Road 32 in the Dhanmondi
w`K †_‡K cwð‡g †M‡j cÂg evwowU| G Residential Area. The fifth building, if one
evwo‡ZB evm K‡ib e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb| entered from Mirpur Road, i.e. travelled from
east to west. It was where Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman resided. That house,
†m evwowUI †jv‡K †jvKviY¨| mo‡K gvby‡li
too, was brimming with people. There were
Xj| †j‡Ki cv‡o moK, Zvi cv‡k evmv| †QvU
people on the road as wll. The lake ran along
evmv| wbPZjv †_‡K †`vZjv ch©šÍ †bZvKg©x‡`i
Avbv‡Mvbv| G QvovI wk¶K, eyw×Rxex, one edge of the road, with the house on the
AvBbRxex, Qv·bZviv G‡Ki ci GK Avm‡Qb| other side. It was a small house. Party workers
†KvwU gvby‡li Kɯ^i
Voice of Millions

and leaders were moving about upstairs and

downstairs. Teachers, intellectuals, lawyers,
mK‡jB e¨¯Í †bZv †kL gywRe AvR Kx e³e¨
student leaders were coming in, one after
w`‡eb, Zv Rvbvi Rb¨| mK‡j hvi hvi gZvgZ
another. Everyone was busy trying to find out
w`‡q hv‡”Qb| A‡b‡K †jLv KvMR w`‡”Qb|
AvR‡Ki GB mgv‡e‡k Kx fvlY †`Iqv DwPZ Zv what statement Sheikh Mujib would make in
wb‡qI Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Qb| †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv Qv·bZv his speech that day. Everyone was giving
G K_vI ej‡Qb, ÒAvR‡KB mivmwi ¯^vaxbZvi opinions. Many shared theirs in writing. They
were also discussing what speech should be
given at the rally. Some student leaders were
†NvlYv †`b-Avgiv cÖ¯‘Z|Ó AviI ej‡Qb,
even saying, “Directly declare independence
ÒGUv hw` bv e‡jb gvbyl nZvk n‡q hv‡e|Ó LyeB
D‡ËwRZ Zuviv| today-we are ready.” “People will be
ivR‰bwZK †bZviv Zuv‡`i gšÍe¨ w`‡”Qb| disappointed if you don’t,” they were adding.
wjwLZ KvMR †Zv GZ cwigv‡Y R‡g †Mj †h, Zv They were incredibly excited.
Political leaders were sharing their
opinions. There were countless written
cÖvq e¯Ív f‡i hv‡e|
comments, enough to fill a whole sack.
wb‡Pi AwdmNi †_‡K e½eÜz †kL gywRe
Dc‡i †`vZjvq G‡jb| gv †eMg dwRjvZzb †bQv Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib left his office
GK Kvc Pv †jeyi `y-†duvUv im w`‡q AveŸvi nv‡Z room on the first floor and came upstairs. My
Zz‡j w`‡jb| ej‡jb, ÒZzwg GLv‡b em, Pv LvI, mother, Begum Fazilatunnesa, handed him a
cup of tea with a few drops of lemon juice
squeezed in. “Sit here, drink your tea. I am
Lvevi cÖ¯‘Z KiwQ|Ó †mLv‡b Avgv‡`i A‡bK
preparing meal,” she said. Many of the party
†bZv D‡V G‡m‡Qb, AvZ¥xq¯^Rb Av‡Qb,
Qv·bZvivI Avm‡Qb-hv‡”Qb| leaders had come upstairs, along with some
mgq cÖvq n‡q G‡jv| gv †Uwe‡j Lvevi relatives; student leaders were also coming
w`‡jb| †ewk wKQy Avnvgwi Lvevi bq, evOvwji and going.
It was almost time. Mother served lunch
on the table. Nothing too fancy, just the usual
mvaviY †h-Lvevi-fZ©v, mewR, fvRv gvQ, gv‡Qi
Bengali fare—bhorta, vegetables, fried fish,
wZwb †L‡jb| mv‡_ hviv Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb fish curry.
ZuvivI †L‡jb| Gi g‡a¨ e³…Zv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv He ate, along with the others who were
Pj‡QB| LvIqv †kl n‡j gv mKj‡K ej‡jb, present. The discussion regarding the speech
continued over the meal. When they had
finished eating, mother said to everyone, “Go
ÒAvcbviv GLb gv‡V P‡j hvb|Ó
to the grounds now.”
AveŸv‡K gv N‡i †h‡Z ej‡jb| cv‡ki NiUv
†kvqvi Ni| Avwg Avi AveŸv N‡i †M‡j gv She asked father to go to his room. The
ej‡jb, ÒZzwg GKUz wekÖvg bvI|Ó AveŸv weQvbvq adjacent chamber was their bedroom. When I
ï‡q co‡jb| Avwg AveŸvi gv_vi Kv‡Q e‡m went into the room with father, she said to
him, “You should get a bit of rest.” Father lay
down on the bed. Sitting down next to him, I
AveŸvi gv_vq nvZ eywj‡q w`w”Qjvg| GUv Avgvi
started running my hands through his hair.
me mg‡qi Af¨vm| gv GKUv †gvov †U‡b
This was a regular habit of mine. Mother
em‡jb| nv‡Z cv‡bi evUv| cvb evwb‡q AveŸvi
nv‡Z w`‡jb| Zvici wZwb ej‡jb, Ò†`‡Lv, Zzwg pulled up a stool and sat down, a paan betel
mvivUv Rxeb G †`‡ki gvby‡li Rb¨ msMÖvg leaf box in her hands. She prepared a paan
¯§„wZK_v / wbeÜ
Memoirs / Articles

and handed it to father. Then she said, “Look,

you’ve spent your entire life fighting for the
K‡iQ, †`‡ki gvby‡li Rb¨ Kx Ki‡Z n‡e Zv
people of this country, so you know what our
mK‡ji †P‡q ZzwgB fv‡jv Rv‡bv| AvR‡K †h
countrymen need better than anyone else.
gvbyl G‡m‡Q, Zviv †Zvgvi K_vB ïb‡Z G‡m‡Q|
†Zvgvi Kv‡iv K_v †kvbvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB, †Zvgvi Those people who have gathered today, they
g‡b †h K_v Av‡Q Zzwg †mB K_vB ej‡e| Avi came to hear you. So you don’t need to listen
†mB K_vB mwVK K_v n‡e| Ab¨ Kv‡iv K_vq Zzwg to anyone. Just say whatever is in your heart.
And that will be the right thing. Pay no heed
to what others are saying.”
Kvb †`‡e bv|Ó
Father listened intently to her words. For
AveŸv K_v¸‡jv g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q ïb‡jb|
wKQy¶Y †PvL eÜ K‡i _vK‡jb| a while, he remained lying with his eyes
mfvq hvIqvi mgq AvMZ| wZwb cÖ¯‘Z n‡q closed.
iIbv n‡jb| AvgivI Ab¨ GKUv Mvwo‡Z gv‡V The time had come to get to the rally. He
got ready and started off. We also headed to
the grounds in a separate car. Mother
†cuŠQjvg| gv evwo‡ZB _vK‡jb| †im‡Kvm© gq`v‡b
remained at home.
†cuŠ‡Q wZwb `„ß cv‡q g‡Â DV‡jb| GKbRi
ZvKv‡jb DËvj Rbmgy‡`ªi w`‡K| Zvici eRªK‡É Once he’d reached the racecourse ground,
M‡R© DV‡jb : ÒfvB‡qiv Avgvi...Ó father climbed on to stage with bold steps. He
GB HwZnvwmK fvlY hLb wZwb †`b, Zuvi spared a glance at the roaring sea of people.
Then, in his thunderous voice, he boomed,
“My brothers…”
nv‡Z †Kv‡bv KvMR wQj bv, wQj bv †Kv‡bv †bvU|
When he gave that historic address, he had
†Pv‡Li PkgvUv Ly‡j †Uwe‡j †i‡L wZwb fvlYUv
w`‡jb, wVK †h K_v Zuvi g‡b G‡mwQj, †m no papers in his hands, no notes. Taking off
K_v¸‡jvB wZwb e‡jwQ‡jb| evsjvi gvby‡li g‡b his glasses and placing them on the dais, he
cÖwZwU K_v †Mu‡_ wM‡qwQj| Ô¯^vaxbZvÕ, G kãUv delivered his speech, speaking just those
words that he had in his heart. His every word
pierced the souls of the Bengali people.
ey‡K aviY K‡i wZwb †h-wb‡`©kbv w`‡qwQ‡jb, Zv
‘Freedom’—all the directions he gave,
†`‡ki gyw³Kvgx gvbyl A¶‡i A¶‡i cvjb K‡i
weRq AR©b K‡iwQj| †kvlY-eÂbvi nvZ †_‡K holding that word in his heart, the freedom-
gyw³ †c‡qwQj| hungry people of the country followed to the
¯^vaxbZvi EbcÂvk eQi cvi n‡q‡Q| G letter to earn their independence. Their
emancipation from exploitation and
fvl‡Yi Av‡e`b GLbI AUzU i‡q‡Q| c„w_exi
Forty-seven years of independence have
†Kv‡bv fvlY GZ `xN© mgq Av‡e`b a‡i ivL‡Z
cv‡iwb| mvZPwjøk eQi a‡i GB fvlY KZevi since passed. The appeal in that speech still
Ges KZ RvqMvq evRv‡bv n‡q‡Q, KZ gvbyl remains intact. No other speech in the world
ï‡b‡Q Zv wK KL‡bv wnmve Kiv †M‡Q? hvqwb| continues to inspire so many after so long.
Would it even be possible to count how many
times, in how many places, to how many
cÖwZ eQi 7B gvP© fvlY evRv‡bv n‡”Q XvKv kni
people this address was replayed in these
†_‡K cÖZ¨šÍ MÖvg ch©šÍ| ¯^vaxbZv I RvZxq
forty-seven years? It would not. Every year
w`em¸‡jv‡Z gvbyl G fvlY †kv‡b, †cÖiYv cvq|
Z‡e 1975 mv‡ji 15B AvM÷ hLb RvwZi on March 7, the speech is played from Dhaka
wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K mcwiev‡i city to the remotest villages of Bangladesh.
†KvwU gvby‡li Kɯ^i
Voice of Millions

On Independence Day and other national

days, people listen to this address, become
nZ¨v K‡i mvgwiK kvmb Rvwi Kiv nq, wgwjUvwi
wW‡±Ui ¶gZv `Lj K‡i, ZLb G fvlY wbwl×
However, the speech was banned after 15
Kiv n‡qwQj|
ZviciI gywRef³ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †bZv- August 1975, when martial law was imposed
Kg©xiv †_‡g _v‡Kwb| G fvlY evRv‡Z wM‡q and military dictators seized power after
assassinating Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, the Father of the Nation, along with
A‡b‡K wbh©vZ‡bi wkKvi n‡q‡Q, g„Zz¨i †Kv‡j
X‡j c‡o‡Q, wKš‘ ZviciI G fvlY Zviv his entire family.
evwR‡q‡Q, ï‡b‡Q| Yet this was not able to deter the Awami
†h-fvlY gyw³hy‡×i mgq iYv½‡b Ges League leaders, who loved Mujib. Many were
tortured, some even killed, for playing the
speech; still, they played it.
evsjv‡`‡ki RbM‡Yi †cÖiYv wQj, ¯^vaxb evsjv
†eZvi †K›`ª †_‡K eRªK‡Éi G fvlY gvby‡li The speech that, during the War of
gv‡S kw³ RywM‡qwQj, iYv½‡b gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Liberation, was the source of motivation on
the battlefield and inspiration for the people
of Bangladesh, the speech in that thunderous
†cÖiYv w`‡qwQj, †m fvlY wQj wbwl×|
voice coming from Swadhin Bangla Betar
1975 mv‡ji ci 21 eQi mgq †j‡M‡Q G
fvlY RbM‡Yi mvg‡b miKvwifv‡e cÖPvi Kivi Kendra to give strength to people and inspire
Rb¨| 1996 mv‡j evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx jxM ivóª freedom fighters in the warzone, that very
speech was banned.
It took 21 years after 1975 to officially
cwiPvjbvi `vwq‡Z¡ Avmvi ci miKvwi MYgva¨‡g
broadcast the speech to the masses. After
GB fvlY cÖPvi ïiæ nq|
AvR G fvlY Iqvì© WKz‡g›Uvwi †nwi‡UR ev Bangladesh Awami League came to power in
wek¦ cÖvgvY¨ HwZn¨ wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ †c‡q‡Q| 1996, the speech started to be broadcast on
mass media.
Today, the speech is recognized as part of
RvwZms‡Ni BD‡b‡¯‹v †g‡gvwi Ae `¨ Iqvì©
the world’s documentary heritage. The UN
ÒB›Uvib¨vkbvj †iwR÷viÓ-G e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i
fvlY AšÍfz©³ K‡i‡Q| has included Bangabandhu’s 7thMarch address
we Gb AvûRv m¤úvw`Z `¨ Iqvì©m †MÖU in its ‘Memory of the World Register.’ It is
featured in the reference book, The World’s
Great Speeches, edited by B N Ahuja. We
w¯ú‡Pm kxl©K †idv‡iÝ eB‡q GB fvlY ¯’vb
†c‡q‡Q| †jLK I BwZnvmwe` †RKe Gd wdì- Shall Fight on the Beaches: The Speeches
Gi wek¦‡miv fvlY wb‡q †jLv DB k¨vj dvBU Ab That Inspired History, a book on the world
`¨ we‡Pm : `¨ w¯ú‡Pm `¨vU Bb¯úvqvW© wn‡÷vwi greatest speeches written by author and
historian Jacob F Field, also includes
Bangabandhu’s 7th March speech.
MÖ‡š’I ¯’vb †c‡q‡Q e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY|
we‡k¦i weL¨vZ hZ fvlY wek¦‡bZviv w`‡q‡Qb, All the famous speeches delivered by
meB wQj wjwLZ, c~e© cÖ¯‘ZK…Z fvlY| Avi 7B world leaders were scripted and rehearsed.
Whereas the 7th March address was totally
spontaneous, extemporaneous. The speech
gv‡P©i fvlYwU wQj m¤ú~Y© ¯^Ztù‚Z©, Dcw¯’Z
represented a leader’s experience with
e³…Zv| GB fvlY wQj GKRb †bZvi `xN©
msMÖv‡gi AwfÁZv I AvMvgx w`‡bi prolonged struggle and his future plan of
Kg©cwiKíbv| GKUv hy‡×i cÖ¯‘wZ| †h-hy× G‡b action. A preparation for war. A war that
¯§„wZK_v / wbeÜ
Memoirs / Articles

brought victory. The blueprint for victory was

embedded in the speech that stirred the souls
w`‡q‡Q weRq| weR‡qi iƒc‡iLv wQj G
of seventy million people. It was an action
e³…Zvq-hv mvZ †KvwU gvbyl‡K DØy× K‡iwQj|
wQj fwel¨r Kg©cwiKíbv| plan for the coming days.
ÒN‡i N‡i `yM© M‡o †ZvjÓ, ÒmvZ †KvwU “Turn every home in to a fortress,” “You
gvbyl‡K `vev‡q ivL‡Z cviev bvÓ, ÒGev‡ii cannot subdue the will of seventy million
people,” “The struggle this time is a struggle
for emancipation, the struggle this time is a
msMÖvg Avgv‡`i gyw³i msMÖvg, Gev‡ii msMÖvg
struggle for independence!”—the tactics for
Avgv‡`i ¯^vaxbZvi msMÖvgÓ- †Mwijv hy‡×i
iY‡KŠkj wQj G fvl‡Y| cvwK¯Ívwb mvgwiK guerrilla warfare were set in the speech. The
kvm‡Kiv cÖ¯‘Z †i‡LwQj Zv‡`i mgiv¯¿| Kx Pakistani military rulers had their weapons
e‡jb †kL gywRe Zuvi fvl‡Y, †mUv ï‡bB Zviv ready. As soon as they heard what Mujib had
Suvwc‡q co‡e GB gq`v‡b, Gqvi A¨vUvK Ki‡e to say in his speech, they would launch an
attack on the grounds, carry out an air strike,
shoot and kill the people assembled and
Ges ¸wj K‡i mg‡eZ gvbyl‡K nZ¨v K‡i Zv‡`i
forever silence their yearning for freedom.
¯^vaxbZvi AvKv•ÿv‡K wPiZ‡i ¯Íä K‡i †`‡e|
wKš‘ 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi iY‡KŠk‡j evOvwj However, the Bengali nation, reassured by
RvwZ Avk¦¯Í n‡q mKj cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z Qwo‡q the war tactics presented in the 7th March
c‡owQj MÖvgevsjvq, cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡qwQj hy‡×i| speech, spread out across rural Bengal to
make all necessary preparations for war. Each
home did transform into a fortress. Every
cÖwZwU NiB cwiYZ n‡qwQj GK-GKwU `y‡M©|
person became a warrior. And it was the
cÖwZwU gvbyl n‡qwQj GK-GKRb †hv×v| Avi
GB fvlY wQj mKj †cÖiYvi Drm| Avi †m speech that inspired it all. And that is why the
Kvi‡YB GZ `ªæZ evOvwj weRq AR©b K‡iwQj| Bengali people earned their victory so swiftly.
Avgiv ab¨ev` RvbvB Avgv‡`i wgÎkw³‡`i, We thank our allies who stood by us during
hviv †m mgq `uvwo‡qwQj Avgv‡`i cv‡k| that time.

Author : Eldest daughter of Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the
†jLK : RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi
Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
†R¨ô Kb¨v I evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x|
English rendering: Kazi Anis Ahmed


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