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†KvwU gvby‡li Kɯ^i

Voice of Millions

RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ¨ ¯§iwYKv

Commemorative Publication on the Occasion of the Birth Centenary of the
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

17B gvP© 2020, 3iv ˆPÎ 1426, g½jevi

RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx D`&hvcb RvZxq ev¯Íevqb KwgwU

17th March 2020, 3rd Chaitra 1426, Tuesday

National Implementation Committee for the Celebration of Birth Centenary
of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
†KvwU gvby‡li Kɯ^i
Voice of Millions

cÖavb m¤úv`bv Dc‡`óv

†kL nvwmbv
m¤úv`bv Dc‡`óv
RvZxq Aa¨vcK iwdKzj Bmjvg
W. Kvgvj Ave`yj bv‡mi †PŠayix

m¤úv`bv mn‡hvMx
ˆmq` bvwmi Gikv` †j-AvDU wWRvBb I Aÿiweb¨vm
cÖ‡dmi W. †gvt Ave`yj gvbœvb cvVK mgv‡ek wWRvBb ÷zwWI
e¨vwi÷vi kvn Avjx dinv` 17 AvwRR gv‡K©U, kvnevM, XvKv
bvmixb Rvnvb wjwc 204/we †ZRMuvI wjsK †ivW (PZz_© Zjv)
KvRx gvneyeyj Avjg ¸jkvb, XvKv-1209
gyn¤§` †gvnwmb †iRv †dvb : 88-02-9669555; 01713034440
B-†gBj :
Website :
w`cb †`ebv_
Avwmd Kexi
wmœ»v evDj cÖ”Q` : †mwjg Avn‡g`

cÖKvkKvj cÖ”Q‡` e¨eüZ †cv‡Uª©U : me¨mvPx nvRiv

17B gvP© 2020 gy`ªY I euvavB : KvjPvi †cÖm, XvKv
3iv ˆPÎ 1426


†kL †invbvi KweZv-evev 11

Poem of Sheikh Rehana-Father 12
gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZi evYx 13
Message from Honourable President 15
gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi evYx 17
Message from Honourable Prime Minister 19
gyLeÜ 21

RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi mwPÎ mswÿß Rxebx 29

Brief Life Sketch of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

¯§„wZK_v / wbeÜ
Memoirs / Articles

fvB‡qiv Avgvi-†kL nvwmbv 61

My Brothers-Sheikh Hasina

e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb : wbijm GK ivóªbvqK-cÖYe gy‡Lvcva¨vq 67

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: A Tireless Statesman-Pranab Mukherjee

Avgvi evev †kL gywRe-†kL †invbv 77

My Father Sheikh Mujib-Sheikh Rehana


e½eÜz I GKvˇii AwMœSiv gvP©-iwdKzj Bmjvg 97

Bangabandhu and the Fiery March of 1971-Rafiqul Islam

gb‡b ¯§i‡Y e½eÜz-Rywjqvb d«vwÝm 107

Thinking about and Remembering Bangabandhu-Julian Francis

e½eÜz : wPišÍb Av‡jvKwkLv-Kvgvj Ave`yj bv‡mi †PŠayix 113

Bangabandhu: an Eternal Flame of Light-Kamal Abdul Naser Chowdhury

e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb I Zuvi ivR‰bwZK `k©b-ˆmq` e`iæj Avnmvb 121
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his Political Philosophy-Syed Badrul Ahsan

e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi ¯§iYxq evYx 129

Memorable Quotes of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K wb‡q wewkóR‡bi ¯§iYxq Dw³ 135

Memorable Quotes of Distinguished Personalities on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Qq `dv : evOvwji gyw³i mb` 143

Six Point Programme: Charter of Freedom for Bangalis

HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvlY 151

Historic Speech of 7th March

¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYv 161

Declaration of Independence

RvwZms‡Ni mvaviY cwil‡`i 29Zg Awa‡ek‡b evsjvq cÖ`Ë e½eÜzi fvlY 167
Speech of Bangabandhu in Bangla at the 29th Session of UN General Assembly

e½eÜzi wjwLZ MÖš’mg~‡ni cwiwPwZ 179

Introduction to the Books by Bangabandhu

RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx

D`&hvcb RvZxq KwgwU I RvZxq ev¯Íevqb KwgwUi m`m¨e„‡›`i ZvwjKv 193
Lists of Members of the National Committee & National Implementation
Committee for the Celebration of Birth Centenary of the Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

†kL †invbv
Rb¥w`‡b cÖwZevi GKwU dzj w`‡q
ï‡f”Qv Rvbv‡bv wQj
Avgvi me‡P‡q Avb›`|
Avi KL‡bv cv‡ev bv GB myL
Avi KL‡bv ej‡Z cvi‡ev bv
ïf Rb¥w`b|
†Kb Ggb n‡jv?
†K †`‡e Avgvi cÖ‡kœi DËi
†Kv_vq cv‡ev †Zvgvq...

hw` mܨvZviv‡`i gv‡S _v‡Kv

AvKv‡ki w`‡K ZvwK‡q ej‡ev
ïf Rb¥w`b|
Zzwg wK wgwU wgwU R¡j‡e?

hw` wekvj mgy‡`ªi mvg‡b

†XD‡`i †Ljvi gv‡S _v‡Kv ej‡ev
ïf Rb¥w`b|

mgy‡`ªi MR©‡b ïb‡ev wK

†Zvgvi eRªKÉ?
cvnv‡oi P~ovq †hLv‡b †gN
bxj AvKv‡k jy‡KvPzwi †L‡j
Zzwg wK ILv‡b?
ZvwK‡q ej‡ev
ïf Rb¥w`b|

GK UzK‡iv mv`v †gN †f‡m hv‡e

ILv‡b wK Zzwg?
AvKv‡k evZv‡m cvnv‡o DcZ¨Kvq
†Zvgv‡K LyuR‡ev, WvK‡ev
†h cÖwZaŸwb n‡e
ILv‡b wK Zzwg?
ïf Rb¥w`b|
ïf Rb¥w`b|
jÛb, 17B gvP© 2010

Kwe : RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Kwbô Kb¨v|

Sheikh Rehana
On your birthdays, I greeted you with a flower
Those were my happiest times
Never will I find such happiness
Never can I say to you
Happy Birthday
Why has this happened to me?
Who will answer my question?
Where will I find you…?

If you are among the evening stars

I will look up at the sky and call out Happy Birthday
Will you respond by twinkling in the sky?

If you are amongst the waves

playing in the vast sea
I will call out Happy Birthday
Will you respond from the roaring sea
with your thunderous voice?

Are you there at the top of the mountain

Where the clouds play hide and seek
In the deep blue sky
I will look at the mountain top
And call out Happy Birthday.

When a white cloud passes by

Are you there in the floating cloud
I will look for you in the sky
In the air, in the hills, in the valleys
I will call you and call you
Will you be there in my echoes?
I will call out Happy Birthday.
I will call out Happy Birthday.

London, 17th March 2010

* Poet: Younger daughter of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
* English rendering by Fahmida Jabeen Shoma

MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k
e½feb, XvKv
3iv ˆPÎ 1426
17B gvP© 2020

AvR 17B gvP©, evOvwj RvwZi BwZnv‡m GKwU ¯§iYxq w`b| G eQi me©Kv‡ji me©‡kÖô evOvwj RvwZi wcZv
e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx| Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡¶¨ Avwg GB gnvb †bZvi ¯§„wZi cÖwZ
Mfxi kÖ×v RvbvB| eQiRy‡o †`k-we‡`‡k mvo¤^‡i RvwZi wcZvi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx D`&hvc‡bi j‡¶¨ miKvi
ÔgywReel©Õ †NvlYv K‡i‡Q| Rb¥kZevwl©Kxi GB eY©vX¨ Av‡qvRb h_vh_ Drmvn I DÏxcbvi gva¨‡g
D`&hvc‡bi Rb¨ Avwg †`kevmx I cÖevmx evOvwj‡`i cÖwZ AvnŸvb Rvbvw”Q|
¯^vaxb-mve©‡fŠg evsjv‡`‡ki gnvb ¯’cwZ RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb 1920 mv‡ji 17B gvP©
†MvcvjM‡Äi Uzw½cvovq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| ¶YRb¥v GB gnvcyiæl ˆkke †_‡KB wQ‡jb AZ¨šÍ gvbe`iw` wKš‘
AwaKvi Av`v‡q Avcmnxb| Pwjø‡ki `k‡K GB ZiæY Qv·bZv †nv‡mb knx` †mvn&ivIqv`©x, †k‡i evsjv
G †K dRjyj nK, gIjvbv Ave`yj nvwg` Lvb fvmvbxÕi ms¯ú‡k© G‡m mwµq ivRbxwZ‡Z m¤ú„³ nb|
1948 mv‡j Ôme©`jxq ivóªfvlv msMÖvg cwil`Õ, Õ52-Gi fvlv Av‡›`vjb, Õ54-Gi hy³d«›U wbe©vPb, Õ58-
Gi mvgwiK kvmbwe‡ivax Av‡›`vjb, Õ66-Gi 6 `dv, Õ69-Gi MY-Afz¨Ìvb, Õ70-Gi wbe©vPbmn evOvwji
gyw³ I AwaKvi Av`v‡q cwiPvwjZ cÖwZwU MYZvwš¿K I ¯^vwaKvi Av‡›`vj‡b wZwb †bZ…Z¡ †`b| GRb¨ Zuv‡K
eûevi KviveiY Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q| mn¨ Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q AgvbywlK wbh©vZb| wKš‘ evOvwji AwaKv‡ii cÖ‡kœ wZwb
KL‡bv kvmK‡Mvôxi mv‡_ Avcm K‡ibwb|
e½eÜz 1971 mv‡ji 7B gvP© †im‡Kvm© gq`v‡b evOvwji Av‡eM I AvKv•ÿv‡K aviY K‡i eRªK‡É †NvlYv
K‡ib, ÒGev‡ii msMÖvg Avgv‡`i gyw³i msMÖvg, Gev‡ii msMÖvg ¯^vaxbZvi msMÖvgÕÕ, hv wQj g~jZ ¯^vaxbZvi
WvK| 25‡k gvP© iv‡Z cvwK¯Ívwb nvbv`vi evwnbx AZwK©‡Z wbi¯¿ evOvwji Ici AvµgY Pvjv‡j 26‡k gvP©
1971-G RvwZi wcZv †NvlYv K‡ib evOvwj RvwZi eûKvw•ÿZ ¯^vaxbZv| e½eÜzi †bZ…‡Z¡ `xN© bÕgvm mk¯¿
gyw³hy‡×i gva¨‡g Avgiv AR©b Kwi ¯^vaxb-mve©‡fŠg evsjv‡`k| GKwU fvlY Kxfv‡e †MvUv RvwZ‡K RvwM‡q
†Zv‡j, ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ gyw³hy‡× Suvwc‡q co‡Z DrmvwnZ K‡i, e½eÜyi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY Zvi Abb¨
D`vniY| BD‡b‡¯‹v 2017 mv‡ji 30‡k A‡±vei e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY‡K ‘World’s Documentary
Heritage’-Gi gh©v`v w`‡q ‘Memory of the World International Register’-G AšÍfy©³ K‡i‡Q| G fvl‡Yi
Kvi‡Y wek¦L¨vZ wbDR DBK g¨vMvwRb 1971 mv‡ji 5B GwcÖj msL¨vq e½eÜz‡K ‘Poet of Politics’ wn‡m‡e
AwfwnZ K‡i| gyw³hy×Kv‡j cvwK¯Ív‡bi KvivMv‡i ew›` Ae¯’vq kvmK‡Mvôx Zuv‡K duvwmi ûKzg w`‡qwQj|
e½eÜz e‡jwQ‡jb, ÒAvwg Zv‡`i Kv‡Q bwZ ¯^xKvi Ki‡ev bv| duvwmi g‡Â hvIqvi mgq Avwg eje, Avwg
evOvwj, evsjv Avgvi †`k, evsjv Avgvi fvlv|Ó †`k I RbM‡Yi cÖwZ Zuvi Amvgvb¨ Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ evsjv,
evsjv‡`k I e½eÜz AvR GK I Awfbœ mËvq cwiYZ n‡q‡Q|

¯^vaxbZvi ci cvwK¯Ívb KvivMvi †_‡K gy³ n‡q RvwZi wcZv 10B Rvbyqvwi ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b K‡ib|
hy×weaŸ¯Í A_©bxwZi cybM©V‡b wZwb me©kw³ wb‡qvM K‡ib| wgÎevwnbxi m`m¨‡`i †`‡k cÖZ¨veZ©b, ¯^í
mg‡qi g‡a¨ †`‡ki msweavb iPbv, RbM‡Yi †gŠwjK AwaKvi c~iY, mKj ¯Í‡i `yb©xwZ wbg©~j, K…wl wecøe,
KjKviLvbv‡K ivó«xqKiYmn †`k‡K Ô†mvbvi evsjvÕ wn‡m‡e M‡o †Zvjvi mKj cÖ¯‘wZ MÖnY K‡ib| wKš‘
¯^vaxbZvwe‡ivax NvZKPµ 1975 mv‡ji 15B AvM÷ Zuv‡K mcwiev‡i nZ¨vi gva¨‡g e½eÜzi †mB ¯^cœ c~iY
n‡Z †`qwb|
ivRbxwZ‡Z e½eÜz wQ‡jb bxwZ I Av`‡k©i cÖZxK| e½eÜz iwPZ Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx I KvivMv‡ii
†ivRbvgPvmn Zuvi Ici wjwLZ MÖš’ Aa¨qb K‡i bZzb cÖRb¥ e½eÜzi Rxeb I Kg© m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z cvi‡e
Ges Zuvi Av`‡k© AbycÖvwYZ n‡q AvMvgx‡Z RvwZ MV‡b Ae`vb ivL‡Z m¶g n‡e|
e½eÜz Avgv‡`i gv‡S †bB, wKš‘ Zuvi Av`k© Avgv‡`i wPišÍb †cÖiYvi Drm| Zuvi bxwZ I Av`k© cÖRb¥ †_‡K
cÖRb¥všÍ‡i Qwo‡q co–K, M‡o DVzK mvnmx, Z¨vMx I Av`k©ev`x †bZ…Z¡Ñ G cÖZ¨vkv Kwi| gyw³hy‡×i †PZbvq
HK¨e× n‡q e½eÜzi Amgvß KvR m¤úv`‡bi gva¨‡g †`k‡K †mvbvi evsjvq cwiYZ KivB †nvK gywRee‡l©
mK‡ji A½xKvi|
†Lv`v nv‡dR, evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK|

†gvt Ave`yj nvwg`


3rd Chaitra 1426

17th March 2020

Today is 17th March, a memorable day in the history of the Bangali nation. This year is the birth
centenary of the greatest Bangali of all time Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman. On the very occasion, I pay my deep homage to the memory of the greatest leader. The
Government has announced ‘Mujib Year’ to celebrate ostentatiously the birth centenary of the
Father of the Nation both at home and abroad throughout the year. I call upon my fellow
countrymen living at home and abroad to observe the birth centenary celebration of Bangabandhu
in a very colourful and befitting manner.
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of sovereign and
independent Bangladesh, was born in Tungipara of Gopalganj district on 17th March in 1920. From
his boyhood, this most distinguished great man was very kind and generous but uncompromising
on attaining the rights. In the early forties of the last century, as a young student leader, having
come into contact with Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Sher-e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Haque and
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Bangabandhu got involved in active politics. He led the
nation in every democratic movement including All Party State Language Action Committee
formed in 1948, the Language Movement in 1952, Jukta-Front Election in 1954, movement against
Martial Law in 1958, Six Point Movement in 1966, Mass upsurge in 1969 and the General Election
in 1970 for attaining freedom and rights of our people. He was sent to jail several times and had to
bear inhuman sufferings for his active participation in those movements. Despite manifold
challenges, he did never compromise with the Pakistani rulers on the question of establishing the
rights of Bengalis.
On 7th March in 1971 at the Race Course Maidan, keeping with the feelings and aspirations of the
Bangalis, Bangabandhu uttered in his thunderous voice, “The struggle this time is a struggle for
emancipation, the struggle this time is a struggle for independence”. This historic speech was, in
fact, the true charter of our independence. On the night of 25th March, when Pakistani invaders fell
upon the unarmed Bangalis in a blaze, Father of the Nation declared the long-cherished
independence on 26th March in 1971. We achieved ultimate victory on 16th December 1971 through
a nine-month long armed struggle under the leadership of Bangabandhu. How an address can rouse
the whole nation, inspire them to leap into the war of liberation for independence, the historic 7th
March Speech by Bangabandhu is its unique example! UNESCO has recognized the 7th March
Speech of Bangabandhu as part of the ‘World’s Documentary Heritage’ and included it in the
‘Memory of the World International Register’ on 30th October 2017. The Newsweek Magazine in
its Issue on 5th April in 1971 termed Bangabandhu as the ‘Poet of Politics’ for this historic speech.
During our liberation war, Bangabandhu was confined in Pakistan jail and the then ruler of Pakistan

farcically awarded him death sentence. But Bangabandhu said, “I shall not bow down my head to
them rather I will say I am a Bangali, Bangla is my country, Bangla is my language”. For his
extraordinary contributions to the nation, Bangla, Bangladesh and Bangabandhu, thus, emerged as
a unique symbol to the people of Bangladesh.
Just after independence, Bangabandhu returned home on 10th January in 1972 freeing from Pakistan
Jail. He put all-out efforts to rebuild the war-torn economy. He took all preparations including the
returning of the members of allied forces to their country, framing the country’s constitution in a
short time, fulfilling the basic rights of the people, eliminating corruption at all levels, launching
agricultural revolution, nationalizing the industries to transform the country into ‘Sonar Bangla’.
But the anti-liberation forces did not give the scope for materializing that dream as this murderer
group assassinated Bangabandhu and almost all of his family members on 15th August in 1975.
In politics, Bangabandhu appears as a symbol of principle and ideals. The new generation will be
able to know about the life and works of Bangabandhu by reading ‘Unfinished Memoirs’ and
‘Karagarer Rojnamcha’ (Diary in Jail) written by Bangabandhu himself and other autobiographical
books written on him and thus will be able to contribute towards building the nation inspired by
the ideology of Bangabandhu.
Bangabandhu is not amongst us but his ideals will remain to be our source of eternal inspiration.
Let the principle and ideals of Bangabandhu spread from generation to generation; build a
courageous, selfless and idealistic leadership—it is my expectation on this day. Imbued with the
spirit of the war of liberation, let us pledge on the eve of ‘Mujib Year’ to turn Bangladesh into
‘Sonar Bangla’ by completing the unfinished tasks of Bangabandhu.
Khoda Hafez, May Bangladesh Live Forever.

Md. Abdul Hamid

MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

3iv ˆPÎ 1426

17B gvP© 2020

¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’cwZ, me©Kv‡ji me©‡kÖô evOvwj, RvwZi wcZv e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx
ÔgywReel©Õ Dcj‡¶¨ Avwg evsjv‡`‡ki mKj bvMwiK Ges cÖevmx evsjv‡`wkmn wek¦evmx‡K AvšÍwiK ï‡f”Qv
RvwZi wcZvi Rxeb I Kg© Avcvgi Rbmvavi‡Yi Kv‡Q Zz‡j ai‡Z gvP© 2020 †_‡K gvP© 2021 mgq‡K
ÔgywReel©Õ †NvlYv Kiv n‡q‡Q| 17B gvP© 2020 eY©vX¨ D‡Øva‡bi ga¨ w`‡q e½eÜz †kL gywR‡ei Rb¥kZevwl©Kx
D`&hvcb Abyôvbgvjv ïiæ nq| evsjv‡`‡ki cvkvcvwk BD‡b‡¯‹vi D‡`¨v‡M wek¦e¨vcx cvwjZ n‡”Q ÔgywReel©Õ|
Avwg RvwZi wcZvi ¯§„wZi cÖwZ Mfxi kÖ×v Rvbvw”Q| kÖ×v Rvbvw”Q 1975 mv‡ji 15B AvM‡÷i kwn`‡`i cÖwZ|
e½eÜz †kL gywRe 1920 mv‡ji 17B gvP© ZrKvjxb dwi`cyi †Rjvi †MvcvjMÄ gnKzgvi Uzw½cvov MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY
K‡ib| evj¨Kvj †_‡KB wZwb wQ‡jb wbfx©K, AwgZ mvnmx Ges gvbe`iw`-wQ‡jb ivRbxwZ I AwaKvi m‡PZb|
cÖLi ¯§„wZkw³i AwaKvix I `~i`„wóm¤úbœ GB wek¦‡bZvi my`xN© ivR‰bwZK Rxe‡bi g~j j¶¨ wQj evOvwj RvwZ‡K
civaxbZvi k„•Lj †_‡K gy³ Kiv; ÿzav, `vwi`ª¨ I Awk¶vi AÜKvi †_‡K gy³ K‡i DbœZ Rxeb wbwðZ Kiv|
e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb GK wKse`wšÍi bvg| QvÎve¯’vq KjKvZvq Bmjvwgqv K‡j‡R e½eÜy †kL gywRe mwµq
ivRbxwZ‡Z Rwo‡q c‡ob| 1943 mv‡ji `ywf©¶ I 1946 mv‡j KjKvZvq `v½v Qwo‡q co‡j ZiæY †kL gywRe
mncvVx-mnKg©x‡`i wb‡q RxebevwR †i‡L Dc`ªæZ GjvKvq AvZ©gvbeZvi †mevq AvZ¥wb‡qvM K‡ib| †`k-
wefv‡Mi ci KjKvZv †_‡K wd‡i fwZ© nb XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q| m`¨ ¯^vaxb cvwK¯Ív‡bi kvmK‡Mvôxi c~e© evsjvi
cÖwZ wegvZvmyjf AvPiY Zuv‡K AvnZ K‡i|
Gi g‡a¨B Av‡m gvZ…fvlvi Ici AvNvZ| evsjv fvlvi gh©v`v cÖwZôvi jovB‡q GwM‡q Av‡mb e½eÜz| 1948
mv‡j Zuvi cÖ¯Ív‡e QvÎjxM, ZgÏyyb gRwjk I Ab¨vb¨ QvÎ msMV‡bi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq ivó«fvlv msMÖvg cwil`|
1948 mv‡ji 11B gvP© evsjv‡K ivó«fvlv wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZi `vwe‡Z mvaviY ag©NU cvjbKv‡j e½eÜz‡K †MÖdZvi
Kiv nq| 1948 †_‡K 1949 ch©šÍ wZwb wZbevi Kvivew›` nb Ges 1949 †_‡K GKUvbv 1952 mvj ch©šÍ ew›`
_v‡Kb| KL‡bv †R‡j †_‡K KL‡bv-ev †R‡ji evB‡i †_‡K RvwZi wcZv fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi †bZ…Z¡ †`b| 1952
mv‡ji 21†k †deªæqvwii we‡qvMvšÍ NUbvi mgq e½eÜy †kL gywRe AšÍixY Ae¯’vq Abkb K‡ib| fvlv
Av‡›`vj‡bi avivevwnKZvq Õ54-i hy³d«›U wbe©vPb, Õ58-i AvBqye Lv‡bi mvgwiK kvmbwe‡ivax Av‡›`vjb,
Õ62-i wk¶v Kwgkb-we‡ivax Av‡›`vjb, Õ66-i Qq`dv, Õ68-i AvMiZjv lohš¿ gvgjv, Õ69-Gi MY-Afz¨Ìvb,
Õ70-Gi wbe©vPb Ges Õ71-Gi gnvb gyw³hy× RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Awemsevw`Z †bZ…‡Z¡
cwiPvwjZ nq| e½eÜyi m‡¤§vnbx e¨w³Z¡ I H›`ªRvwjK †bZ‡Z¡ mgMÖ gyw³hy× RvwZ‡K GKm~‡Î MÖw_Z K‡iwQj,
hvi d‡j Avgiv †c‡qwQ ¯^vaxb, mve©‡fŠg evsjv‡`k| weKvk N‡U‡Q evOvwj RvwZmËvi| RvwZi wcZv ïay evOvwj
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Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜz
evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK|

†kL nvwmbv


03rd Chaitra 1426

17th March 2020

I extend my heartiest greetings to all the citizens of Bangladesh, expatriate Bangladeshis and people of
the world on the occasion of celebration of the birth centenary of the architect of independent Bangladesh,
the greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Mujib Year has been declared from March 2020 to March 2021 to highlight the life and work of the Father
of the Nation to the mass people. Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebration starts with a grand opening
on 17th March 2020. Along with Bangladesh, Mujib Year is being celebrated globally with the initiative
of the UNESCO.
I pay my deepest homage to the Father of the Nation. I also pay my respect to all the martyrs of the 15th
August 1975.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib was born in Tungipara village of Gopalganj subdivision [now district] of the
then Faridpur district on 17th March 1920. From his childhood he was fearless, indomitable, brave and
kind. He was conscious about politics and people’s rights. The key aim of the long political life of this
world leader who had keen memory and farsighted vision was to liberate the Bengali nation from the
chains of subjugation, and ensure a developed life by freeing people from the curse of hunger, poverty
and illiteracy.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a legend. While studying at Islamia College in Kolkata, he
got involved in active politics. After the famine of 1943 and the communal riots of 1946 in Kolkata,
young Sheikh Mujib with his classmates and colleagues devoted himself in humanitarian activities in the
affected areas daring his life. After the partition of India, he returned from Kolkata and got admitted into
the University of Dhaka. Discriminatory attitudes towards the people of the East Bengal by the elite rulers
of the just-liberated Pakistan hurt Bangabandhu.
In the meantime, attacks were made on our mother tongue. Bangabandhu came forward in the struggle
to establish the status and dignity of Bangla language. In 1948, ‘Rashtrabhasha Sangram Parishad (State
Language Movement Council)’ was formed on Bangabandhu’s proposal by Chhatra League, Tamaddun
Majlish and other student organizations. On 11th March 1948, Bangabandhu was arrested while observing
a strike to materialize the demand for recognition Bangla as the state language. He was imprisoned thrice
between 1948 and 1949. He was continuously in jail from 1949 to 1952. Both while in and out of jail,
the Father of the Nation had led the Language Movement. During the incident of killings of language
movement activists on 21st February 1952, Bangabandhu was observing hunger strike in jail.
In continuation of the language movement, all major movements of Bangalees including United Front
elections in 1954, anti-Ayub Movement in 1958, the Education Movement in 1962, the Six Point
movement in 1966, the Agartala Conspiracy Case in 1968, the Mass Upsurge in 1969, the General
Elections in 1970 and the War of Liberation in 1971 were led by the Father of the Nation. The charismatic
personality and influential leadership of Bangabandhu united all the freedom-aspiring Bangalees during
the Liberation War. As a result, we got an independent, sovereign Bangladesh. The entity of the Bangalee
nation got flourished. Bangabandhu was not only a leader of the Bangalees, he was also the leader of all
oppressed-exploited and deprived people of the world in establishing their rights and emancipation.
Bangabandhu was imprisoned at least 3,053 days during the British and Pakistani regimes just for the
cause of establishing the rights of the people. It can be said that prison was his second home. In order to
strengthen Awami League as political organization, he voluntarily resigned from the cabinet in 1957. The
historic 7th March speech of Bangabandhu has been recognized by UNESCO as a world documentary
heritage. Bangabandhu was awarded Juliot Curie Peace Award in 1973 for his outstanding contribution
to the world peace.
The Indian Allied forces returned home just within three months of independence under the prudent
leadership of the Father of the Nation. A total of 126 countries recognized independent Bangladesh.
During his tenure Bangabandhu enacted many laws and promulgated ordinances, many of which were
ahead of their time, including the law for land and maritime boundaries to run the state. Under his
directions and supervision, a secular, rights-based and equality prioritizing Bangladesh Constitution was
adopted in mere 10 months. He boldly faced major challenges of nation building by establishing a people-
centric balanced public administration, resumption of the communication network and infrastructure
destroyed during the Liberation War, rehabilitating the refugees and the violated women, controlling the
law and order situation, repatriating the stranded Bangladeshis from Pakistan and rebuilding all the
national institutions by freeing those from the grips and influence of collaborators of the Pakistani forces.
Bangabandhu started trials of the war criminals. The Father of the Nation signed the historic Land
Boundary Agreement with India. Five-Year Plan for economic development was formulated. The GDP
growth rate reached 7 percent. Within three years, Bangabandhu turned Bangladesh into a Least
Developed Country (LDC) from a war-ravaged country. In order to maintain good relations with all the
countries in the world, he adopted the foreign policy based on the principle of ‘Friendship to all, malice
to none’. Bangabandhu made Bangladesh a dignified country in the world through ensuring the country’s
membership to the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC),
the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), among others.
When Bangabandhu was moving forward with an aim to building a Golden Bangladesh facing all
obstacles, the defeated and anti-liberation war clique assassinated the Father of the Nation along with
most of his family members on 15th August 1975. A black law titled ‘Indemnity Ordinance’ was enacted
to prevent justice to one of the most shameful killings in the history and to give immunity to the killers.
After coming to power in 1996 with the people’s mandate, the Awami League government repealed the
black law and started the trial of Bangabandhu murder case. With the execution of the verdict of the trial,
the nation got rid of the stigma.
Since 2009, the successive governments of Bangladesh Awami League have relentlessly been working
to improve living standards of people. In the meantime, Bangladesh has achieved outstanding socio-
economic progress. It has fulfilled the requirements for graduating from least developed country to
developing one. Child and maternal mortality rates have drastically come down and life expectancy has
risen to 73 years. Literacy and economic growth rates have grown rapidly. We have established ‘Digital
Bangladesh’. Youths have been provided with modern information technology instead of arms. The scope
of education for girls has been widened and women empowerment has been ensured at all levels. We
have modernized the Madrasa education and made it job-centric. Trials of war criminals are going on and
several verdicts have already been executed. The rule of law has been established. Stability has been
ensured by rooting out terrorism and putting an end to the culture of strikes. The long-awaited Land
Boundary Agreement with India has been implemented. We have resolved maritime disputes with India
and Myanmar. Villages are being equipped with all civic amenities. Many mega projects such as 100
Special Economic Zones, more than 28 Hi-Tech Parks, Bangabandhu Satellite-2, deep seaport, Padma
Bridge, LNG terminals, Expressways and Nuclear Power Plants, among others, are being implemented.
The country is moving forward. Today we have become a self-respecting country in the world holding
our heads high.
By formulating and implementing our ‘Vision-2021’, ‘Vision-2041’ and ‘Delta Plan-2100’, we have been
working tirelessly to build a hunger-poverty free developed-prosperous Bangladesh as envisioned by the
Father of the Nation. In the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
let us all resolve to take Bangladesh to even higher heights in the international arena; let us determine to
transform Bangladesh into a safe and peaceful home for our next generation.
Joi Bangla, Joi Bangabandhu
May Bangladesh Live Forever.

Sheikh Hasina

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