Substitution Drill Examples

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- This coffee is hot.

- Tea.
- This tea is hot.
- Cold
- This tea is cold.
- Your hands
- Your hands are cold.
- Wet
- Your hands are wet.
- His
- His hands are wet.
- Her
- Her hands are wet.
- Beautiful
- Her hands are beautiful.
- Face
- Her face is beautiful.
- Dress
- Her dress is beautiful.


- The shop is closed.

- Store
- The store is closed.
- This
- This store is closed.
- Open
- This store is open.
- Big
- This store is big.
- Kitchen
- This kitchen is big.
- My
- My kitchen is big
- Large
- My kitchen is large
- Their
- Their kitchen is large
- Living room
- Their living room is large
- Modern
- Their living room is modern.

3) (There is/are, some, any, a/an, prepositions of place ile elaqeli drill)

- There is some tea in the teapot.

- Table
- There is some tea on the table.
- Book
- There is a book on the table
- Two pens
- There are two pens on the table.
- Drawer
- There are two pens in the drawer.
- Money
- There is some money in the drawer.
- (?) Make a question
- Is there any money in the drawer?
- Dictionary
- Is there a dictionary in the drawer?
- (+) Make it positive
- There is a dictionary in the drawer.
- Bookcase
- There is a dictionary in the bookcase.

4) (Tense lerle elaqeli drill)

- I get up at 7 every morning.

- Day
- I get up at 7 every day.
- Eight
- I get up at 8 every day.
- You
- You get up at 8 every day.
- (?) Make it a question.
- Do you get up at 8 every day?
- Have a breakfast
- Do you have a breakfast at 8 every day?
- He
- Does he have a breakfast at 8 every day?
- (+) Make it positive
- He has a breakfast at 8 every day.
- Yesterday
- He had a breakfast at 8 yesterday.
- (?) Make it question
- Did he have breakfast at 8 yesterday?
- Read the report
- Did he read the report at 8 yesterday?
- (+) Make it positive.
- He read the report at 8 yesterday.
- Tomorrow.
- He will read the report at 8 tomorrow.
- I
- I will read the report at 8 tomorrow.
- (-) Make it negative.
- I won’t read the report at 8 tomorrow.


- We watch TV in the evenings.

- (-)
- We don’t watch TV in the evenings.
- You
- You don’t watch TV in the evenings.
- He
- He doesn’t watch TV in the evenings.
- (+)
- He watches TV in the evenings.
- News
- He watches the news in the evenings.
- Film
- He watches a film in the evenings.
- He usually watches a film in the evenings.
- Never
- He never watches a film in the evenings.


- I drive carefully.
- Carelessly
- I drive carelessly.
- Susan
- Susan drives carelessly.
- (-)
- Susan doesn’t drive carelessly.
- We
- We don’t drive carelessly.
- Badly.
- We don’t drive badly.
- (+)
- We drive badly.
- Well
- We drive well.
- Slowly
- We drive slowly.
- Your father
- Your father drives slowly.
- Why
- Why does your father drive slowly?
- Fast
- Why does your father drive fast?
- (+)
- Your father drives fast
- My
- My father drives fast
- Work hard
- My father works hard
- A lot
- My father works a lot.
- Read
- My father reads a lot.
- Mother
- My mother reads a lot.
- Walk
- My mother walks a lot.


- I went to the cinema yesterday.

- Two days ago
- I went to the cinema two days ago.
- (-)
- I didn’t go to the cinema two days ago.
- Shopping
- I didn’t go shopping two days ago.
- (+)
- I went shopping two days ago.
- Supermarket
- I went to a supermarket two days ago.
- This morning
- I went to a supermarket this morning.
- Work
- I went to work this morning.
- She
- She went to work this morning.
- (?)
- Did she go to work this morning?


- I have lost my key.

- He
- He has lost his key.
- Just
- He has just lost his key.
- Already
- He has already lost his key
- Do his homework
- He has already done his homework.
- (-) + Yet
- He hasn’t done his homework yet.

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