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Brittany M. Adams, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Cornish 1318

Literacy Education Cortland, NY 13045
School of Education Office: (607) 753-4380
State University of New York at Cortland Email:

Ph.D. University of Florida | Gainesville, Florida
Degree Conferred: 2019
Program: Curriculum and Instruction, Reading and Literacy Education
Dissertation: Cultivating critical literacy in the college classroom: Using young
adult literature to make sense of #MeToo
Chair: Zhihui Fang, Ph.D.

M.L.I.S. Florida State University | Tallahassee, Florida

Degree Conferred: 2015
Program: Library and Information Science, Youth Literacy

B.A. University of Florida | Gainesville, Florida

Degree Conferred: 2011
Major: English, Children’s Literature & Cultural Studies

2021 – Assistant Professor of Literacy Education
Literacy Department
School of Education
State University of New York at Cortland

2019 – 2021 Visiting Assistant Professor of Literacy Education

Literacy Department
School of Education
State University of New York at Cortland

2017 – 2019 Graduate Research Assistant

School of Teaching & Learning
College of Education
University of Florida

2016 – 2019 Graduate Teaching Assistant

School of Teaching & Learning
College of Education
University of Florida
Adams 2

2015 – 2017 Academic Programs Coordinator

Office of the Dean
College of Education
University of Florida

International/National Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2022 Miller, H. C., Boehm, S., Colantonio-Yurko, K., & Adams, B. Himpathy,
herasure, and down girl moves: A critical content analysis of sexual assault in
young adult literature. Journal of Literacy Research, 0(0), 1-24.

2022 Adams, B., Colantonio-Yurko, K., Miller, H. C., & Boehm, S. Beyond
perpetrators, victims, and survivors: Young adult literature as bystander
intervention education. The ALAN Review, 49(3), 42-52.

2021 Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S. Investigating student’s during-reading practices

through social annotation. Literacy Research and Instruction, 0(0), 1-22.

2021 Mertens, G., & Adams, B. Where does information come from?: Visibility in
author’s notes for emergent information literacy. The Reading Teacher, 75(2),

2021 Kaczmarczyk, A., & Adams, B. Expanding stories: Using author’s notes in
multicultural picture books. The Reading Teacher, 75(2), 219-225.

2021 Adams, B. Consent is not as simple as tea: Student activism against rape culture.
Girlhood Studies, 14(1), 1-18.

2020 Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S. Building community through collaborative

annotation in asynchronous online courses. Journal of Educational Technology
Systems, 49(2) 250–261.

2020 Adams, B. “I didn’t feel confident talking about this issue…but I knew I could
talk about a book”: Using young adult literature to make sense of #metoo. Journal
of Literacy Research, 52(2) 209–230.

2019 Kohnen, A., & Adams, B. Teaching multiliteracies to Chinese students:

Challenges and insights. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 68(1),

2019 Fang, Z., Adams, B., Gresser, V., & Li, C. Developing critical literacy in science
through an SFL-informed pedagogical heuristic. English Teaching: Practice &
Critique, 18(1), 4-17.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

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2022 Kaczmarczyk, A., & Adams, B. Developing preservice teachers’ cultural

responsiveness through literature circles. The American Reading Forum
Yearbook, 41, 67-93

2021 Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S. Practicum in a pandemic: Novice teacher perceptions
of an online literacy intervention model centered around inquiry. American
Reading Forum Yearbook, 40, 5-21.

2020 Adams, B., & Fang, Z. Meeting the demands of English Language Arts
performance tasks: Unpacking complex texts with cohesion analysis. American
Reading Forum Yearbook, 39, 59-70.

Regional/State Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

2022 Adams, B. “Straight privilege is bumping into a potential partner in the grocery
store”: One student’s queering of the #MeToo movement. Literacy Matters,
Winter, 15-21.

2021 Adams, B., & Kaczmarczyk, A. Initiating courageous conversations about race
and racism with read-alouds. The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 31(1), 1-10.

2021 Mertens, G., & Adams, B. Six literacy strategies for making the most of your
social studies textbook. Florida Literacy Journal, 2(1), 13-19.

2018 Adams, B., & Mertens, G. The power of parody: Developing students’ critical
perspectives. Florida English Journal, 53(1), 82-85.

Invited Publications
2020 Adams, B., Banack, A., Carbaugh, J., Du, X., Edgar, M., Evans, K., Flores, V.,
Foti, K., Gabriel, R., Jones, M., Kelley, A., Kelley, S., Laird, S., Lyon, C., Oliver,
K., Rigell, A., Qui, T., Yerkes, E. Introduction. 20 for 2020: An International
Literacy Association Research Compilation [Special issue].

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

2022 Silvestri, K. N., Adams, B., Pass, C., & Wilson, N. Collaborative self-study of an
online literacy master’s program pilot year: problem-solving practices in a
pandemic. In V. Shinas, C. Ly, & S. Ozden (Eds.), Cases on practical
applications for remote, hybrid, and hyflex teaching (pp. 266-288). IGI Global.

2017 Fang, Z., Adams, B., Cuiying, L., Gallingane, C., Soowon, J., & Chapman, S.
Supporting ELLs in learning to write scientifically: A genre-based approach. In
M. Daniel (Ed.), English learners at the top of the class: Reading and writing for
authentic purposes (pp. 67-82). Rowman & Littlefield.

Creative Works
Adams 4

2021 Silvestri, K. N. & Adams, B. (2021, Sep 8). All about literacy theories:
Constructivist theories. [Video]. Ensemble.

Media Appearances/Interviews
2022 Adams, B. & Kaczmarczyk, A. (Contributors). “Research into the Use of Applied
Learning in Teacher Education.” SUNY Cortland Institute for Civic Engagement
Newsletter. March.

2021 Adams, B. (Contributor). “Episode 4: Measuring Student Learning in Online and

Hybrid Environments with Social Annotation.” Stories of Assessment. May 3.

Invited Edited Works

2020 Adams, B. Introduction to Critical literacy as comprehension: Expanding reader
response. In B. Adams, A. Banack, J. Carbaugh, X. Du, M. Edgar, K. Evans, V.
Flores, K. Foti, R. Gabriel, M. Jones, A. Kelley, S. Kelley, S. Laird, C. Lyon, K.
Oliver, A. Rigell, T. Qui, & E. Yerkes, (Eds.), 20 for 2020: An International
Literacy Association Research Compilation [Special issue].

2020 Adams, B. Introduction to Critical expressionism: Expanding reader response in

critical literacy. In B. Adams, A. Banack, J. Carbaugh, X. Du, M. Edgar, K.
Evans, V. Flores, K. Foti, R. Gabriel, M. Jones, A. Kelley, S. Kelley, S. Laird, C.
Lyon, K. Oliver, A. Rigell, T. Qui, & E. Yerkes, (Eds.), 20 for 2020: An
International Literacy Association Research Compilation [Special issue].

Book Reviews
2018 Adams, B. Giving our children a fighting chance: Poverty, literacy, and the
development of information capital, a review. Florida Association of Teacher
Educators Journal, 3(1), 72-75.

Under Review
Under review Adams, B., & Kaczmarczyk, A. Supporting pre-service teacher development of
culturally responsive reading instruction through a cross-course assignment.
Reading Horizons. (Revise & Resubmit)

Under review Adams, B., Dussling, T., Stevens, E., & Wilson, N. S. Troubling critical literacy
assessment: Criticality-in-process. Journal of Literacy Innovation. (Revise &

Under review Adams, B. “How am I as an individual personally processing this?”: Reflective

journaling for critical literacy development. Journal of College Reading and
Adams 5

Under review Adams, B., Wilson, N. S., Dussling, T., Stevens, E., Baumann, J., Van Wig, A.,
Yang, S., Mertens, G., Bean-Folkes, J., & Smetana, L. Literacy’s Schrödinger's
cat: Documenting reading comprehension through social annotation. Teaching

Under review Adams, B., Boehm, S., Colantonio-Yurko, K. C., & Miller, H. C. Children’s and
young adult literature that support conversations about consent, bodily autonomy,
and sexual abuse. Literacy Matters.

Under review Adams, B “We really used the novel as more of a jumping-off point”: An
examination of resources offered by a critical literacy learning experience with
young adult literature. Language and Literacy.

Under review Colantonio-Yurko, K. C., Adams, B., Boehm, S., & Miller, H. C. Boundaries,
Objectification, and Gender Norms: Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based
Harassment with Middle Grade Literature. Middle School Journal.

Under review Colantonio-Yurko, K. C., Adams, B., Boehm, S., & Miller, H. C. Boundaries,
Objectification, and Gender Norms: Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based
Harassment with Middle Grade Literature. Middle School Journal.

Grants and Sponsored Research

Pending Adams, B. “Evaluating Asynchronous Literature Circles for Critical Literacy.”
Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant Program. $21,195.

2022 Adams, B. “What Are We Willing to Give Up?: Teachers Working as Change
Agents for Equitable Language and Literacy Education,” invited talk by Dr. April
Baker-Bell. State University of New York at Cortland, Campus Artist and Lecture
Series Committee. $350. (Funded)

2021 Adams, B., & Mertens, G. “Reconciling Florida Teen Reads and Sunshine State
Young Readers Texts with Anti-CRT Movements in Florida.” Assembly on
Literature for Adolescents of NCTE Foundation Grants. $700. (Funded)

2021 Adams, B. “Design-Based Research Focused on Improving Literacy Instruction

in Higher Education.” State University of New York at Cortland, Faculty
Development Center Small Grants Program. $500. (Funded)

2020 *Morse, M., & Adams, B. “Embracing the Complexities of Reading: A

Symposium” State University of New York at Cortland, Auxiliary Services
Corporation. $2500. (Funded)

*Project was funded but event was canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic

National and International Conference Presentations

Adams 6

2022 Kaczmarczyk, A., & Adams, B. (June). Developing teacher cultural awareness
and activism with literature circles. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

2022 †Boehm, S., Colantonio-Yurko, K., Adams, B., & Miller, H. C. (April).
“Himpathy and herasure: A critical content analysis of sexual assault in young
adult literature.” American Educational Research Association Annual Conference.
San Francisco, CA.

2022 Wilson, N., Adams, B., Dussling, T., & Stevens, E. (March). “How novice
teachers’ annotations of consciousness-raising texts inform personal-practical
theories of teaching.” Journal of Literacy Innovation Conference. Virtual.

2021 †Boehm, S., Adams, B., Colantonio-Yurko, K., & Miller, H. C. (December).
“The long golden shadow: Themes of sympathy and erasure in young adult
literature about sexual violence.” American Reading Forum Annual Conference.
Sanibel Island, FL.

2021 Adams, B., Dussling, T., Stevens, E., Baumann, J., Bean-Folkes, J., & Wilson, N.
S. (December). “Problems court: Assessing critical literacy in-process.” American
Reading Forum Annual Conference. Sanibel Island, FL.

2021 Kaczmarczyk, A. B., & Adams, B. (December). “Fomenting teacher activism

through literature circles.” American Reading Forum Annual Conference. Sanibel
Island, FL.

2021 Adams, B. (December). “Reflective journaling for critical literacy development.”

Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

2021 Adams, B., & Mertens, G. (December). “Building novice teachers’ critical
sociocultural knowledge with young adult literature.” Literacy Research
Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

2021 Silvestri, K., Adams, B., Pass, C., & Wilson, N. S. (December). “Collaborative
self-study of an online literacy master's program pilot year: Problem-solving
practices in a pandemic.” Literacy Research Association Annual Conference.
Atlanta, GA.

2021 Wilson, N. S., Adams, B., Stevens, E. Dussling, T., Baumann, J., Van Wig, A.,
Yang, S., Smetana, L., & Bean-Folkes, J. (December). “Examining novice
teachers’ transactions with professional texts for learning.” Literacy Research
Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

2021 Adams, B., & Mertens, G. (November). “Using young adult novels to prepare
teachers with critical sociocultural knowledge.” National Council of Teachers of
English Annual Conference. Louisville, KY.
Adams 7

2021 Kaczmarczyk, A., & Adams, B. (November). “Supporting pre-service teachers’

integration of equity and social justice in literacy instruction through cross-
pollination.” National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference.
Louisville, KY.

2021 Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S. (October). “Novice teacher perceptions of an online
literacy intervention model centered around inquiry.” Organization of Teacher
Educators in Literacy Annual Conference. Virtual.

2020 Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S. (December). “Online inquiry-based literacy

intervention for uncertain times.” American Reading Forum Un-Conference.

2020 Adams, B., & Kaczmarczyk, A. (December). "Using interactive read-alouds to

support pre-service teachers’ synthesis of culturally relevant teaching and reading
methods.” Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. Virtual.

2020 *Adams, B., & Kaczmarczyk, A. (November). “Using literature circles to support
pre-service teachers’ confluence of culturally relevant teaching and reading
methods.” National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Denver,

2020 Wilson, N. S., & Adams, B. (November). “Asynchronous during-reading

discussions online.” Beyond the App International Conference. Virtual.

2020 *Wilson, N. S., Adams, B., Zygouris-Coe, V., & Cardullo, V. (October).
“Asynchronous collaborative reading.” International Literacy Association Annual
Conference. Columbus, OH.

2019 Adams, B. (December). “Using reflective journaling for critical literacy

development in the college classroom.” American Reading Forum Annual
Conference. Sanibel Island, FL.

2019 Adams, B., & Fang, Z. (December). “Meeting the demands of the CCSS close
reading performance tasks: A functional language approach.” American Reading
Forum Annual Conference. Sanibel Island, FL.

2019 Adams, B. (December). “Cultivating critical literacy in the college classroom:

Using YAL to make sense of #metoo.” Literacy Research Association Annual
Conference. Tampa, FL.

2019 Gallingane, C., & Adams, B. (December). “The end of “I didn’t learn anything”:
Teacher candidates’ perspectives of their learning in online literacy coursework
paired with a reading endorsement clinical experience.” Literacy Research
Association Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Adams 8

2019 Adams, B., & Kohnen, A. (November). “Using storyboards to broaden learners'
understanding of literacy.” National Council of Teachers of English Annual
Conference. Baltimore, MD.

2018 Adams, B. (December). “Using young adult literature to cultivate critical

literacy.” American Reading Forum Annual Conference. Sanibel Island, FL.

2018 Mertens, G., & Adams, B. (December). “Re-conceptualizing information

credibility in the age of fake news.” American Reading Forum Annual
Conference. Sanibel Island, FL.

2018 Adams, B., & Kohnen, A. (November). “Cultural barriers to multiliteracies

pedagogy for international students in higher education.” Literacy Research
Association Annual Conference. Indian Wells, CA.

2018 Adams, B. (November). “Multiliteracies experiences of international students in

higher education.” National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference.
Houston, TX.

2018 Adams, B. (November). “Cultivating critical literacy with young adult literature
with undergraduate students.” Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Annual Conference. Louisville, KY.

2018 Fang, Z., & Adams, B. (July). “Text complexity =/= text difficulty.” International
Systemic Functional Congress Annual Conference. Boston, MA.

2018 Adams, B., & Fang, Z. (July). “Cohesion analysis for literary interpretation in
English language arts.” International Systemic Functional Congress Annual
Conference. Boston, MA.

2018 Adams, B. & Gresser, V. (July). “Identifying author bias in science texts through
a functional focus on language.” International Systemic Functional Congress
Annual Conference. Boston, MA.

2018 Mertens, G., & Adams, B. (July). “Making the most of your history textbook with
disciplinary literacy tools.” International Systemic Functional Congress Annual
Conference. Boston, MA.

2018 Colon, E., Dana, T., Hanson, N., & Adams, B. (April). “Examining reliability as
a means to improve the evaluation of student teachers.” American Educational
Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY.

2018 Adams, B., & Mertens, G. (February). “The power of parody: Fostering critical
student identities through pop culture.” Journal of Language and Literacy
Education Annual Conference. Athens, GA.
Adams 9

2017 Adams, B., & Fang, Z. (July). “Meeting the demands of common core state
standards performance tasks: Close reading.” International Literacy Association
Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.

2017 Adams, B. (February). “Creating critical readers & unpacking complex texts.”
Journal of Language and Literacy Education Annual Conference. Athens, GA.

2016 Fang, Z., Adams, B., Chapman, S., Gallingane, C., Li, C., & Kohnen, A.
(November). “Text complexity, close reading, & disciplinary literacy.” Literacy
Research Association Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.

2016 Fang, Z., Adams, B., Chapman, S., Gallingane, C., Li, C., & Kohnen, A.
(November). “Getting to the core of the common core state standards.” National
Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
*Presentation was accepted but conference was canceled/modified due to COVID-19 pandemic
†Denotes mentorship with graduate student

State and Regional Conference Presentations

2022 Mertens, G., & Adams, B. (April). “Spotlighting structural racism: Exploring
middle grade novels through CRT tenets.” SUNY Cortland Annual Literacy
Symposium. Virtual.

2021 Stevens, E., Wilson, N., Dussling, T., Adams, B. (November). “Supporting
students’ metacognition through social annotation practices.” New York State
Reading Association Annual Conference. Rochester, NY.

2021 Kaczmarczyk, A., & Adams, B. (October). “Supporting pre-service teachers’

integration of equity and social justice in literacy instruction through a cross-
course read aloud.” New York Association of Colleges of Teacher Education
Annual Conference. Virtual.

2017 Adams, B., Colon, E., & Dana, T. (January). “Perceptions of my teacher: Using
student surveys to measure prospective teacher effectiveness.” Florida
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference. St. Leo, FL.

2016 Caprino, K., Adams, B., Currin, E., & Deng, L. (October). “Making your class a
laboratory: Reflections on a teacher inquiry project in a children’s literature
course.” Florida Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. Cocoa
Beach, FL

Other Conference Participation

2022 “What are we willing to give up?: Teachers working as change agents for
equitable language and literacy education,” Session Discussant. SUNY Cortland
Literacy Symposium. Virtual. April 2022.
Adams 10

2021 “Approaches to planning, teaching, and talking about racial justice with students,”
Session Discussant. SUNY Cortland Literacy Symposium. Virtual. April 2021.

2021 “Cultivating genius & joy: An equity framework for culturally & historically
responsive literacy,” Session Discussant. SUNY Cortland Literacy Symposium.
Virtual. April 2021.

2020 “Breaking out of our silos: Literacy across content areas and contexts,” Session
Discussant. Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. Virtual.
December 2020.

2020 “Fluency: The bridge from phonics to comprehension.” Session Facilitator.

Beyond the App International Conference. Virtual. December 2020.

Professional Development Workshops

2021 Wilson, N. S., & Adams, B., Baumann, J., Smetana, L., Van Wig, A., Yang, S.
(March). “Supporting metacognition with social annotation.” Society for
Information Technology and Teacher Education.

Campus or Departmental Talks

2022 Adams, B., Bittel, E., Newhall, K., Paske, C., Radus, D., & Rombach, K. (25
August). “Lessons from the Trenches: A Panel Discussion.” President’s State of
the University Address. President’s Office, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY.

2022 Tillotson, M., Adams, B., & King, R. (23 August). “New Faculty Panel
Discussion.” New Faculty Orientation. Provost’s Office, SUNY Cortland,
Cortland, NY.

2021 Silvestri, K., Adams, B., & Wilson, N. S., Pass, C. (13 October). “Piloting a
fully-online master's program.” Sandwich Seminar. President’s Office, SUNY
Cortland, Cortland, NY.

2021 Adams, B., & Kaczmarczyk, A. (6 October). “Cross-pollinating courses to

support learner synthesis.” Sandwich Seminar. President’s Office, SUNY
Cortland, Cortland, NY.

2021 Wilson, N. S., & Adams, B. (13 January). “Social annotation: Building
collaborative online experiences via during-reading discussion.” Workshop.
Institute for College Teaching, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY.

2019 Adams, B. (3 March) “Doing critical literacy research.” Invited Lecture.

Graduate Seminar, Special ELA Topics: Critical Literacy (LAE7936), Professor
Angela Kohnen. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Adams 11

2018 Adams, B. (14 October) “Evaluating multicultural texts for your classroom.”
Invited Lecture. Graduate Seminar, Multicultural Literature for Children and
Adolescents (LAE6466), Lecturer Suzanne Chapman. University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL.

2016 Adams, B. (3 October) “Cohesion analysis for literary interpretation in english

language arts” Invited Lecture. Graduate Seminar, Language Arts: Literature
(LAE6366), Professor Kathryn Caprino. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Honors & Awards

Fine Teaching Development Award. SUNY Cortland. (2022)
Gary Moorman Early Career Literacy Scholar Award. American Reading Forum. (2021)
Graduate Student Scholarship. American Reading Forum. (2019)
Division of Sponsored Programs Travel Grant. University of Florida (2018)
Office of Research Travel Grant. University of Florida (2017)


State University of New York at Cortland (Fall 2019 – Present)
Course Title Instructional Level Format
Reading and ELA in Grades PK-2 Undergraduate In-Person
Reading and ELA in Grades 3-6 Undergraduate In-Person
Capstone & Practicum Supervision Graduate Online
Children’s & Young Adult Literature Graduate Online
Reading in Intermediate Grades Graduate In-Person
Theoretical Foundations of Literacy Graduate Online
Literacy and Society Graduate Online

University of Florida (Fall 2016 – Spring 2019)

Course Title Instructional Level Format
Children’s Literature Undergraduate In-Person
Language Arts for Diverse Learners Undergraduate In-Person
Practicum in Reading Undergraduate Hybrid
Teaching Reading in Grades PK-2 Undergraduate In-Person
Teaching Reading in Grades 3-5 Undergraduate In-Person
Early Childhood Literature Graduate Hybrid
Literacy Assessment Graduate Online
Teaching Multiliteracies Graduate Online
Technology and Media Literacy Graduate Online

Service to Field of Scholarship
2022 – New York State Reading Association, Conference Proposal Reviewer
2022 – The ALAN Review, Editorial Review Board Member
2022 – Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Article Reviewer
2021 – Language and Literacy Spectrum, Manuscript Reviewer
Adams 12

2021 Handbook of Research on Teacher Reflections on Transitioning from K-12 to

Higher Education Classrooms, Chapter Reviewer
2020 – Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, Manuscript Reviewer
2020 – Girlhood Studies, Manuscript Reviewer
2020 – Journal of Literacy Research, Manuscript Reviewer
2020 20 for 2020 and Beyond: An International Literacy Association Research
Compilation, Editorial Review Board Member for special issue
2019 – American Reading Forum, Conference Proposal Reviewer
2019 – American Reading Forum, Yearbook Reviewer
2018 – English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Manuscript Reviewer
2017 – Literacy Research Association, Conference Proposal Reviewer
2017 – 2019 Florida English Journal, Manuscript Reviewer
2017 – 2019 Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journal, Manuscript Reviewer

Service to Profession
2022 – NYSRA Charlotte Award Committee, Member
2022 Dryden Teachers' Center, Higher Education Representative
2022 American Reading Forum Conference Co-Chair
Theme: “Investing in Literacy: Who Profits from Literacy Curriculum,
Research, Policy, and Practice?”
2021 – Seven Valley Reading Council, Secretary
2021 – Central New York Literacy Collaborative, Member
2020 – American Reading Forum, Executive Board Member
2020 Beyond the App International Conference, Session Facilitator

Service to SUNY Cortland

2022 – Annual Literacy Symposium Planning Committee, Member
2022 – School of Education Scholarship Committee, Member
2022 – Summer Practicum Subcommittee, Co-Chair
2022 Diversity Faculty Fellow Search Committee, Chair
2021 – Graduate Faculty Executive Committee, Member
2021 – Academic Grievance Tribunal, Member
2021 – Faculty Senate, Graduate Faculty Executive Committee Representative
2021 – Anti-Racist Book Club, Co-Facilitator
2021 – 2022 Early Childhood Tenure-Track Search Committee, Member
2021 – 2022 Literacy Tenure-Track Search Committee, Member
2021 – 2022 Annual Literacy Symposium Planning Committee, Chair
Theme: “Literacy as a Change Agent for Equitable Education”
2020 – MS.Ed. Student Social Group, Faculty Advisor
2020 Special Topics Subcommittee: Key Literacy Assignments, Member
2019 – 2020 Annual Literacy Symposium Planning Committee, Member
2019 – 2020 Special Topics Subcommittee: Moving the Practicum Online, Member

Service to University of Florida

2018 – 2019 Public Spaces Workgroup, Member
2016 – 2017 Student Alliance in Graduate Education, First Year Executive
Adams 13

2016 – 2017 College of Education Research Symposium Co-Chair

2015 – 2017 University Curriculum Committee, College Liaison
2015 – 2017 General Education Program, College Liaison

Professional Affiliations
American Reading Forum (ARF)
Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE (ALAN)
International Literacy Association (ILA)
Literacy Research Association (LRA)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy (OTEL)

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