Emcee Script

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EMBATE: May I request everyone to please settle down and find their comfortable seats now
because we are about to begin the program.
PARAS: But before that, let’s have a roll call! As we call on your year levels please shout, yell, or
create some unique noise to represent your groups
EMBATE: Let’s start with our graduating seniors!
PARAS: Let’s give it up for my year, let’s go juniors!
PARAS: Where are the Sophomores? Papatalo ba kayo?
EMBATE: And of course, definitely not the least, let me hear where my fellow freshmen at?
PARAS: I can really feel the energy tonight! Let’s all give ourselves a round of applause
PARAS: Good afternoon students, teachers, faculty and staff, I am Kyla Paras
EMBATE: and I am Mattahum Embate
BOTH: Your Masters of Ceremonies for today.
PARAS: As tradition dictated, the Student Council holds an annual Acquaintance Party for the
student body
EMBATE: The aim of this activity is to allow the students, both new and old, to mingle and acquaint
themselves with one another
PARAS: This allows the students to be able to function better, as they will become more
comfortable with working and interacting with the people around them. For new students,
especially, this is essential. 
EMBATE: So on this 30th of August 2019 At Vista Mar Beach Resort and Country Club, we
welcome you to the very much awaited and first ever Avionics Acquaintance Party! With
the theme,
BOTH: “Let’s Glow Into the New”
PARAS: Teka, bakit ba Let’s Glow Into the New?
EMBATE: I think Let’s Glow Into the New kase for freshman this will be a new start for them then
for the seniors this year might be the end for a new beginning, diba? Kaya into the new.
PARAS: Ohh. So ‘wag na natin patatagalin pa, let us formally start this event with a prayer to be
led by Ms. Kesiah Rosel.
EMBATE: Please all stand.
EMBATE: Please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem and the Indiana Aerospace
University Hymn
PARAS: Please take your seats. May we call on Sir Adrian Adaptar for the opening remarks.
EMBATE: Of course, as this is an Acquaintance Party, let us not only acquaint ourselves with our
fellow student body but also to the instructors who are handling us and who will be
handling us in the future, so it’s important to know each and everyone. Please stand when
your name is called. Let us give a round of applause to…
PARAS: Maria Luz G. Cahayagan, our Student Affairs Office Director
EMBATE: Ranel Benatiro, our Department Head and the Head Avionics Engineer of Indiana
Aerospace University
PARAS: Adrian Adaptar, aside from being an instructor Sir Adaptar is also the founder of the
Indiana Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Unit
EMBATE: Voltaire Ordoñez, a master’s degree holder of MAED and is currently working in Mt.
Magic CAAP
PARAS: Again, a round of applause for our Avionics Instructors.
*to instructors* Thank you all for coming to this fruitful event.
EMBATE: Before we start off with the first agenda in our program, we would like to first announce
that at the end of the program we will be awarding the following:
PARAS: Head Turners, Female and Male Category
EMBATE: Best Dressed, Female and Male Category
PARAS: and finally, the Life of the Party.
EMBATE: To the lucky 5 who will be chosen, we congratulate you in advance.
PARAS: Let us now proceed with the program, may we please ask the students to stand up and
proceed to the beach area.
EMBATE: It is now time for the group games! The criteria for winning will be in a point system.
The team will have 3 points if they win a game.
PARAS: The team with the most points will receive their prizes after of all the games are played.
Now let us proceed with an icebreaker first!
EMBATE: Let’s play the Boat is Sinking! The rules are simple, you shall group yourselves
according to the standards that we’ll be giving.
PARAS: But this isn’t your typical grouping game, this is, The Boat is Sinking,
BOTH: Advanced Edition!
EMBATE: The participants must listen for not only the number but also the category and the must
group themselves accordingly.
PARAS: Trial muna tayo. The Boat is sinking, group yourselves into 2…. and by opposite gender!
PARAS: Eto na, let’s begin. The boat is sinking, group yourselves into 6… and by same shirt
PARAS: The Boat is sinking, group yourselves by 10….. and by height!
EMBATE: The Boat is sinking, group yourselves by your glow sticks color!
*Note: The students must have even amounts of students as this will be their groupings for the rest of the game
PARAS: The group of people you are with right now, will be your groupmates for the rest of the
activities we’ll be doing today.
PARAS: For our first game, this will be The Longest Line Game!
EMBATE: The group with the longest line will earn 3 points, and the 2nd will have 2 points, and the
3rd will have 1 point.
PARAS: You may use the items what you have right now, this includes your clothing, shoes,
jewelry, bags etc. or you can also include yourself in the line.
EMBATE: We will only give you 1 minute to make the line.
BOTH: Your 1 minute starts now!
*Note: Games Committee facilitate
EMBATE: Let us call on some of our Avionics council members to judge.
*Note: Games Committee take note of the points
EMBATE: The next game is, Pass The Hoop! Each group is expected to create one straight line, all
the members must hold each other’s hand
PARAS: The goal of the game is to pass the hoop through you without it touching your body.
EMBATE: Once it’s passed through, you let go of the hand connecting you to the straight line and
hand it over to the next player
PARAS: This game is a competition of accuracy and speed, the team who finishes the game in the
shortest amount of time is considered the winner!
EMBATE: May we call on our games committee to demonstrate the game.
*Note: Games Committee facilitate
PARAS: Games committee, please facilitate the teams. To the teams, good luck!
EMBATE: For this game, only TEN members of your team shall play,
EMBATE: No more backing out now, this is the Flour Relay game! 2 kilograms of flour will be
placed in front of the first player and basin at the back of the last player. You will be
using only your hands, it is up to your team to strategize.
EMBATE: The team with the most flour in the basin when the time runs out, wins. Games
committee, please demonstrate.
PARAS: Teams, you may now start!
PARAS: Before we start with the last game of the program, may we call on a representative for
each team.
EMBATE: Here are the battles! _________ vs. ___________ and ____________ vs.
PARAS “So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” A wonderful quote to
introduce the last game for this year’s Acquaintance Party, Catch the Dragon’s Tail!

EMBATE: A dragon is formed by grouping the players into a long line each with their hands on the
shoulders of the one in front of him. The first in the row is the dragon's head. The last in
the row would serve as the dragon's tail. On the signal GO the head runs around toward
the tail and tries to catch it. The whole body must move with the head and remain
PARAS: If your dragon breaks three times, the opposing team wins. And if the your team is able to
catch the tail of the other team, you also win! This is a game of endurance, strength, and
sheer will! Please stay safe.

EMBATE: May we call on the _______ and __________ teams to please come to the battle ground.


PARAS: May we call on the _______ and __________ teams to please come to the battle ground.


EMBATE: We end this part of the program with the final round of Catch the Dragon’s tail with the
____________ team against the ____________ team.

PARAS: To the players, good luck and may god be the glory.

EMBATE: On your marks,

PARAS: Get set,


EMBATE: And that ends this year’s AVT Acquaintance Party Game section.

PARAS: We hope you enjoyed the activities, now please take your seats as we ready to feast in the








EMBATE: After spending an afternoon with your OOTDS, the judges has finally given a verdict as
to the awardees of this year’s AVT Acquaintance Party. With the theme,

BOTH: “Let’s Glow Into the New”

PARAS: First up are the Head Turners

EMBATE: For the Male category we have, ______________!

PARAS: For the Female category we have, ______________!

EMBATE: For tonight’s best dressed

PARAS: For the Male category we have, ______________!

EMBATE: For the Female category we have, ______________!

PARAS: Finally, for the life of the Party, we have

BOTH: _______________!

EMBATE: After four back to back consecutive games, a champion has risen from the ashes and
claimed victory over the others.
*Last to First

EMBATE: To formally end this affair, may we call on Ranel Benatiro for the closing remarks.


PARAS: This has been Kyla!

EMBATE: This has been Tahum! And this has been Avionics’ First Acquaintance Party with the

BOTH: “Let’s Glow Into the New”

PARAS: Time to party with DJ Toffi Jamiro!



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