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Linking words / Kötőszavak

1. To make contrasting points (ellentétek kifejezése):

although - habár
yet - azonban
however - azonban
nevertheless - azonban
in spite of (+ főnév / doing) - annak ellenére
but - de
while - míg
despite (+ főnév / doing) - annak ellenére
even if - még akkor is ha
even though - annak ellenére
at the same time - azonban, ugyanakkor

Although Carol was rather inexperienced, she decided to apply for the position.
Carol was rather inexperienced, but/yet/... she decided to apply for the position.
While Sam's very good at languages, his brother is absolutely hopeless.
Sam's very good at languages, at the same time his brother is absolutely hopeless.
Despite being very hard-working and punctual, he couldn't finish his essay in time.
In spite of being very hard-working and punctual, he couldn't finish his essay in time.
Even though Dylan was one of the professor's favourite students, he failed the exam.
I'll get there, even if I have to walk.

2. To list points (felsorolás):

firstly - először
in the first place - elsősorban
first of all - először
to start with - elsőként
secondly - másodjára
thirdly - harmadjára
finally - végül

Firstly / In the first place / First of all / To start with, I am going to define what guerilla marketing
actually means.
Secondly, I would like to show the importance of human psychology regarding guerilla marketing.
Finally, I intend to give specific examples of this marketing strategy.

3. To add more points on a topic (további pontok hozzáadása):

what is more - továbbá
furthermore - továbbá
moreover - továbbá
also - is
too - is
apart from this - ezen kívül, ettől eltekintve
in addition (to) - ráadásul, ezen kívül
besides - ezenkívül, ezenfelül
not to mention the fact - arról nem is beszélve

Bruce Springsteen is an excellent songwriter; what is more/furthermore/moreover, he is very good at

playing the guitar.
They also have an enormous house in the countryside.
Her job involves dealing with clients. Apart from this/In addition/Besides/Not to mention the fact, she
is responsible for responding to customer complaints.
4. To list advantages /disadvantages (előnyök és hátrányok felsorolása):
one / another / one other / a further advantage / disadvantage - az egyik / egy másik / további előnye /
the main / the first / the greatest advantage / disadvantage - a fő / az első / a legnagyobb előnye / hátránya

One advantage of living in the country is the fresh air.

Another disadvantage of this area is the lack of public transport.
A further advantage of knowing foreign languages is the ability to communicate easily when you are
The main advantage of working with Tim is that you can rely on him in every situation.
The greatest disadvantage of going to big supermarkets is that shopping takes a lot of time.

5. To express personal opinion (vélekedés):

in my opinion / view - véleményem szerint
to my mind / way of thinking - véleményem szerint
personally I believe - személy szerint úgy gondolom
it strikes me that - az a benyomásom
I feel very strongly that - nagyon úgy érzem, hogy
I am inclined to believe that - hajlamos vagyok azt hinni, hogy
It seems to me that - úgy tűnik, hogy
As far as I am concerned - ami engem illet

In my opinion, his performance was magnificent.

To my mind, this strategy isn't really working.
Personally I believe that taking risks has both advantages and disadvantages.
It strikes me that he is not really enthusiastic about his new girlfriend.
I feel very strongly that applying for this job is a great opportunity for you.
I am inclined to believe that learning Chinese is useful but extremely difficult.
It seems to me that it is not worth contacting again that client of yours.
As far as I am concerned, you need to put more emphasis on the importance of teamwork.

6. To refer to other sources (hivatkozás):

according to - vmi szerint
with reference to - vmivel kapcsolatban

According to sociologists, the number of single-parent families has increased significantly.

With reference to your letter of January 5, I am sending you another catalogue of our products.

7. To conclude (összegzés):
finally /lastly - végül
above all - mindenekelőtt, legfőképp
all in all - összességében
taking everything into account - mindent figyelembe véve
on the whole - összességében véve
all things considered - mindent figyelembe véve
in conclusion - összességében
as I have said - ahogy említettem
as was previously stated - ahogy korábban is elhangzott
to sum up - összességében

Finally / Lastly, he decided to give up his profession for good.

Above all / All in all, I would like to highlight the importance of this technique.
Taking everything into account / All things considered, her influence cannot be ignored.
On the whole / In conclusion / To sum up, I am convinced that I am the most suitable candidate for this
As I have said / As was previously stated, we are willing to give a financial support regarding your new

8. To express cause (oksági viszony kifejezése):

because of / owing to / due to - vmi miatt
for this reason – emiatt

Because of / owing to / due to his illness, she could not continue with her studies.
Suddenly, she became very ill. For this reason, she could not continue with her studies.

9. To express effect (következmény kifejezése):

so - így
therefore - ezért
thus - ezért
consequently - következésképpen
as a consequence - ennek eredményeképpen
as a result - ennek eredményeképpen

Molly has inherited a large sum of money, so/ therefore/ thus/ consequently/ As a result / As a
consequence she is planning to quit her job now .

10. To emphasize what you say (hangsúly kifejezése):

clearly - világosan, egyértelműen
obviously - nyilvánvalóan
of course - természetesen
needless to say - szükségtelen mondani
in particular - főleg, különösen

Clearly / Obviously, this will take more time than we expected.

Of course, he is more than just a friend.
Needless to say, you must be very reliable if you want to do this job.
Choose your words carefully: in particular, avoid confusing and ambiguous language.

11. To express reality (valószerűség kifejezése):

in fact / actually / as a matter of fact - tulajdonképpen
in practice - gyakorlatilag
the fact of the matter is that - lényegében

In fact / Actually / As a matter of fact, this technique is more efficient than the previous one.
Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice, these rights are not always respected.
The fact of the matter is that he doesn't seem to be suitable for this job.

12. To express difference between appearance and reality (a látszat és a valóság közti különbség
at first sight - első pillantásra
apparently - úgy tűnik, úgy látszik, hogy

What may, at first sight, seem obvious often turns out to be far more complicated.
Apparently, they are getting married soon.
Hivatalos levél

1. Érdeklődő levél

Dear Sir or Madam, (Elköszönés: Yours faithfully)
Dear Mr /Ms ... (Elköszönés: Yours sincerely)

I am writing to enquire/ask about
I have read your advertisement and I would like to ...

Részletek iránti érdeklődés

I would like to know more details about..
I would like to ask for further information about

I wonder if you couldn ...
I would be grateful if yu could ...

Utolsó megjegyzés
I enclose my CV/ Please find my CV attached/enclosed
I look forward to + főnév vagy V-ing (your reply/hearing from you)
I am looking forward to … (félhivatalos vagy baráti levélben)
I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely, (Ha néven szólítottam)
Yours faithfully, (Ha nem tudom a címzett nevét.)

2. Panaszlevél
I am writing to complain about …
I must express my dissatisfaction with …

3. Jelentkezés állásra
I am writing in response/reply to your advertisement …
I am writing to apply for the position of ...
I wish/would like to apply for the position of ...
I wish to apply for the post of…which you advertised in…on… .
I am writing in response to your advertisement posted on…

Currently I am working for… and my responsibilities include…
I am particularly interested in this job, as…
I have …years experience of working…

I am available for interview on…
I would be happy to attend an interview at your earliest convenience
I would be happy to attend an interviewat any time that is convenient to you.

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