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Digital Talent
Report Cover
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This report is the latest in the Decoding Global Talent series about workforce changes and skills of the future.

May 2019 | Boston Consulting Group • The Network

A t a time when companies find them-
selves badly in need of people with
expert digital skills, these same people are
high-level AI skills that are increasingly in de-

more willing than those without digital exper- If so many workers with expert-level digital
tise to move to another country to gain work skills are willing to move to advance their ca-
experience or better their careers. This makes reers, it’s in the best interest of companies
for a talent pool that is either extensive or and governments to take steps either to at-
elusive, depending on the country. More than tract them or to keep them happy enough to
two-thirds of digital experts—the human remain where they are. Both mandates re-
building blocks of digital transformation— quire an in-depth understanding of digital ex-
would relocate for work, compared with perts and what they value. At the same time,
about half of nonexperts. These insights companies and governments must under-
come from one of the largest ever global stand their own needs for such talent by un-
surveys of digital experts, which was conduct- dertaking a thorough workforce analysis to
ed by Boston Consulting Group and The identify current and future demand for digi-
Network. In it, we analyzed characteristics of tal experts and how to meet it, through both
26,806 digital experts from 180 countries; retraining and recruiting. Organizations and
those individuals are a subset of the 366,000 governments must also increase programs
people surveyed for our comprehensive 2018 and support to bring people into this still-
Decoding Global Talent report. exclusive group.

We found that the mobility of people with Individuals who are not proficient in digital
digital expertise varies greatly depending skills at the expert level should seek opportu-
on where they live. In some countries, well nities for training; otherwise, they risk miss-
over 70% of people with digital expertise ing the digital wave.
would relocate to improve their prospects. In
others, including China, most respondents
with expert-level digital talent are content to Who Are the Digital Experts?
remain at home. The US is the top destina- Of the 366,139 respondents surveyed for our
tion for digital experts worldwide who are Decoding Global Talent report, we identified
willing to take a work-abroad assignment, fol- 26,806 who qualify as experts in digital skills.
lowed by Germany and Canada. London is (See Exhibit 1.) The skills are:
their preferred city for working overseas, fol-
lowed by New York and Berlin. A good work- •• Data mining, engineering, and analytics
life balance and the opportunity to learn and
train are the aspects of work that digital ex-
•• Programming and web development,
including front- and back-end
perts value most.
Perhaps not surprisingly, people with expert- •• Digital marketing, including influencer
level digital skills are highly educated. Eighty marketing and marketing analytics

percent have a college degree. Other char-
•• Digital design, including user experience
acteristics: More than two-thirds are men.
(UX) and user interface (UI) design
Despite the common belief that digital ex-
perts work only •• Mobile application development
in fields such as
People with technology and
•• Artificial intelligence, including machine

engineering, our
analysis shows •• Agile ways of working

digital skills ••
that jobs for Robotics and automation engineering
them exist

are highly
across indus- The top skills of digital experts are in data
tries. And about mining, programming and web development,

educated. 14% of digital

experts have the
digital marketing, and mobile application de-

2 Decoding Digital Talent


Demographics of Digital Experts

26,806 None/other
Doctorate or

Digital expert respondents Secondary 4%
qualifications 29%
10% Master’s degree
or postgraduate 21%
High school qualification
diploma or 38%
68% 30% equivalent 9%
2% Education Owner Middle Lower No
Bachelor’s or senior management management management
Male Prefer not Female degree management responsibilities
to say 38%

Top skills Preferred employer

Data mining 36% 22% 23% 18%

1 Large company
Programming and 28% 18% 28% 26%
web development
Mobile application 25% 17% 26% 32%
development 2 Self-employed
Digital marketing 25% 17% 28% 30%

Digital design 20% 20% 30% 30%

(UX/UI) 3 Small or medium-sized enterprise

Agile ways 18% 20% 26% 36%

of working
Robotics and 16% 14% 27% 44%
4 Startup
automation engineering
AI and 14% 16% 32% 38%
machine learning
5 Freelance

Expert Advanced Basic No expertise

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: Of the 366,139 people originally surveyed for the Decoding Global Talent report, we identified 26,806 who qualify as digital experts.
Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.

Smaller proportions of people have expertise Forty-one percent of digital experts work in
in certain digital skills for which we see sig- jobs that have no management responsibili-
nificant, urgent demand: AI and agile ways of ties; of the rest, the largest group works in
working. lower management (29%), followed by middle
(21%) and upper management (9%).
Popular wisdom associates digital experts
with startups. But our analysis found that Men represent more than two-thirds (68%) of
digital experts’ preferred employer is a large people with high-level digital skills. By com-
company, followed by being self-employed parison, men and women are equally repre-
and then by working for a small or medium- sented in the group of survey participants
sized enterprise, working for a startup, or who are not digital experts.
freelancing, in that order.

People with digital expertise are highly edu- Digital Experts Would Move to
cated. Eighty percent have a college degree. Advance Their Careers
In comparison, 67% of people without the Our investigation shows that digital experts
same level of digital skill have a college de- are more willing than nonexperts to leave
gree. Of digital experts, 38% have a bachelor’s home to improve their careers. The trend is
degree, 38% have a master’s degree or post- strongest for residents of developing econo-
graduate qualification, and 4% have a doctor- mies, who would move to countries that offer
ate or equivalent. better opportunities to advance in their jobs.

Boston Consulting Group • The Network 3

Also popular are Germany, Canada, Australia, and the UK

The top regional moves

and relocating
round out the five most attractive work
destinations for digital experts, just as they

destination to an area with

a common lan-
did for the overall global workforce. They are
followed by Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy,

worldwide for guage or culture. and Japan as assignments for working abroad,
all of which are also among the ten most

those willing In all, two-thirds

(67%) of digital
attractive destinations for the overall

to relocate for experts in our

survey would On the surface, global willingness to relocate
work is the relocate outside
of their home
looks expansive. On closer examination,
though, in many parts of the world people
US. country for
work, compared
with expert-level digital skills are most inter-
ested in moving to a nearby country or to a
with 55% of non- place with a shared language or culture. (See
experts. (See Exhibit 2.) Digital experts who Exhibit 4.)
live in India and Brazil are especially willing
to move to a different country for the right For example, seven of the top ten countries
job; more than 75% of digital experts in those that European digital experts would move to
countries are open to relocating. In other for work are within the region; they include
parts of the world, people with digital exper- Germany, the UK, and Switzerland. The top-
tise would rather remain where they are. For ten work-abroad destinations for digital ex-
example, just 38% of digital experts in China perts from Latin America include the US,
would relocate to another country for work. Canada, Argentina, and Brazil, all of which
are fairly close geographically, and Spain,
Regardless of skill or expertise areas, the US which shares a common language. Likewise,
is the top destination worldwide for those half of the top-ten destinations for digital ex-
willing to relocate for work; the country is perts in Asia-Pacific are within the region:
even more popular among digital experts. Australia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and
(See Exhibit 3.) South Korea.


Willingness of Digital Experts to Move Abroad, by Country

Percentage of respondents who are already working abroad
or are willing to move abroad for work
Austria Albania
Belgium Algeria
Denmark Belarus
Estonia Brazil
Germany Canada
Ireland Cyprus
Italy Ecuador
Kazakhstan El Salvador
Myanmar France
Poland India
Romania Iran
Russia Ivory Coast
Serbia Malaysia
China Spain Morocco
Croatia Switzerland Peru
willingness of
Hungary Turkey Philippines
digital experts to
Indonesia Ukraine Singapore move abroad
Israel US South Africa for work

Slovakia Vietnam UK
≤55% >55%–70% >70%

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: Listed are the countries from which there were more than 250 respondents; other countries are shown in gray.

4 Decoding Digital Talent


Top Ten Most Attractive Countries for Digital Experts

Ranked by percentage of respondents willing to move to each country for work

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

US Germany Canada Australia UK Switzerland France Spain Japan Italy

40% 31% 27% 24% 24% 15% 15% 12% 11% 10%

Among US Germany Canada Australia UK Spain France Switzerland Italy Japan

nonexperts (33%) (25%) (24%) (21%) (20%) (15%) (14%) (13%) (11%) (10%)

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: Respondents could select multiple countries.


Top Work Destinations for Digital Experts by Geography

Ranked by percentage of respondents willing to move to each country

Rank among
respondents by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Europe and
Central Asia US Germany UK Canada Australia Switzerland France Spain Netherlands Italy

North America UK Australia US Canada Germany France Switzerland Italy Japan Spain

Latin America
and Caribbean US Spain Canada Germany Cyprus Argentina Australia UK Brazil Italy

Middle East United Arab

and Africa Canada US Germany France Australia UK Switzerland Belgium Sweden

Asia-Pacific Australia US Japan Singapore Canada Germany UK Malaysia South Korea France

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Other factors that could explain the choices among nonexperts. Berlin, Amsterdam, and
of those willing to work abroad, albeit within Abu Dhabi also hold slightly more appeal for
their home region, are ample job opportuni- digital experts than for nonexperts. Based on
ties in nearby strong economies and jobs with these findings, it’s clear that the appeal of top-
compensation and benefits that rival what ranked cities exceeds their countries’ attrac-
they would find elsewhere. tiveness among people with digital expertise.

London, the top city globally for people any-

where willing to relocate, is also the top work What Digital Experts Value on
destination for digital experts. (See Exhibit 5.) the Job
New York is second as a desirable work desti- People who are digital experts value a good
nation for digital experts, equal to its ranking balance between work and the rest of their

Boston Consulting Group • The Network 5


Top Ten Most Attractive Cities for Digital Experts

Ranked by percentage of respondents willing to move to each city for work

11 Tokyo 16 Munich 21 Madrid 26 Chicago

12 Toronto 17 Vienna 22 Vancouver 27 Hong Kong
13 San Francisco 18 Washington, DC 23 Boston 28 Rome
14 Zurich 19 Melbourne 24 Stocholm 29 Copenhagen
15 Singapore 20 Brussels 25 Geneva 30 Montreal

digital 24% 19% 18% 17% 14% 13% 12% 11% 10% 9%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

London New York Berlin Amsterdam Barcelona Dubai Los Angeles Paris Sydney Abu Dhabi

nonexperts 1 2 4 5 3 6 7 8 9 14

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: Respondents could select multiple cities.

lives, and they love to learn. Of 26 important innovative environment among the job fac-
job factors that respondents could choose in tors they appreciate most.
our survey, digital experts put work-life bal-
ance and learning and training at the top of
their list. (See Exhibit 6.) Those work prefer- AI and Agile Experts
ences are closely followed by opportunities In our survey, we tallied 3,666 people whom
for career development and maintaining we identify as AI experts—that is, people
good relationships with colleagues. with specialized knowledge of AI skills and
the ability to teach what they know. That
Zoltan Fuzesi, a freelance IT services pro- number puts AI talent at about 14% of our
vider and entrepreneur in Budapest, relies digital expert respondents.
on a variety of training to keep up his digital
skills, but he also does it for fun. “I do a lot Like digital experts in general, AI experts
of online trainings. I read magazines. I watch prefer to work for large companies. But
YouTube,” Fuzesi said. “I try to develop people with expert-level AI skills differ from
myself, because it’s necessary and I en- other digital experts in several ways. Our
joy it.” analysis found an even larger gender gap,
with men accounting for 72% of AI talent,
Digital experts appreciate maintaining a good compared with 68% for digital experts in
relationship with their manager. They place a general. (See Exhibit 7.) Although digital
higher value on doing interesting work than experts in general are most likely to work in
people without the same level of digital skill the IT and technology industries, AI-specific
do. In addition, they put feeling appreciated experts are represented almost equally in
for what they do and working in a creative, IT and technology, engineering, and indus-

6 Decoding Digital Talent


What Matters Most on the Job

Top ten work preferences among digital experts

Among digital experts Among nonexperts

Good work-life balance 1 Good relationships with colleagues

Learning and training opportunities 2 Good work-life balance

Career development possibilities 3 Good relationship with manager

Good relationships with colleagues 4 Learning and training opportunities

Financial compensation 5 Financial stability of employer

Good relationship with manager 6 Career development possibilities

Financial stability of employer 7 Job security

Interesting work 8 Financial compensation

Work being appreciated 9 Work being appreciated

Creative and innovative work environment 10 Company values

Compensation Work environment and company culture Job content and development Employer reputation and image

Sources: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: Survey respondents selected their top preferences from among 26 possible job factors.

trial goods and manufacturing. Digital ex- America place the highest value on job fac-
perts in general rank opportunities for tors that help them get ahead, including
learning and training as their second most learning and skills training, career develop-
preferred job factor; for AI-specific experts, ment, and opportunities to lead and take
those opportunities are number one. responsibility.

Seventy percent of people with expert-level Like AI, agile is an emerging skill defining
AI skills are willing to relocate for work, people who qualify as digital experts. Based
slightly more than other digital experts. AI on our survey, 18% of digital experts have ex-
experts’ preferences for an overseas work pert knowledge of agile ways of working.
destination are similar to those of other digi-
tal experts. Their two top choices are the US Agile experts are more likely than AI experts
(38%) and Germany (34%), with New York to work in the IT and tech industries. Twenty
and Berlin being major tech hubs that offer percent of agile experts work in those indus-
ample job opportunities for people with the tries, compared with 9% of AI experts. People
latest skills. with agile expertise prefer to work for a large
company. Like AI experts and digital experts,
Some of the job factors that AI experts value their top choices for relocating for a work op-
the most differ on the basis of where they portunity are the US and Germany.
live—as is the case with digital experts in
general. AI experts in North America, for
example, place the greatest value on opportu- How Companies, Governments,
nities for learning and skills training and and Individuals Can Adapt
good relationships with their manager and Digital experts are a hot commodity.
co-workers. AI experts in Europe prioritize
opportunities for learning and skills training, For employers in need of talent with expert
a good work-life balance, and good relation- digital skills to run or expand their business-
ships with colleagues. And AI experts in Latin es, that means more competition for people

Boston Consulting Group • The Network 7


A Snapshot of AI Experts

AI expert respondents
Top industries
Share of talent with expert AI skills

Willingness to work abroad

AI experts
11% 10% 9% 5% 70%

Engineering Industrial Technology Construction Respondents who do not have

goods and property expertise in any digital skills
72% 25% 55%

3% 4% 3% 3% 3%
Top ten countries AI experts
Male Prefer not Female Financial Consumer Consulting Consumer would move to for work
to say institutions products services
1 US (38%)
Preferred employer Work preferences
2 Germany (34%)
1 2 3
3 Canada (26%)
1 Large company
Europe and Learning and training Good work-life Good relationships
Central Asia opportunities balance with colleagues 4 Australia (25%)
North Learning and training Good relationships Good relationship
2 Self-employed America opportunities with colleagues with manager
5 UK (19%)

Latin America Learning and training Career development Opportunities to lead 6 France (17%)
and Caribbean opportunities possibilities and take responsibility
3 Startup
7 Japan (14%)
Middle East Learning and training
Job security
Career development
and Africa opportunities possibilities
Small or medium- 8 Switzerland (13%)
4 Good relationships Good relationship Career development
sized enterprise Asia-Pacific with colleagues with manager possibilities
9 Spain (9%)

5 Government Work environment and company culture Job content and development 10 Italy (9%)

Source: BCG/The Network proprietary web survey and analysis.

Note: AI expertise encompasses skills in either AI or machine learning.
 Respondents could select multiple countries.

with that digital expertise. For countries, it Identify workforce gaps and surpluses
creates a need to provide welcoming job envi- and create a strategic workforce plan to
roments that will attract and retain digital forecast needs for specific job functions.
experts and to support initiatives that will Companies can begin by segmenting their
foster digital expertise among a greater num- current workforce, by job function, and re-
ber of native residents. And for the digital ex- searching relevant new job types that could
perts themselves, who are in the enviable po- require digital expertise.
sition of having knowledge that makes them
sought-after workers, it opens opportunities As part of this effort, they can run simula-
to advance in their careers. (See the sidebar.) tions of workforce supply, considering factors
such as attrition rate. They also can run simu-
People who aren’t digital experts need to find lations of workforce demand, to determine
ways to build up in-demand skills in order to the capacities and skills that will be instru-
become more attractive job candidates. mental to carrying out current and future
business strategies.
Implications for Companies
Before companies do anything, they must un- The resulting workforce plan can be used as
derstand the impact that digital trends such the basis for HR initiatives to fill gaps
as AI, robotics, and automation will have on through recruiting, training, outsourcing, and
their workforce and how to upskill current hiring freelance or contract help. If necessary,
employees or recruit digital experts to fill po- it can also be used to reduce workforce sur-
tential gaps. pluses through downsizing.

8 Decoding Digital Talent

Nahin Jardines
“There Are Jobs for Me”

Nahin Jardines was already working in his chosen field—IT—but jumped at an

offer to transfer from his home country of Mexico to work in Spain, which is the
second most popular destination for digital experts from Latin America and the
sixth most attractive for people with expert-level digital skills worldwide.

Jardines earned a computer-engineering degree and taught that subject at a

university in Mexico before landing an IT systems job with the Mexican branch of a
Spanish bank. A year later, the bank offered to move him to Madrid. “I came
because at the time I wanted to understand the Spanish culture,” Jardines said.

Since then, he’s switched jobs, but he’s still in Spain and now works as a senior
developer and programmer for a financial services company based in North

“Right now, there is a lot of demand for IT technologies, but Spain doesn’t have
enough computer engineers,” Jardines said. “That’s the reason I’m still here.
Because there are jobs for me.”

Close digital talent gaps through upskilling, and put in place the means to measure suc-
reskilling, and recruiting. After completing a cess in reaching stated goals.
workforce plan, companies can determine
whether they can meet digital-skill require- Attract and retain digital experts by
ments for specific positions by upskilling or re- offering things that they want and value.
skilling current employees or need to recruit Many digital experts aren’t in management—
from outside the organization to fill positions. and may not aspire to be. Companies need
Upskilling and reskilling programs should fo- to appeal to this nonetheless valuable popu-
cus on turning existing workers into digital ex- lation by creating non-management career
perts, and digital training and qualifications tracks that include recognition and compen-
should be aligned with specific business sation for other accomplishments, such as
needs. Recruiting efforts should focus on find- teaching what they know.
ing digital experts with profiles and skills that
match the company’s overall strategic goals. Because digital experts appreciate opportuni-
ties for learning and training more than al-
Using freelancers and independent contractors, most any other aspect of work, companies
who can be hired on a temporary or as-needed must offer plenty of chances for them to get
basis, provides additional flexibility in staffing those things, such as being assigned to short-
roles that require expert digital skills. term projects where they could pick up or im-
prove on a digital skill.
Regardless of the ultimate specific plan, com-
panies should map out costs and schedules If companies need to recruit digital experts

Boston Consulting Group • The Network 9

from outside their existing workforce, they Potential measures could include building
should consider looking beyond traditional digital-skills training into the curricula at all
geographical boundaries. External hiring education levels and subsidizing boot camps
efforts should focus primarily on countries and classes. Partnerships between public- and
that are nearby or that share a common private-sector groups could yield solutions
language or other cultural bonds, given such as university programs sponsored by
that many people with digital skills decide private industry.
where they would take a job based on those
preferences. Create a national employment “brand”
to support in-bound mobility. Areas that
Implications for Governments are popular work destinations for digital
Bringing individuals with high-level digital experts can take advantage of that standing
skills into the workforce increases a country’s and play up their attractiveness in image
economic success and can help it be a front- campaigns that include advertising, publica-
runner in digital development. So, govern- tions, and other forms of communication.
ments must take steps to create attractive
work destinations, whether in cities or across At the same time, countries should create
entire countries. That way, they can retain pathways that make it easier for highly
residents with digital skills who might other- skilled individuals to immigrate for work,
wise leave for a better opportunity elsewhere, including programs to bring back residents
attract and keep similar people from other who have moved away for work.
places, and encourage former residents to
return. Avoid becoming an “education only”
country. It’s not enough for governments to
Conduct a country-wide strategic work- produce programs to attract international stu-
force plan. Just as companies undertake dents to relocate to study in the country. In-
workforce plans, governments can make dustries that need digital experts to flourish
geographical workforce plans. They can start count on those individuals to stay once they
by building a quantitative model of the coun- are done in the classroom. Governments can
try’s demand for and supply of digital ex- support them by making it easier to receive a
perts. This model will reveal gaps and sur- work permit so that they can find work where
pluses of digital talent across the area; a gap they can apply those newly earned skills.
analysis using digital trends can show likely
changes over time. The results of this analysis Implications for Individuals
can help governments develop strategies to People with digital expertise are in demand.
become a hub for digital experts.
To become one of those people, individuals

Close digital talent gaps. Governments can should seek opportunities for training. They
increase their must think outside the box about both train-
countries’ ing and job prospects, including being open

Attracting overall pop-

ulation of digital
to moving somewhere else. They must accept
the fact that if they want to acquire and hone

individuals experts by sup-

porting educa-
expert-level digital skills, learning will be a
lifelong endeavor.

with digital tion programs,

including Build up digital skills. With the appropriate

expertise programs to
train women,
retraining or upskilling, nonexperts can
achieve higher-level and even expert-level

increases who remain

skills—and, in the process, they can become
more attractive job candidates. People who
economic resented in the
population of
can combine expert-level digital skills with
industry-specific knowledge are especially at-
success. workers with
digital expertise.
tractive as job candidates because of the
breadth of their talents. While acquiring

10 Decoding Digital Talent

some digital skills requires a degree, obtain- new. Individuals should steer learning toward
ing others is much simpler. For example, it’s digital skills that are witnessing strong surges
possible to become certified as an agile in demand, such as AI and agile. They should
scrum master without going to school full- use opportunities provided by employers to
time. Individuals can also add to their exist- gain skills on the job, and take advantage of
ing skills through their day-to-day work by, different types of training, including online
for example, steering required training to- courses, to broaden their knowledge.
ward digital skills.

Be flexible. Job hunters should not limit the

scope of their search. Widespread digitization
and innovation are creating positions that
P eople with superior digital skills are in
demand all over the world. Our research
clearly shows that people with digital exper-
require digital skills not just in IT and engi- tise are more willing than nonexperts to
neering but also in such fields as finance and move for a job opportunity. By studying this
health care. Likewise, the best opportunities group, we also now understand the aspects of
for advancement may exist outside of a per- work that they value most, such as learning
son’s homeland, if they are willing to make a and training, and why they would take a new
move. For people who are in the middle or opportunity. If companies, cities, and coun-
later stages of their careers and who have tries want to become magnets for digital ex-
deep industry expertise, adding digital skills perts, they must act on these findings or risk
to an existing knowledge base can be a way losing out to faster-acting competitors.
to improve their prospects in a job search.

Realize that keeping skills current is a

career-long endeavor. Technology is
constantly evolving, making it crucial to
continue learning to stay abreast of what’s

Boston Consulting Group • The Network 11


About the Authors Acknowledgments For Further Contact

Rainer Strack is a senior partner This report is part of the Decoding If you would like to discuss this
and managing director in the Global Talent series, produced in report, please contact one of the
Düsseldorf office of Boston collaboration by BCG and The authors.
Consulting Group. He was the Network. The report is one of BCG’s
global leader of BCG’s human many publications on people, labor
resources topic for more than ten market, and HR trends. It also
years. You may contact him by represents a continuation of The
email at Network’s research in the area of
international talent mobility.
Pierre Antebi is managing director
of The Network and is based in We thank The Network’s member
Paris. You may contact him by organizations for their role in
email at translating the survey questionnaire
that our findings are based on into
Nina Kataeva is a principal in more than 50 languages and for
BCG’s Vienna office. You may distributing the survey and
contact her by email at kataeva. collecting responses around the world.

Orsolya Kovács-Ondrejkovic is a We also thank the participants who

project leader in BCG’s Zurich completed the survey and those
office. You may contact her by email who took part in follow-up
at interviews.

Ana Lopez is international opera- We thank the members of the

tions manager of The Network and project team: Clemens Nopp,
is based in Brussels. You may con- Fabienne Herbstrith, Anastasia
tact her by email at ana.lopez@ Hermann, June Limberis, Eric Gregoire, Philipp Löwer, Ana Lopez,
Danijel Lozic, Laura Niersbach,
David Welch is a partner and Florentine Salmony, Samuel
managing director in BCG’s Schlunk, and other colleagues from
Washington, DC, office and the BCG and The Network for research,
leader of the global people and coordination, and analysis.
organization topic for the retail
sector and for the US. You may We also thank Michelle Rafter for
contact him by email at welch. her assistance in writing this report, and Katherine Andrews, Mickey
Butts, Gary Callahan, Catherine
Cuddihee, Kim Friedman, Abby
Garland, Frank Müller-Pierstorff,
and Shannon Nardi for their
editing, design, and production

12 Decoding Digital Talent

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