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24477, 24485, 24549, 24827, 24696, 24781

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Emerging Industry The Transport Spectrum

The scooter industry first emerged in 2018. Since then, many players
have entered the market. To this date, none of the established
players have generated bottom-line profit. While there are many Distance
competitors, Voi remains in the unique position of being the first
Generic Market vechicle
In the industry's early days, the product was very generic. All
companies used either a scooter model from Ninebot or from Okai.
While proprietary scooters have been constructed, operational
performance (including customer success) is still a key differentiator.
Tram Taxi
Land Grabbing
The most prevalent strategy in the industry is that of land grabbing. Own
With new cities being launched every week, blitz-scaling skills are bike
extremely important. However, the market is getting more regulatory
attention and lobbying and partnerships efforts are growing in Walking
importance. Low
Low Middle High
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Enabling Growth Sustaining Growth

Product Excellency Consumer Hero Relationship Oriented The Swedish Style

With huge focus on RnD, Voi aims Voi has opted to be a consumer With the impending pressure of The first actors in the industry
to have the "best-in-class" vehicle oriented brand. This includes a very regulation. Good city relationships are were American and resorted to
and applications. By focusing on ambitious 2023 net carbon important. Voi is an active advocate guerilla implementation. Voi asks
negative goal and a generous for increased regulations and has, for permission and then proceed
providing an unparalleled
customer attitude. The customers thanks to policy excellency, been cautiously. This means stronger
customer experience, Voi relies
experience manager was the first granted licenses to be the sole relationships at the cost of speed.
heavily on the word of mouth as
operator in 10+ cities.
their main tool for acquiring new senior hire the company
customers. undertook.

Loyalty Efficiency Competitive Landscape Summary

Given the generic nature of the In the industry, Voi is widely
product, the importance of identified as being the
Ability to Enable Growth Voi's competitive strategy can be
customer loyalty grows as champion in operational summarized as a differentiation
competitions increases. Voi has efficiency. In practice, the strategy since they are able to
endorsed this by utilizing loyalty includes efforts on fleet uptime charge at a premium price while
discounts as well as leveraging a and agility in the supply chain. targeting a large segment. In other
subscription option for frequent words, their strategy builds on a
riders. competitive scope and competitive
advantage. The strategy enables
Ability to Sustain Growth growth and makes it sustainable.
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Transaction + 0 - Message YOUR RIDE HAS ENDED WHAT WENT WRONG?

"they care about what harm wrongful parking can
Attempting to end a ride in a no-
lead to, however more than the customer's
parking zone is unsuccessful.

After ended ride, a rating system “they care about the customer’s experience but
shows up immediately with three also force the customer to answer regarding their
options: good, bad, neutral experience”

”they want the customer to save time by offering
When you press “bad”, several options
ready answers to the most frequent problems”
shows up as to why and the customer
they care about what really happened and the
gets to explain what happened
company wants to improve”

4. A text shows up saying “thanks for

your feedback”
“it’s not important for the customer to know when
and if they will get response to their feedback”


“they care about the customer and wants to solve APPROPRIATE FEEDBACK
Customer gets an answer really quickly the problem quickly” ALTERNATIVE

“we communicate feedback in other channels
The response comes as an email than the actual service, but don’t care
communicating that with our customers”

7. Got VOI credits as compensation, will

solve the issue. Appreciates the
“they care about the customer wants to make up
for the inconvenience as well as improve the

A positive experenice overall. It was effortless to report a problem and the quick and caring response makes the customer feel important and valued. Some irritation was created when the
feedback communication was moved from the app to email without notifying the customer about the channel transfer. However, receiving VOI credits as compensation for the poor ride
evaluation: leaves the customer feeling satisfied and appreciated.
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Red zones Convenience Compensation Data collection

Not being allowed to park your The service process is aligned with Offering Voi credits to make up In the app the customer is always
scooter at the so called ''red zones' is the service concept where key for the inconcenicne caused by the asked to fill in a short feedback
a way for Voi to follow their service components revolve around poor ride his is aligned with their after ending the ride, choosing
concept, focusing on Relationship accessibility and convenience. In the focus of building loyalty through between a good, bad or neutral
Driven Business and the Swedish STA this is illustrated with several customer service. They care for experience. The easy and proactive
Style. As a result of Voi's close components clearly signaling customers to retun so despite a set service feedback system increases
collaboration with cities they care intentions to care about the back Voi builds up the customer efficiency in operations through
Outcome about keeping the streets clean from individual customer experience. For loyalty by offering a discount on more real-world data and thus the
STA messy scooter parking. By doing so instance, through nudging and the customers next ride. This possibility to fix issues quicker to
they show partners and customers incentivizing feedback (using FAQs leaves the customer with a positive remain competitive within
that they care about city regulations and simplification when reporting feeling and servers as a key factor accessibility, which is of outmost
and cautious procedurs. However, problmes) as well as through their to enhance the overall experience. important due to the network
since the customer also cares about quick responses and service minded By building loyalty with customers effects of the micromobility
ending his/her ride in an easy and approach. they can streamline their company where the accessibility is
comfortable way this transaction differentiation strategy and thus key.
was assesed as a neutral message in being able to charge at premium
the STA. price.

The Swedish Style Efficiency Loyalty Efficiency

Relationship Oriented Consumer Hero Consumer Hero Product Excellency

Voi's overall service processes aligns with their own service concept. By being accessible and convenient in their customer service together with actively working with service feedback, Voi
succeeds with being a customer oriented brand. In addition, transaction 1 in the STA and their no-parking zones exemplifies Voi's policy excellency. Consequently, this facilitates further land
comparison: grabbing and the establishment of new partnerships.
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Suggested improvements Conclusion

Create a better understanding for the individual Voi uses a differentiation strategy as
customer why the relationship with cities is competitive strategy, built up from
important for the service and for other competitive scope and competitive
stakeholders, especially those with functional advantage.
Succeeds in delivering customer service in
Further improve customer experience through line with the competitive strategy and the
focusing on accessibility and simplifying the service concept.
customer interaction with the company. In
particular improve communication about if, when
and where the customer will receive an answer
when reporting a problem.

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