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Good morning, welcome friends and family on this very sad day. We are all gathered here today to
mourn and pay our respects to the late vera who passed away on this very day a week ago.

Paragraph one: describing vera and her personality:

“Death is not extinguishing the light. It is putting

out the lamp because the dawn has come.”`
Good morning, welcome friends and family on this very sad day. We are all gathered here today
to mourn and pay our respects to the late vera who passed away on this very day a week ago.

Vera was like a daughter to me in the time that I knew her. She was very smart, clever and quick
minded and very determined in whatever she set herself to do. She had the most beautiful blue
eyes, bluer than the sky, and a wonderful cheeky personality with a bright smile, brighter than the
sun. she was also very social, and would often start conversations with our guests, entertaining
them and inventing wonderful story’s and tales in which she was very, very good at. I remember
one particular time she even frightened off a visitor! He had come to visit when, after veras
mother had to excuse herself from the room, vera dove into a fascinating made up tale about her
father who had gone missing years ago – only for them to return a few moments later! How the
guest got a good fright and dashed out the door and onto the street like a stunned, frightened cat.
Vera was also very tall, and had a long slim posture with beautiful hazelnut brown that fell down
to her knees.

Naturally she was attracted to gymnastics, In which she would never miss a practice session of,
ever. I still remember how, every Tuesday, she would march loudly like a commander rallying his
troops, through the house, bag in hand an all set to go to her practice, half an hour early! I
admired her commitment and determination, and the positive energy she seemed to create
whenever she had set her mind to something. When she was selected to travel to a prestigious
gymnastics camp because of her outstanding performance, she was ecstatic! i remember that day
like it was yesterday. Immediately she screamed in delight and raced to call her friends, all of
whom were accepted too. Although she was only gone for a few weeks, time made it feel like
months, and soon, me and her mother and father were eagerly anticipating her arrival back,
excited to hear about the wonderful adventures and activities she had experienced while she was

The day we received the call, it felt like the the world had fell underneath us and we were floating
in a space of anxiety and extreme axiuosnoue and worry. An ‘accident’ they had called it.”if the
safety operators had done their dam job properly, then this nightmare would’nt have
happened”her fathers voice boomed from downstairs after the call, clelary frustrated. He mother
was crushed, knowing that her daughter might never enjoys sports or long beach walks ever
again. We always knew gymnastics carried some risk, but didn’t everything carry risk I thought to
myself that night.

At the station, we didn’t know what to expect. Hand in hand, wearing our best clothes, we
searched through the crowd of people that swarmed around us like a ocean. Her mother seemed
more worried than overjoyed when she found vera. She had changed. She seemed smaller, as if
the wheelchair she now occupied were her shell like a sea snail. Her shoulder were drooped to
her side and her Her badge replaced with a highviz sticker, her friends nowhere in sight.
Though she was happy to see us, Her face was a mixture of tired and sadness, from the new
reality she had to face. She would never walk again.

The months that followed seemed to stretch on forever. Vera life has been run over by a train, a
train of the reality that she would never even walk up her bedroom stairs anymore. She stopped
going to school, meeting her friends and even talking abit. she seemed more focused on her
mobile phone, spending hours on end in her room without sleeping or eating. The atmosphere in
our house darkened.D

When I think of vera, I think of this quote from a favorite book of hers called “dune” by frank
Herbert, a science fiction. She would often stay up late at night well past her bedtime when I would
babysit her, her eyes glued to the dusty pages ignoring sleep. She loved books, especially science
fiction, which questions about the solar system would constantly fill our conversation during long car
trips and vacations. She had a wonderful personality and was always full of life and determination.

If I were to describe to someone who never knew who vera was, I would describe her as extremely
clever, quick-witted and very smart and absolutely talented. She would often invent wonderful
story’s to entertain our guests and visitors that came to visit us over the years. She had a wonderful
sense of humor and was very quick minded too, she always had to comment on everything that
happened. I would be always trying to help her with something like her homework but she would
always insist on doing it herself exclaiming “no no I am a big girl I can do it myself!”. She was also
very, very, very good at inventing wonderful storys to our guests. One particular time she even
scared off one of our guests!! With a frightful tale! But that’s a story for another time.

When vera was accepted into her schools classical guitar program, she was estatic, and so were
we .She had worked very hard over the past few months and every morning we would hear classical
guitar that her mother had brought for her, singng every morning as she practiced from her music
book. She also enjoyed sports but not as much as music, preferring to spend her time reading or
practicing. For her, she could happily entertain herself if she had a weekend alone, as she would find
endless activites to do. One of her favourite pastimes was to play space invaders 2 over and over
again with her friends. I would often hear the ‘pew pew’ and the ‘boooom!’ of the sounds effects of
the tv in her room and the giggles from her friends in her room on a late Sunday evening.

Paragraph two: describing her hobbies and interests:s

I would like to leave everyone with this quote by the poet ranhem s.
“gone yet not forgotten”
Although today we say goodbye to vera, we will always remember her and the memories we have all
had with her.

Good bye to the girl who would

Goodbye vera,we will all miss you, rest in peace.

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