Introducing Myself

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Hi my name is Adriana but I go by Anna I’m 25 years old, I was studying to be a

language teacher but I had to put a pause for now, I will definitely go back to
school as soon as I get an opportunity. Most of my job experience leans towards
sales, as I've been the last 6 years in sales departments; it gave me the
opportunity to learn how to be organized, punctual, resourceful, work towards goals
and with a team, and mostly to listen and be thoughtful with people. During the
pandemic I decided I also wanted a side hustle, after learning new skills I fell in
love with baking. Now it's not only a hobby but also part of my income which helps
my family to be more comfortable. This job caught my attention as I feel I can learn
so much from real estate, and the process behind guiding someone finding the
home of their dreams.

I have 8 years of experience as a call center agent both on customer service and
sales; as a customer service agent I worked helping people solve any issues they
may had encounter with their AT&T internet service; guiding them step by step to
identify the issue and providing them an efficient way to solve the problem. The
past 5 years I've been in the sales department upselling several different services;
the most remarkable experience for me has been upselling an application for small
business owners. I learned how to listen to people needs and be resourceful in the
way of explaining them how much needed the service was to their business without
them even having a clue they did. Offering something so helpful made me want to
start my own business; a small bakery at home where I put in practice my
organization, patience, attention, and marketing skills.

When I worked for AT&T I received a call from an angry customer, he had mention
that his internet service was down and could not connect all the time. He was so
stressed that he wasn't giving a chance to try to figure out what was the issue. I let
him talk and take out the frustration he was having, in that moment i
comprehended why he was so stressed; he was in the middle of an exam which
was a final. After taking it all out of his chest he was more calm, I assured him I
was going to do my best to figure out what was going on with his connection, now
he was listening and cooperative to the steps i was guiding him; he was guided to
disconnect the power cable for 5 minutes, after that time the modem had sync
again, he had placed the modem on top of the cable box which was creating an
interference with the signal. He then removed the modem to a spot clear of any
other electrical device and the connection became stable. After running couple test
with my tools, his connection proved to be strong and good to work with. He was
able to go back to his test in less than 10 minutes and was glad to be able to go
back to his exam.

During my collage days I was learning languages, we had 1 big building just for
foreign languages. I personally, chose two languages French and Japanese. The
career itself language teaching had English and Spanish, somehow i would
constantly feel so attracted to comparing French with the other languages my other
classmates would study. I spoke to the counselor about an idea for presenting
French to students learning other languages, give them a little insight of French
culture; we came up with the program ''Francophonie'' which would consist of once
every semester get a spot in the platform of the school and give out French treats,
traditional French recipes, some fun facts about the culture, and in general give a
bit of what we have learned. The other people in campus loved the idea so much
that the other languages started doing the same; soon we had Russian, Japanese,
Italian, French, English, and German sharing their cultures as well.

One of my strengths is my organizational ability, I understand how important it is to
be organized and how it helps to make everything better, faster, and more efficient.
This helps in matters of providing an effective solution to any kind of issue, doubt,
or circumstance.

One of my strengths is the way I manage my time, I understand how important it is

working from home and to know how to put all your tasks and activities in the
correct time frame to be able to get everything done and not leave opportunities

One of my strengths is having great communicational skills, as I understand how

important it is to be effective when communicating with clients, I listen wisely to be
able to build great rapport and always optimistic with a tone of voice that comforts
and invites to trust. I also think this is so important to create a great environment
between all of us with clear communication.
I believe one of my weakness is that I use more time then needed to perfecting the
task. I can always find something that needs to be improved or changed. To help
myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for just two final revisions. This
helps ensure to myself that there is no more need for changes.

I think a weakness of mine would be my pride, it has been difficult for me to ask for
help when I need it. I have learned that it is much more beneficial both for me and
company to reach out when I do not understand something, I am still working on it.
I have been able to notice more high-quality work as a result of getting help from
those around that have specific knowledge and skills that can make my work

I believe the weakness that I have worked harder and been able to overcome is
being too sensitive, I tend to get attached to my tasks and duties; perfection makes
me comfortable, if the results were not the desired ones I would feel personal
failure. I started seeing every task or duty done as a fulfillment and praise myself
with a positive feeling and continue to the next ones with the vision of achievement
instead of failure.


I’ve worked in several call centers before, the most memorable experience was at
‘‘One Star’’ I had the opportunity to start working there when the company was
barely starting and we were only 13 employees. I developed many skills such as;
organizing information in the system used, implementing creative motivational
activities, create marketing strategies, and how to solve issues as a team taking in
count each individual. After seeing the company grow and be so good, I know I
can handle pressure and provide efficient results for this job.

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