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Super Software

Land Parcel Measurements – Python Scripting


There are 3 components to this project, and all will be combined into a single server application. The
project requires accessing the ArcGIS API, so an ArcGIS account/license will be required for this
project. Create a single web application in accordance with the following specifications. All
development and scripting will be performed on the Developers ArcGIS Pro/Online account and then
deployed/interfaced/tested with our ArcGIS account and server. This application will reside on a
GoDaddy Server.

Note: We have an ArcGIS Pro/Online account, you cannot use our account for Development.
Developer MUST have an ArcGIS account for development. At end of project, Developer to transfer
entire application to Clients Server and ArcGIS account.

Component #1

Single Parcel Measurements

The Developer will create a python script and integrate with ArcGIS Pro/Online. This script will
perform calculations on specific land parcel Polygons within the USA. A User will enter a physical
property address or APN number into a search bar of the base map. These calculations will produce
numeric values for the Polygon area, perimeter length, segment length, etc., and these figures will
be placed directly on the parcel that has been entered into search bar. Specifically, the result of each
segment calculation will be placed on the map, next to the segment that it represents.

Core Logic Parcels

User types in a physical address or APN. Developers script will perform

calculations and create map with all shown dimensions next to segment
individual segment lengths, as well as area, perimeter, etc.
Component # 2

Multiple Parcel Measurements

For this component, the Developer will perform the same functionality as was done in Component
#1, but it will all be done for the parcels in a 1/8 mile radius of the Component #1 parcel. This image
of multiple lots will be placed on a different PDF as the single parcel image.

Component # 3

Create Drawing

For this component, the Developer will create a

simple line drawing of the image in Component #1.
This component will not be a picture, However it
will be similar to the image to the right. This will
also include the dimensions of segments,
perimeter, area, etc.

After the images in Components #1,#2,and #3 are completed, The Developer is to incorporate the
images into a template document provided by the Client. These templates will be WORD documents
with a predefined layout. Template layout by Client. Report to be generated by Application and
Script will include the following:


1. Cover Page
2. Image of Parcel (Component #1)
3. Image of parcels within 1/8 mi. radius (Component #2)
4. Dwg. Showing outline of lot with dimensions. (Component #3)

Client Responsibilities:
Provide Hosting / Server, Domain Name, SSL.
Website design.
WORD Templates


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