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The Power in a Millionaire’s Mindset

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and
expect to win.” Having the right mindset is more important than having the right idea

Three things you want to avoid in life & business.

The best way to do that?

Don’t be below average, and do below average things.

To develop the right mindset you must make personal excellence part of your DAILY routine
and overall mission in life. That means doing what others refuse to do. To get the reward you
must be willing to take the risk. Let’s start this lesson with the basic understanding of developing
a millionaire mindset.

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.”

The people who find true success in life are the ones who, instead of spending all night in front
of the television, are busy working or improving their skills in some way. Don’t be complacent
and just get by.

Focus on your own success first.

Don’t hinder your success by worrying about the political, social, and economic issues the world
or those around you face. In life, it’s important you take care of yourself first. Do this before you
offer your time or effort to others. You’re not being selfish – you’re being practical. The happier
you are and the more peace of mind you have, the better equipped you are to help others. So
don’t ignore the most important person in your life.

Recognize that not everyone is open-minded.

Not everyone wants to be successful, not everyone wants to be extraordinary; don’t waste your
time, effort, and energy on trying to find support from these individuals. Some people aren’t
going to applaud you, be happy for you, or support you that’s just the way it is. Just because they
don’t want to change doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to have it all.

Don’t compare yourself to others who are doing better than you.

No matter how successful you become, there will be others “above” you. Don’t waste your time
and effort focusing on this sort of thing. It creates jealousy and feelings of inadequacy within
you. Focus on yourself.
Turn Mistakes into Opportunities.

If you make a mistake, the first thing you should do is take ownership. Next, look for the golden
opportunity, sometimes hidden, that comes with every mistake. The best companies and
individuals turn their business disasters into business growth and sales.

You can achieve anything you believe if you take enough action. There are people who are better
than you at certain things, but we all have that area in which we excel. All business skills are
learnable. You may not be the best, but you can improve. If you want something bad enough and
are prepared to work for it, you can make it happen.

Accept that it requires hard work and in the trenches commitment.

It won’t always be 100% enjoyable nothing ever is. “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard
work.” Hard works opens the door to success, and with it comes the freedom to do what you
want when you want.

Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.

No one is perfect, not now nor ever will be. It’s not practice that makes perfect – it’s imperfect
practice that eventually makes perfect. It’s only natural when you start something new that you
do it poorly at first. You may feel inadequate and inferior. Don’t be embarrassed, though.
There’s always a price to be paid for success. The trick is to stick with it until you succeed.

If having a millionaire mindset were easy, everyone would have it and the amount people would
be willing to pay for your value would plummet. Remember, you’re developing a skill that gives
you the ability to provide for yourself and your family, no matter what the economy is doing,
how old you are, or what you’ve done in the past.

Evaluate Yourself and Have Patience. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not currently where you
want to be in your life and business. Focus on taking one step, learning one skill, and making one
small improvement at a time.

STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!!!! At some point in our lives we’ve all created “learned
helplessness.” Every excuse or justification you make is one step backwards in the pursuit of
your business goals.

Let your life and business shine. Someone somewhere needs the value that you have to offer,
nothing is more important than you taking time to share your business passions.

Don’t put off till’ tomorrow what you can do today.

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