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I want to begin by thanking Allah for leading me through this endeavor and allowing me

to reach this point in my life. Without His will and direction, nothing is possible. Sr. Samar

Abbasi, my guidance counselor and project adviser, I appreciate her help and encouragement.

She was patient with me and provided encouragement and criticism throughout the year, both of

which were so beneficial that words could not express their value. Without her support, I couldn't

have finished the project. Dr. Jamal Mujadidi, who served as my project mentor, was crucial in

assisting me in successfully finishing this project. He met with me when I started working on my

research, offered criticism on my essay, provided me with crucial guidance in meetings, and

connected me to other beneficial resources like the Seekers Guidance website and several other

websites like I would also like to express my gratitude to my uncle Waseem

Peracha for introducing me to Dr. Jamal and for his suggestions. I also gained much insight from

him as he was conflicted with cancer. One of the treatments that tremendously helped and eased

his sickness was hijama therapy; this helped me in many ways as I could ask him how the

treatment went and how he felt after the therapy sessions. I'd also want to thank my uncle for his

advice on presenting and speaking in front of big crowds. This was helpful because I would need

these abilities when I practiced for the final presentation and would contribute to the judges and

my peers. I should also acknowledge the faculty of my school, Michigan Islamic Academy.

Since I started going to MIA in the eleventh grade, I've developed the information, abilities,

friendships, and experiences that have all contributed to where I am now. Since I had no idea

what to do for my senior project, I would especially like to thank Sr. Fayzeh Madani for giving

me ideas on my project, reviewing the project with me, and accepting my topic. I also want to

thank her for answering all my complaints and queries. I appreciate my classmates' reassurance
that I'm not the only one with a big project to complete and that everything will go well if we

take things to step by step. I also appreciate the senior project judges' consideration of my project

and attention to my presentation. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to my father for

examining some of my work and providing me with helpful advice. This year, his counsel helped

me avoid significant stress and frustration. ‫ جزاك هللا خيرا‬to everyone who helped me with this

effort, even those who may not have been listed above.

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