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Faculty Interview
- Get! to know Dr. Daniel Swale
and Dr. Gene Reagan
-- Page 2,3
elcome! to! the!
first! issue! of! the! revised,!
remodeled,! rehabilitated,!
We Are Back ! response.! I! realized! it! is!
important! to! record! current!
reorganized! and! reinstated! future! readers.! For! this!
First Impressions LSU!Entomology!Club!news= reason,! we! are! proud! to!
- See what incoming
letter,! the$ Lil’$ Bugger!! This! present!the!first!issue!of!the!
graduate students have
newsletter! was! first! new! and! improved! “Lil’!
to say about LSU
published! in! 1996! as! a! Bugger”.!!
-- Page 4 means! of! communication!
! The! Lil’! Bugger! will!
between! students,! faculty,!
Announcements be!published!tri=annually,!at!
staff,!and!alumni!of!the!LSU! the!end!of!each!semester.!It!
- Read about past, current, Department! of! Entomology.! will! serve! as! a! means! to!
and upcoming events in It! highlighted! research,! communicate! announce=!
the department public! service! activities,! ments,! awards,! stories,!
-- Page 4 new!graduates!and!retirees,! Credit:!James!Ottea! research,! club! activities! and!
and! of! course,! club! events! outreach.!We’d!like!to!show!
Research Pictures and!announcements!for!our! remembered! that! this! issue! was! like! exactly! a! decade!
the! creative! side! of! the!
- Are you curious about department! by! sharing!
department.!! was! from! 1996,! and! I! ago!! Though! many! of! the!
what experiments look student! work,! photographs,!
immediately! felt! spoiled.! names! were! unfamiliar,! I! art! work,! T=shirt! designs,!
like in other labs? Although! many! of! Having! grown! up! in! the! was! happy! to! read! about! cartoons,! etc.! We! encou=!
-- Page 4 the! original! issues! have! digital! age! with! Photoshop,! some!familiar!faces,!such!as! rage! anyone! to! send! contri=!
been! lost! to! the! sands! of! graphic! design,! scan,! cut,! Dr.! Gene! Reagan,! Dr.! Gregg! butions,! comments,! or!
Artists’ Spotlight time,! in! piles! of! ancient! copy,! and! paste,! I! had! to! Henderson,! and! more.! suggestions! to!
- Entomologically inspired papers! on! our! faculty’s!!
remember! what! it! was! like! Reading! about! some! of! the!
artwork and poetry brought desks! or! as! a! snack! for! We! hope! you! enjoy! the!
navigating! my! first! com= recent! graduates,! I! felt! a! newsletter!! To! quote! the!
to you by our department’s roaches! and! silverfish! puter! ever,! a! Windows! 95.! surge! of! motivation! as! I! original!editor,!“read!it,!save!
students behind! filing! cabinets,! our! This! nostalgic! trip! into! the! fantasized! about! my! it,! it! will! be! a! collector’s!
-- Page 5 club! was! able! to! get! our! ‘90s! rendered! tremendous! graduation! day:! if! these! item!someday”.!
hands! on! one.! I! have! to! !
Research Story admit,! I! was! initially! a! bit!
respect! towards! The! Little! students! did! it,! then! so!
Bugger,! and! I! read! it! in! a! could! I.! I! couldn’t! believe!
- Wanna see a recent cool disappointed! to! see! just! a! ! """!!Alana!Russell
finding from younger new!light.!It!was!like!a!time! how!just!five!mere!pages!of!
mere! few! pages! of! text! and! capsule!on!paper;!a!glimpse! text! elicited! such! a!
entomologists? figures! from! clip=art.! Then! I! of! what! our! department! motivated! and! nostalgic!
-- Page 5
Just For Fun
- Take some time and relax
with an insect-themed
! ! -- Page 6
! !
Cover Photo
! Credit:!James!Ottea!
Caterpillars of Io moth on a Kahili
ginger leaf in Dr. Claudia !
Husseneder’s backyard at Bayou
Paul.! Dr. Husseneder said, “I experi-
mented with exposure and flash to
only! light up the caterpillars and the
rim of the leaf to infuse a little magic
– making it look like the cater-pillars
are performing a tight rope act.
Fortunately, caterpillars are patient
! Focus$2$Faculty$ Page 2

New Faculty
always! had! multiple! and! different! projects! going! Foundation,! working! with! Dr.! Kristen! Healy! to!
- Dr. Daniel Swale simultaneously!that!were!supported!by!my!major! identify! novel! mechanisms! of! control! for! the!
Dr. Swale is our newest and youngest professor,!Dr.!Jeff!Bloomquist.!At!Virginia!Tech,!I! malaria! vector,! Anopheles! gambiae.! The! studies!
faculty in the department. He is an would! work! on! the! project! that! my! advisor! proposed! in! this! application! will! explore! cost!
wanted!me!to!during!the!day.!!But,!I!would!come! effective!approaches!to!develop!novel!attract!and!
excellent mentor and researcher. into!the!lab!at!night,!put!a!6=pack!of!beer!in!an!ice! kill! strategies! for! the! malaria! mosquito.! ! This!
Recently he traveled to Kenya. Let's get bucket,!and!then!explore!my!own!research!ideas! multidisciplinary! project! will! utilize! very! recent!
to know Dr. Swale!

=! !What!brought!you!to!LSU?!!
with! the! department.! People! would! like! to! go! to!
somewhere! they! are! respected.! After!
interviewing! and! talking! with! the! faculty! and!
administration! here,! I! think! there! is! a! very! tight!
Second,! the! department! and! LSU! has! fantastic!
scientists! that! facilitate! the! development! of! a!
large,! collaborative! research! program! on! various!
topics.! ! The! ability! to! get! along! with! the!
opportunities! to! collaborate! on! a! variety! of!
research! topics! was! the! initial! draw! for! me! to!
come! to! LSU.! On! top! of! that,! and! equally! as!

important! as! the! environment,! Louisiana! is! a!

sportsman’s! paradise! with! TONS! of! fishing!
get! on! the! water.! So! I’m! at! home! here.! Actually,!
Mike! Becker! and! I! had! a! fish! fry! for! the! at!night.!These!additional!projects!allowed!me!to! developments! in! Anopheles! gambiae! specific!
department!in!April.! carry! an! independent! project! into! the! University! attractants,! novel! potassium! channel!
of! Florida! and! hit! the! ground! running.! Also,! mosquitocides,! and! the! unique! horizontal!
=! !What!is!most!satisfying!about! science!is!a!game!of!handshakes.!It!matters!who! transfer! abilities! of! insect! growth! regulators! to!
your!job?! you! meet! and! who! you! know.! Meeting! people! specifically! target! larval! and! adult! lifeforms! of!
and! presenting! your! research! in! scientific! Anopheles!gambiae.!This!time!we!went!to!Africa,!
!I!think!everybody!who!goes!into!academic! meetings! is! critical! to! the! growth! of! students! as! we! built! all! the! environments! that! we! will! be!
research!has!the!ultimate!goal!to!cultivate!young! these!people!will!be!the!individuals!on!job!search! going! to! do! the! study! in.! We! also! developed! a!
scientists’! minds.! That! is! awesome! and! a! very! committees,! grant! review! panels,! and! potential! team! there.! The! purpose! of! this! project! is! to! get!
rewarding! aspect! of! our! job.! I! look! forward! to! research!collaborators.!Being!able!to!present!your! preliminary! data! which! may! be! put! into! actual!
teaching! students! how! to! do! science! and! work!is!great,!but!going!out!to!have!some!supper! environment!in!western!Kenya!to!control!malaria.!!
watching!the!proverbial!“lighting!up!of!the!face.”! or! a! beer! with! some! of! the! biggest! players! in!
Also,! I! like! to! have! the! academic! freedom! to! do! science!really!helps!set!you!up!for!success.!! =! !What!do!you!think!of!Kenya?!!
the! science! that! I! want! to! do.! If! you! see! a!
problem! and! see! a! potential! solution,! just! go! for! =! !What!do!you!hope!to!impart! Kenya! is! awesome.! ! Kenya! is! an!
it.! Nobody! is! there! to! stop! you! like! they! are! in! ecologically!diverse!country.!You!can!start!at!the!
industry! or! government! research! jobs.! I! like! that! beaches! which! are! among! the! top! 10! beaches! in!
freedom.!! graduate?! the! world,! according! to! something! I! read.! Then!
you! come! over! to! Nairobi! that! is! 1600! meters! in!
=! !What's!the!most!fun!you've! I!hope!to!impart!a!passion!for!the! altitude.!So!it!is!cool,!very!green!and!gets!a!lot!of!
had!at!LSU!so!far?! realize!their!scientific!potential!that!will!enable!
them!to!fulfill!their!ultimate!goals.!!I!think!the! you!can!back!up!to!the!highland!and!get!over!to!
It’s! been! fun! to! get! to! know! different!
cliché,!“work!hard!and!play!hard”!is!true.!!I'm!a! Lake! Victoria,! which! is! a! tropical! rain! forest!
faculty! members! and! talk! research! ideas! with!
firm!believer!that!if!you!are!not!happy!then!your! climate.! You! can! see! grassland! relating! animals!
them.! But,! exploring! the! Louisiana! coast! for!
work!is!going!to!suffer.!So,!make!sure!your!work! like! lions! and! zebra.! People! oftentimes! are! very!
is!taken!care!of!but,!life!is!fun!so!go!enjoy!it.!If! nice!and!very!very!hardworking.!!
=! !How!did!you!get!your!master’s! fishing!is!your!thing,!then!get!on!a!boat!and!go! !
and!PhD!in!four!and!half!years?!! keep!your!minds!open.!Read!a!lot!of!literature,! !
There! are! a! thousand! answers! to! this! to!meetings!and!talk!to!people.!! """!!Zhilin!Li!
with,! “I! got! lucky.”! ! But,! I! believe! that! each! !
=! !What!is!the!purpose!of!this!
individual! makes! his! or! her! own! luck! and! to! do!
that,!I!worked!tirelessly!in!the!lab.!One!thing!that! Kenya!trip?! !
allowed! me! to! progress! very! quickly! is! that! I!
I!got!a!grant!from!Bill!and!Melinda!Gates!! ! !
Focus$2$Faculty$ Page 3

rather! students! from! other! universities!

Experienced Faculty on! a! national! and! even! international!
- Dr. Gene Reagan basis.!
In early February, I had the tremendous
opportunity to sit down and speak at
length with Dr. Reagan. He’d prefer it if you’re!proud!of?$
you call him Gene. Here are some of the
Years! ago,! every! quarter! I! would!
highlights from that conversation. get! to! go! to! EPA! [Environmental!
Protection! Agency]! meetings! and! make!
=! !!When!did!you!know!you! my! ideas! known.! Not! just! about!
wanted!to!be!a!professor?! sugarcane,!but!anything!in!entomology.!I!
!Almost! from! the! start! of! my! education.! was!a!lot!of!fun!getting!to!give!two!hour!
After! I! finished! my! master’s,! before! my! PhD,! I! long! presentations! to! people! at! EPA,!
thought! about! being! a! sugarcane! consultant.! I! make! new! friends,! and! make! sure! they!
would! advise! growers! on! when! to! use! what! knew!what!was!actually!going!on!in!IPM!
chemicals.! But! they! didn’t! make! enough! money!! and! entomology! around! the! US.! I! want!
It’s!different!now,!though.!One!of!the!founders!of! everyone! to! know! about! them,! not!
the!Louisiana!Agricultural!Consultants!Association! about! me.! I! want! to! tell! you! about!
is! actually! one! of! my! former! student! colleagues,! Waseem!Akbar.!He!was!my!PhD!student!
Dr.! Grady! Coburn.! They! even! made! me! an! in!the!2000s.!He!got!a!great!job!without!
honorary!member,!so!I!ended!up!being!kind!of!a! my!letter!of!recommendation!!He!didn’t!
consultant!anyway.! even!ask!for!one,!he!was!so!good.!He’s!a!
research! leader! at! Monsanto! now.! He!
=! !What!makes!your!job! was! a! funny! guy…! He! went! back! home!
overseas! to! get! married! during! a! school!
break.! When! he! tried! to! get! back,! they!
!I! like! it.! I! like! the! work.! I! like! the! wouldn’t!let!him!back!in!the!country.!He!
sugarcane! farmers.! Working! in! the! field! with! still!had!a!year!left!of!school.!So!I!wrote!
insects,! not! that! I! do! that! much! anymore,! but! in!the!world,!at!the!finest!restaurants,!no!expense! a! letter! to! the! state! senator! at! the! time,! Mary!
even!getting!graduate!students!to!do!it,!it’s!fun!! was! spared,! and! everything! was! paid! for.! All! of! Landrieu,! and! within! half! a! day! he! was! coming!
our! work! had! to! be! at! the! lawyers’! office! back!!
=! !What’s!so!great!about! downtown.!My!wife!would!complain!to!me!about!
working! too! hard,! we! didn’t! get! weekends! or! =! !How!come!you’re!in!a!
nights! off! those! years.! But! I! liked! it.! I’ve! never! wheelchair,!Gene?!I’m!sure!a!
You! can! go! to! Papua! New! Guinea! worked!a!day!in!my!life!I!didn’t!enjoy!for!LSU.! lot!of!newer!students!are!too!
tomorrow,!up!in!the!mountains!where!sugarcane! nervous!to!ask.$
originated,! and! see! the! different! grasses…! You! =! !Do!you!have!any!plans!for!
can! imagine! the! environment! that! evolved! a! future!students?! My!son!was!a!senior!at!the!naval!academy!
polyploid!sugarcane.!It’s!an!amazing!place,!and!an! in!Maryland!when!I!had!my!first!stroke.!I!had!a!lot!
amazing!plant.! !My!students!can!travel!around!the!world,! of!therapy!and!a!cane,!and!I!was!able!to!walk!with!
since!sugarcane!is!important!everywhere.!But!my! him!at!his!graduation.!This!was!1995.!He!is!now!a!
=! !What’s! the! most! fun! you’ve! rule! is! if! you’re! going! to! travel,! you! have! to! Commander!in!the!Navy.!He!gets!to!travel!all!over!
had!at!LSU?! present!! No! free! vacations!! Nepal! is! the! farthest! the!world!with!his!family.!I’m!very!proud!of!him!!
north! that! sugarcane! grows.! We’re! still! working!
I! was! on! the! Chancellor’s! ad=hoc! on! making! sugarcane! that! can! tolerate! colder! After! my! second! stroke,! I! had! to! go!
committee! to! investigate! allegations! against! LSU! climates.!We’d!like!to!go!to!Nepal!some!day.! through! a! year! and! a! half! of! physical! rehab.! My!
by! the! NCAA! [National! Collegiate! Athletic! balance! isn’t! so! good! anymore! because! of! the!
We!just!accepted!a!master’s!student,!and! operations! involved,! which! is! why! I’m! in! a!
Association]! with! LSU! football! and! Basketball!
expect! a! PhD! student! from! South! Africa.! They’ll! wheelchair.! At! the! same! time,! they! had! put! a!
programs! in! the! 80s.! We! were! investigating!
be! working! on! a! USDA! grant! received! this! year! tube! down! my! throat,! which! damaged! my!
concerning!sugarcane!aphids.!They!might!also!do! trachea.!Still,!my!brain!works!!It!works!great!!
some! work! on! the! Mexican! rice! borer.! The!
Mexican! rice! borer! is! much! worse! in! sugarcane! =! !Thank!you!so!much!for!the!
the! country,! in! a! private! jet! plane.! We! had! to!
produce! a! two! volume! document! each! for! interview!!Is!there!anything!
=! !Graduate!school!isn’t!easy.! you’d!like!to!say!before!we!
One!of!my!interviews!on!a!Saturday!night!was!in! Classes!are!stressful,!research! finish?$
Memphis,!where!I!interviewed!the!girlfriend!of!a! is!hard,!advisors!are!
former! famous! basketball! player,! who! got! When!I!first!got!this!wheelchair,!I!noticed!
pregnant! with! his! baby.! The! accusation! was! the! demanding…!Do!you!have!any! a!lot!more!people!would!come!up!to!me!and!hug!
assistant!coach!was!bribing!the!player!to!play!for! advice!for!students?$ me.! One! of! my! friends! told! me! they! wanted! to!
LSU.!I!asked!her!if!she!had!heard!about!that.!She! get! hugged! more! often,! and! that! maybe! they!
said!“No!way!!If!he!got!some!money!from!him,!I! !Always!interact!with!the!other!students!in! should! get! a! wheelchair,! too.! I! said! that’s! one!
would’ve! gotten! it!”! I! always! wondered! if! it! was! the!department.!Your!peers!can!help!you!so!much! benefit,!but!overall!I!don’t!recommend!it!!
true,! but! that’s! the! kind! of! thing! we! were! with!your!work.!They!will!study!with!you,!support!
investigating.!I!wrote!it!up!like!the!evidence!said,! you…! They’re! a! tremendous! benefit.! Learn! from! !
and!we!got!off!that!allegation.!It!took!2!years,!but! them!! Remember,! you’re! not! competing! with!
other! students! in! this! department! for! jobs,! but! """!!Nicholas!DeLisi
! Focus$2$Student$ Page 4

Why did YOU choose LSU?


Keith Tamborello Lori Moshman Scott Nacko
Advisor:!Dr.!Kristen! Advisor:!Dr.!Rodrigo!Diaz.!! Advisor:!Dr.!Henderson!!
Healy!! Research:!Artificial!refugia!for!biological!control! Research:!Paper!wasp!nesting!biology!
Research:!Gut! agents!of!giant!salvinia! “I!chose!LSU!because!it!has!a!great!entomology!
endosymbionts!in!honey! “I!chose!LSU!because!I!wanted!to!stay!in!the! department.”!
bees! south!and!I!wanted!to!study!invasive!species.”! “[Louisiana!is]!warm!and!there!are!many!insects.”!
“I!chose!LSU!because!of! “My!first!impression!of!Louisiana!was!the!
the!close!association! !
with!the!USDA!Honey! of!water!all!around.!I!love!the!giant!live!oaks! Greg Wilson
bee!lab.”! covered!in!resurrection!fern.”! Advisor:!Dr.!Kerns!!
“[I]!Love!it!here!!The! !
campus!is!beautiful!and! Research:!Ecology!of!sugarcane!aphid!
the!people!are!very! Maisarah Saad “I!chose!LSU!because!of!the!role!they!play!in!their!
friendly.”!! Advisor:!Dr.!Stout!Research:!Rice!water!weevil! state!agriculture!program;!they!demonstrate!
! resistance!in!rice! loyalty!to!their!farmers!and!employees,!provide!
Zhilin Li “[I!was]!granted!a!scholarship!to!pursue!my! programs,!and!conduct!exceptional!research!in!
Master’s!Degree!from![the!Malaysian!Agricultural! agriculture.!Some!of!my!family!live!here,!or!went!
Advisor:!Dr.!Daniel!Swale!! Research!and!Development!Institute].!I!have!been! to!school!here,!so!it!was!also!a!great!opportunity!
Research:!Kir!channels!in!ticks! looking!for!various!school[s],!but!my!search! to!get!acquainted!with!them.”!
“[Dr.!Swale]!is!an!awesome!advisor!and!he! stopped!when!I!read!Dr.!Stout’s!CV.!!I!believe!that!
he!is!the!right!person!to!guide!me!for!my! “My!first!impression!was!good;!it!encouraged!my!
[provided]!me!with!an!assistantship.!So!I!came!to! attendance!to!see!the!good!management!of!the!
LSU.”!! Master’s!degree!studies!and!that!is!the!main!
reason!why!I!choose!LSU.”! farm,!getting!to!participate!in!a!Farmers!Field!Day!
“I!think!it's!a!really!beautiful!university!with!giant! (eating!some!great!catfish),!and!meeting!
oak!trees!and!lakes.!People!in!LSU!are!friendly! “LSU!in!particular!the!Department!of!Entomology! outstanding!key!players”!
and!nice.!It's!a!good!place!for!research.”! is!really!awesome.!There!was!no!comparison!to!
how!friendly!and!helpful!the!professors!and! !
! students!were.!My!classes!during!my!first! !
! semester![were]!very!challenging,!but!also!
fascinating.!I![learned]!a!lot!in!my!classes.”! ===!John!Dryburgh

In Entomology Dept.

Announcements* How*we*conduct*research*
!• Daniel$Swale$received!a!Grand!Challenges=Explorations!grant!
! novel!strategies!for!control!of!mosquito!vectors!of!the!
!• Lane$Foil!and!Claudia$Husseneder!received!a!Gulf!of!Mexico!
! mash!health!!
• Gene$Reagan!received!a!USDA=NIFA!grant!to!study!aphid!
! management!in!sugarcane!and!sorghum!systems!!
• Nick$DeLisi!was!awarded!the!C.!Lamar!Meek!Louisiana!
! Mosquito!Control!scholarship!!
!• Lori$Moshman!received!a!grant!from!the!Barataria=
! as!a!management!strategy!for!salvinia!weevils!!
• Namoona$Acharya!and!Forest$Huval!were!awarded!
! Conference!2015!! 1, Alana is collecting giant salvinia weevils; 2, Shiloh is
• Congrats!to!the!Entomology!Club!Travel!award!winners:! collecting mosquitoes; 3, Zhilin is extracting RNA from
! Vivek$Pokhrel!and!Chinmay$Tikhe!! Drosophila sp. salivary glands; 4, Nick is identifying Culex
pipiens mosquitoes to pool and test for West Nile Virus;
!• Congrats!to!the!winners!and!runner=ups!of!the!2015!LSU! 5, Balwinder is collecting red imported fire ants; 6, Ying
Entomology!department!graduate!student!symposium:!Emily$ is checking the survivorship of fall armyworm in the corn
! field; 7, Jie is setting up pheromone traps to collect
sweetpotato weevils; 8, Lori is using the Berlese funnels
Owens,!Ying$Niu,!and!Lina$Bernaola!! to extract adult weevils from giant salvinia plants; 9,
• Emily$Kraus!was!awarded!first!place!in!a!student!Three= Zinan is “killing” a log.
! Minute!Presentation!competition!at!the!ESA!annual!meeting!
Just$for$Fun$ Page 5

Bugger Arts
$ $
$ $
Ode to a Weevil Life’s Not
! Fair
! ! !
$ --- Alana Russell --- Shiloh Judd
$ (Photo: Alana Russell) (Photo: Namoona Acharya)
$ I!want!to!tell!you! “Sleep!tight,!and!don’t!!
$ !about!my!friend!the!weevil,! let!the!bed!bugs!bite.”!
$ a!tiny!creature!considered!a!pest!! Yeah.!Not!funny.!!
by!so!many!people.! Really,!it’s!not!right.!
$ They!may!feast!on!your!crop,! Don’t!feed!the!dog,!!
$ and!turn!the!year’s!yield!into!a!flop.! no!slop!for!the!hogs,!
$ Or!they!may!get!into!the!flour,! and!definitely!don’t!give!!
and!turn!all!of!your!kitchen’s!bread!sour.! any!flies!to!the!frogs.!
$ But!I!see!a!different!side!of!this!beetle!you!call!ugly,! !
$ Just!take!a!look!under!the!microscope,!! Who!says!stuff!like!that?!Can!you!believe!it?!
and!you’ll!find!them!cuddly! Keep!food!from!people!and!they’ll!throw!a!fit.!
$ There’s!the!rostrum!that!looks!like!a!silly!elongate!nose,!! Skip!breakfast?!Sure.!Lunch!and!dinner?!No!way!!
$ And!the!first!antennal!segment!that!bends!into!an!elbow! I’ve!heard!that!some!folks!have!four!meals!a!day.!
$ They!may!have!colors!and!scales!that!are!magnificent! !
Just!gazing!upon!one!can!be!quite!a!stimulant! Four!meals!or!three,!still!seems!pretty!outrageous.!
$ But!that’s!not!why!I!value!this!beetle,! And!people!get!mad!just!‘cause!I’m!hematophagous.!
$ There!are!many!out!there!that!are!quite!non=lethal! I!know!what!I!like,!is!that!such!a!crime?!
Take!the!salvinia!weevil,!useful!in!biocontrol,! I!even!wait!‘til!it’s!past!your!bedtime.!
$ In!the!fronds!of!giant!salvinia!they!eat!many!holes! !
The!adults!and!larvae!kill!this!nasty!invasive,! I!don’t!make!a!sound,!I!don’t!stir!you!awake,!
$ A!plant!that!until!this!point!has!been!very!pervasive! I!don’t!spread!disease,!never!caused!an!outbreak.!
This!weevil!can!be!used!as!an!alternative!to!chemical! I!take!just!what!I!need!and!I!leave!all!the!rest.!
$ A!choice!that!is!economically!and!environmentally!acceptable! I!then!hide!away!to!discretely!digest.!
So!now!my!question!to!all!you!people! !
! After!hearing!all!the!good!news!about!this!beetle! Why!do!I!try?!It’s!no!use!being!civil.!
Will!you!be!so!quick!to!judge!a!weevil?! I!could!scream!or!plead,!but!instead!I!just!snivel.!
! After!all,!it!may!be!the!lesser!of!two!evils! Loathed!and!unvalued,!I!could!sure!use!a!hug,!
! “ Invicta - the undefeated ”
! Displayed in LSU’s International Animals in Art Competition. By Lori Moshman.
Lori said, “When I learned about the art show, I decided to make an insect-related piece, and since fire
ants are easy to find in large numbers, I chose to use them. I harvested the ants by shoveling the
! mounds into a bucket and filling it with water so the ants would float to the top. I separated the ants
and froze them to kill them, then let them dry in the oven. The piece was inspired by my dog, Onyx,
! and it depicts her sniffing a fire ant mound, only to be engulfed by the ants. She is a curious dog
and she knows all about ant stings, usually from trying to eat food that is covered in ants.” !


! Research Story your$stories$and$photos$with$us!$

Have you ever wondered how long an ant can
survive underwater? Balwinder Kaur, Nick DeLisi, $
and Zinan Wang tried to find this out last semester
for a general entomology project. These intrepid $
researchers found that fire ants can survive
drowning up to 8 hours with no mortality. With no
one having performed this work before (don’t tell
any ant researchers!),
they plan on redoing
the experiment with a
more refined approach
this summer.
(Nick DeLisi)
Newsletter editors (left to right): Zinan Wang, John Dryburgh, Lori Moshman,
Picture was taken when an escaped Red Imported Fire Gregg Henderson (Mentor), Nicholas DeLisi, Alana Russell (chief), John
!Ant was walking underwater. Photo credit: Zinan Wang. Dryburgh, Zhilin Li. Photo Credit: Keith Tamborello.
Wanna see more? Enter this:
! Address: 402 Life Science Bldg.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Just$for$Fun$ ! Page 6


! fire$ant$eat$&$excrete$the$bait$granules?$$

Drawn by Lori Moshman

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