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Break Up Your Fallow Ground

Every year we study a book of the Bible during our weekly worship services. This year we have chosen
the book of Jeremiah.

In Jeremiah chapter four we see that there is a call from the Lord to His people. "Break up your fallow
ground and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of
your hearts, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem…." (Jer 4:3-4a NKJ).

This call came because the people of God had become uncommitted, unfaithful and disobedient in their
worship and service of the Lord.

The phrase "fallow ground" (NKJ) "unplowed ground" (NIV) refers to the tillable or untilled ground. It is
land that could be productive, but for whatever reason has not been broken up, tilled, plowed, and
prepared for planting. The prophet speaking the Word of the Lord is commanding the people to break
up that land — spiritually! They are to plow the tillable land that they have.

This word of prophet Jeremiah is for us today as well. What must we do to break up the fallow ground?
What must we do so that the soil is ready for planting God’s Word, so that we can live faithful, Holy
Spirit directed lives?

Remove The Stumps

Chopping down trees is hard work. Removing the stumps is even harder work. You must dig deep down
and cut each of the main roots with an axe or chainsaw. Then you attach a rope or chain to the stump
and pull it out with a truck, or winch. Finally, you pile all the stumps together and burn them as you clear
the land. What’s been growing in your heart previously? Could it be hatred, bitterness, lust, greed,
materialism? These must be rooted out so a new crop can be planted. Grain doesn’t flourish under the
shade of trees. They must be removed so the new crop can grow in the light.

Break Up the Hardness

A plow or some kind of tiller is needed to open up the ground. It takes energy to pull the plow, to guide
the plow, to keep the furrows straight so the field can be plowed efficiently. Where is the hardness in
your heart? Have you been hardened by unbelief or sin? You need to make the effort to direct the plow
to all these hard places that you know must be dealt with and let God pull the plow to loosen the
hardness. Heartfelt repentance and confession is one way of plowing deep. When was the last time you
were literally on your knees broken before the Lord?

Dislodge the Larger Rocks

Sometimes when you’re plowing you come upon some large, difficult to move rocks. For the field to be
put into production, it will require considerable digging, and leveraging to move the rocks from the field.
Do you have some big rocks to move – an addiction or a besetting sin – that requires help from someone
else? Speak to a more mature believer to whom you can be accountable.

Gather The Thorns and Burn Them

When a field goes unplanted for several years it often becomes covered with thorns or other weeds. In
the parable of the sower, Jesus explained that our hearts can be like a field with thorns. The thorns are
the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things which choke the
Word and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4:19).

Sow The Good Seeds

Read your Bible, Study the Word of God. Memorize Scriptures. Exercise your faith. Fellowship with God’s
people. Share your faith. Fallow ground – unplowed, unprepared soil – is unusable for any serious crop
planting. God says to us that we must "break up" our fallow ground so that it is usable. Do we recognize
that our hearts are like unplowed ground? Will we repent and break up the fallow ground of our hearts?
Let us claim the promise in Hosea, in 2013 – "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap in mercy; Break up
your fallow ground; For it is time to seek the LORD, till He comes and rains righteousness on you." (Hos
10:12 NKJ)

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@ Full GoeBreak Up Your Fallow Ground

Scripture Passage: Hosea 10:12

Attached audio files:

Break Up Your Fallow Ground by David F. Reagan

9.05 MB

Introduction: Fallow ground is a field that has been sown with crops in the past and has yielded much
fruit, but has now been left unworked for a time. It is hard and full of ruts. It yields nothing but weeds
now. This is a picture of a land that used to be known for its righteousness but has now turned from God
and grown cold toward Him. It is a perfect picture of America today. The verses leading up to verse
twelve reveal the circumstances of the times.

Their wicked rebellion (Hosea 10:1-5)

As an empty vine, they bring fruit only to themselves (Hosea 10:1)

Their heart is divided and found faulty (Hosea 10:2)

As they rejected the Lord, so they reject all authority (Hosea 10:3)

They speak many false words (Hosea 10:4)

The glory of the Lord is departed (Hosea 10:5)

Their coming judgment (Hosea 10:6-11)

Their only hope (Hosea 10:12)

REMEMBER YOUR HERITAGE –the fallow ground used to be a fruitful field

Learn From the Former Days (Job 8:8-10)

Remember What We Have Lost (Revelation 2:5)

Preserve the Ancient Landmark (Proverbs 22:28; Revelation 3:2 – “strengthen the things that remain”)

RECOGNIZE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY – “your fallow ground” :the fallow ground is unworked ground

For the Condition of the Ground (Nehemiah 1:1-7)

For the Correction of the Situation (Acts 9:6); if not you, who?

PREPARE THE GROUND (last part of Hosea 10:11)

Plow the Field – Prayer (Colossians 4:2-4)

Break the Clods – Brokenness – “his clods” (Psalm 34:18; Psalm 51:17)


What to Sow – the Word (Luke 8:11)

Where to Begin – to yourselves (2 Timothy 2:15)

How to Sow – in righteousness (1 Timothy 6:4-5; see also Ecclesiastes 11:1-6)

Where the Sow – in the field; that is, the world (Matthew 13:38)

SEEK THE LORD – only God can bring the rain

Seek the Lord (1 Chronicles 16:11)

Seek Him Urgently – “for it is time

Seek Him Continually – “till he come”

Seek Him Expectantly – “and rain righteousness”

Seek Him Personally – “upon you”

Conclusion: Will you have a part in these last day fallow ground ministries? God seeks such to follow

David Reagan

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Proverbs 26:23

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