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Steak Tempe with Padang Sauce

Names of Group Members :

1. Baiq Medita Rosani (A1B021089)

2. Baiq Nova Yuliastri (A1B021091)
3. Dita Annisa Rahmawati (A1B021102)
4. Hari Tri Prasetio Anggraeny Putri (A1B021115)
5. Herfiana Astrilia (A1B021117)

 Executive Summary
The Padang Saus Tempe Steak Culinary business that will be built will involve
cooperation from various parties who have the same vision and mission. The establishment of
this business has through many considerations from various aspects, including the raw
materials used very easy to get, the prices are relatively cheap and become one of the food
that is liked and in accordance with the tongue of all levels of society.

 The Business

Business Name : Steak Tempe Padang Sauce Indosteak

Business Structure : Partnership
Business Location : Mataram
Date Established : 2022
Product : Food
Organisation Chart :

Product :
Steak Tempe Padang Sauce is a processed food made from tempe which is shaped and
flushed with Indonesian Padang sauce, Steak Tempe
Padang Sauce is a modification of one of the western food, namely steak made from beef
steak and special sauce.
The advantage of Steak Tempe lies in the ingredients,the main thing is tempeh.
Tempe contains nutrition that is not inferior to meat so it is suitable
for vegetarians who want to avoid meat but want to keep eating steak.

Production Process :
Steak Ingredients:
• 1 clove of garlic, chopped
• 250 Grams of Tempe
• 2 Tbsp Butter
• 2 Tbsp Maizena Flour
• tsp White Pepper
• tsp Salt
• tsp Sugar
Padang Sauce Ingredients:
• 10 Red Chili
• 3 Cayenne Pepper
• 4 Garlic
• 6 Shallots
• 2 Pinch Salt
• 1/2 Segment Ginger
• 1/2 Onion, Slice
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 150 ml of water
• 3 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
• 3 Tbsp Tomato Sauce

Additional Ingredients:
• 1 Cucumber, Slice according to taste
• 1 Potato, Slice according to taste
• 1 Carrot, Slice according to taste

How to Make Steaks:

1. Steam the tempeh for 15 minutes
2. Puree the garlic and a little salt
3. Grind the tempe while it's hot
4. Mix the crushed tempeh with cornstarch, add white pepper, sugar and salt.
5. Form the dough then flatten it, do it until the dough runs out.
6. Bake the dough on a teflon that has been smeared with butter. Make sure both sides of the
steak are browned, remove and set aside.

How to make Padang Sauce:

1. Puree red chili and cayenne pepper
2. Saute the ground spices consisting of red chili and cayenne pepper until fragrant
3. Enter the thinly sliced garlic, thinly sliced red onion, onions, crushed ginger, and stir-fry
again until the spices are cooked.
4. Pour the cornstarch solution. Add all the sauces, namely oyster sauce and tomato sauce,
mix well and cook until it boils and thickens.
5. Taste test, if it fits, lift.

 The Market
In this case, the Steak Tempe addressed to all community, ranging from children,
adolescents,until adulthood. We are targeting to sell Steak Tempeh with Pandag Sauce 50 pcs
per day or 1,500 pcs in a month.
This Tempe Steak uses ingredients the main thing is tempeh so the price is more
cheaper than most steaks in the market and when viewed based on income level then the price
of this product accessible to the public middle to society middle or high.
 S.W.O.T Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Tempe is a nutritious food that is People still under estimate (underestimate)

characteristic and daily food of Indonesian processed tempeh so that need the right
people, easy to obtain, good on the tongue marketing strategy and This product is easy
and attractive appearance and if processed to imitate.
into tempeh steak, it will increase selling
power profitable.

Opportunities Threats

Making tempe as a class dish steak can Where there are many processed meat or
open up business opportunities beneficial chicken steaks Of course, making tempeh
for both us and for tempeh entrepreneur. steak less competitive and capital which
always changes at a certain time due to
government economic policy.

 Your Competitors
At this time, for the number of competitors in the tempeh steak business still
relatively small because there are not many people who are trying to open this business other
than the product.This tempeh steak is one of the New product.

 Advertising and Sales

a. From mouth to mouth
It is enough to tell stories or provide information to friends, relatives, co-workers,
neighbors or family.
b. Social media
Posting photos of our products to social media such as Instagram, Facebook,
c. Events
Organizing an event and being a sponsor at an event is one of the opportunities for
us as a small and medium business to get potential customers. By sponsoring an
event, the opportunity for our business products to be known by the public is very
d. Distributing brochures directly in crowded places is one of the ways we use to
promote or market our products.

Indosteak Tempe Steak Business has very bright prospects in the future front because
tempeh is wrong a food that is in great demand by all Indonesian people. from thing it can be
concluded that request for steak tempeh in the future will greatly improve.
We will continue to maintain and improve the quality of our business, and we will
also start to strengthen the network by building a café as well as franchises so that the
business we run can develop more extensive in the Indonesian culinary field

Proyeksi Keuangan

Proyeksi keuangan adalah sebuah perencanaan keuangan atau sebuah anggaran untuk
usaha yang akan kami jalani nanti, untuk memperkirakan jumlah biaya yang mungkin
timbul dan proyeksi pendapatan yang akan dihasilkan untuk periode tertentu.
Membuat proyeksi keuangan memang tidak mudah apalagi untuk pemula yang baru
ingin membuka usaha. Mungkin masih banyak angka-angka yang tidak sesuai namun
dengan berjalannya waktu kami akan terus belajar hingga mencapai proyeksi
keuangan yang diinginkan. Selain itu proyeksi keuangan dapat di gunakan dalam
sebuah perencanaan bisnis . Seperti yang di lakukan sekarang, membuat proyeksi
keuangan bisnis , untuk mengetahui perencanaan bisnis kedepannya

Tabel Rincian Biaya Bahan Baku Usaha Indosteak

Biaya Jumlah Unit Harga/Unit Total

Tempe 25 Bungkus Rp 3.000,00 Rp 75.000,00
Tepung Maizena 1 Bungkus Rp 30. 000,00 Rp 30. 000,00
Mentega 3 Bungkus Rp 10. 000,00 Rp 30. 000,00
Bawang Putih 1 Kg Rp 12.500,00 Rp 12.500,00
Lada Putih Bubuk 20 Sachet Rp 1.000,00 Rp 20. 000,00
Gula 1 Kg Rp 13.000,00 Rp 13.000,00
Garam halus 2 Bungkus Rp 2.500,00 Rp 5.000,00
Sambal Saus Padang 2 Kg Rp 125. 000,00 Rp 250.000,00
Timun 5 Bungkus Rp 3.000,00 Rp 15.000,00
Wortel 10 Buah Rp 2.000,00 Rp 20.000,00
Kentang 10 Buah Rp 2.400,00 Rp 24. 000,00
Jumlah Rp. 494.500,00
Tabel Rincian Biaya Tenaga Kerja Usaha Indosteak

Biaya Jumlah Unit Harga/Unit Total

Upah pegawai 1 Orang Rp30.000 Rp 30.000,00
Jumlah Rp 30. 000,00

Tabel Rinciaan Biaya Peralatan Usaha Indosteak

Biaya Jumla Unit Harga/Unit Total
Tabung gas 2 Pcs Rp 30.000,00 Rp 60.000,00
Kemasan 50 Pcs Rp 400,00 Rp20.000,00
Teflon 1 Pcs
Kompor 1 Pcs
Pisau 2 Pcs
Talenan 1 Buah
Panci Kukus 1 Buah
Jumlah Rp80.000,00

Tabel Pendapatan Perbulan Usaha Indosteak

Bulan Kuantitas (per porsi) Harga jual Pendapatan
Bulan 1 1000 Rp15.000 Rp 15.000.000
Bulan 2 1200 Rp15.000 Rp 18.000.000 Tabel Proyeksi
Bulan 3 1500 Rp15.000 Rp 22.500.000 Pendapatan Perbulan
Jumlah Rp 55.500.000 Usaha Indosteak

No Periode Komponen Pendapatan

Pendapatan Total Biaya Bersih/Bulan
1 Bulan 1 Rp15.000.000 Rp11.190.000 Rp3.810.000
2 Bulan 2 Rp18.000.000 Rp13.248.000 Rp4.752.000
3 Bulan 3 Rp22.500.000 Rp16.335.000 Rp6.165.000

Tabel Proyeksi Laba/Rugi Usaha Indosteak

No Uraian Periode
Bulan 1 Bulan 2 Bulan 3
1 Penjualan Rp15.000.000 Rp18.000.000 Rp22.500.000

2 Biaya variabel
Biaya Bahan Baku Rp9.890.000 Rp11.868.000 Rp14.835.000
Biaya Bahan Kemas Rp 400.000 Rp 480.000 Rp 600.000
Total Biaya Variabel Rp10.290.000 Rp12.348.000 Rp15.435.000

3 Biaya Tetap
Tenaga Kerja Rp900.000 Rp900.000 Rp900.000
Total Biaya Tetap Rp900.000 Rp900.000 Rp900.000

Total Biaya Rp11.190.000 Rp13.248.000 Rp16.335.000

Laba Bersih Rp3.810.000 Rp4.752.000 Rp6.165.000

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