Stage 2 5 Present Simple Negative

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5 Present simple: negative

Present simple Present simple

negative negativa
I don’t go yo no voy
you don’t go tú no vas
he doesn’t go él no va
she doesn’t go ella no va
it doesn’t go (ello) no va
we don’t go nosotros/as no vamos
you don’t go vosotros/as no vais
they don’t go ellos/as no van

El present simple se usa para hablar de estados o acciones habituales.

1 Completa las frases en negativa y escribe los nombres.

She d o e s n ’ t play tennis. Mayra

1 We ________ speak French. ________
2 I ________ eat meat. ________
3 They ________ play football. _
4 You ________ live in Paris. ________
5 He ________ go to school. ________
6 She ________ watch TV. ________

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities

5 Present simple: negative
2 Ordena las palabras para formar frases.
don’t / Spanish. / speak / We
We don’t speak Spanish.
1 watch / after / doesn’t / She / TV / school.
2 bed / go / don’t / late. / You / to
3 play / football. / They / don’t
4 don’t / I / in / live / England.
5 Andrew / French. / speak / doesn’t
6 school / every / go / day. / don’t / We / to

3 Escribe bien las frases.

She doesn’t speak Spanish .
1 Theydon’tgotoschoollate.
__________ ________ __________________
2 Hedoesn’tplayfootball.
__________________ __________________
3 Lauradoesn’tgotobedearly.
__________________ __________________
4 Wedon’tliveinValencia.
__________________ __________________.
__________ .
5 Youdon’teatmeat.
__________________ __________________.
6 Idon’twatchTVafterschool.
__________________ __________________.

Vocabulario clave
after después de  early temprano  eat comer  England Inglaterra  every day todos los días
football fútbol  French francés  go ir  go to bed acostarse  late tarde  live vivir  meat carne
play jugar  school colegio  Spanish español  speak hablar  TV televisión  watch ver

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities

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