Student - Patawaran, Erika Mae Culala

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Student : Patawaran, Erika Mae Culala

Date : September 12, 2022

Course Title : Introduction to First Aid and Water Safety

Course Code: Fundamental First Aid and Water Safety

Reaction Paper : Expanding knowledge of First Aid and Water Safety


This paper is based on the topic First Aid and Water Safety. Reported by: Prof. Ricket Layug, about basic first
aid principles, first aiders have several roles and Responsibilities, emergency first aid procedures.


Based on the information that was discussed by my professor, When providing first aid it is important to ensure that
you preserve the patient's dignity and privacy as far as possible without interfering with your ability to help
them,bearing in mind cultural sensitivities. Wise decision first aider must be well-trained and knowledgeable. 5
elements of a good first aider.

Knowledge Acquired

The Basics principles that I have learned in studying first aid emergency care given immediately to an injured
person. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary
to keep the victim alive. Formal first aid training not a professional trained emergency worker such as a paramedic.
There are three overall aims which are to preserve the life of the victim, Prevent the worsening of the situation and
promote recovery from injury or illness. The ability to work under pressure to save life, it can happen anywhere. It is
an advantage to have the basic knowledge of sudden response as part of criminology.

Life Application

As a student I have a lot of advantage in what knowledge I'm gaining, not only as a criminology student but as a
citizen to the community, a help to the victim could lose their lives. Some of these cases include cardiac arrest,
drowning, choking and excessive bleeding. Whenever a loved one becomes a victim of these emergencies, you will
do all you can to save their lives, potentially lifesaving, medical care, before the arrival of further medical help. This
could include performing procedures such as: Placing an unconscious casualty into the recovery position to maintain
their airway. save lives as it takes care of critical medical emergencies. How to properly assess the situation quickly
and calmly. Safety: check whether you or the casualty are in any danger,Protect yourself and them from any
danger,Prevent infection between you and them, Comfort and reassure Assess the casualty and give first aid

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