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Nombre de la Unidad de Aprendizaje: Comprensión de textos técnicos en inglés

Nombre del proyecto: Compendio de artículos académicos en inglés
Programa educativo: Licenciado en Tecnologías de Información__________
Semestre: _2_ Grupo: 24_
Nombre del maestro:
Nombre de los integrantes del equipo:
Euresti Cantu Ileana Aidee 1995474
Eduardo Abraham Flores Ledezma 2007493
Emmanuel Cavazos Saavedra 1921506
Arturo Gonzalez Garza 1949081

Contenido mínimo a evaluar Cumplimiento

Introducción.- incluye valores
UANL aplicados
Análisis y emisión de juicio
Conclusiones individuales
Conclusión del equipo
Actividad en inglés
Identificación de sub resultados
de aprendizaje ANECA.
Calificación PIA:

Firma del maestro

San Nicolás de los Garza, ciudad universitaria a (02-05-2022)


In this pia-project, 15 templates have been located whose information comes from
links, from computer science articles, and they have been expanded with 15
templates. We used some tables to be able to summarize a little everything that
each of these articles dealt with. so you can easily identify the important points.
The topics we have chosen are related to our major, which is about information

In these tables that we have made you will find:

Lexicon, Sumarry Introduction, Procedures, Findings, Conclusions, Personal
Apart from that we have made some infographics in case you want something more
striking and colorful, where we are guided by the tables that we have made
TITLE: Computer Science Education in Early Childhood: The Case of ScratchJr

AREA: Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice

CITATION: Cite as: Bers, M. U., & Sullivan, A. (2019). Computer science education in early childhood: The case of ScratchJr.
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 18, 113-138.


Lexicon: (10 words)

Computer Science (ciencias de la computación): the study of
computers and how they can be used

Programming(programación): the activity of writing computer


Analytics (analítica, análisis): a process in which a computer

examines information using mathematical methods in order to find
useful patterns

Code (código, un mensaje escrito en código) a system for

communicating using secret combinations of symbols, a
message written in code

Framework (marco) a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to

plan or decide something

Computational (computacional) involving the calculation of answers,

amounts, results, etc.

Thinking (reflexión) the activity of using your mind to consider


Develop (desarrollar(se), convertir(se)

) to change and become better, or to make someone or
something become better
Debug(depurar) to remove bugs (= mistakes) from a computer

Supports (apoyar) to help someone, often when they are having

SUMMARY Background
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) Computer science education in the K-2 educational segment is receiving a
 give a brief introduction to give the nec
growing amount of attention as national and state educational frameworks
cessary background to the study and are emerging. By focusing on the app ScratchJr, the most popular free
state its purpose. introductory block-based programming language for early childhood, this
 Why was the study conducted? paper explores if there is a relationship between the presence of state
 What was it about? frameworks and ScratchJr’s frequency of use.

This paper aims to explore whether having state Computer Science
standards in place will increase young children’s exposure to coding and
powerful ideas from computer science in the early years.

PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) This paper analyzes quantitative non-identifying data from Google
 describe the specifics of what this Analytics on users of the ScratchJr programming app.
study involved
 Who were the subjects? Google Analytics is a free tool that allows access to user activity as it
happens in real time on the app, as well as audience demographics and
 What was measured?
 What was being compared?
An analysis of trends by state, time of year, type of in-app activities
completed, and more are analyzed with a specific focus on comparing
states with K-12 Computer Science in place versus those without.
 Discuss the major findings and Findings show that in the case of ScratchJr, app usage decreases
results. during the summer months and on weekends, which may indicate
 How useful or significant is this? that coding with ScratchJr is more often happening in school than at
 What did the author say about it? home. Results also show that states with Computer Science
standards have more ScratchJr users on average and have more total
sessions with the app on average. Results also show preliminary
evidence that states with Computer Science standards in place have
longer average session duration as well as a higher average number
of users returning to edit an existing project.

This paper explores the emergent field of early childhood computer science
education by first categorizing what is currently available into four different
pedagogical approaches and tools: unplugged activities, block-based
programming languages, programming games, and introductory robotic
kits. Each of these addresses a particular need and provides a unique
learning experience, thus they can be integrated, mixed-and-matched,
according to the curricular and logistical needs of the schools and the
professional development of the teachers. However, regardless of the
choice of approach, successful early childhood computer science education
programs must teach powerful ideas from the discipline of computer
science in a developmentally appropriate way.

Finally, the results also show that states with CS standards have users
editing projects more often more than in states without standards and that
states with CS standards show a slightly longer average session duration
than those without standards (almost a minute longer).


Summarize the This paper explores the emergent field of early childhood computer science
researcher’s conclusions. education by first categorizing what is currently available into four different
pedagogical approaches and tools: unplugged activities, block-based
 What was the major outcome of the programming languages, programming games, and introductory robotic
study? kits.

By using ScratchJr, the most popular block programming language

explicitly designed for young children, the paper explored whether the
presence of computer science state frameworks results in stronger usage
patterns. Results from these analytics demonstrate the importance of
having state standards in place to increase young children’s exposure to
coding and powerful ideas from computer science in the early years.

This study demonstrates preliminary evidence that states with Computer

Science standards in place support skills like perseverance and debugging
through ScratchJr. The analytics show that states with Computer Science
standards have longer average session duration as well as a higher average
number of users returning to edit an existing project. Finally, the analytics
also demonstrate that usage of the ScratchJr Paint Editor is more often
used in states with Computer Science standards than those without.
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH This case-study of ScratchJr provides
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) a preliminary look at the impact of state computer science frameworks on
supporting young children’s exploration of computational thinking and the
 What did you learn from the study? development of computer science skills. As a pilot case study, this paper
 How might you apply the information in relies on descriptive statistics to describe trends, and it is important to note
your academic training? that no statistical significance claims are made. Furthermore, this study
 How this study relate to your field of was limited by the data that could be collected through Google Analytics,
preparation? while maintaining users’ anonymity and privacy.

Additionally, this study focused on analyzing different design approaches to

teaching computer science and computational thinking in early childhood.
However, it was beyond the scope of this study to look at the role of the
nstructor in states with (or without) computer science standards in place.
While technologies are important, the role of the educator and the
curriculum is also an important piece to effectively teaching computer
science in the early years.
Finally, the case-study nature of this paper meant it was focused explicitly
on one technology: ScratchJr. Future research should look at the
relationship between state standards on children’s usage of other
computational tools and technologies in order to more fully understand the
impact of the standards.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 1

Eduardo Abraham Flores Ledezma
TITLE: Artificial intelligence and the conduct of literature reviews
AREA: Social media
CITATION: Wagner, G., Lukyanenko, R., & Paré, G. (2021). Artificial intelligence and the conduct of
literature reviews. Journal of Information Technology.


Lexicon: (10 words) • Artificial intelligence (Inteligencia Artificial): Is the ability of a

machine to present the same capacities as human beings, such
as reasoning, learning, creativity, and the ability to plan.
• Automation (Automatización): It consists of using technology to
carry out tasks almost without the need for people. It can be
implemented in any sector where repetitive tasks are carried
• Complementarities (complementariedades): It is the
characteristic that one thing has that is, in turn, the
complement of another, or two things that complement each
• Data (datos): It allows you to come to the knowledge of
something or deduce the legitimate consequences of an event.
• Infrastructure (infraestructura): Can be defined as the physical
and organizational structures, networks or systems necessary
for the proper functioning of a society and its economy.
• Management (administración): It is the process whose
objective is the effective and efficient coordination of the
resources of a social group to achieve its objectives with
maximum productivity.
• Literature (literatura): Is an artistic manifestation based on the
use of words and language.
• Machine learning (aprendizaje automático): Refers to the
process by which PCs develop pattern recognition, or the ability
to continuously learn and make predictions based on data.
• Natural language processing (procesamiento natural del
lenguaje): Is the field of knowledge of Artificial Intelligence that
deals with investigating how machines communicate with
people through the use of natural languages, such as Spanish,
English or Chinese.
• Research data management (gestión de datos de investigación):
Involves the active organization and maintenance of data
throughout the research process, and suitable archiving of the
data at the project's completion.
SUMMARY What this article wants to achieve is that they can continue to improve
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) and receive support in the artificial intelligences that they are
 give a brief introduction to give the nec developing, they make that intelligence do a literature review and thus
cessary background to the study and facilitate the process of an investigation.
state its purpose.
The study was carried out to augment and partially automate the
 Why was the study conducted?
 What was it about?
What the article was about was how they saw how to implement
artificial intelligence in the literature, since they saw that the literature
reviews stand out for all those big documents. Made researchers
familiar with AI to speed up literature reviews

What it implied was that they required high-level abstract thinking,

complex knowledge of methodologies, etc. These people were based on
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) the theories of these subjects to improve their purpose: Templier and
 describe the specifics of what this Paré, Larsen et al, Higgins and Green, Kitchenham and Charters, among
study involved others.
 Who were the subjects? What was compared was the efficiency that they can have for the
 What was measured? review of literature.
 What was being compared?

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Being able to facilitate reading reviews is very useful since they are
 Discuss the major findings and results. making them waste so much time because they are reviewing those
 How useful or significant is this? documents that are very extensive. Although many of the readers were
 What did the author say about it? not familiar with what he proposed to facilitate their reviews, he had
them try it out and get them familiar with his project.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences)  Academics from many scientific disciplines share their enthusiasm for the
Summarize the researcher’s opportunities to harness AI in support of various research tasks. In this essay,
conclusions. we explore how literature reviews can benefit from AI support, summarizing
the current state of research and outlining opportunities for future research,
 What was the major outcome of the design, and action. We hope that the major SI journals will continue their
study? tradition of championing articles that carefully integrate previous research
streams, develop new theories, or elaborate on existing ones. Therefore, we
propose a multi-tiered agenda for AILR-focused research, design, and action.
Our main ambition is to foster a vibrant and constructive AILR tradition in IS,
offering exciting opportunities for the entire research community, including
authors and reviewers, as well as external stakeholders from other disciplines
and industry. We hope that our vision will encourage scholars to engage in
debate and reflection on how AI can be harnessed to advance research in IS
and its neighboring disciplines.

The main thing is to augment and automate investigations through artificial

intelligence, which they normally use in scientific debates or in health science.
What I learned from this was that artificial intelligence can be the potential or
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) the improvement of many of those things that we did manually.

To say that we are doing summaries, readings, even the revisions that the
 What did you learn from the study?
same article said, that is, AI is currently one of the great evolutions that we
 How might you apply the information in
have had since through it we have and can facilitate and improve our work,
your academic training?
daily life, studies, among others. other things.
 How this study relate to your field of
preparation? Although it is not easy to be able to create an artificial intelligence that allows
you to facilitate some things, any progress we have on AI is one more step
than we were, since this does not take days or weeks, it is something very
time consuming, but it will serve a lot to a future maybe not for all people but
for a large part yes

How would I apply the information in my academic training, to say something

typical, it would be in the way of doing homework. Whether it's making a
summary of a specific topic, you could make an artificial intelligence make that
summary, also in solving mathematical problems, it would just be giving you
the data that they give us about the problem and doing the step by step and in
many things more since artificial intelligence can be applied in many places.

This is related to the programming that is given to that artificial intelligence so

that it can do the task that we are giving it
Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 2
Arturo Gonzalez Garza
TITLE: Concept–based Analysis of Java Programming Errors among Low, Average and High Achieving
Novice Programmers

AREA: Analysis of Java Programming

CITATION: Cite as: Jegede, P. O., Olajubu, E. A., Ejidokun, A. O., & Elesemoyo, I. O. (2019). Concept–based
analysis of Java programming errors among low, average and high achieving novice
programmers. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 18, 49-59.


Lexicon: (10 words)

Type ( tipo) a group of people or things that have similar

Debugging (depurar) to remove bugs (= mistakes) from a

computer program

Skill(habilidad, destreza) the ability to do an activity or job well,

especially because you have done it many times

Design(diseño) how sth looks, is made, and functions, or a

drawing showing this

Java (Lenguaje Computador) the name of a computer

programming language used for writing programs for the

Submit (presentar, someter) to give or offer something for a

decision to be made by others

Missing (desaparecido) lost, or not in the usual place

Symbol (símbolo) a sign or object that is used to mean


Beginner (principiante) someone who is learning or doing

something for the first time
Archievement (logro ) something good that you have done that
was difficult
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necces
sary background to the study and state BACKGROUND.
i To improve code writing and debugging skills, efforts have been made
to taxonomize programming errors and their causes. However, most of the studies
ts purpose.
employed omnibus approaches, i.e. without consideration of different programming
▪ Why was the study conducted?
concepts and ability levels of the trainee programmers.
▪ What was it about? Such concepts and ability specific errors identification and classifications are needed
to advance appropriate intervention strategy.
The study examined types of errors made by novice programmers in different Java
concepts with students of different ability levels in programming as well as the
perceived causes of such errors.

A sequential exploratory mixed method design was adopted. The sample was an
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) intact class of 124 Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate students
▪ describe the specifics of what this s grouped into three achievement levels based on first semester performance in a
Java programming course.
tudy involved
The submitted codes in the course of second semester exercises were analyzed
▪ Who were the subjects? for possible errors, categorized and grouped across achievement level. The
▪ What was measured? resulting data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as Pearson
▪ What was being compared? product correlation coefficient. Qualitative analyses through interviews and
focused group discussion (FGD) were also employed to identify reasons for the
committed errors.
Contribution: The study provides a useful concept-based and achievement level
specific error log for the teaching of Java programming for beginners.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) FINDINGS

▪ Discuss the major findings and results. The results identified 598 errors with Missing symbols (33%) and Invalid symbols
▪ How useful or significant is this? (12%) constituting the highest and least committed errors respec-tively.
▪ What did the author say about it? Method and Classes concept houses the highest number of errors (36%)
followed by Other Object Concepts (34%), Decision Making (29%), and Looping
Similar error types were found across ability levels. A significant relationship was
found between missing symbols and each of Invalid symbols and Inappropriate
Errors made in Methods and Classes were also found to significantly predict that
of Other Object concepts.
▪ Summarize the researcher’s This study analyzed error types and patterns in Java programming based on
conclusions. fundamental concepts of Methods and Classes, Decision Making, Other Object
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu concepts and Looping of beginners programmers at different achievement level.
Missing symbols were found to be the commonest type of error and invalid
symbols constituting the least. The Method and Classes concept had the highest
number of errors with Looping having the least.

Error types were also found to be the same across ability levels. However,
expectedly low achieving students had more challenges writing bug free code in
Other Object concepts. Programming assignment instructions in Java should take
into considera- Concept-based Analysis of Java Programming Errors 58 tion the
prevalent errors within the achievement cohorts as well as the concepts that are
prone to a specific type of error.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) To promote better classroom practice in the teaching of java programming,
findings for the study suggests instructions to students should be based on
▪ What did you learn from the study? achievement level. This is because errors have been found to be achievement-
▪ How might you apply the information in yo based. In most undergraduate computer science curricula, Java starts with a
theoretical course with practical sessions gradually introduced, and later
ur academic training?
course(s) may be largely laboratory based. The first Java programming course
▪ How this study relate to your field
should assist in categorizing students into low, average and high achieving
of preparation?
cohorts. It should also be used to compile error logs for each achievement level.
Programming instruction in the later courses should target prevalent errors for
each achievement group having regard also to the concepts that have mostly
specific types of error. This will enhance programming teaching effectiveness
and better learning outcomes. In a situation where it becomes impossible to
separate into achievement groups continuously, it would be helpful to at least
separate the low achievers at the beginning (during methods and classes
practical sessions) for focused attention. It was observed that it takes low
achievers more time to overcome the beginner errors. Their average and high
achieving counterparts overcome the typical beginner errors as the class

Generally speaking, students come to the beginner programming class with

many misconceptions, which the first lessons should address. For example, early
lectures should first address the art of programming and correct the erroneous
beliefs that code is like mathematical steps that one can memorize. This
misconception, as stated earlier, could lead to all types of errors.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº:3

Eduardo Abraham Flores Ledezma
TITLE: A DoS Attacks Detection Aglorithm Based on Snort-BASE for Robotic Arm Control Systems
AREA: Journal of Computer and Communications > Vol.10 No.4, April 2022
april 2022, van

Lexicon: (10 words)

. Background(Antecedentes)= In computing terms, Background, background or
background is used to name all those processes or execution routines that are
carried out in the background

Contribution(contribusion)= A contribution is a tax that must be paid by the

taxpayer or beneficiary of an economic benefit, whose justification is that the
taxpayer obtains a benefit or an increase in value.

Framework (marco) a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or

decide something

Supports (apoyar) to help someone, often when they are having problems

METHODOLOGY(metodología)= Set of methods that are followed in a scientific

investigation, a study or a doctrinal exposition

Thinking (reflexión) the activity of using your mind to consider something

Reports(informes) Oral or written statement about the state of a thing or a person, about
the circumstances surrounding an event, etc.

Contribution(contribusion)= A contribution is a tax that must be paid by the

taxpayer or beneficiary of an economic benefit, whose justification is that the
taxpayer obtains a benefit or an increase in value.

ACTIVITIES TO ADVANCE(Actividades para avanzar)= Learning activities are the

different tasks or exercises that a person or a group of them carry out with the
purpose of advancing the learning process

Findings(recomendaciones)= Recommendation is the action and consequence

of recommending (suggesting something, giving advice

INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) Background
▪ give a brief introduction to give the In the proposed framework, forensic analysis of IoT devices is performed. Low
neccessary background to the study memory and low processing powered IoT devices perform predefined
and state its purpose. instructions. So, a built-in mechanism for forensics cannot be integrated. It is
▪ Why was the study conducted? resolved by logging servers.
▪ What was it about? In this research, cyberattacks are launched on an IoT device and traffic is
redirected to the logging server using IPtables of the IoT device. On the logging
server, traffic is matched with rules defined for these attacks. On a successful
match, alerts and logs are generated and stored for forensic analysis. Forensic
analysis is performed using both forensic tools and machine learning models.
Our experimentation results are also compared with other proposed systems to
evaluate the performance of the proposed framework. When the traffic from
Raspberry Pi is redirected to logging server snort, then the logs and alerts
generation process starts. Redirected traffic is received on the Ethernet port of a
logging server having the IP address of Snort matches traffic with
rules written for attacks. If the match is successful, then the log file is generated.
The log files are generated with a different name every time the command is
started. Moreover, new log files are generated after the log file reached its
defined maximum capacity.

The proposed framework for forensic analysis of IoT devices under attack
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) consists of four modules, as shown in Figure 2. First, traffic generation of attack
▪ describe the specifics of what this is responsible for attacks generation from Kali Linux system to IoT devices used
study involved under experimentation. Second, traffic redirection logging server and alerts/logs
▪ Who were the subjects? generation is responsible for redirection of traffic from IoT device to logging
server, where traffic is analyzed and logs/alerts are generated when traffic is
▪ What was measured? matched with rules written in logging server. Third, forensic analysis using
▪ What was being compared? forensic server is responsible for regeneration of logs captured by the logging
server. Logs are regenerated and necessary information about the attack and
attacker is extracted. Fourth, forensic analysis using machine learning model is
responsible for detection of attacks using different machine learning models
such as Random Forest Classifier], Decision Tree Classifier], Naïve Bayes
Classifier [], LDA Classifier], MLP Classifier], and assemble (Voting Classifier)
[The performance of these models is observed based on different evaluation


▪ Discuss the major findings and results. Rule-based detection is a common misuse detection method in intrusion
▪ How useful or significant is this? detection systems, the most representative of which is the Snort intrusion
▪ What did the author say about it? detection system . As an intrusion detection method that converts intrusions
into a dynamic knowledge base, it mainly uses the knowledge base to
determine the occurrence of events . Snort is able to capture network traffic in
real time, analyse the protocols, match the characteristics of captured illegal
traffic and suspicious data with the rule base, and record them to a log file with
real-time alerts. Snort can also call different decoding functions to parse the
protocol types of captured packets, so that different types of abnormal
protocols can be identified and alerted according to different detection rules [
▪ Summarize the researcher’s This paper focuses on the detection of communication security for robotic arm
conclusions. control systems, using Snort as the sensor of the detection system and using
▪ What was the major outcome of t rules to filter the network traffic collected in real time, and using BASE as the
data analyzer of the attack logs, both of which are combined to achieve online
he study?
real-time detection of robotic arm remote control systems

Forensic analysis refers to the deep investigation of the crime after it

happened to explore the reasons behind the crime. Our proposed forensic
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words)
analysis system overcomes the low power and low memory limitation of IoT
devices. The proposed forensic system makes the forensics of IoT devices in a
▪ What did you learn from the study? directly connected environment more efficient and reliable. Without interruption
▪ How might you apply the informatio of communication between devices, network traffic is redirected to the logging
n in your academic training? server, and traffic is analyzed by comparing with rules. These logs of malicious
traffic are stored and can be regenerated in the forensics server by different
▪ How this study relate to your field
methods. After capturing the logs of attacks launched on IoT devices, not only
of preparation? are the logs regenerated, but a dataset is also created. Multiple machine
learning models are trained and tested for the detection of attacks. The decision
tree algorithm performed well, with the highest accuracy of 97.29%. Our
proposed system is tested in a real-time environment when a Pi camera is
installed in the network. Performance of machine learning models was slightly
decreased with decision tree with the highest accuracy of 96.01%. Then,
multiple reports are generated to describe the details about the type of attack,
the number of times an attack was launched, and the recommended action that
could be taken. This forensic detail will help to draw the complete attack
scenario and make the tracing of attackers possible.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 4

TITLE: Implementing Team-Based Learning: Findings From a Database Class
AREA: Team-Based Learning for Database Education

CITATION: Cite as: Mitchell, A., & Vaughan, A. G. (2022). Implementing team-based learning: Findings from a database
class. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 21, 1-23.


Lexicon: (10 words)

Database (base de datos)information stored in a computer in an organized
structure so that it can be searched in different ways

information technology
(informática) the science and activity of using computers and other
electronic equipment to store and send information

Increasingly(cada vez más) more and more

data analysis(analisis de los datos) the process of examining information,

especially using a computer, in order to find something out, or to help with
making decisions

SQL(lenguaje de consulta estructurada)) structured query language: a

computer programming language used for database management

Perspective(perspectiva) the way you think about something

Modeling(modelo) the job of being a fashion model

TQM(Gestión de la calidad total)total quality management, Total Quality

Management is a management strategy developed in the 1950s and 1960s.

BPR(Reingeniería de procesos) business process reengineering, is to

establish sequences in new interactions in administrative and regulatory

Furthermore(además) in addition; more importantly

▪ give a brief introduction to give the necc Background. Team-based learning (TBL) has been developed and tested as
essary background to the study and st an instructional strategy that leverages learning in small groups in order to
ate its purpose. achieve increased overall effectiveness. This research studies the impact of
▪ Why was the study conducted? utilizing team-based learning strategies in an undergraduate Database
▪ What was it about? Management course in order to determine if the methodology is effective
for student learning related to database technology concepts in addition to
student preparation for working in database teams.

PURPOSE. The complexity of today’s organizational databases highlights the

importance of hard technical skills as well as soft skills including teamwork,
communication, and problem-solving. Therefore, when teaching students
about databases it follows that using a team approach would be useful.

In this study, a team-based learning strategy is implemented in an
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) undergraduate Database Management course over the course of two
▪ describe the specifics of what this
study involved
Students were assessed both individually and in teams in order to see if
▪ Who were the subjects? students were able to effectively learn and apply course concepts on their
▪ What was measured? own and in collaboration with their team. Quantitative and qualitative data
▪ What was being compared? was collected and analyzed in order to determine if the team approach
improved learning effectiveness and allowed for soft skills development.
The results from this study are compared to previous semesters when
team-based learning was not adopted. Additionally, student perceptions
and feedback are captured.

Contribution. This research contributes to the literature on database

education and team-based learning and presents a team-based learning
process for faculty looking to adopt this methodology in their database
courses. This research contributes by showing how the collaborative
assessment aspect of team-based learning can provide a solution for the
conceptual and collaborative needs of database education.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) FINDINGS
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. Findings related to student learning and perceptions are presented
▪ How useful or significant is this? illustrating that team-based learning can lead to improvements in
▪ What did the author say about it? performance and provides a solution for the conceptual and collaborative
needs of database education.

Specifically, the findings do show that team scores were significantly higher
than individual scores when completing class assessments.

Student perceptions of both their team members and the team-based

learning process were overall positive with a notable difference related to
the perception of team preparedness based on gender.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences)

▪ Summarize the researcher’s CONCLUSIONS
conclusions. The primary goal of this study was to explore the instructional techniques
▪ What was the major outcome of the s of team-based learning in relation to teaching database management
concepts to determine if using a team assessment process would be useful
for teaching the concepts and skills for database technology professionals.
Based on data of student learning performance and student learning
perceptions, it does seem that there is value in using team-based learning
for the teaching and learning of database concepts.

The contributions of the paper are several. First, the overview of research
on database education and team-based learning, along with our research
findings, shows how the collaborative assessment aspect of team-based
learning can provide a solution for the conceptual and collaborative needs
of database education. Specifically, our findings did show success with
student learning performance and perceptions as the students both
learned both database concepts and skills (including collaboration and
negotiation) and enjoyed the assessment process overall. The insight into
student perspectives in this study (both quantitative and qualitative) is an
important contribution. Second, a team-based learning process is outlined
for faculty looking to adopt this methodology in their own database
technology courses.

Third, this research identifies implications for educators highlighting the

challenges of team-based learning for assessment (e.g., gender differences
in perceptions of team preparedness), as well as the benefits (e.g.,
development of soft skills including teamwork and communication) and
insights from the faculty perspective. Finally, this research provides
implications for research with additional support of the study of team
assessment techniques for learning and engagement in the context of
information systems education.
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) Limitations and suggestions for future research
This research is not without limitations. Specifically, this study did not
compare large student classes or students from very diverse disciplines or
▪ What did you learn from the study?
different universities. Furthermore, the application of team-based learning
▪ How might you apply the information in
in this study was only in the context of a database technology course.
your academic training?
Nevertheless, the findings from this work advance the understanding of
▪ How this study relate to your field
team-based assessment as well as highlights several considerations for
of preparation?
future work. For example, future research might explore optimal team
assignment. In this study, random team assignment was used, but would
teams be more successful with previously established relationships? Or
should teams be assigned with more intentional diversity (e.g., males and
females, extroverts and introverts, majors and knowledge areas, cultural,
etc.) as has been done in other studies (Brickell et al., 1994; Figl, 2010)?
Future research might also explore the differences between formal
classroom teams compared to more informal study groups outside of class.

The impact of classroom layout on team-based learning is another area of


Finally, there has been some research of team-based learning in an online

environment (e.g., Choi et al., 2021; Goh et al., 2020; Gomez et al., 2009;
Gomez & Bieber, 2005; Parrish et al., 2021; Silva et al., 2021). This
exploration would be particularly interesting in relation to online education
and the use of team-based learning for assessment. However, more
investigation in this area is necessary to see how the team assessment
process might work while accounting for dispersed students working
through the use of collaboration technologies and learning management

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 5

Eduardo Abraham Flores Ledezma
AREA: Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice
2022, van

Lexicon: (10 words)

Background(Antecedentes)= In computing terms, Background, background or
background is used to name all those processes or execution routines that are
carried out in the background

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT(evaluación formativa)= Formative assessment,

formative assessment, formative feedback or assessment for learning, including
diagnostic tests, is a range of assessment procedures

ACTIVITIES TO ADVANCE(Actividades para avanzar)= Learning activities are the

different tasks or exercises that a person or a group of them carry out with the
purpose of advancing the learning process

A CASE STUDY(caso de estudio)= The case study or case analysis is a research

instrument or method originating in medical, psychological and educational

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY(antecedentes de un estudio)= The background of

the research also called "state of the art" are the set of previous studies that have
been carried out on the subject that as researchers we have decided to

METHODOLOGY(metodología)= Set of methods that are followed in a scientific

investigation, a study or a doctrinal exposition

Contribution(contribusion)= A contribution is a tax that must be paid by the

taxpayer or beneficiary of an economic benefit, whose justification is that the
taxpayer obtains a benefit or an increase in value.

Findings(recomendaciones)= Recommendation is the action and consequence of

recommending (suggesting something, giving advice


collection techniques are the different forms or ways of obtaining information.
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) Background
▪ give a brief introduction to give the n Many instructors want to create or redesign their courses to strengthen the
eccessary background to the study an relationship between teaching and learning; however, the researchers of this
d state its purpose. study believe that the concept of Student Ownership of Learning (SOL) connects
▪ Why was the study conducted? to student engagement and achievement in the classroom setting. The
▪ What was it about? researchers redesigned the introductory programming course to include valuable
teaching methods to increase Student Ownership of Learning and constructive
approaches such as making students design an authentic mobile app project as
individuals, partners, or within teams. The high quality of students’ projects
positioned them as consultants to the university IT department.

This study reports the outcome of how a first pilot semester introductory programming
course was designed to provide tangible evidence in support of the concept of Student
Ownership of Learning (SOL) and how the outcomes of this programming course facilitate
effective student learning.

PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) This paper employs a case study design to construct a qualitative research
▪ describe the specifics of what this method as it relates to the phenomenon of the study’s goals and lived
experiences of students in the redesigned introductory programming course
study involved
▪ Who were the subjects? Students developed significantly complex mobile apps and incorporated more
▪ What was measured? complex functionality into their apps.
▪ What was being compared? Computer Science students had taken at least one programming course.
The research results showed that students who participated in activities for
▪ Discuss the major findings and results.
▪ How useful or significant is this? formative assessment
▪ What did the author say about it? achieved significantly better results on theory exams and practical assignment. By
participating in the
development of conceptual map and solving tests for self-assessment, students
from the experimental group had the opportunity to establish important concepts
of each unit, which represents the
first stage of learning. According to the results, knowledge of the conceptual
content was at a higher
level, which is evident from a comparison of the results of students in the theory
exams. Participation in this type of activity is very important for students to
acquire knowledge for activities that will
follow but also because of their future expert approach and understanding of
problems (Watson et
al., 2016). In general, engineers need deep conceptual understanding in order to
be able to carry out
critical analysis of new problems and solutions (Montfort et al., 2009). The
development of conceptual knowledge is an iterative process (Leppävirta et al.,
2011), so reaching deeper conceptual understanding is also expected through
performance of activities that follow later in the course delivery.
Appropriate activities for the second and third stage of learning are designed,
which, along with a
deeper understanding of the material, include the acquisition of specific practical
skills (in this case
the interview) and the development of design art. During the evaluation of
students after the completion of the second stage of learning, students are
required to analyze simpler problem situations
with their own interpretation, to synthesize knowledge and to propose a solution,
while at the conclusion of the third stage of learning, students are expected to
identify, critically evaluate and describe the potential problems of finished
models, as well as to understand the entire process of creating a process model.
The acquisition of practical skills of interviewing and design are tested through
an assignment at the end of the semester. Students are prepared for this task by
participating in role
playing activities and collaborative diagramming. In order to achieve the role of
formative knowledge assessment, after completing the activities, the teacher
pointed out the failures and mistakes to the students, in order to avoid them
during the development of a practical task. The results show that the
solutions of the practical task are significantly better in quality.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) The paper presented an approach that introduced activities for formative
▪ Summarize the researcher’s assessment of students’
conclusions. knowledge into the course. The aim of applying the approach is to enhance the
▪ What was the major outcome of th implementation of
planned learning outcomes related to the acquisition of conceptual knowledge,
e study?
but also skills needed
for work in practice and is therefore particularly suitable for implementation in
the education of future engineers and experts in the field of computer science
and information-communication technology. Activities for formative assessment
precede the main components of assessment.
I learned that in order to achieve the main objective of this research, which is to
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) evaluate the effectiveness of approach, an electronic course was selected. It is the
"Process Modeling" course that is part of the Computer Science degree.
▪ What did you learn from the study? Recommendations for Practitioners The proposed approach has potential to
▪ How might you apply the information increase students’ motivation and academic achievements so practitioners should
in your academic training? consider to apply it in their own context. Recommendations for Researchers
▪ How this study relate to your field Researchers are encouraged to conduct additional studies to explore the
of preparation? effectiveness of the approach with different courses and participants as well as to
provide further insights regarding its applicability and acceptance by students.
Impact on Society The paper provides an approach and an example of good
practice that may be beneficial for the university teachers in the field of computer
science, information-communication technology, and engineering.

Results of the theoretical exams

and the practice designed for the students of the control and experimental groups
were statistically analyzed. These results made it possible to compare student
achievement during the e-course delivered with and without activities for
formative assessment. Consequently, the main hypothesis of the

The research was: Students who participated in formative assessment activities

performed significantly better during the course.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 6

Ileana Aidée Euresti Cantú
TITLE: Digital assemblages, information infrastructures, and mobile knowledge work
AREA: Journal of Information Technology
CITATION: Jarrahi, M. H., Sawyer, S., & Erickson, I. (2021). Digital assemblages, information
infrastructures, and mobile knowledge work. Journal of Information Technology.
Lexicon: (10 words) • Knowledge workers (Trabajadores del conocimiento): Are those
who generate value to organizations through their knowledge.
• Nomadic work (Trabajo nómada): Is the term used for people
who don't feel comfortable staying in one place and prefer to
travel the world.
• Information infrastructure (Infraestructura de la información):
Refers to the elements necessary to operate and manage
enterprise IT environments and can deploy your system in the
• Digital assemblages (Ensamblajes digitales): They are those that
allow the storage of information on the behavior of users
obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing
habits, which allows the development of a specific profile of the
• Field study (Estudio de campo): It is the process that allows
obtaining data from reality and studying it.
• Information systems (Sistemas de información): It is a set of
interrelated components that work together to collect, process,
store, and disseminate information to support decision making.
• Social sciences (Ciencias sociales): Social sciences are a set of
disciplines that study phenomena related to the reality of the
human being.
• Information and communication technologies (Tecnologías de la
información y la comunicación): It refers to the broad spectrum
of services that are offered through the resources.
• Distributed work (Trabajo distribuido): Implies that all meetings
and decisions are duly recorded so that all team members
• Nomadic computing (Computación nómada): Is the use of mobile
computing technology to connect to the global Internet
SUMMARY This article had the purpose of supporting these mobile workers in their work
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) practices, to continue advancing in the conceptualization of information
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necce infrastructures. They focused on mobile knowledge workers because they are
ssary background to the study and stat autonomous, compete for work, and collaborate with others.
e its purpose.
What mobile knowledge workers do is the collection of basic digital
▪ Why was the study conducted?
technologies or digital assemblies.
▪ What was it about?
The conflict that they made in the article was based on 2 questions that they
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) considered a finding for mobile knowledge workers, which were:
▪ describe the specifics of what this
study involved 1.-How do digital assemblages compare and relate to information
infrastructures in the context of MKW?
▪ Who were the subjects?
2.-What are the important features of digital assemblages that emerge from
▪ What was measured?
MKW infrastructure practices?
▪ What was being compared?
According to Dourish and Bell, Mainwaring et al, Vertesi
They say that because MKWs rely on a combination of their own devices and
those provided by their current employers or clients, they have collections of
material and digital resources that combine personal items.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) The two infrastructure strategies adopted by MKWs make it clear that
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. the daily practices of these workers revolve around the need to
▪ How useful or significant is this? constantly navigate and negotiate both technological resources and
▪ What did the author say about it? local infrastructures, while working to meet the demands of
collaborators and clients. on multiple projects.
MKVs are very useful as they focus on the 3 workforces: offshore
mobility, institutional independence, and technological dependency.
The mobile work that it can generate is very extensive, but very few
companies are willing or have an idea to put it to good use.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) That thanks to the similarity of work arrangements and the similarity of
▪ Summarize the researcher’s challenges, mobile workers share a common set of practices of socio-technical
conclusions. infrastructure that surpasses any particular profession or style of work. This is
▪ What was the major outcome of the st linked to ongoing infrastructure work,
that creates functional and effective digital assemblages based on often
conflicting sociotechnical systems.
The success of a MKW is due in part to sociotechnical insight.

One of the things is that the MKW (mobile knowledge work) are workers who
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) are constantly faced with jobs and their socio-technical environment in which
their work is carried out is complex.
▪ What did you learn from the study? How would I apply it because I am studying a career that is linked to computer
▪ How might you apply the information in y science, it would be to increase my knowledge about MKW to see more
our academic training? specifically what is specified and to see the use it can have in companies or as
▪ How this study relate to your field a regular use.
of preparation?
Well, it's related to technology,

Bone, I have previously created programs for cell phones and with that I have
some knowledge about how difficult it can be to work for a cell phone.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 7

Arturo Gonzalez Garza
TITLE: Data mining fool’s gold
AREA: mining and networks in the world
CITATION: Smith, G. (2020). Data mining fool’s gold. Journal of Information Technology, 35(3), 182–194.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. treacherous (traicionero): guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
2. Investors (inversoras): a person or organization that puts money into financial
plans, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit.
3. fleeting (fugaz): lasting for a very short time.
4. struggles (luchas): make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or
5. language (idioma): the principal method of human communication, consisting of
words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or
6. algorithms (algoritmos): a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or
other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
7. data (datos): a symbolic representation of a quantitative or qualitative attribute or
variable. The data describe empirical facts, events, and institutions.
8. artificial intelligence (inteligencia artificial): the intelligence expressed by machines,
their processors, and their software, which would be analogous to the body, the
brain, and the mind, respectively, unlike the natural intelligence demonstrated by
humans and certain animals with complex brains.
9. mining (minería): to applying text mining methods to technical documents. For
patent analysis purposes, it is named 'patent mining'.
10. powerful (poderosa): having great power or strength.
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) The scientific method is based on rigorous testing of falsified assumptions. Data
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necce mining, on the other hand, uses data before theory, seeking statistical models rather
ssary background to the study and stat than limiting itself to conceived principles. For example, artificial intelligence and
e its purpose. systems learning often rely on data mining algorithms to create samples with little or
▪ Why was the study conducted? no human intervention.
▪ What was it about?
In this study, many tests and investigations were carried out corresponding to the
different approaches of the search, which were, for example, the collection of the
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) search data, the mining, and its value in the market. This is a topic with great
▪ describe the specifics of what this potential and currently it has been something with a very exponential growth since
study involved many brands, companies, billionaires, have decided to invest their resources in some
▪ Who were the subjects? cryptocurrencies, an example is "Bitcoin", in a matter of years it has had an extremely
▪ What was measured? large growth, being that in its beginnings it was something insignificant and nobody
▪ What was being compared? believed in it, but currently the people who acquired the currency are millionaires,
since it has a market value of 38,550.70USD each unit, and there are people who base
their work in investments in coins like that, because there is great growth and
recently many more coins have been created and they hope that they will have a very
high value in a short period of time and thus be able to multiply their money.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) In this investigation, several findings were found regarding the topics consulted,
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. which were, for example, Bitcoin.
▪ How useful or significant is this? Several investigations were made on the growth of a fact or an event to analyze the
▪ What did the author say about it? results, for example, on the "Twitter" social network, after the victory of the former
president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, it became An analysis of
the words he used the most, since for a period of 3 years the former president
tweeted an average of 10.64 posts a day and the words he used most frequently
were analyzed and the conclusion was reached that a One of the reasons could be
that he wanted to directly affect the stock market, since a person with so much world
influence could make many of his followers pay attention to him and thus control the

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) Data mining algorithms, often operating under the artificial intelligence label, are
▪ Summarize the researcher’s now widely used to uncover statistical patterns. However, for large data sets, bands,
conclusions. clusters, correlations, and other patterns are standard and are no exception. Data
▪ What was the major outcome of the st mining can reveal useful relationships, but the number of patterns that can be
udy? detected increases exponentially compared to the number that is useful. In other
words, the chances of a sample being useful will soon approach zero.

This study was very complete and interesting, it made me see some of the things in a
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) different way, from a more technological and informatic point of view, for example
with Twitter, what the former president, Donald Trump, did, was something that can
▪ What did you learn from the study? be taken from a strategic point of view or something more sophisticated, since he,
▪ How might you apply the information in y being a person with a very high audience (we are talking about millions of people all
our academic training? over the world) can do things in his favor or in favor of the company if that is the
▪ How this study relate to your field case. he plans them well, for example he can persuade people to buy a specific
of preparation? cryptocurrency and invest in it so that it rises in price and thus he can obtain a greater
reward when selling them since millions of people do what he proposed you will have
a rise in prices, and you will be able to sell them and multiply your money. A similar
case happened just about 1 year ago, which was that a movie rental company and
similar items was going bankrupt and people with a lot of money invested their
money so that the company was going to go bankrupt but the fans of the brand
bought many shares and made them rise in value and thus the businessmen lost very
large sums of money, although finally they made illegal deals with the law so as not to
lose so much money.
Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº:8
Emmanuel Cavazos Saavedra
TITLE: Social media in times of crisis: Learning from Hurricane Harvey for the coronavirus disease
2019 pandemic response

AREA: social media and community

CITATION: Mirbabaie, M., Bunker, D., Stieglitz, S., Marx, J., & Ehnis, C. (2020). Social media in times of
crisis: Learning from Hurricane Harvey for the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic response.
Journal of Information Technology, 35(3), 195–213.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. crises (crisis): any aspect of an organized but unstable
reality, subject to evolution; especially, the crisis of a structure.

2. outbreak (brote): the sudden or violent start of something

unwelcome, such as war, disease, etc.

3. development (Desarrollo): the process of developing or

being developed.

4. scaremongering (alarmismo): the spreading of frightening or

ominous reports or rumors.

5. platforms (plataformas): a raised level surface on which

people or things can stand.

6. organisations (organizaciones): an organized body of

people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society,
association, etc.

7. communities (comunidades): a group of people living in the

same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

8. bushfire (incendio forestal): a fire in scrub or a forest,

especially one that spreads rapidly.

9. flood (inundación): an overflowing of a large amount of

water beyond its normal confines, especially over what is
normally dry land.

10. distrust (desconfianza): the feeling that someone or

something cannot be relied upon.
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) In this study, several investigations have been carried out to know how
▪ give a brief introduction to give the neccess society thinks about it on certain issues in particular, giving as an example
ary background to the study and state its the most notorious of these years, covid 19, this small microscopic particle
purpose. has been the cause of all the The world has had to adapt to it and
▪ Why was the study conducted? everything that has happened in these years has been under its limitations,
▪ What was it about? since we have already seen what this virus is capable of and everyone is in
panic every time there is a wave of infections because they spread Very

Everything that has been done in this regard on the planet with the covid
19 virus has been very interesting, since many things have been adapted to
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) this new normality, for example, social networks have been very helpful in
▪ describe the specifics of what this st these years for the dissemination of information that is being given now
udy involved about possible outbreaks, more waves of infections, variants of the virus,
▪ Who were the subjects? the creation of the vaccine, etc.
▪ What was measured?
▪ What was being compared? In fact, this last one was too good a discovery for humanity since it allowed
us to continue a little with our lives before the virus and thanks to social
networks and the media, the news became known that the vaccines of
different countries were created and how they were distributed worldwide
for greater application to the entire population and thus be more

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Many of the results and the things that they investigated were that thanks
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. to all the networks and the media all the events, for example the hurricane,
▪ How useful or significant is this? have been changed and seen from a different perspective, since the same
▪ What did the author say about it? people who suffered in these events can give their point of view, their
experience, their perspective, etc., and thus many people can contribute in
some way in these cases, be it monetary or in any other possible way.

It is very good that thanks to technology and the media many things have
changed compared to before, that for example, some big event would take
place somewhere and only the people from the surroundings knew about
it, then the other people who were not from there they found out, but it
was because everything was being told from person to person.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) In this study, we apply the concept of understanding the field of crisis
▪ Summarize the researcher’s communication in social networks by analyzing the characteristics of the
conclusions. most influential roles that communicated during Hurricane Harvey on
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu Twitter. Authority and web content are common to these influential roles.
dy? Both the network regulator and the content authority are significant
factors that make sense. Our findings are relevant for several reasons
related to the current COVID-19 crisis.
Everything in this life is useful for something, that is how many believe it
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) and that makes sense, the coronavirus has made us appreciate how
important family is, the value that is placed on it and affection, also how
▪ What did you learn from the study? favorable it is to have good health , doing a balanced diet, a little exercise
▪ How might you apply the information in your and the most important thing I have seen in these years is hygiene,
academic training? something super simple that is a correct hand washing is very important
▪ How this study relate to your field since many diseases can be prevented, as well as the use of the face mask,
of preparation? before it was very rare for people to use it, it was mostly for hospital use,
but thanks to this we have realized that they are of great help when we
want to protect ourselves and others, not only referring to the coronavirus
but more diseases, for example the flu, which thanks to the mask is easier
to contain and thus infect fewer people.
A very important fact is that technology has made many of our activities
that we carry out day by day a little easier with the new normality, for
example, working from home, is something that was not done very often
before, but now It's something super normal.
Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº:9
Emmanuel Cavazos Saavedra
TITLE: Redesigning an Introductory Programming Course to Facilitate Effective Student Learning: A Case Study
AREA: Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice •
april 2022, van

Lexicon: (10 words)

. Background(Antecedentes)= In computing terms, Background, background or
background is used to name all those processes or execution routines that are
carried out in the background

Contribution(contribusion)= A contribution is a tax that must be paid by the

taxpayer or beneficiary of an economic benefit, whose justification is that the
taxpayer obtains a benefit or an increase in value.

Framework (marco) a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or

decide something

Supports (apoyar) to help someone, often when they are having problems

METHODOLOGY(metodología)= Set of methods that are followed in a scientific

investigation, a study or a doctrinal exposition

Thinking (reflexión) the activity of using your mind to consider something

Reports(informes) Oral or written statement about the state of a thing or a person, about
the circumstances surrounding an event, etc.

Contribution(contribusion)= A contribution is a tax that must be paid by the

taxpayer or beneficiary of an economic benefit, whose justification is that the
taxpayer obtains a benefit or an increase in value.

ACTIVITIES TO ADVANCE(Actividades para avanzar)= Learning activities are the

different tasks or exercises that a person or a group of them carry out with the
purpose of advancing the learning process

Findings(recomendaciones)= Recommendation is the action and consequence

of recommending (suggesting something, giving advice

INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) Background
▪ give a brief introduction to give the Many instructors want to create or redesign their courses to strengthen the relationship
neccessary background to the study between teaching and learning; however, the researchers of this study believe that the
and state its purpose. concept of Student Ownership of Learning (SOL) connects to student engagement and
achievement in the classroom setting. The researchers redesigned the introductory
▪ Why was the study conducted? programming course to include valuable teaching methods to increase Student
▪ What was it about? Ownership of Learning and constructive approaches such as making students design an
authentic mobile app project as individuals, partners, or within teams. The high quality of
students’ projects positioned them as consultants to the university IT department..

This study reports the outcome of how a first pilot semester introductory programming
course was designed to provide tangible evidence in support of the concept of Student
Ownership of Learning (SOL) and how the outcomes of this programming course
facilitate effective student learning.

This paper employs a case study design to construct a qualitative research method as it
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) relates to the phenomenon of the study’s goals and lived experiences of students in the
▪ describe the specifics of what this redesigned introductory programming course. The redesigned course was marketed to
students as a new course with detailed description and elements that were different from
study involved
▪ Who were the subjects? The traditional computer science introductory programming course requirement
▪ What was measured? he redesigned introductory programming course was offered in two sections: one section
with 14 registered students and the other section with 15 registered students. One faculty
▪ What was being compared? member instructed both sections of the course. A total of 29 students signed up for the
newly redesigned introductory programming course, more than in previous semesters,
but two students dropped out within the first two weeks of the redesigned course making
a total of 27 students

The second part of the semester focuses on students designing a non-trivial working
mobile app and presenting their developing mobile app at a significant public competition
at the end of the semester. Students developed significantly complex mobile apps and
incorporated more complex functionality in their apps. Both Management Information
System (MIS) major students and Computer Science major students were in the same
course despite the fact that MIS students had never taken a programming course before;
however, the Computer Science students had taken at least one course of programming.


▪ Discuss the major findings and results. Faced with poor student performance and high major dropout rates in the
▪ How useful or significant is this? Management Information System (MIS) academic program due to a required
▪ What did the author say about it? computer science programming course, faculty responded by designing and
implementing an entirely new course that focus on increasing student
engagement and performance through the application of the concept of
Student Ownership of Learning (SOL). While this is likely an issue in many MIS
departments, the problem is not only limited to MIS or even the U.S. In many
countries, students who are required to take programming courses often
respond negatively, even those in related fields like MIS or engineering
(Figueiredo & García-Peñalvo, 2019). In fact, research studies show that many
students commonly have serious difficulties with learning to program (Robins
et al., 2003; Hadjerrouit, 2008; Pacheco et al., 2008) and even computer
science majors sometimes lack sufficient understanding of fundamental
concepts to write simple programs (Eckerdal, 2009). In addition, as required
programming courses become more widespread for students at all levels and
in many non-technical fields, this problem is likely to grow. In the UK alone,
programming courses are required for students from age 5 and up (Brown et
al., 2014). Fifteen EU European countries (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Spain, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, UK ‘England’) are already offering coding programming in
their school curriculum along with plans to develop more (EURACTIV, 2015). At
the primary school level, nine EU European countries (Estonia, France, Spain,
Slovakia, UK ‘England’) have already integrated or (Belgium ‘Flanders’, Finland,
Poland, Portugal) are in the process of integrating coding, and at the secondary
school level general education, twelve EU European countries (Austria,
Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Poland,
Slovakia, Spain, UK ‘England’) have already integrated or are in the process of
integrating coding (EURACTIV, 2015).


▪ Summarize the researcher’s The goal was to design a new programming course for non-programmers from
conclusions. the ground up based on the model of Student Ownership of Learning (SOL).
▪ What was the major outcome of t The researchers chose this model as one that would increase student
achievement. The researchers also targeted creating a more positive attitude
he study?
in students to the programming course. The researchers assessed the pilot run
of the course appeared to do these things. The methods the researchers
implemented in order to increase SOL appeared to have the desired effect of
increasing SOL.

Students told the researchers that they felt they learned more in the course
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) than in most courses,
something that Thibodeaux et al., had found in their study of SOL (2019b). Was
▪ What did you learn from the study? this due to the
▪ How might you apply the informatio
n in your academic training? heavy use of SOL-oriented strategies? In this pilot, the researchers believe that
▪ How this study relate to your field this could be the case.
of preparation? On one team, one of their members was a self-acclaimed programming hater
initially; regardless,

stayed together with the team, started an LLC, and tried to go public with their

The team spoke to several organizations that were interested in buying it as a

prototype. This appears

to indicate that these students had incorporated their object of ownership in

the course; programming learning and their app into their own self-identity.
The faculty continued for two more semesters to help them outside of class to
refine and extend

their app. They also showed strong mastery of the material, and their desire to
take it to the next level

likely reflected a high self-efficacy with the content. They had obviously taken
control and were driving the process of taking their app to market long after
they were required to interact with the app.

All of these elements were predicted by SOL and ownership in general and
seemed to be evident in

many students (Pierce et al., 2003).

Although there was not a direct way to compare students achievement in the
pilot with other students in the old course; the level of application of
programming concepts and skills in the project

apps built by students in the new course was remarkable. It is likely that SOL
was increased in these

students in the new course, something which has been shown to move
students beyond a superficial

demonstration of content understanding towards demonstration of the

mastery and true understanding required to apply the content.

As the old course did not have any assignments at this high of a level, the
researchers suspect that the

learning done by most of the students in this course was likely much deeper
and of higher level than

in the old course.

Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº: 10

TITLE: Platforms as service ecosystems: Lessons from social media
AREA: Social media
CITATION: Alaimo, C., Kallinikos, J., & Valderrama, E. (2020). Platforms as service ecosystems: Lessons
from social media. Journal of Information Technology, 35(1), 25–48.
Lexicon: (10 words) • Networking (redes): Refers to a set of independent computer
systems connected to each other.
• Data (datos): A datum is a document, information or a testimony
that allows to come to the knowledge of something or to deduce
the legitimate consequences of a fact
• Social media (medios de comunicación social): Are online
communication platforms where the content is created by the
users themselves through the use of Web 2.0.
• Complementarities(complementariedades): Set of characteristics
that make one thing complement another.
• Platform ecosystem (ecosistema de plataforma): This digital
ecosystem is largely based on a "data first" approach to harness
customer insights to further sell or design new offerings based on
the data generated.
• Digital platform (Plataforma): A digital platform is a place on the
Internet, portal or cybersite, which is used to store different types
of information, both personal and business level.
• Data-based services (servicios basados en datos): they can create
channels that allow them to be moved from one extreme to
another without interruptions.
• Social networking (redes sociales): A social network is a social
structure composed of a set of actors and one or more defined ties
or relationships between them.
• User participation (participación del usuario): It could be defined as
all those factors and elements that intervene in the interaction of a
user with a specific environment or device.
• commercial operation (Operación commercial): They refer to the
different daily activities a company engages in to increase its value
and profit margins.
SUMMARY Social networking within business is currently changing its identity and
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) transforming networking data, and content sharing practices with social
▪ give a brief introduction to give the neccess networking partnerships. They were checking the changes in the context of
ary TripAdivisor and its evolution since its creation. And they focused on three stages
background to the study and state its purp that they identified as: search engine, social media platform, and end-to-end
ose. service ecosystem.
▪ Why was the study conducted? This was done to see how it affected the growth of social media businesses with
▪ What was it about? TripAdvisor.

PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) The complicated thing that they had with TripAdvisor is that to understand social
▪ describe the specifics of what this study media platforms is something relevant, since they are transforming into
involved ecosystems of services.
▪ Who were the subjects? Some ecosystem participants were: Adner and Jacobides et al.
They found that ecosystem formation is driven by specific complementarities, to
▪ What was measured?
reinforce value between various ecosystem participants. In previous research
▪ What was being compared?
they found that these complementarities were achieved by the systematic
exploitation of different types of data.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Users have tended to play down the structural, technological, and
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. economic forces that have been driving the evolution of social media. The
▪ How useful or significant is this? result is depending on the expansion of business operations and
▪ What did the author say about it? participation in the industry of key social media players. Well, if it can be
something useful for the commercial side since this will bring more people
and increase their sales through participation.
The author affirms that his study makes an important qualification of the
theories and the technological conditions on the basis of which such
complementarities arise or are formed.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) TripAdvisor's evolution and its economic success are closely related to the
▪ Summarize the researcher’s practices of generating data and using this data to support and realize
conclusions. many services that require crossing organizational and industry
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu boundaries. By tracing the trajectories of these elements,
dy? our study reconstitutes the developments that led to the formation of the
TripAdvisor services ecosystem in a broader context of technological and
cultural conditions.
The ability of a platform to assemble these kinds of data-driven services is
an important precondition for the development of data
complementarities and the formation of business relationships that lead
to the formation of ecosystems.
existing ecosystem theories by revealing the role of data
complementarities and the technological conditions based on which such
complementarities arise or form in this hyper-technological age. If we're
Data-driven service ecosystems and the data complementarity practices
on which they are based are likely to lead to the emergence and
innovation of larger-scale cross-industry ecosystems. And I also help
understand the developments that transcend TripAdvisor
What I learned from this study was that social networks can be dangerous as
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) they can change your identity and use it for other things, although today social
networks are essential in our lives.
▪ What did you learn from the study? Thanks to that we have been able to evolve social networks, now businesses and
▪ How might you apply the information in yo industries have key players in social networks.
ur academic training?
▪ How this study relate to your field How I would apply that information in my academic training would be like
of preparation? creating a social network where every student who is studying or studying has
the privilege of having contact or communication with students of all kinds of
degrees and careers,

being able to have a place to apply for a job as a student and that they can see a
part of our information that is not such privacy for a hiring. Since they could see
our Kardex as we are doing, if they believe that we can contribute something to
their company with the knowledge that we have been taking throughout our

Well, this study can be related through all the evolution that social networks
have had, I explain myself more, currently we have an email where students and
teachers can check all types of email specified to our study, whether it is a class,
a Meeting on a specific talk,

among other things and apart from that we have teams that is just like a social

Student’s name: Arturo Gonzalez Garza ARTICLE Nº: 11

TITLE: Platforms as service ecosystems: Lessons from social media

AREA: Digital networks and community

CITATION: Alaimo, C., Kallinikos, J., & Valderrama, E. (2020). Platforms as service ecosystems: Lessons from
social media. Journal of Information Technology, 35(1), 25–48.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. growing (creciente): (of a living thing) undergoing natural
development by increasing in size and changing physically.
2. networking (redes): the action or process of interacting with
others to exchange information and develop professional or
social contacts.
3. ecosystem (ecosistema): a complex network or
interconnected system.
4. business (negocio): an organization or enterprising entity
engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
5. economy (economía): the wealth and resources of a
country or region, especially in terms of the production and
consumption of goods and services.
6. underpin (apuntalar): support (a building or other structure)
from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level or
by substituting stronger for weaker materials.
7. organizations (organizaciones): an organized body of
people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society,
association, etc.
8. synergies (sinergias): the interaction or cooperation of two
or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce
a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate
9. development (desarrollo): the process of developing or
being developed.
10. involvement (intervención): the fact or condition of being
involved with or participating in something.
SUMMARY Throughout this study and the research that has been done
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) over recent years, we have realized the great growth that has
▪ give a brief introduction to give the nec emerged from social networks, having many approaches in
cessary background to the study and our day to day, for example in the social sphere you can have
state its purpose. chats with friends or anyone you want even if the person is on
▪ Why was the study conducted? the other side of the planet and this is thanks to social networks
▪ What was it about? and all the technological development that has been

Also in the workplace, many facilities have emerged and a lot

of help for people who know how to use them wisely, making
the search for a job much easier than in the past, now you can
contact and even do the job interview through of the internet
and thus avoid the complex and tedious things of before.
In its research and development, a study named "TripAdvisor"
was carried out, which was identified and characterized by the
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) development of various types of services and communication
▪ describe the specifics of what this with different participants in the platform environment. While
they generally support different types of resource sharing, often
study involved
these links generate specific types of data that support
▪ Who were the subjects?
TripAdvisor and its services in different ways.
▪ What was measured? In the years 2000-2004, TripAdvisor functioned primarily as a
▪ What was being compared? search engine. This is evidenced by the development of search
and advertising services, indicating that TripAdvisor is
becoming a search database and travel advertising platform.
The second phase is closely related to the development of
mobile social networking features and cross-platform
communication. Although the first social media features were
implemented in 2004, it wasn't until early 2006 that TripAdvisor
began to present itself as a user-generated content platform.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Many investigations that have been done on the subject or
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. related have reached similar conclusions or that are aimed at
▪ How useful or significant is this? the same since these are topics on which many of the people
▪ What did the author say about it? and researchers have similarities in thoughts and thanks to that
they can be reached. to similar conclusions.
The author did several investigations and in them sr can reach
conclusions which lead to the fact that all social networks that
have been created to date and those that have been
improved over time, for example snapchat, have been
created for social purposes. very good and with many
functions today and thanks to these creations many of the
needs of the human being were satisfied.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) We contribute to the platform and documentation of the

▪ Summarize the researcher’s ecosystem by promoting the concept of data-driven services,
conclusions. which are complex and dynamic sets of different types of data
▪ What was the major outcome of the that describe, define, and modify the relationships of
study? ecosystem participants. The platform's ability to collect this
type of data-driven service is an important prerequisite for the
development of complementary data and the establishment
of business relationships that lead to the formation of an
ecosystem. Data complementarity, which underlies the
creation of ecosystems, results from the complex interactions
between current methods of common data production and
use and the evolution of platform-specific strategies and
functions. Such interactions continue and continue to build the
infrastructure as well as the broader cultural and technological
environments in which individual ecosystems are embedded.
Without a doubt, many of the creations of the human being have been
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) wonderful, although many others were not at all and caused many
tragedies, but some of the creations that were a complete success and
have been very helpful and perhaps it is something necessary in our lives
▪ What did you learn from the study?
today is the internet.
▪ How might you apply the information in Thanks to the internet and everything that encompasses it, our community
your academic training? is at this point today, many of the things we see around us, however simple
▪ How this study relate to your field or simple they may seem, use the internet, or were created thanks to it, in
of preparation? addition to the internet has led to many more creations to humanity, for
example social networks. This is a great creation created just a couple of
decades ago to meet a human need, one of the best known cases is that of
"Facebook", which was created by Mark Zuckerberg so that people on his
campus could have conversations among them in a faster and more
comfortable way, this is how it started with the creation of the company
and in just a few years it evolved in a gigantic way and nowadays everyone
knows what Facebook is or if not one of its social networks that are
attached to it, and soon there will be an entire digital universe to be able to
be in augmented reality. One of the most surprising creations from my
point of view.
Student’s name: ARTICLE Nº:12
Emmanuel Cavazos Saavedra

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