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Deadlands classic 20th anniversary edition core rulebook pdf

Classic never goes out of fashion! With the 20th Anniversary Edition of Deadlands Classic you can posse the Weird West, 'classic' style, stay ridin' ! The first edition of the award-winning Deadlands hit shelves in 1996 - this 20th Anniversary Edition reprints the revised and best version of the rules system, complete with a Conversion Guide, so Classic
Marshals can use all Plot Point Campaigns, including Good Intentions, to drive their spook rock feverish dreams. © 1996-2014,, Inc. or its affiliates This is a list of publications released for the role-playing game Deadlands: The Weird West, published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The game was originally released using its own custom rules
and has since been published using the d20 system, GURPS and Savage Worlds rules. The Deadlands world was expanded with a post-apocalyptic setting titled Deadlands: Hell on Earth; a list of the publications for this institution can be found here. Deadlands: The Weird West The original Deadlands system used a custom set of rules and was published by
Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Core Rulebooks Title Description Publication Year Deadlands: The Weird West Roleplaying Game Core rulebook 1996 The Quick & the Dead Expanded general rules 1997 Tales o' Terror: 1877 Expanded setting detail, progress in-game chronology a year 1998 Weird West Player's Guide Core rulebook 1999 Marshal's
Handbook Core rulebook 1999 Deadlands Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Core Rulebook Core rulebook 2017 Character Classes Title Description Publication Year Book o' the Dead New rules for playing undead characters 1997 Ghost Dancers Expanded rules for playing shamans characters 1998 Hucksters & Hexes Extensive rules for playing
magical characters 1998 Fire & Brimstone Extended Rules for Played Blessed and Sacred Characters 1998 Law Dogs Expanded Rules for Playing Law Enforcement Characters 1998 Lone Stars: the Texas Rangers New Rules for Playing Texas Ranger Characters 2001 The Agency: Men in Black Dusters New Rules for Playing Agency Characters 2003
Locations Title Description Year The Great Maze Boxed set including cards and a rulebook with the labyrinth of gorges that was once California, an adventure, and rules for martial arts characters 1997 City o' Gloom Boxed set of maps and information for setting up adventures in Salt Lake City, as well as advanced rules for mechanical augmentations and a
game called skullchucker 1997 Lost Angels Maps and information for setting up adventures in Los Angeles 1998 River o' Blood Boxed set including maps and rulebooks for setting up adventures in New Orleans or on a Mississippi riverboat, as well as an adventure and rules for voodoo 1998 Back East: The North Maps and information for setting adventures
in the states of America 1999 Back East: The South Maps and information for setting adventures in the Southern states of America 1999 Doomtown or Bust! Kaarten en informatie voor het plaatsen van avonturen in de stad Gomorra, Gomorra, a tie-in with the Deadlands: Doomtown collectible card game) 1999 South o' the Border Maps and information for
setting up adventures in Mexico 1999 Boomtowns Boxed set with descriptions of different cities, an adventure, and tiles for designing new cities for use in Deadlands of Great Rail Wars. 2000 The Collegium Information for setting adventures in the Distinguished Collegium of Interspatial Physics, as well as new inventions and elaborate rules for Mad Scientist
characters 2000 The Great Weird North Maps and information for setting adventures in Canada 2002 Adventures Title Description Publication Year The Forbidden God An adventure in the Utah Salt Flats which pits the players against the crew of a haunted Spanish Galleon. 1998 Devils Tower 1: The Road to Hell The first part of a high-level adventure in
Salt Lake City. 1998 Devils Tower 2: Heart o' Darkness The second part of the Devil's Tower adventure 1998 Devils Tower 3: Fortress o' Fear The epic Devil's Tower adventure comes to its end 1998 Canyon o' Doom An adventure that sends the players in search of the city of Ghouls in the depths of the Grand Canyon. 1999 Bloody Ol' Muddy An ancient evil
awakens under the waters of the Mississippi 1999 Ghost Busters A top cop, known only as the Ghost, is kidnapped from Gomorrah, and the posse tracks him down. 2000 Rain o' Terror A Mad Scientist's airship is stolen, along with a weapon of terrible power, and the posse must race against time to get it back. 2000 Dead Presidents The posse begins
investigating suspicious activity in Gomorrah and eventually becomes involved in a massive, nationwide conspiracy. 2000 Dime Novels Deadlands Dime Novels were works of short fiction, mainly with the undeclared gunslinger Ronan Lynch, which also contained maps and statistics that gamemasters could use to incorporate elements of the story into their
game. Perdition's Daughter Details Ronan's background and his fight against an evil cult. 1996 Independence Day Ronan is hired by Wyatt Earp and Batt Masterton to keep the peace in Dodge City on July 4. 1996 Night Train Ronan is located aboard the legendary haunted Night Train. Includes a screenplay for Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars. Under a
Harrowed Moon pt. (1997) 1: Strange Bedfellow's Ronan must ally with a pack of werewolves against a common foe in an official crossover with White Wolf's Werewolf: The Wild West setting 1997 Under a Harrowed Moon pt. 2: Savage Passage Ronan and his companions cross worlds from the Weird West to the Savage West along with their werewolf
companions 1998 Under a Harrowed Moon pt. 3 : Ground Zero The conclusion of the trilogy; Both worlds are at stake as the heroes take on the evil Dr. Hellstromme. Includes a tie-in scenario for Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars. Worms of 1998! Ronan is located in the city of Hilton Nevada, which is on the verge of destruction by Mojave Rattlers, huge
underground sandworms. Adios, A-Mi-Go! (1998) Find Ronan oog in oog met de verschrikkingen van de Cthulhu mythos in een officiële cross-over met Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu 1998 Skinners Ronan moet vechten tegen een horror die hem levend wil villen op een spookachtige Mississippi rivierboot. 1999 Diverse titelbeschrijving Jaar Marshal Law
Package met een GM-scherm, herziene karakterbladen en twee nieuwe avonturen 1996 Smith & Robards Aanvullende apparatuur en uitvindingen 1997 Rascals, Varmints & Critters Catalogus van monsters en antagonisten 1998 Twisted Tales Notebook voor spelers om notities bij te houden over hun avonturen, evenals een set uitgebreide
karakterbladen 1998 Hexarcana Aanvullende regels voor huckster personages evenals nieuwe spreuken 1999 Marshal's Log Notebook voor Marshal (GM) om avonturennotities en NPC details 1999 Rascals , Varmints & Critters II: The Book of Curses Catalogue of monsters and antagonists 2000 The Black Circle: Unholy Alliance Information on a
conspiracy among a number of Deadlands villains, including Black River, the Bayou Vermillion, and the Whateley family 2000 Cardstock Cowboys Cardstock Cowboys were a line of 3D stand-up figures that could be used for miniature-based combat in Deadlands games , verkrijgbaar in een reeks themapakketten. Titelbeschrijving Publicatie Jaar Starter
Pack Een basisset standups die overeenkomen met de beginnende archetypen en gemeenschappelijke vijanden van het hoofdspel Horrors of the Weird West Standups of all monsters from both volumes of Rascals, Varmints & Critters Infernal Devices Standups for a wide variety of mechanical constructions Fiction Title Description Publication Year A
Fistful O' Dead Guys A collection of short stories set in the Deadlands setting 1999 For A Few Dead Guys More A second collection of short verhalen die zich afspelen in de Deadlands setting 1999 The Good, The Bad, and The Dead De laatste verzameling korte verhalen die zich afspeelt in de Deadlands setting 1999 Deadlands: The Weird West d20 In
2001 produceerde Wizards of the Coast een set Deadlands rulebooks met behulp van hun d20 systeem. Titelbeschrijving Year Deadlands: d20 Core rulebook 2001 Horrors o' the Weird West Catalogue of monsters and antagonists 2001 The Way of the Brave Expanded rules for playing Native American characters 2001 The Way of the Dead Expanded rules
for playing undead characters 2001 The Way of the Gun Expanded rules for playing gunslinger characters 2001 The Way of the Huckster Expanded rules for playing magical characters 2001 The Way of the New Science Expanded rules for playing Mad Scientist 2001 The Way of the Righteous Expanded rules for played blessed and holy characters 2001
Deadlands Reloaded In 2006 begon Pinnacle Entertainment Group opnieuw deadlands te publiceren met behulp van hun Savage Worlds-regels, onder de naam Deadlands: Reloaded. Het vereist het originele Savage Worlds rulebook om te gebruiken. In 2012 begonnen ze ook savage worlds rulebooks te publiceren voor de Hell on Earth setting. Title
description Publication Year player manual Key rule book for players. Does Savage Worlds contain rules for the setting up and updating the in-game year until 1879. Available in both standard format and smaller Explorer's Edition 2006 Marshal's Handbook Core rulebook for gamemasters. Includes Savage Worlds rules for the Deadlands setting and updates
the in-game year until 1879. Available in both standard format and smaller Explorer's Edition 2006 Adventures Savage Worlds adventures come in two formats - Savage Tales, which are designed as standalone adventures, and Plot Point campaigns, which are looser in design and consist of a series of standalone adventures that connect and build together
over time to a climax, with the intention of woven smaller events at the GM's discretion. Image caption Publication Year Coffin Rock A Savage Tale which finds the posse in the tiny town of Coffin Rock as all hell breaks loose 2008 Don't Drink the Water A Savage Tale in which the posse travels to Mexico, the foreign legion avoids and becomes embroiled in a
revolution 2009 Doomtown: A Fight They'll Never Forget Set in the fallout of a conspiracy that leads to the very public murders of Roderick Byre and Wilbur Crowley—Gomorrah's latest mayoral candidates. This takes place prior to the Plot Point Campaign The Flood. The Flood A Plot Point campaign involving the posse in the Great Rail Wars and the battle to
secure California's ghost rock stocks, taking on the evil Reverend Grimme. Includes new rules for martial arts and steamships, as well as extensive details about california's Great Maze. 2009 Murder on the Hellstromme Express The posse ends up on a train full of Mad Scientists, travels to Kansas Scientific Exposition and all competes for a contract with
Hellstromme Industries 2009 Night Train 2: For Whom the Whistle Blows A sequel to the classic Deadlands adventure Night Train. Baron LaCroix returns with a revitalised terror weapon and a new plan to win the Great Rail Wars 2010 Saddle Sore A series of encounters and short adventures designed for use as the posse travels from one point in the Weird
West to another 2010 Devil's Night A Savage Tale is set in Wichita, Kansas, where several people have fallen into a coma , and the locals claim that the devil comes to claim their souls. The adventure was released as a free PDF and requires the Savage Worlds Horror Companion. 2011 Blood Drive 1: Bad Times on the Goodnight The first part of the Blood
Drive campaign, in which the posse joins a cattle drive that spans the length of the Rare West. The three modules can be played as separate adventures or one after the other. 2012 Blood Drive 2: High Plains Drovers The second part of the Blood Drive campaign 2012 Guess Whose Coming To Donner The posse trips to Truckee Pass in the Sierra Nevadas
to locate a missing party, and find themselves error of cannibalistic locals 2012 The Last Sons A Plot Point campaign that posse in the ongoing war between Native American and government factions in the disputed territories. Areas. extensive rules for shaman figures and extensive new details about The Agency and the Texas Rangers, as well as several
standalone Savage Tales, including a reloaded conversion of the classic Deadlands adventure Night Train. 2012 Return to Manitou Bluff Clover Mesa, better known as Manitou Bluff, was once the dumping ground for the dregs of the Great Maze, and now that a mother lead of Ghost Rock has been discovered, the Wasatch Rail Corporations, Kang's Triad
and more are going to war for it. 2012 Blood Drive 3: Range War! The closure of the Blood Drive campaign. 2012 A Tale of Two Killers Dead Men Walkin' This is Shane Hensley's personal convention adventure that he usually performs by invitation, only for players looking for a little more abuse and chaos than usual. Stone and a Hard Place The third
Servitor Plot Point Campaign. Stone and a Hard Place describes the strange places, characters from the American Southwest, offers new edges and skills for Harrowed and hexslingers, new setting rules to mimic the grip of death on land, Savage Tales, horrors and a Plot Point Campaign placing a posse against Stone! Good intentions The fourth and final
Servitor Plot Point Campaign. It's about Dr. Hellstromme's plans in the Nation of Deseret. It includes rules for new and improved Blessed, Metal Mages, new equipment, hellish appliances and steam magnifications. It also has details about strange places in and around the City o' Gloom, an Adventure Generator adapted for the region, a herd of new Savage
Tales. Dangerous Packages: All Purty Little Horses This adventure introduces a series of One Sheet adventures. Twilight Protocol Texas Rangers and U.S. Agents team up to unravel one of Hellstromme's plots, and your posse gets caught up in the crossfire! Paradise Lost An unplanned train rolls into the station, it brings hell - maybe not the one you'd
expect given the author of this nightmare, John Night Train Goff. Knights Without Armor A veterans adventure set alongside the Mexican boarder. One Sheet adventures Title Description Eyes like embers Four specimens of a new type of nosferatu are at large in an S&R train yard. ... Is that you? An exciting story when your pistoleros go through the
Spotswood Trading Post in Roswell. Mound of Doom An adventure against giant ants. Dangerous packages: Deliver ruckus to Worm Creek Packages for the Smith & Robards' Express Delivery Service Dangerous Packages: Delivering Salt o' the Earth Packages for the Smith & Robards' Express Delivery Service Shotgun Wedding After chasing
the Shaw Gang to Canyon Diablo, cowpox is in a rail war! Confrontation in Canyon Diablo After chasing the Shaw Gang to Canyon Diablo, cowpox is in a rail war! Strike breakers A strike leader has Need. Soul-Stealer Box, The This tale is a difficult story, Marshal! To succeed, your heroes must use wit and muscle. Locations Title Description Publication year
Publication year Guide #1 - Newfoundland: Rock of Ages Information, maps, and adventure ideas for locations in Newfoundland Trail Guide: The Great Northwest Information, maps, various Savage Tales, and a mini Plot Point campaign in Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. 2010 Trail Guide: South o' the Border Information, maps and adventure
ideas for locations in Mexico, including several Savage Tales and a mini Plot Point campaign 2010 Trail Guide: Weird White North Information, maps and adventures across the north, including Alaska and British Columbia 2011 Trail Guides: Volume I An omnibus containing The Great Northwest, South o' the Border and Weird White North 2012 Ghost Towns
Maps and information about seven small towns around the Weird West, as well as rules and tools to quickly create new cities. 2012 Fiction Title Description Publication Year Beast of Fire A Dime Novel in which the posse is caught between the Menominee Indians of North Wisconsin and the manitou preying on them. Contains statistics for playing the original
Deadlands, d20 and Savage Worlds rules. 2005 Deadshot A Dime Novel featuring the city of Hoba Hills, which hosts a quickdraw contest involving the posse. Only Savage World's rules are provided. 2006 Frostbite A Dime Novel - In a small town on Mount Frostbite, the posse has to solve a series of murders that can lead to an old evil in the city's history.
Only Savage World's rules are provided. 2006 Deluge: A Novel of the Flood A novelization of the Deadlands: The Flood plot-point campaign by John Goff 2008 Miscellaneous Title Description Publication Year Marshal's Screen A gamemaster's screen with quick reference tables on the back. Comes with the Hellstromme Express Savage Tale murder. 2009
1880 Smith Robards Catalog Extensive Equipment List and New Rules for Mad Science and Steam Enhancements, as well as backstory on the Smith & Robards corporation 2011 Map Pack 1: Temple of the Sun A detailed map of an Aztec temple for use in miniature battles 2012 Conversion Guide Convert between Reloaded and Classic Deadlands
Skullchucker Arena Combat Map A 24 by 30 inch Skulluckerch map with a 1 grid. Blood, Sweat, and Gears: The Chase Atmospheric original music for Deadlands: Good Intentions. Cackler Graphic Novel The Cackler is looking for a blood relative who can change the face of Deadlands forever. Art of the Weird West The amazing art that has shown us this
ferocious world of six cannons, sorcery, monsters and magic! Archetypes Each publication contains several pre-generated characters with art, background, and statistics. Title Description Heroes o' Gloom Archetypes Six archetypes fit for the City o' Gloom. Lone Killers of the Southwest Five deadly real shooters. Stone and a Hard Place: The Tombstone
Seven Seven characters ready to play Stone and a Hard Place Deadlands Noir Men (Kickstarter Exclusive Dime Novel) (2012); PDF) GURPS Deadlands Also in 2001 2001 rulebooks using the GURPS system were released under license by Steve Jackson Games Title Description Publication year GURPS Deadlands: Weird West Core rulebook 2001 Dime
Novel 1 - Aces and Eights 2001 Dime Novel 2 - Wanted: Undead or Alive 2 01 Hexes Expanded rules for magical characters 2002 Varmints Catalogue of monsters and antagonists 2003 Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars was a skirmish oriented miniature game produced by Pinnace Entertainment Group for the Deadlands
setting. The following are the rulebooks and extensions published for the game. Title description Publication year Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars Boxed set including the core rule book, thumbnails and cards needed to start playing. 1997 Reinforcements Additional copies of the unit cards in the original boxed set, as well as blank troop cards for creating new
units. 1997 Derailed Adds rules for oversized land, air and sea platforms, as well as trains, including required troop maps, upgrade cards and counters. 1998 A Fist Full of Ghost Rock Contains extensive rules for duels, experience and veteran troops, as well as a number of new scenarios. 1998 Dogs o' War Adds a number of new troops for each faction, as
well as a new scenario that follows one of those included in A Fist Full of Ghost Rock 1998 Cry Havoc Adds two new hero classes, as new spells, Harrowed powers, gizmos, Edges and Hindrances. Adds new rules for battlefields, dueling and weather effects. 1998 High Noon 2000 Raid on Roswell A scenario focused on mysterious flying disc seen above
Fort 51, and the race between the various Rail Barons to secure its mysteries for itself. 2001 Novels Deluge: A Novel of the Flood, a novelization of the Deadlands: The Flood plot-point campaign (by John Goff, 2008) Comics Deadlands One Shot (Pinnacle and Image Comics, 1999) Deadlands: Black Water (Pinnacle, Image Comics and Visionary Comics,
2012) Deadlands: Death was Silent (Pinnacle, Image Comics and Visionary Comics, 2012) Deadlands: Massacre at Red Wing (Pinnacle, Image Comics and Visionary Comics, 2012) Deadlands: The Devil's Six Gun (Pinnacle, Image Comics and Visionary Comics, 2012) Deadlands: The Kid (Pinnacle, Visionary Comics, 2012) Other Fist Full Of Zombies - an
All Flesh Must Be Eaten sourcebook with conversion notes from Deadlands to Unisystem (Eden Studios, 2004) External links Pinnacle Entertainment Group, present Deadlands publisher. References [1], [2], [3], [4] Retrieved from

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