M36-Fresh Water Generator

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DRAWING FINAL $-1218 FRESH WATER GENERATOR PLAN_HISTORY (0. | DATE | REV. MAR DESCRIPTION N DRAWN | CHECKED [APPROVED] CONTENTS FOR FINAL ILE DWG._NO. 25TON/DAY FRESH WATER GENERATOR DHFG-G15380 (_) SHEET WITH A COVER DengHwa Entec °°": : $-1209/10/17/18 HEAD OFFICE & FACTORY PROJECT NAME 1575-6, SONGJEONG-DONG, KANGSEO—KU, BUSAN, KOREA MAIN PHONE : (051) 970-1070 FAX : (051) 970-1071 SEQUL OFFICE | CLASS : GL. #1516 CHANSIL.1-SPACE, 1110 SINCHEON-DONG, 'SONGPA-CU SEOUL 138-260, KOREA PHONE (02) 431-4707 FAX : (02) 421-4708 REV. MARK = : | CHECKED: pf 8. TX. APPROVED : | DRAWN S.H.KIM, i ‘SAVE. NAME Technical Specification for Fresh Water Generator FOR 25TPD F.W.GENERATOR Desalinator unit Blank 1 | Type SFD 13 / 25 2 | Capacity 25m? | 24 br 3. | Satinity 0 = 10 ppm 4 | Distillate ‘pump, motor 0.75 kw [1.2 m*/ br at 30m 5_| Electric supply i 3+ 440 V, 60 Hz 6__| Weight in dry! working approx. ( 650 | 900 ) kg Heating medium for the evaporator [1 Trtow rate of jacket water 54m? / hr 2 | inlet temperature 80 ; 3} Max. operation pressure 6.0 Kglem2 - G 4__| Pressure drop 0.4 Kolom2 - G 5 | Heat consumption, approx. 750 kw(=645000kcaVn) 6 | Blank é Cooling medium for the condenser 1__| Flow rate of sea water 58m? / hr 2 | inlet temperature : av 3__| Max. operation pressure 6.0 Kglom2-G 4 | Pressure drop 0.4 Kglem2- G Seawater pump for ejector(Yard supply) 1 | Type Centritugal 2 | Capacity 58 m*/ hr at 48m 3 | Electric supply cree 3 440v + 60HZ 7 7 Feed water inhibitor dosing unit 1 | Type | Vacuum operated (tow meter) 2_ | Capacity 2 ~ 259 mi/hr 3._| Chemicai tank capacity 50 titer Spare part & Accessories 1 | Spare part maker standard supply 2__| Accessories none 4.amfar & 5 PAGE NO. 20 6 e207 eaphaeg T waa Te FRI og) mised TT reg ange © pe fie eas enon J 9m pe Ra fies Ss Noor! Baw | OUT Dea) BITES ys] snag] MOOS GOH Fa Ws = ‘xenon nwo sl Cl | so nosnaa snes aot boat en are | 034413400 “sas sss 3) ‘nn WM Mh lon aun Lr a HSH 290 (0% 99 wu armed roa io 30 sag) need JO}OsaUa) JAJOMYSAL JO YI}a¥S UOND}|O}SU| ) ) TT Bs saujade ayy 440ddng “Syuouou pur saou04 Jo aauy 2q 03 40zD903 iuonueray adi way 0Kvas ajquassy s uaa.os Culsnssip alquassy ‘S cyauuoy 0 ygia Ajinjaue> 209)d Uy 41 Oupyrow| fo, uuuzga"a}220U mau aquassy "> (e'socbaizz0 uMop anys 0 wtapa0 u Nd 225) wuEr-g29 aXe alquassy “C (gsogjuas.os SuIERJsp aqusssosd S w03DaPS 04 Jopesuapuo> ya\n0 Woy ‘acid uazoweas aiquessesiq +t “ajzzou jo SBu0ND Bas BounIy 95007 < wuge-B2e 2 OU aumgaig SBUOTZ ayaa) ws wa sul 2! es Eo : see] _ se orca 715 © a ESIC ae Es aE IL 9 Toe Te oe re | © ai "Marine Chemicals LIQUID EVAPORATOR TREATMENT Vaptreat Product Description [A concentrated liquid blond of polymer and antoam agents tor 03) maIA : e voriertd px | OFF 2 SD¥LT0A 1s BUFTANOD NI TANOD Sav 78 =n Catind vad) $3140SS390¥ 1 | e4ozLa P ey | Desh | (baa) coiseg | 009 | SLO |av/eru] ov | 9° [> |igitetan) Coco? | oe | zt | ussmanvexor | 1 ain ayMisia | 4 7 3. cy) on oxtavua | cada) | CF cay | quay | ea Cw) [owe = | aL and ON qwnoiinas | agags | Ld | ssud | b= | qv3H | ALID aN |e rnas | 200 | BO] PS | asap [MOU sang | Se | ToL | -va¥9 eens and 40. amet ow La ¥OLOW 308 MLA ‘Ns. SuWTND LLU ENT ViVSO ES LT ‘SxdomABSNIADWA M¥ONIAL BL/7OL70RL-S* OW ATS SUSSTH PUMP NAME : DISTILLATE PUMP ROOT VALVE FORGAUGE, [pp feszetpeemi DEL, THREAD MODEL 40x34MSSm DRAWNO, £34100 O75KW PUMP NAME : DISTILLATE PUMP LA) rt (wafon) (nr) cee ia ‘area Jou ee Oo =| oor fan Ear 7 (003 [MPELLER [cAcéo2a [PHOSPHOR BRowWe| 1 | 301 |COUPLNG F200 |CASTIRON 1 205 [EWS ROOT SOT Isstoo [Rous ste. ‘| 1SeT ca oa cacao 7 or foe re rata oasrnoN 7 fo20-2[cASNG RING |cacaos [BRONZE 1 a Sarr Sanam | i PEERY [sustavelSrantess se | iro RNG fae 1 120 |PAPELLER NUT ‘Suswo _ |STAINLESS STE 1_| 520 [MECHANICAL SEAL [EAS60-25, 1seT 12a frpeuueRwaseR —_[susoos [stararsssten. | 1 i vet [cous serscren [somes i oewoeal 1 | SECTIONAL VIEW OF HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMP MODEL 40x 3/4" MSSm_ 400--MSSm TEIKOKU MACHINERY WORKS, LTD. DRAW NO, 012078 sas) ) ue sion oureme E 6 Lab Tol & jgls &- |zle 2 = s Rie I OUTLIME DIMENSIONS FLANGE-VERTICAL MOUNTED MOTORS SHAFT EXTOE ONLY WEIGHT acfaoy [Kx ne] Pu Tul wjn le [s [r [oe fio ofele]r “G 2 wfa|s 218 = 2 Rl ole elslsieluo| al 218 = 2 Sjels SISlRls/4) eB Fras ma PES CO woreuscem Ro so a Wee 7-8P {yi 0£0.300391 ron: TEST RECORD OF pistituare pump co sors wc 5 1498 coe 3) MAR~o DongHwa Entec pce rump MOTOR Tipe ‘Oumt| Ook [rower] 6) He ef ASS Wate 4 £0 V-TV pte eter eaa| 30m 2" | [Sod = 146A, WESTERN | 3500min 3450min |= 3) p23h0 EET ee [cao Taare Terai Tatoo lied? seca ae a pa Hi toa et nz Voltooe| Current 7 le" mm/h m mn m w v A w * li <0! 2p 26.80 |=Z on Sy 8 D0) 1440) 1.30 Db 2|-_[S4fel [p20 | au..09 [2.00 Slo uf Te ois | iy a] Bure So} 3/00 [24.00 30.0 Tou |. [sp 228 [avo = 24.5 2.50. 1P00 |- 9.00 LO. L 1D £ 3 f 710_—|188.00.|= 9.00 ay. | 218 185 pase a 7 ce = oie o Timospheric Pressure /007 Wa ondenser Vacuum 977 hPa Tena Teoper [230 Wiest ti cuanee esa ew teers T(t Cen eel (eanee ies ca [Roos Wiroion Pay 2 Copy swan by Beppe i Noe a Flow Neter ibaa 2. ming same chee 4 Sef vlve eng & Ba - r ; pout [a0 Za 30-}-— = Lest TOT | ow | om pa : rT 2 a | R |Rem} Capacity (mi/h) Q Fane by @® TEKOKU MACHINERY WORKS, LTO, "2542 15 MESSRS: DongHwa Entec CO., LTD HULL NO: $-1209/10/17/18 TITLE __: DIGITAL SALINITY CONTROLLER (JK-201 TYPE __: PANEL MOUNTING TYPE PLAN HISTORY ‘SYMBOL DATE DESCRIPTION (CHECKED. SEP.14.2000 | Prepared for FW. GENERRATOR REV, | DRAWN CHECKED | APPROVED | RULE 7 SHEETS WITH COVER DATE ‘SEP.14.2000 DWG.NO. | PGE-00-STANDARD * JH.KIM SC KIM @B PUSAN GENERAL ELECTRIC TEL : +82 — 51 — 264 — 2944 FAX : +82 — 51 — 264 — 2946 CONTENT LIST rs wo CONTENT PAGE 1 CONTENT LIST 4 2_| SPECIFICATION )SPECFIGATION 2)THE SCOPE OF SUPPLY 2 3 WIRING DIAGRAM 3 «| CONNECTION DAGRAN OF THE POWER UNIT a § ‘SYSTEM OVERVIEW 5 &_| OUTER oMENSIONS 8 7 | senso 7 [7s _| seane parr a 9 USER'S GUIDE 9 10 | INSTALLATION 10 Drawing Of JK-201 1 SPECIFICATION SHEET EF 4, SPECIFICATIONS. : HO DESCRIPTION VALUE 1: ENABLE MODEL wk-201 2) MEASURABLE RANGE 0-200 ppm | af ACCURACY 25% | 4, TEMP, COMPENSATION RANGE 0-100 T+18) | CELL OPERATION PRESSURE 5 kslad is! ALARM POINT 10 ppm Fis | atarw contact FREE CONTACT (250V/5A) q : "SOLENOID CONTACT FREE CONTACT (250V/5A) ¥ 3] POWER SOURCE C220 18 60It 8 FINISHING COLOR RaL7ossiicHtGrey) | | 3 PROTECTION DEGREE P54 ; oF SUPPLY 16 NAME OF PARTS | TYPE arty REMARK | eSTIAL SALINITY CONTROLLER “aK-201 1 jou'LBemose-asser ZMerERS) | __IK201-CA : TEE JK-201-TEE 1 jeateeee i l L | [ 1 i ng] OF JK-201 WIRING DIAGRAM ‘incorrect PANEL MOUNTING TYPE MARK ~ MAKER SUPPLY MARK — YARD SUPPLY * A DISPLAY PART (main UNIT) * FLAT CABLE q ALARM * 3C Ie 1 * contaer <-*-—5 oh Sh SOURCE Ac 220V 19 60H e| 2 2c SOLENOID Ts] CONTACT . POWER UNIT * 1" Tpiece (MODEL : JK-201-TEE) = * CELL (MODEL :JK-201-Ca) 7 y g «+ q -110°3C*0.58Q, "2Meters Grawing Of JK-201 CTION DIAGRAM OF THE POWER UNIT +10V AG a vs ‘SOURCE com. FRAME GROUND FOR THE ALARM T THE SOLENOID VALVE cr “ LI o g a g 8 ‘OPTION SYSTEM OVERVIEW er ‘The operation flow for the JK-201 system is shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 4 : JK-201 BLOCK DIAGRAM EEPROM PPM display cru (Non-volatile memory) an Men i<—> -ory eae temperature ppasciane 00000;-—> _ Mux Solenoid of Drawing Of JK-201 5 OUTER DIMENSIONS. CONTROLLER (JK-201) OF PANEL MOUNT TYPE 901 PLATE CABLE 1, COLOR : RAL 7035 (LIGHT GREY) 21 MATERIAL : POLYSTYROL 3. PROTECTION DEGREE : IP5¢ Drawing Of JK-201 6 SENSOR(JK-201-CA) & FEMALE TEE 2 4 I i 6 NO. NAME MATERIAL | QTY [UNIT REMARKS 1_|_ FEMALE TEE Vet BS | 1 | EA 2 NIPPLE BS 1 [EA 3_| ELECTRODE ‘SUS-316 4_| SET 4 eet BS 1 EA SERRE EEE 5_| RECEPTACLE | _MS3102-10SL_| 7 _| SET 6 | PLUG MS3106-10SL_| 1 | SET a 7 CABLE OLFLEX-110_|_2_|_m Drawing Of JK-201 USER’S GUIDE OF JK-201 SALINITY CONTROLLER eeeeeeeeeEeEeEEeeeEeEEeE————————————— Salinity Controlier is an instrument, which measures the content of natrium chloride in the evaporated water from afresh water generator displayed in PPM(parts per million), and ensures that water containing a higher level of PPM, than what has been keyed in at the salinity controller, is rerouted back to the fresh water generator. Operating the Salinity Controller When source(ac 220v) is applied to this controller, alarm set value(ex. 10 ppm) will be displayed and in a short time process value will be displayed. On the front plate of the display part there are 5 keys(START/STOP, SET, INC, DEC, ALARM OFF) Pressing the key SET down ance calls up SOLENOID(magnetic valve) where the desired value for the fresh water is selected with the INC and DEC. Pressing the key SET ance more calls up ALARM where the permit limit is set wth the INC and DEC keys. IW the INC or DEC key is pressed down for a moment the numbers wil start counting rapidly Pressing the key SET the third time will show RUN HOUR, and show for how many hours the Salinity Controller has been used. Pressing the key SET the fourth time will show temperature(‘C) in the liquid. Pressing the key SET tt ifth time will show 10 ppm during 15sec if unit is normal. Selecti f alarm function When “alarm off’ switch is pressed once, the letter of * alarm set:off ™ is displayed on window of LCD. In this case , the function of alarm is not applied. Therefore alarm and solenoid valve are not operated. When “ alarm off ” switch is pressed once more, the letter of “ alarm set: on" is displayed on window of LCD. In this case function of alarm is applied. Technical data 4, Model Jk201 2, Measurable Range 0-200ppm. 3. Accuracy 42.5% 4, Temp. Compensation Range 0-100°C(41%) 5, Cell Operation Pressure Skglom® 6. Alarm Point 10ppm 7. Alarm Contact Free Contact(250V/5A) 8, Solenoid Contact Free Contact(250V/5A) 9. Power Source AC 220V 1 60Hz 40. Finishing Color Ral 7035(Light Gray) 11. Protection Degree P54 2005 Pusan General Electric INSTALLATION OF JK-201 SALINITY CONTROLLER —_—_—— Si inity Controller Installation. ‘The Salinity Controller models consist of two pars: A display part where from the connected sensors is shown as well 2s an installation part which Is delivered in a Plastic module in which power supply and connection clips are mounted The display partis delivered in a cabinet for front installation in the control cabinet and the enclosed shape can be used for the installation ‘The display part is secured with the 4 included lock nuts. ‘The installation part's fastened. The included 20 poled flat cable is inserted between the display part and the installation part after which power and sensor can be connected. ® |i | o]>]e]7]*]*]2]2] 4 ar) Ta EI ee zze2828 g ee oe 3 l J 8 SOLENOID = ALARM_—_220V/AC. Connection diagram for Salinity Controller type JK201 ‘The salt sensor. Itis important to the condition of the Salinity Controller + that the sensor installed correctly, elecrically as well as ae Physically VRo> The sensor is delivered separated into 5 parts: Cxy 1: Female Tee 3/4’PT 2: Nipple 3: Sensor Kosh | Seana etree AI i The salt sensor is inserted in the enclosed Female Tee as shown to the left. ‘The enclosed Female Tee must be used since the use of ther type of Female T fect i CORRECT MOUNTED INCORRECT. MOUNTED ee eer ree eee ee ee Se See ‘The sensory sticks of the sait sensor must be installed in a ninety degree angle compared to the flow-direction ‘On the salt sensor itis clear that the straight sides are parallel with the sensory sticks and that the entire sensor ‘can be turned in the case of an error in the installation. ‘The cap is now fixed and will at the same time push the salt sensor to its right position. Finally the cable is to be connected through receptacle & plug to the sensor and the sensor must be connected to the terminal block, as described underneath. Brown wire is connected to terminal 11. (Salt sensor) Blue wire Is connected to terminal 12 _(Temp.compensating) Green & Yellow wire is connected to terminal +3 (Grounding) ‘The magnetic valve and the alarm is connected to the terminal blocks as ilustrated above. The relay switches are potential free N/O switch sets. 220 VIAG is connected as described above after which the system is ready for use. 2005 Pusan General Electric USER'S GUIDE OF JK-201 SALINITY CONTROLLER ‘Testing the Salinity Controller 1. Pressing the key SET the fifth time will show 10ppm during]5sec. if unit is normal 12005 Pusan General Electric, [GENO 26 PLAN HISTORY REV. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION pwc, | cuK. | ' L ' | PROIECT + $71200/10/17 | eecses ; DONGHWA ENTEC. CO., LTD cass POR No, TITLE are. |. . YOON A | one. |S. LEE A F.W GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL — [oyc] won sow a cate | 2008. 7. 4 SCALE (@ SAE HAN TECH. since 1995 } 262-6, GUPYOUN bo | ip. 27 LECTRIC C0., ONG, SAHA-KU, BUSAN, KOREA. SPECIFICATION DIVISION SPECIFICATION REMARKS POWER SOURCE AC 440V , 60H2 , 30 CONTROL SOURCE AC 220V, 60Hz PHASE COLOR| gg = _ ARRANGEMENT LEFT—> RIGHT cite }aieL Ue TOP—> BOTTOM oc Ee aanee FRONT—> REAR N_ | BLUE MATERIAL acrYL[] sUSL] PHENOLIC MH [acry = 2t NAME PLATE | TANGUAGE ENGLISH sus at METHOD, BLACK LETTER AND WHITE GROUND [PHENOLIC : 2t IP GRADE 1P [44 CLASS OKr [lass onv [JNK Hct [Jev) (Diirs (rina PAINTING COLOR 7.5 BG 7/2 _ wae [esto THLE Die, NO. 5-1209/10/37/18 Pace, 01 SAE HAN TECH. ELECTRIC CO., 26 8 3 | PP SPECIFICATION PAGE WO, ere] is 7 ; 4 ava 00 OIMLOFT HOIL NYH IVS 73 ae Py 81/c1/01/e08)-5 “ON “OHO Vv Sanaa ea vy 40 LNOAYT wes un wo anes wol nmr aw = nore oT Fae wl Tu Sa re reas “pants Ms 2s 7 | 2s ae Wak z ansaumise | Paw a be IB 2 i CET > OR 0 SMMLOF “HOIL NVI 0 ova TaNvVd OW4 Od WYYOVIG OLLWN3HOS 10s 4H HO sia DE SUL ne (wiseco) (veve'nvss) sino ont aNd 8012303 avntisia Sav vas \ | 109 900 ich wo os 3 o 12 100 00 ose ott/orr ve ee Has vor Or HLH a an 200} 100 COR (\oe on ze-on a @ a Aorr 0 2OUNOS sod yos/c9 sei 9" 09 JMLOITS 'HOIL Nv TaNvd O'M'4 v0 xd w/La/o1/e0e1-8 ON oma 4O4 WVHOWI OLLWN3HOS wan oa] anes WO] nor aw sow Shas erousro ae swe Nn anne (ray “vs N3LSKS) woioars ms WRN NOMNOD reer a . on ow. anne nnd as ; 30 alymuso 01033 “W'S Nod sequeensnaeszareceneasarrarty Se —= ¥ | a i 0 I va ea) Ken} Gi ¢ ! ad 64 og + 2, (woh oof co} aro ad ub ub 4d 1 “yop of BOSNIS AUNTS owns ae 2AONON Hue WA YSTIOMLNOD AUNTS : uo no, ax uaye zone ame} sa zm = ° 2 2 z m a YOJ HOOT WNINYSL Vv v ‘81/41/01 /e001-8 “ON OND “00 OMT HOI NVH VS a) SW. EJECTOR PUMP [SAUNITY SENSOR Fo cms SOLENOID VALVE Ewer stop MAKER CABLE ( 18200 ) MAKER CABLE (atsi0a ) Leweve-7 (/vis20e ) MAKER CABLE Jae COMMON ALARM. (GYSTEM FAIL ALARM) (ists ) LewPYC-7, REMOTE CONTROL (aisa0e ) (SEA WATER EJECTOR PUMP) ‘SW, EJECTOR sf orfs]vfexfer fi PUMP (ist50 ) or] ar] PART LIST xo | sywBot Nate SPECICATION aw] Rewarks 1 | wcoa wcce ins -€3/508| 1 | Hunow 2 [wer MAGHENC CONTACT vimo-32 , 220 + | vunow 3 |uce acne CONTACT vimc-8 , Z20v + | HyONON 4 [mm OVER LOAD RELAY HTH 40K 404 1 | unoa! 5 | TH OVER LOAD RELAY WITH 22K 3A z HYUNDAL an 7ANAWETER 505A, OS 00x Tuam stan 7 fan DM METER SA, OS Soom ie eniSi 3 fer or K-15 505A iz eanisia 9 rire Fuse sac) (A) 2 | we rse C 10 | Fre Fuse saci (A) 2 | sense 1 |e TRANSFORMER 440/220, 200K 1 | woo 42 | RvIn3. RELAY yan, 220V 3 {us | 13 fw Por UMP a 1 | naw Youns v4 | Bae | Wi Ue 258.2200, 1418 2 | Yonesune | 15 | 282,286 PUSH BUTTON 250,1A1B 2 HAN YOUNG ! 16 : 7 3 J 18 | | | i | } THLE a RAE cusToweR SAE NONE AL we canyon [owe se ue | one. MH. Som A PART LIST [ama | mo. 08/10/1718 oe. 0€ Safe] ‘(BI SAE HAN TECH, ELECTRIC C0,, a5 2 gle NS a [| a5 3-97 HOLES | ~ aa CABLE GLAND 66 JS=20b FRONT VIEW SIDE_VIEW NoTE + NP : EJECTOR PUMP FOR F.W. GEN. TLE A oa aman Tar wwe A wr. cw yoon [om saute fom mm sow LAYOUT OF a Tame] OG wo, S=1209/10/87/98 Pace. oF REMOTE PUSH BOX 2 oe [cae ce] Q@ISAE HAN TECH. ELECTRIC CO. SPARE PART, LOOSE PART LIST & TOOL LIST CONTENT 1. SPARE FOR BODY IN F.W.G.——-————— PAGE__ 36 2, SPARE FOR DISTILLATE P/P————————— PAGE 37 3. SPARE FOR SALINITY CONTROLLER PAGE 368 SPARE PART LIST PAGE val He SPARE PARTS USED FoR S-1209/10/17/18| 25 TON/OAY F.W GENERATOR BOX NO, | Corey | ORAM No. NAME ‘SKETCH WaTeria, |_TPEr Sn) ser REMARK | | WORK [SPaRE) No. NO. VACUUM GAUGE | | ‘ | | 1 | spoc | aft) 1/1 COMPOUND. GAUGE 0-760mmHg | | 60mmHg | 2 | THERWOMETER ! sussoa] 2) 1 ow100e 32-015 HOLES } 3. | GASKET FoR SHELL acs | 1 |} | FoR 4) | GASKET FOR PLATE | war {76/76 2/2 ‘CONDENSER & EVAPORATOR] | ool for tHe SOLENOID VAYLE I | |, Swe FoR a ; PLATE GASKET 200 ri E | 7 | NC ANODE 150 wy 1 | a 8 | SIGHT GLASS D eeu |? a | | 9 | SIGHT GLASS GASKET RUBBER |! Loi wre’ HAE DoengHwa Entec : ‘SAVE NAME = 2Stonsp 1axap spares |wove.| doauwssm —forawnio] —eagor2n2 PAGE IS=12007 10 _DISTIRLATE PUNE sHPNO |" 17716 No. BOKNO SKETCH suppty | oRAWING NAME MATERIAL REMARKS ror] see PART MASS{kg) iene | rere | NO | ‘ho pi CASNGRING ' =| | prone | 1 | 1 |oro7a| 0204 966. 0 re CASING RING i =|] pronze} 1 | 1 | pi207e} 0202 ORNG orave| 110 COUPLING BOLT, NUT& WASHER Dr2078 | 305 MECHANICAL SEAL caRBON | ser | SET COMPLETE ceramic | 4 | 1 | 1018) $20 SPECAL FORMOTOR BALL BEARING cre. | 2 | 2 pra TEKOAUMACHNERY WORKS LT. MER'SNAME ((K TEIKOKU KIKI SEISAKUSHO) ADDRESS 2431 UTMIMANISHIYODOGAWA.KU OSAKAIAPAN ty 37 | SPARE PARTS LIST rrr ‘SPARES PAGE ‘SPARE PARTS LIST FOR Us € up no. |S=1209770 SALINITY INDICATOR ANIA (Model = JK-201) BOX NO. OUANTITY OUTLINE WORKING No.) NAME en SPARE | REMARKS Wea (ke}@ [ser | vess | YESS | 405.2 x 1 FUSE 2 1 2 0.28 he > 0.001 Drawing Of JK-201 8 "Ro 38 | INSTRUCTION MANUAL FRESH WATR GENERATOR (PLATE TYPE) 1575-6, SONG JUNG DONG, KANGSEA-KU, BUSAN, KOREA TEL : + 8251970-1114 FAX: + 82 51970-1131 Web Site : ww w.dh.co.kr INSTRUCTION para DongHwa Entec FoR REV.NO. = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Psst: 2 06 27 CONTENTS PAGE NO 1. SARETY INTRODUCTION 3 2. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARING 4 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT AND ITS SYSTEM 5 3-1. Working description with engine jacket cooling water heating 3 3-2. Working description with saturated steam heating 6 3-3. Installation description 6 3-4, Installation description of the steam injecor 7 4. OPERATING WITH JACKET COOLING WATER 8 4-1, Starting up the plant 8 4-2, Regulating the capacity 9 4-3. Stopping 9 5. OPERATING WITH STEAM INJECTOR 10 5-1, Starting up the plant . 10 5-2. Regulating the capacity i 5-3. Stopping 12 6. MAINTENANCE & SERVICE 3 6-1. Cleaning with chemical 1B 6-2. Cleaning by opening of Fresh Water Generator 13 6-3. The Fresh Water Generator’s cleaning procedure 13 6-4, Renewal of gasket 18 6-5. Maintenance of ejector 18 7. CHEMICAL DOSING 19 7-1. Prevention of Scaling 19 7-2. Feed water ratio 19 7-3. Chemical dosage 19 7-4, Scale inhibitor dosage equipment for feed water 20 7-5. Safety precaution with the use of chemical au 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING 2 9. MAINTENANCE LIST 26 10. ILLUSTRATION 28 11, TEST REPORT 3L DONG - HWA ENTEC REY, 0 INSTRUCTION DATA DongHwa Entec ror REV.NO. = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | PACE + 3 oF 27 1. SAFETY INSTRUCTION Before using this item, please read the INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Follow warning label, instruction and caution procedure in order to us it correctly. It is also highly recommended to always keeper the INSTRUCTION MANUAL at the same place for easy access. Transportation, installation, piping, wiring, operation inspection and maintenance work must be done by only a LICENSED and/or AUTHORIZED PERSON who has enough knowledge on health and safety rules and regulations as well as on his or her profession, In any respect, we'll not guarantee for any death, injuries, damages and losses, which result in modification without our written authorization or using and-assembling unauthorized parts. During disposing, any accessories, used parts and oil, should be treated as general industrial waste WARNING LABEL and SIGN in the instruction manual are classified into WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE as described below. Ae sano :dicates potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injuries \ CAUTION : Indicates potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage, defect of injuries. o NOTE _ : Indicates potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damages or defect in product. It will be only used for protecting but not safety. DONG - HWA ENTEC REV. : 0 INSTRUCTIO! DongHwa Entec pee ENO. | 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PAGE 4 OF 27 2. Safety instructions and warning oO The user and operator must have to read these instructions and the attached documents and drawing before the installation, operation and inspection or maintenance of the plant, so it should be used properly. A its operating Steam Injector mode, Steam Condensate vaive must be fully opened and Steam Inlet Valve must be slowly opened by operator. 2. No valve/cocks shall be fitted on steam drain discharge piping to prevent fresh water generator from being pressurized by steam. & 1. Welding or other working with fire should be severely prohibited to prevent coating and gasket of the plant. 2. The Fresh Water Generator is not to be operated in polluted water or within 30 kilometers from the coast. DONG - HWA ENTEC REY 7 = Ee 7 longHwa Entec ee tent me No. : 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE, PAGE: 5 OF 27 3. Description of the plant and its system 3-1. Workin description with engine jacket cooling water heating ‘The DongHwa Entec fresh water generator uses the heat from Main Engine Jacket Cooling Water to produce drinkable water by evaporating sca water due to the high vacuum vacuum, which enables the feed water to evaporate at below 45°C Steam can also be used as a heat source instead of hot jacket water. The DongHiwa Entec fresh water generator is based on 2 sets of titanium plate heat exchanger exchangers, acting as an evaporator and a condenser respectively. ‘The water efector enables evaporator chamber vacuum condition by driving sea water pass through water ejector, and sea water supplied by ejector pump to be delivered to ejector for taking out the brine and air. The feed water evaporates while entering to the evaporate chamber due to the vacuum condition. The water spray and droplets are partly removed from the vapor by the deflector mounted on top of the evaporator and partly by a build-in demister. ‘The feed water evaporates while entering to the evaporate chamber due to the vacuum condition. The water spray and droplets are partly removed from the vapour by the deflector mounted on top of the evaporator and partly by a build-in demister. ‘The separated water droplets fall back into the brine, which is extracted by the ejector pump. 7 The desalted vapour, which passes through the demister, will be sucked into the plate condenser where it will be condensed by means of incoming cold sea water. The distilled water will be taken out by integral fresh water pump and controtted by salinometer and solenoid valve. If itis of high salt content, the solenoid valve recirculation work starts automatically to the shell or dumping line against high salt content. Thermometers are installed for control of sea water to the condenser and engine cooling water to the evaporator. These thermometers permit control of both heating, and cooling of these units. The salinometer(salinity indicator) is connected to remote alarm so that very high salinity is registered immediately at the bridge of the ship or the engine control room. ? 1, For this plant, please bear in mind that the pressure of ejector inlet side should be around 3 bar in ballast and around 4 bar in loading. 2. The pressure of ejector outlet should not exceed 0.8 bar. 3. The feed water should be controlled by feed valve. Normally it should be fully _Open to prevent formation of scaling on below 10 ppm. DONG - HWA ENTEC INSTRUCTION : DongHwa Entec oe wv. 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PAGE 6 OF 27 3-2. Working description with saturated steam heating, {in addition to engine jacket cooling water heating, saturated live steam can altematively be used as heating medium for the fresh water generator. The saturated live steam is being delivered to the heat exchanger of the fresh water generator through a steam injector. ‘This steam injector works as a circulating pump and heat up the circulated fresh \watersteam condensate, which comes from the outlet branch of the heat exchanger of the fresh water generator. As the heat exchanger of the fresh water generator is filled with clean fresh water or sleam condensate by starting the steam heating process. The produced steam condensate from the supplied saturated live steam escapes from the socket in the vertical safety blow off pipe. This condensate is led back to the boiler feed water tank or hot well of the boiler through the condensate outlet placed on the safety blow off pipe. Please check the installation drawing and technical specification, overhaul space in installation fresh water generator. Be aware that it must be possible to read the valuic of thermometer and other gauge. To avoid the unnecessary pressure drop, the connection pipe should be simple, becauise it could effect the specified pump efficiency and produced fresh water capacity. Check the specified quantity of jacket water and sea water, steam flow through the evaporator properly. The fresh water pipe should be connected to the fresh water tank of the ship. The counter pressure in the fresh water pipe should not exceed 1.8 bar or according to specification. Itis recommended that the fresh water outlet line should be used stainless steel or non-ferrous piping material, because the produced water made by fresh water generator is of high purity, where dissolved oxygen concentration is of extremely low level. If dissolved oxygen's quantity is low then oxide film will not be developed by which it will be very unstable chemically. So this water tends to stabilize itself by —————————————————————— DONG - HWA ENTEC “INSTRUCTION ata a favwo. 50 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE |Past |: 7 08 27 DongHwa Entec resolving and contacting with other substances. As the result, the color of water may changes to be red or brownish. e The combined ejector-sea water pump is designed to withstand on a level with and in close vicinity to the fresh water generator and for a maximum counter-pressure in the overboard piping of 0.8 bar. If this is impossible, it should be dimensioned for additional lifting height, and pipe resistance and ejector should be designed accordingly. 3-4. Installation description of the steam injector Ifthe back pressure is exerted on the discharge line of the steam drain of the steam injector, extraodinary vibration may occur in the injector and there is maximum possibility that the operation of the system may become impossible. If the pressure after the steam injector exceed 1 bar, the safety valve will be opened to secure the plate. Ifthe supplied steam pressure is lower than the designed pressure, the vibration may be caused to the system. The fluctuation from the designed value may be within about + 5%, DongHwa Entec ose uN ee OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Pace 8 OF 27 4, Operating with Jacket Cooling water 4-1. Starting up the plant o Befor operation, please check the following matter. M Please observe instructions for feed water treatment, see “chemical dosing part.” MH Check the rotate direction of distillate pump. Mi Close in/outlet valves for jacket cooling water of evaporator. WW Close vacuum breaker valve. Wi Close feed water inlet valve for evaporator. IM Open vaives on the suction and discharge side of the ejector pump. WW Open overboard valve for combined brine/air ejector. Mi Close the drain valve on the head of water ejector, A Never start the fresh water generator’s distillate pump under dry condition, Step. | : Start the sea water ejector pump. @ Fully open the ejector pump inlet valve as well as the overboard discharge * wvalve.” Start the ejector pump. @ Slowly open the ejector pump. ** Make Sure that the pressuré at the water ejector inlet is 3.5 bar or more, Step. 2: Wait for sufficient vacuum.(about 92%) Step. 3 : Open the feed water alve and fed sea waer into the evaporator. Feed water quantity can be seen by the readings of the manometer in front of the feed water orifice. The feed valve is to be fully opened to prevent scale on the evaporator plate Step. 4 : Open the inlet and outlet valves for jacket cooling water of evaporator A ‘Avoid the thermal shock to your main engine. The inlet and outlet valves of jacket water cooling water to be opened and closed slowly and progressively. While the obtained vacuum drops to aroud 85%, the boiling temperature now rises This indicates that evaporation has started Step. 5: Open valve for feed water treatment, DONG - HVA ENTEC REY. 0 : STRUCTION DongHwa Entec aidan REV.NO, = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | PAGE: 9 0F 27 Step. 6: When fresh water is present in the inspection glass on the air suction fine, start the distillate pump and open the valve before (low meter 4-2. Regulating the capacity. ‘The procedure amount of fresh water and the amount of engine cooling water for the evaporator is adjusted by means of the bypass valve til correct capacity is obtained In case of production of fresh water in excess of its rated capacity, we recommend that you should operate the plant at the prescribed quantity of fresh water or less as production but in excess ean involve the risk of scale formation. 4-3. Stopping Step. 1 : Open the bypass valve for engine cooling water slowly. Step. 2 : Close the inlet and outlet valves for engine cooling water for the evaporator progressively. Step. 3: Close valve for feed water treatment. Step. 4 : Stop the distillate pump. Step. 5 : After cooling the evaporator side as below 50°C, close the feed water valve Step. 6 : Stop the ejector pump Step. 7 : Close the sea water valve before the ejector pump and the overboard valve After the ejector. Step. 8 : Open the vacuum breaker valve. Step. 9 : Close the valve to fresh water tank, Step. 10 : Open the drain vavle on the head of water ejector. DONG - HWA ENTEC REY, BongHwa Entec ran emd tit Bav.H0. = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Px © 10 0°27 | 5. Operating with Steam Injector 5 - Starting up the plant ds Do not open steam inlet valve for the steam injector operation before the ejector | pump has been started and serving feed water to the evaporator. a Open the priming valve and fill the evaporator section with fresh water. If any air is present in the shell inside, the gasket of evaporator section plate will be damaged by abnormal rise in temperature. Such air can also cause abnormal noise or vibration due the cavitation or pulsating movement of inside water. Do not open the steam valve rapidly. If so, water in the shell wil pour into the drain tank and cause vibration. [steam pressure is lower than the designed value, inside water will pulsate and . cause abnormal noise and vibration. The steam arrangement must be filled with fresh water from hydrophore system, . _ before supplying steam to the system. No valve at all should be fitted on the pipe from the safety valve as this pipe must be opened to the atmospheric pressure Max. Back pressure in condensate discharge line is 0.8 bar. When stopping the plant, check that the steam inlet valve is always completely closed. This to avoid high temperature in the evaporator, as this might cause ; - Scale formation on the inside of the heat exchanger plates. ~ Damage the gaskets in the heat exchanger. Step. 1 : Close the inlet and outlet valves to jacket cooling water completely, and ‘open the valves in the drain line for draining jacket cooling water, Step. 2: After blowing jacket cooling water, close the drain cock and then fill up the plant with boiler feed water or clean fresh water until water over flow the priming checking line. Step. 3 : The cock at the top of the drain pipe should always be opened because it serves as a syphone breaker.(Syphone breaker is not necessary when a DONG - HWA ENTEC REV. 2G BongHwa Entec Step. 4 Step. 5: Step. 6 INSTRUCTION DATA Fo REV.NO. 2 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Ast LL OF 27 drain tank is installed on the higher location than fresh water generator or ‘on the same floor.) Open the two butterfly valves in the steam injector circuit Open the feed water valve and fed sea water into the evaporator. Feed water quantity can be seen by the readings of the manometer in front of the feed water orifice. The feed water valve is to be fully opened to prevent formation of scale on the evaporate plate, but in case the salinity is some increased, the feed valve is to be closed a bit. After the above mentiond preparation, open the steam valve gradually before the steam injector in order to steam supply initial during 10 min. Fresh water in the piping is circulated as well as heated by steam. As heating feesh water is cooled in the evaporator section plate, steam drain goes up through the drain pipe and then it is exhausted into the drain tank, e The steam supplied to the steam injector must be saturated steam 5-2. Regulating the capacity. o Steam pressure must be in accordance with pressure stated in "FWG Order Specification." “The fresh water production can be regulated by adjustment of the quantity of sleam supplied to the steam injector. ‘The steam inlet pressure corresponding to the production of frest: water in question can be regulated either by means of a manually operated regulating valve (yard supply) or by an automatic reduction valve(yard supply). Dongbiwa Entec recommended that you will operate the plant at the prescribed ‘quantity of fresh water or less production but in excess hereof can involve the risk of scale formations DONG - HWA” ENTEC INSTRUCTION cugtiwa Entec eae mero ° OPERATION & MAINTENANCE. PAGE 12 OF 27 5-3, Stopping Step. L : Fully close steam inlet valve( yard supply) Stop. 2: After cooling the evaporator side as below 50°C,, close the foed water valve. Step. 3 : Stop the distillate pump. Step. 4 : Stop the ejector pump. Step. 5 : Close the sea water valve before the ejector pump and the overboard valve after the ejector. Step. 6 : Open the valve to fresh water tank Step. 7: Close the valve to fresh water tank. Step. 8 : Open the drain valve on the water ejector. ‘unig the operating with steam injector, do not close the feed valve, if not so the iisated steam overboard to steam drain line. In that case, we'll do not GUARANTBE FOR FORMATION OF ANY SCALE IN EVAPORATOR AND 1 STURIES. i DONG - HWA ENTEC REV. | 0 TRUCTION DongHwa Entec rae mevNO. 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PAGE 13 OF 27, 6. Maintenance & Service 6-1. Cleaning with Chemical. Although the working temperature of evaporator keep 40~48'C,, scaling gradually come into evaporator section plate and the the capacity will be reduced. So the cleaning of evaporator section plate is necessary. ‘The cleaning time depends on the working condition, but normally a chemical cleaning should be 2~3 times per year as well as an opening of the plate pack onec a year or every second year for total cleaning/inspection will be sufficient. ‘To reduce the cleaning time and scaling, the feed water quantity is the most mportant. So please fully open sea water feed water valve in normal condition as below 10 ppm. 6-2. Cleaning by opening of Fresh Water Generator. When the plant has been stopped as described under “Stopping the plant" open the fresh water generator and inspect Condenser & Evaporator section, Demister and the interior of the fresh water generator and carry out the required cleaning. Generally, it is necessary only to separate the evaporator and clean the plates by means of the chemicals described under “Chemical Cleaning". The interior of the fresh water generator should be cleaned at the same time using the same chemicals. 6-3. The Fresh Water Generator’s cleaning procedure. Step. 1: Loosen the bolt & nut of Shell Cover. Step. 2: Loosen the nuts on the tie bars gradually so that no nut wil carry the entire load alone. Step. 3 : Pull out the end cover and take out the plates one by one and mark the position in order not to get a “disorganized” plate pack when you have to the assembly again Step. 4: Remove the sealing with soft brush or submerge in hot, inhibited acid bath at maximurn 50°C. ~ HWA ENTEC REV. : 0 | EE | Dongltwa Entec DRO eae ev80. 5 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Pact 14 OF 27 ‘Always follow carefully the supplier instructions when using inhibited acid Remember to neutralize according to supplier instructions. Step. 5 : Examine plates and gaskets. [any defective plate is founded, remove the plate together with the other plats in this group. But the first and last plate in the plate package can not be removed without being replaced by anew plate. Step. 6 : When reassembling a separated evaporator, it should be checked for any damaged or defective gaskets. If any, then change the gasket with new one as shown on the plate diagram, Assemble the plates in due succession according to plate arangement drawing and be aware that they are ositioned correctly. Clamp the plate pack to the correct dimemsion according to the mumber of plates. e Please refer to Photo. 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6. ‘The plate shape and plate gasket shape. - Please, refer to following Photo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and drawng, - The plate should be numberd(as shown 1, 2, 3, 4) with punching in gasket side. (J) First Plate: as shown photo. 1 and attathed drawing, (2) No. 1 Plate : as shown photo. 2 and attached drawing, (3) No. 2 Plate : as shown photo. 3 and aitached drawing. (4) No. 3 Plate : zs shown photo, 3 and attached drawing, (5) No. 4 Plate: as shown photo, 4 and attached drawing. (6) Last Plate; as shown photo, 5 and attached drawing. ‘The plate arrangement as following, - Please, refer to the attached drawing, - Especially "4 PIECE OF PLATE IS CONSIDERED AS | SET." (\) First SET ; First plate — No, 2 Plate ~ No. 3 Plate — No. 4 Plate. (2) The next SET : No. 1 Plate — No.2 Plate — No. 3 Plate — No. 4 Plate. (3) The above combination should be repeatd except the END SET. (4) END SET : End SET : No.1 Plate — No.2 Plate ~ No. 3 Plate ~ End Plate. INSTRUCTION _ Dongltwa Entec rer OPERATION & MAINTENANCE, DATA REV.NO. PAGE 0 515 OF 27 The Plate Of Evaporator & Gasket Shape. *The Plate Of Condenser & Gasket Shape. Photo.6 The End Plate & Gasket «= The First Plate & No.3 Plate’s shape are same but different in gasket. ' The End Plate & No.2 Plate’s shape are same but different in gasket. ©& The First Plate of Evaporator & The first Plate of Condenser are same. ‘© The End Plate of Evaporator & The End Plate of Condenser are same. Photo.6 The Eiid Plate & Gasket DONG - HWA ENTEC DongHwa Entec INSTRUCT ION DATA, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PAGE 16 OF 27 Step. 7 : Check the tightening measurement of cach plate section. The tightening measurement of cach plates are as follow; Please refer to Fig.1 Tightening measurement TYPE Tightenng Length CASB(ton/day) SED 7 L 10 SED 13 15, 20,25 SED 23, 30,35 SED 35, 40 SED 60 (ate bf EEEEEEEnSzEa © OEE : L END PLATE iI s \ TIGHTENING BOLT \ BASE FLANGE Fig, 1 The tightening measurement for palte. e For example, “Calculate the tightening measurement for cach plate”. = SED 13/20 : SFD13 means TYPE, 20 means CAPACITY, total plate is 60 ca. L: 60 eax 3.9 mm = 234 mm @ SFD 23/30 - SFD23 means TYPE, 30 means CAPACITY, total plate is 76 ea. L: 76 ea x 3.9 mm = 296.4 mm DONG HWA ENTEC DongHwa Entec P The orifice size and flow direction are as follow ; Please refer to Fig.2 The In-Diameter of orifice. INSTRUCTION FoR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DATA REV.NO. © 0 PAGE 17 OF 27 No. TYPE Capacity(ion per day) _ in-Diamieter Hee _SED_7. 10 ton per day 6mm 2 SED 13 15 ton per day 7mm 3 SED 13 20 ton per day Smm 4 SFD 13 25 ton per day 10 mm HES SFD 23 30 ton per da 2mm 6 SED 23 35 ton per day 13mm 7 SFD 35 40 ton per day i4mm Fig. 2 The In-Diameter size of orifice. Step. 8 : Before closing the Shell Cover, the Hydro-test of the both side should be done. In case of evaporator, it should be done by slowly opening the by- pass valve for hot water into normal position and let the water flow through. In case of condenser, just start sea water ejector pump to circulate Step. 9 : After test is done, if there is no leak, then close cover and tight tighten the bolt & nut properly. Step. LO: After all reassembling, the vacuum test should be done by starting sea water ejector pump at the same time by re-tightening bolt & nut of shell cover some more, DONG - HWA ENTEC 1 Suva Entec INSTRUCTION bata - Rev.NO. <0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | ist" oF» 4. Renewal of heat exchanger gasket. The gasket's shape. Please kindly find attached drawing. * Glue type PLIBOND 25/SCOTCHGRIP 847 are nitrile rubber glues on soluble basis(25% solid material), The glues are partly thermoplastic so that old gaskets can be unsticked lease kindly find attached drawing. » Detergent For cleaning and degreasing new gaskets and gasket groves use "ACETONE", ‘Any remaining charred or loose glue and rubber must be removed by using a rotation stainless steel brush. It is very important that every detergent is evaporated before putting glue on |S Jvents are dangerous to inhale. instructions, = Gluing After wiping gaskets and gasket grooves with a cloth moistened with degreasing substance, the gluing itself can begin. The gluing areas must be quite clean- free from fingerprints also. The gaskets are covered by a brush with a thin coat of gluc on the gluing area and placed on a clean and dry place in order to dry The gluing process should be done easily on a solid table. After the gaskets have been put into the plate gasket grooves, the plates are stacked. When the gluing is finished, the plates are hung into the unit again and heat exchanger is clamped together. The heat exchanger can be warmed up by hot water if the glue is to be dried quickly but without pressure and wat Drying time : Approx. 2 hours at 80 ~ 100°C. Approx. 24 hours at 40 ~ 150°C Approx. 48 hours at room temperature. {it is not possible to heat the plate heat exchanger, plates must always be placed in warm condition. Maintenance of Ejector. the DongHwa Entec ejector consist of Mixing tube and Diffuser, !'st & 2’nd Nozzle. se find attached drawing. ——————L $s DONG - HWA ENTEC REY. INSTRUCTION ba For REV.NO. : 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Péce 19 OF 27 DongHwa Entec 7. Chemical Dosing A Using the more concentrated chemical may cause seriously damage to the plate so the color of plate is changed 7-1. Prevention of Sealing. During the sea water evaporation, there is always a risk of scaling on the heating, surface. This results in reduced K-values of the heating surface and decreased fresh water production as well an overall reduction of the plant efficiency. In order to prevent scaling, the operators must be aware of the of the factors influencing the scale formation. 7-2, Feed water rat \ The feed water ratio is an extremely important factor. It is defined by the relationship between the feed water amount fed into the plant and the produced fresh water generator. Tf the feed water ratio is reduced, the concentration will rise in the plant subsequently, resulting in scale formations. ‘The feed valve is to be fully opened to prevnet scale on the evaporator plate. But in case the salinity is some increased, the feed valve is to be closed a bit. 7-3. Chemical Dosage. In order to control scale formation on the heating surface and continuous operation periods without acid cleaning of the plant, it is absolutely necessary to dose scale control additives tothe feed water. The operators must follow the instructions for chemical additives to the feed water. The operators must fotlow the instructions for chemical dosing given by the chemical supplier carefully. If the distiller is operated at boiling temperatures above 45°C without chemicals, frequently cleaning of the evaporator is necessary. DONG - HWA ENTEC REY. 7 0 "INSTRUCTION ara Dongltwa Entec Por REV.NO, = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | PAGE 20 OF 27 We recommend you not to operate the fresh water generator without recommended chemical dosage at boiling tempertures above 45°C 7-4, Scale inhibitor dosage equipment for feed wat When adding chemicals, mis throughly to ensure a homogeneous blend of chemicals and water. Use a ful ly soluble scale inhibitor, e.g. On polymer basis. The following product can be recommended * NALFI EET Evaporator treatment 9-913. * AMEROYAL EVAPORATOR TREATMENT * HEXAMETHAPHOSPHATE, * UNITOR LIQUID EVAPORATOR TREATMENT Step. 1 Step.2: Step. 3 Mix the required quantity for 24 hours operation in the tank according to maker's instruction. Adjust flow-meter to cover the maximum fresh waer output from the distiller, Flush the dosage system requlary. 7-5, Safety precautions with the use of chemical. Step. | Step.2 Step. 3: Step. 4 Use eye production and gloves. Avoid direct skin contact with skin, eye and clothes. Clean empty containers before disposal. If chemicals are spilled on the cloth, rinse with water and dispose off clothes. Ifchemicals are spilled on the floor, rinse with water and suck remaining chemicals off with sand. Clean the spot immidiately afterwards. Step. 5 : Scale inhibitor is hazardous, if consumed in a concentrated solution. If consumed by mistake. IMMEDIATELY SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION, DONG HWA ENTEC REV, INSTI RUCTION eee eeee DongHwa Entec REV.WO. : 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | tit 2 aLae a7 Step. 6 : [feyes get in contact with the chemicals, rinse for at least 20 minutes with water. IMMEDIATELY SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION DONG - HWA ENTEC REV. 2 0 DongHwa Entec 8. Trouble Shooting INSTRUCTION FoR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Problem Cause Consequence [Solution _] Low sea water Scale on the eva. Fully open s.w feed valve & feed rate Plate check the orifice & cose the s.w outlet valve to increase the back press, Min 0.2 bar & cleaning the plate. Solenoid vlave is not working Product water cetum to the chamber Check the solenoid valve inside after power off. Low capacity Tacket water flow rate is not The difference of JW temp. is too high & Increase the J.W flow rate by by-pass valve or temp. control [enough _—_| S.W temp. is too low | setting of J.W system. ‘Seawater flow | The water ejector _| Pls, check the sea water rate is not inlet press. Is too | ejector pump & check the enough low valve of s.w line as Suc.& Dis.& overboard line & discharge the remaining air of the pipe inside. Rotate direction ig not correct of distillate pump The discharge press. of distillate pump is too low Change teh distillate pump’s phase, and check the pump's rotate direction ‘The outlet line valve of distillate water closed ‘The discharge press. of distillate pump is too high Pls, open the distillate water outlet line valve, condition is no good ‘The clogging the | The discharge press. | Pls, cleaning the distillate distillate water | of distillate pump is | water outlet line by air. outlet fine too high Vacuum Low vacuum Pis, check all of valves on the manual should be closed & more tight the bolt & nut of cover. Pls, check the s.w ejector pump as the above. Pls, check the water ejector as below. Hot water temp. | is low Increase the J.W temp. as spec. or our drawing. Flowmeter is clogging Cleaning the flow meter ‘Non return valve is mal-function Non condensable gas or brine is not extracted Pls, check the mounting direction and inside condition DON HWA ENTEC INSTRUCTION DongHwa Entec ror REND. = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | PAGE: 23 oF 27 Problem Cause [Consequence _| Solution Inside nozzle Re-tight the nozzle of water released ejector. The ouilet press, Pls, check the ejector outlet Is higher than 0.8 bar. | pipin: Water Ejector | Inside nozzle is worn Change with the new nozzie. Mal-funetion | or corroded The discharge press. of water ejector is negative Close the overboard line valve and increase the press. as positive. Salinity high Leak on the condenser Pls, demount the condenser & do it the leak test in case there is leak, pls re-tight the plate and pls refer to ejector pump operating manual Salinity indicator mal- function Salinity fluctuating & womg indication Pls, check the salinity sensor & controller as manual ‘Two much capacity Reduce the capacit’ Evaporating temp. is too low t ‘Open the vacuum breaker v/v and increase the eva. Temp Demister is wrong, Check the water ejector as the position : above Distilled water outlet Cleaning the distilled water clogging outlet line by air. Brine extraction is not sufficient ‘Check the water ejector as the above Sight glass Distilled water outlet Tine clogging ‘Cleaning the distilled water outlet line by air. ‘Distillate pump is out Check the distillate pump. is not cnough overflowon | of order the air suction -| Distilled water outlet ‘Open the distilled water line line line valve closed valve é Leaking on the pipe ‘Check the pipe line form cond ce line pip. i Jacket water temp. is Increase the jacket water inlet Evapoarting | too low 4 temp. temp. low Jacket water flow rate Increase the jacket water flow rate a ar DONG - HWA ENTEC Rev. 0 : ; INSTRUCTION rm ‘a Entec Eesinaeae evi. = 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Pact 24 OF 27 [ease Consequence Solution Water ejector mal- Brine extraciton | Check the water ejector as the 1 function is no good above | Distilled water line Discharge of Pls, check the distilled water i mal-function Distilled water is | outlet line | beoponting no good fomp, bigh Condenser mal- Temp. difference | Pls, check the condenser plate Function of s.w side is too 7 low ' 'S.W flow is not Pls, check s.w line & ejector é enough Pump Tightening of the plate Re-tightening the plate as our is insufficient manual Gaskets are damaged Change gasket with glue | or deformed Pees eeeeeeaee Scee tewsathe |The color of plate The plate weak | Be careful the solution of phate changed in chemical chemical don’t dipping on the cleaning chemicla soluton for long time Gasket is stretch Pls, change the gasket with new one oy Moot voll [Leaking on the Check the evaporator plate adn oft» expansion | evaporator plate re-tightening the plate and then tbe to loss Hydro test at max. 4 bar water i Ejector pumps press ‘Check the s.w ejector pump. ' is too tow a i The nozzle of water Re-tightening the water ejector Ejector release nozzle. 7 Check valve is not Examine the check valve and Working direction } Back press. is too high Check the overboard line and \ valve. 7 j Orifice of s.w feed Pls, check the orifice inner i Hf line is not correct, diameter. | ‘Suetion strainer is Clean the s.w strainer. i blocked | ‘Suc.& Discharge viv Examine the valve and full | Joo low front | closed open HeeeHeeeeg | peor. oftwin | Ejetor pump is mal- Check the s.w ejector pump. eit Function : The rotate direction of Change the phase of sw : s.w pump is opposite ejector | ce Pump. DONG INSTRUCTIO! | Dongitwa Entec SAO Reva. : 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | Pisce: 29 oF 27 Problem Cause | Consequence | Solution aH "Phe pump does | The motor is out of order ‘Change the motor nol run, The pump has seized ‘Change/repair the pump. e pump sucks air Repair the leaking part ‘The specified flow rate is not reached The suction pipe and/or Clean it Strainer is clogged ae The impeller is clogged Clean it The direction of motor Rotation is reverse Recover the normal direction or rotation The pump sucks air_ Repari the leaking part. | The specified ‘The revolution speed has reduced down Check the power source head isnot [The casing ring is wom Replace it with new one. reached down The impeller is worn Replace it with new one. L down HEHE ‘As starting, | Air remains in the Discharge the remaining air out water is suction pipe of pipe Eee _| discharge but |The pump sucks air ‘Check the mechanical seal slops soon through the stuffing box ‘The bearing is defective Replace it with new one. The motor is | The mechanical seal is Replace it with new one. loaded damaged ere a excessively | The shaft connection is Conrec{ the alignment of the shaft bad. oe A The impeller is un- Reassemble the pump properly. balanced tt The bearing is Reassemible the bearing properly. assembled wrongh ef A ‘The pump ‘The shaft connection is Correct the alignment of the shaft vibrates bad abnormally |The shaftis bending _ Replace ti with a new one. The pump is not installed proper! Reinstalled the pump. The bearing is wom down Replace it with a new one. The bearing is assembled wrongly _ Reassembic the bearing properly. | ‘The beamg is over-heated The shaft connection is bad Correct the alignment of the shaft The shaft is bending Replace it with a new one. ‘The thrust is increased Reassemble the bearing, ——————————— DONG HWA ENTEC DongHwa Entec ESTs re NO. 0. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE. | Pati 2 oF 27 9. Inspection & Maintenance Ttem Object Contents Tatecval Every | Every3 | Every 6 ny month | month or | month or | year or | 2000 brs | 4000 hrs | 8000 bes Heater | Plate Excahges when the wound : gasket on the both sides of the heat transfer plate and the Om crack and the deterioration of the gasket are confirmed and there is damaged Condenser | Plate Exchanger whe the wound gasket on the both sides of the heat transfet plate and the ORL crack and the deterioration of the gasket are confirmed and there is damaged Evaporato | Baffel Inspect them and if there is r plate & | any abnormality, clean ° mesh them and/or change the . ____| seperator _| defective one oe Corrosion | If itis corroded bar substantially O m2 Replace it with new one Cooling | Corrosion | Ifit is corroded water pipe | bar substantially Ome Replace it with new one Stee Feed water | Feed water | Clean them and check Oo pipe orifice & | their bore water inner pipe cee 7 Sight glass | Glass Clean it ° Non- Scale for- | Cover is removed, housing o return mations _ | and non-return valve are valves | mobiity of | controlled and cleaned flap Water Suction | Clean and inspect it ° meter strainer Water The inner | Inspect and clean the inner ejector | surface of | surface, and if it is worn the nozzle | down or damaged & diffuser | substantially replace it a a new one DONG HWA ENTEC INSTRUC’ " DongHwa Entec Sieh ROV.H0. | 0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PAGE Trem Object Contents Interval Every | Every3 | Every® | Every month | month or | month or } year or 2000 tws | 4000 trs_| 8600 tus Salinity [electorde | Clean it with care not to indicator damage the element. Measure its insulation ° resistance, and treat it accoridng to the instrucion manual for it Impeller | Clean and inspect it Ejector pump Casing ‘The gap shall be 2.3 mm. 3 ring or less Mechanical | Inspection or replacement oO seal Impeller _| Clean and inspect it 3 Distillate Pump Casing | The gap shallbel2mm | hk oO ring [or less ‘Mechanical | Inspection or replacement oI seal - o 1. The extent of scating on the plates and the cleaning interval thereof depend on the copeating conditions such as the evaporating temperature, capacity, feed water flow rate, type of chemicals solution, with or without injection, etc. Therefor, User will modify adequately the inspection schedule from time to time based on its own data and experience in the actual operatins in the ship. 2. The extent of consumption of the Corrosion Bar depends on the property of sca water and other conditions, so that the inspection schedule for it should be modified based on the experience and results of the actual operations in the ship. 3. Ifthe material of the Ejector Pump is PBC, it will be wom down with increasing Operating time and the surface of its impeller will get rough. As the pump contineous rotating at high speed, these phenomena are unavoidable. User should take notice of these. DONG ~~ HWA fama REV.NO. = PAG cE INSTRUCTION OPERATION & MAINTENANCE | ante Eatec £9 <+Z9 <- £0 < 29 SI SV. da1VadaH 38 CINOHS 13S LXAN 3HL avd 0 avid £0 g , Aas isuia avid €0 AVTd ZO ‘aAVid ISVT avid 1sula aLV1d ON3 te avid ious te fea, aaa | SONVTA 3Sva YASNAQNOO YO4 LNAWADNVYEYY SLV 1d J J NANCE | INSTRUCTION... OPERATION & MAINTE} SMI SV GaLvadau 38 €4 <: 7d <- 63 <- 2a @INOHS 13S LX3N SHL avid = Sao Bivia ta as sul LV 1d £3 ft BLVId 72 l ‘LV Id LSuld aLVid ISVT avid GNa Mn AONVId 3SV8 | DongHwd Entec HOLVHOdVAS HO4 LNSWSDNVYEYV FLV 1d J ) “40 G37 Ind S¥IA ATIS¥ BTZZON LS. 3HL | "NOILOBHIG 3SIM XOOT0-ILNY NI TTZZON CN.2 BHL 3SOOT SWAT | “NO|LOFUIG 3SIM ¥9O70-ILNY NI B3SNAIG 3HL 38007 38" Td | “TIZZON ONZ ( ITZZON 181 JO TNVHOIAO £ DIE < © a “JUNGIOOWd ISHIASY AG TTAWISSY-3e SSVI Td NSH] CNY "JUNOIOOHd SAOBY O3HSINIS NOA 3 “€Did NMOHS SYK Lt “MISSNIIG JO TAVHAIAO Z ‘Did “TOOL FTIAVLINS HLIM 37ZZON CN.2 B STZZON LS.) STEWESS¥IO 2 d2LS “TDld NMOKS S¥M LI “TOOL HONSUM ddl HO HONZW/A NIVHO HLIM ¥aSN3dIO STEWSSSYIC | “d3LS F : cf "SONYNBINIVH HOLOICS JO SUNCIOOwd 3HL + ‘LAS TINd AOLOICI IHL 1 DL aan6 ‘avewosiMoran TE) 7398, [Snino woloara wos INor ai |S B 7a TNO oan |—E ae aula r | L og 3a Da a | , 225 [AYZON GN | 1 = rf SONS | | : roe Saurav 1 ‘ ‘TaVd HOV JO LSISNOD SOLDICA AILVM GHL + NVHYFAO HOLOAPA 4O aYNGAIOUd © INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR DISTILLATE PUMP TYPE 40 X 3/4” MSS 40 X 1°MSSm TEIKOKU MACHINERY WORKS, LTD. OSAKA JAPAN SAFETY INSTRUCTION AXCAUTIONS FOR YOUR SAFETY Before using this pump, read the INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Follow WARNING LABEL, INSTRUCTION and CAUTION PLATE in order to use it correctly. 1 is also highly recommended to ALWAYS KEEP the INSTRUCTION MANUAL at the SAME PLACE for easy access. TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, PIPING, WIRING, OPERATION, INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE WORK must be done by ONLY a LICENSED and/or AUTHORIZED PERSON who has enough knowledge on health and safety rules and regulations as well as ‘on his or her profession. In any respect, we will NOT GUARANTEE and DEATH, INJURIES, DAMAGES AND LOSSES. which are result in modification without our written authorization or using and assembling unauthorized parts When DISPOSING a pump, any accessories, used parts and oil, they should be treated as a general INDUSTRIAL WASTE, WARNING LABEL and SIGN in the instruction manual are classified into WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE as described below. indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could WARNING] “result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous sitvation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damaging or defecting a product It will be only used for protecting the property, but not personal safety. Footnote : ANSI Z 535 <> WARNING TRANSPORTATION and INSTALLATION = * TRANSPORTATION work must be carried by only a LICENSED or AUTHORIZED PERSON who has enough knowledge on his or her profession : special attention and caution are required when fitting a HANGING WIRE in relation to its weight and gravity center, DROPPING or FALLING DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY, OPERATION and MANIPULATION * NEVER ALLOW an UNAUTHORIZED PERSON to operate the pump. DO NOT TOUCH or| contact to ROTATING parts or portion. ROTATING - ROLLED IN, BIT, PINCHED and SPILLED (contacted things), AXCAUTION OPERATION and MANIPULATION * DO NOT TOUCH or contact to SEALING part or HOT parts while the pump is IN OPERATION. HOT > BURNED and INJURED. INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE. * When OVERHAULING the pump, carefully handle the HEAVY weighted parts; especially, fitting a HANGING WIRE. DROPPING or FALLING > INJURY * Before STARTING a MAINTENANCE work, clearly SIGN IN MAINTENANCE WORK and CUT ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRIC SHOCK -> DEATH, UNINTENDED ROTATION ~ ROLLED IN, BIT & PINCHED. ANOTICE, OPERATION and MANIPULATION * Without a specific purpose, do not manipulate the valves and cocks attached to or supplied for the pump. WRONG MANIPULATION > DAMAGING or DEFECTING the pump MAKER, TEIKOKU MACHINERY WORKS, LTD. ADDRESS : 4-31, UTAJIMA 2-CHOME, NISHIYODOGAWA-KU, OSAKA TEL. 06-6472-1654 FAX, 06-6474-9303 INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMP (MSSm TYPE) 1. General description: 2. Installation: 2. Pipe-work. 2-2. Suction pipe. 23. Dire\ 2-4, Initial assembly of motor 10 PUMP. .svsesnsssrneseneensenvesianrsset 3. Operation. Seo 3-1. Checks before running. 3-2. Starting PUMP. -oscnesnennnn : ‘ 3-3. Regulating flow from pump... 3-4. Stopping pump. of rotation. 3-5. In case of auto running. 4. Maintenance. 4-1, Dismantling pumping element. 4-2. Assembling pump element. 4-3, Checking of alignment. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE... FAULT FINDING CHART..... MOTOR BEARING CHART... Socnerel description: np mainly consists of @ casing a pump frame with an electric motor, and a motor shaft is ‘coupled toa pump shaft an impeller. Casing rings are provided in a casing and pump frame and doweled with set screws. Pump shaft equips with a good mechanical seal, in the ‘at carries out pump frame penetration, preventing liquid leak to the atmosphere side and preveating intrusion of air. 2. Installation: Dot. Pipe-work, Although the casing is constructed so that pipe-work strain does not cause misalignment, i still good practice to construct pipe-work so that pipe strains are eliminated Particulatly, it is very important to provide sufficient support for suction pipe and valve sear by the pump. The size of pipe used should be the most suitable for the duty, which is not necessarily the same diameter as the pump flange size. 2.4 Suction pipe. ‘The suction pipe is the largest factor effecting the performance of the pump and trouble Irom this may be avoided by paying attention to the following points. (1) The pipe ran should be arranged so that the formation of air pockets is not possible (2) All joints should be made carefully and thoroughly tested when fitting the closing length of pipe, don't take to avoid straining to the casing. (3) The glands of any valves jn the suction line must be suitably packed to prevent air leaks. (4) A strainer of 3 to 5S times the pipe area must be fitted to the suction pipe. ‘This will prevent foreign matter entering the pump and fouling the impetler and non- return valve, rection of rotation. ‘On initial start up the pump, ensure that it is running in the direction indicated by the row fitted on the motor. If the rotation is incorrect, the wiring connections at the ‘crminal box must be reversed. itial assembly of motor to pump. TThe following instructions refer to th ‘motor to the pump. ‘ dial indicator is essential to complete this operation successfully. al assembly of a motor or the replacement Dimensions given in the sequence of operation, ¢.g., 0.06 mm T.LR. (Total Indicator Reading) through a 360 deg. swing. (1) Check that the motor flange and shaft extension is correct to the relevant drawing and particularly ensure that the motor coupling flange is square with the shaft axis within 0.06 mm in TLR. (2) Install the motor with terminal box on the correct position of frame. 3. Operation 3-4. Checks before running. Before running the pump for the first time after installation or maintenance, proceed as follows: (2) Check that the pump is free to rotate by turning the shaft by hand, through at least ‘one complete revolution, (2) Ensure that the stop valves are opened in the suction pipeline. (3) Ensure that the stop valve is closed in the delivery pipeline. (To reduce initial horsepower absorbed to a minimum.) (4) Check that the motor bearings have been lubricated accordance with the manufacturer's instructions 3-2. Starting pump. (1) Open the suction valve, (2) Close the delivery valve. (3) Prime the pump. (Never operate the pump in dry condition, particularly, special attention must be paid in case the pump is fitted with mechanical seal.) (4) Start the motor. (5) Slowly open the delivery valve. 3-3. Regulating flow from pump. ‘The quantity of fluid delivered by the pump is regulated by opening or closing the delivery valve to give the required rate of flow. 3-4, Stopping pump. (1) Close the delivery valve. (2) Stop the motor 3-5. In case of auto running. Notice: The pump should be provided with non-return valve or check valve at the detivery line. Starting up pump (1) Ensure the suction / delivery valve to be open. (2) Start the motor. Stopping pump (2) Stop the motor. (2) The suction / delivery valve to be kept at open condition, 4, Maintenance. 4-1. Dismantling pumping element. Ensure that electric supply to the motor is switched off and proceed as follows: When removing the component parts must be marked and reassembled accordingly. (2) Remove the bolts & nuts for SUC. & DEL. piping flanges, and remove the pump complete from SUC. & DEL. pipes. (2) Disconnect the gauge line pipes. (3) Remove the nuts and remove the casing, (4) Remove the impeller nut and washer and extract the impeller. (5) Extract the bolts (for the motor fixed) and remove the pump frame with mechanical seal. (6) Extract the coupling bolts and remove the shaft 4-2. Assembling pump element. Before assembling the pump ensure all joints are serviceable, and the components are clean, Clean the shaft and main components of mechanical seal, particularly the seal surfaces. In case of setting in the part, pay attention to line up the counter mark. Re-assembling work reverses dismantling work. 4-3. Checking of alignment. When it is felt that the shaft rotates not smoothly, then there should be some misalignment on the shaft and it is necessary to check the alignment according to the following procedures (1) Couple the pump shaft with a motor shaft, set a dial gauge on the motor flange. Rotate the shaft one complete circle and take the difference of readings as a measured value. (Fig. 1) (2) Connect the pump with a motor, fix a dial gauge at the shaft end. Rotate the shaft one complete revolution, while applying the detector of the dial ‘gauge to inlay of the pump frame and take the difference of readings as a measured value. (Fig. 2) haf 0.06 mm or less 0.06 mm or less Fig. 1 Fig. 2 EAULT FINDING CHART Fault Delivery valve closed. Cause Remedy Open valve. Suction valve closed. Open valve. No discharge Blocked suetion strainer, Clean strainer. Water level beyond max Suction lift of pump. ‘Consult our technical dept. Giving full particulars. Reduced &/or irregular discharge. Air leaks in suction system. Attend to joints é glands in suction system. Checked impeller. Dismantle & clean Reduced output & high head, Delivery valve or non-return valve partially closed. Attend to delivery valve or non- return valve. Pump absorbing excessive power, Actual total head exceeds designed total head. Consult our technical dept Giving full particulars. Increasing loss of performance over Worn casing ring. Table 2 Renew casing ring. Jong period. MOTOR BEARING CHART BEARING FRAME NO. DE NDE. a 1801-2 620422, 620422 1D90S-2 620822 620522 Table 3

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