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The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of stress on the

academic performance of GRADE 11 Herons Students, and whatever study
results are found may benefits to a certain groups:

● To the Students. They will be able to use this study as awareness in

order to know what level of stress they are in and what types of stress
they are dealing with. Student will be able to comprehend various
perspectives for various classes. And it will inspire, enlighten, and benefit
them in such a way that it will serve as the foundations or standards of
their goal or motivations to try and avoid or prevent this kind of stress;
that even though they are aware that perceived stress is a strong external
factor in academic performance, they continue to work toward their goal
despite its contribution to life’s obstacles and struggles.

● To the School Administrators. They will gain knowledge about the

perceived stress that has been present within the institution. Prior to this
psychological issue, they should gain knowledge. And to be aware of it,
which may result in them keeping their ideas and pushing them to try to
solve such problems.

This study is based on the idea of developing a qualitative views of stress

effects for students who have claimed to have experienced stress in their
academic lives, in order to better understand and determine the beliefs and
impact of academic stress on Grade 11 students perception among selected
students in Higher School ng Umak. The current study emphasizes the
importance of continuing to investigate the effects of stress, particularly in
relation to academic performance among Higher School ng Umak students.

Furthermore, the students are the primary beneficiaries of this research. They
should be fully aware of their academic stress level. And for parents,
teachers/professors, and administrators to learn how respondents cope with
academic stress in dealing with their academic performance in order to expand
the concept of overcoming such difficulties in dealing their stress with academic

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