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FHM Philippines, cover of March

1. Issue, 2012

The page carried the tagline, “Stepping Out of the Shadows.”

Following the online publication of the cover, FHM Philippines
received a deluge of criticism on social media, the majority of
which appeared to come from angry, brown-skinned Filipinos.
Did you people not realize how racist this idea was, seriously?
"a film student wrote on the FHM Philippines Facebook page.
One Filipino living in the United States said, "That certain people,
including the editors, did not see an issue with that dumb FHM
magazine cover illustrates how deeply ingrained racism is in
Philippine society."
On the microblogging website Twitter, another user wrote: "What
do you expect? Can you really expect any sensitivity from a
publication that takes great joy in profiting off of women? ”

T-SHIRT at SM store, SM Megamall Under Philippine law, rape is a serious offense that carries a life
(2014) sentence. It is apparent that such a serious act cannot be treated
2. lightly. As a result, Facebook user Karen Kunawicz was offended
when she saw a t-shirt mocking rape at SM. On September 22, she
uploaded a photo of the offending shirt to Facebook. Since then,
the post has received more than 1,000 likes, over 5,000 shares,
and more than 200 comments.

The Philippine shopping center chain, SM, released a comment

addressing the event via its Twitter account on September 23, one
day after Kunawicz tweeted her offensive SM find. The message of
the rape clothing, according to SM, was inappropriate. The
business also disclosed to the public that an inquiry has started
and that the shirts will be removed as soon as possible. In fact,
Rappler published a report the same day that SM had withdrawn
the contentious rape T-shirt.

AGSUNTA and their most requested

song in youtube.

The issue is the OPM songs they perform and upload to


4. HUAWEI banned in U.S

Numerous complaints have been made about Huawei, a

multinational Chinese firm that produces consumer electronics
and information technology, over various elements of its business
practices, particularly in relation to violations of human rights,
intellectual property, and cyber security.

Allegations have been made against Huawei, especially by the US

and its allies, that its wireless networking equipment may have
backdoors that would allow Chinese government spying.
According to Huawei, there was no proof of the U.S. espionage
allegations and its goods posed "no greater cyber security risk"
than those of any other vendor. The business has also teamed up
with British officials to set up a lab to inspect its goods.
5. "The Naked Truth“, Bench Philippines
fashion show in 2014

Coco Martin's was one of the few males at the fashion show who
was completely dressed, donning a red jacket and a set of long
pants. Possibly if he wasn't holding a woman on a leash, we
wouldn't have even seen him. Naturally in a sensual manner, this
woman crept across the catwalk on all fours. This degrading
depiction of a woman as a dog, a sexy slave, outraged many

Government representatives also voiced their opinions, with

Teddy Casio of Bayan Muna declaring that "Bench just crossed the
line. The explicit and obscene sexual commercialism of Naked

Liza Maza, a former representative for the GABRIELA Women's

Party, chimed in and cited Republic Act 9710, often known as the
Magna Carta of Women, which calls for a "non-discriminatory and
non-derogatory portrayal of women in media and entertainment."

"Portrayals like this illustrate that companies like Bench and SM,
who were previously exposed for selling a pro-rape t-shirt,
continue to market a sub-human image of women beneath the
nose of the state, who should be the main duty-bearer in ensuring
that 'the dignity of women' is recognized," she said.

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