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Name : Yogi

Class : 2EA
NPM : 062130320985
 The students are able to write safety symbols that can be found in the workshop.
 The students are able to write the functions of the safety symbols that can be found in
the workshop.
 The students are able to write the reasons why the safety symbols must be posted on
the workshop wall.

Electrical Safety Signs and Signals Everyone Should Know

Electrical safety signs and signals play a vital role in Safeguard from electrical
hazards. Everyone must have knowledge of understanding their meanings to be cautious
about may be hazards.

What are the electrical signs and signals?

Electrical safety signs and signals are recognizable symbols that warn of or identify
potential electrical hazards associated with location or items. These include images,
keywords, shapes, phrases, or statements. These are displayed on walls, boards, buildings,
entrances, machines, equipment’s, transports, roads, or any clearly visible area. These are
stylized with bold backgrounds. They must convey practical knowledge and should serve as
important reminders, helpful for untrained workers and people everywhere. There are mainly
4 categories: 1) Emergency, 2) Mandatory, 3) Warning, and 4) Prohibition.


1. Emergency: Green Color

These signs are of square or rectangular shape. Green background with white image.
Displayed on emergency exits, escape routes first aid kits.

2. Mandatory: Blue Color

These are round-shaped, white, or yellow images on a blue background. Instruct wash
hands, wear safety harness or glasses.

3. Warning: Yellow Color

Triangular shaped signs with black edging and black image on a yellow background.
These give warning of shocks, magnetic fields, etc.

4. Prohibition: Red Color

Round shaped, having a black image on a white background with red edging and a red
diagonal line. These signal’s instructions are like, do not touch, do not enter, have no access,
no use of mobile, etc.

Due to lack of higher safety training and knowledge of handling fire safety equipment
fire at workplaces or at homes tolls immeasurable and intolerable losses of life and property.
A tiny spark of a flame may turn into a big fire by front moves along or through the burning
material and proved to be fatal. The statistics for the loss of life and physical assets are
shockingly horrifying! The National Crime Records Bureau indicates that “More than two
lacs lives had lost during the last decade due to fire accidents in India only.” The foremost
cause of these fatalities is unawareness, ignorance, and lack of training. Here are 10 fire
safety tips, we have put together for you.

1) install fire detection system

Each and every industry has to install a fire detection system. In the case of accidental
fires, warning alarms are automatically triggered by the system. If the alarms are not
automatic then it should be triggered manually by a tech expert. The installation of a fire
detection system is legally mandatory in industries all over the globe.

2) keep ready an emergency plan.

There should be always an emergency plan and it’s back up for the safety of the
working people. Trained them in evacuation procedures at the time of hazard.

3) creation of an effective fire escape route.

The fire escape route to evacuate the people at a safe place should be always designed
by the experts. The route should have clear indications and a well-lit vision.

4) designate a fire warden.

A certified person skilled in creating and maintaining fire safety procedures should be

5) know your fire extinguisher.

An inappropriate type of installation of fire extinguishers is one of the major risks
during the process of extinguishing the fire. For the different classes of fire different types of
extinguishers should be used for fire safety. For Class B fire (fire from inflammable liquids)
or from electricity causes shock or explosion if tried to extinguish with a water extinguisher.
The use of carbon dioxide extinguisher on chemical fire results in a violent explosion. Hence,
an extinguisher should be installed according to the workplace environment for fireplace

6) installation of emergency lighting

The immediate consequence of accidental fire is the failure of electric supply, hence
there should be a backup of emergency lighting throughout the safe route that helps the
workers to access a safe place.

7) check fire safety signs

Fire safety signs should contain clear and bright colored pictures to understand for the
person of poor vision easily. Pictures should be preferred overuse of languages. A person not
knowing that particular language is able to get them.

8) train the employees in fire safety

Through the Seminars, lectures, and videos train your people in the process of
escaping and to pay attention to the instructions of fire wardens. How to understand the signs
and use the safety route.

9) regular fire drills

Furnish and refresh training for fire safety by regular drills is necessary.

10) promote good storage

Don’t store inflammable materials for longer than necessary. Avoid overloading plug
sockets. It may cause a short circuit, which is a very common concern of fire. Store safety
equipment properly. Corroded fire extinguisher gives rise to an explosion.

To avoid fire at home every member must practice safe habits. It is very dreadful to
imagine a home on fire. Home is the place where we create our self and our own world.
This slogan is flashing everywhere all over the world. In recent conditions, everyone
accepts that only home is the safest and sound place to fight against COVID- 19 Pandemic.
From early childhood, our first lesson is “Our home is a place that protect us from all
disasters” and we experience this, at every step of life. Hence “We owe greatly to protect our


 Installation of Fire and Smoke Detectors and Fire Extinguishers in each room or at
least in prominent rooms is the best defense policy.
 Fire and smoke detectors catch the problem before the actual hazards.
 Everyone should know how to use the Fire Extinguisher. These must be checked once
a month and replaced every 10 years. The sound of an alarm should reach every
 Check out High Power Appliances like washing machines, microwave oven, air
conditioner, water heaters, space heater, etc. annually by professionals. These can
overheat if not cleared out properly.
 Many of the fire hazards are caused due to short circuits of faulty wiring. Torn
insulation, frayed wires, or damaged cords are able to create sparks and nearby
flammables might catch fire.
 Frequent flickering of light or intermittent power surges indicates the risk of
 Use of Extension Cord for high power appliances or overloading too many appliances
to a circuit is also a risk factor for the ignition of the fire.


More than half of house fires start in the kitchen. It is the place where so many
appliances are used. Regular check-ups are mandatory for those in the Kitchen. Stoves and
Gas cylinders are most hazardous in a kitchen. Check gas cylinders and regulators to prevent

leakage. Never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking is in progress. Don’t switch off or
switch on electric switches while changing the gas cylinder. Keep flammable liquids away
from gas cylinders at the Kitchen.


Fire Place and Space Heater are “Hot Spots” to cause a fire hazard. There should be a
glass door or spark screen between flames and floor to prevent jumping embers. Dispose of
the ash from the fireplace in the metal container, before that make a sure-fire in the ash is
completely extinguished. Space Heater emits highly combustible Carbon Monoxide gas. It is
difficult to detect being a colorless, odorless gas. So, the installation of a Carbon Monoxide
detector alarm is recommended. Take care that flammables like curtains, fabrics, beds,
draperies must be at least 3 feet away from the fireplace or space heater. Avoid the spreading
of electric cords under carpet or furniture. Cover Mattresses with a flame retardant mattress

Geysers, Water Heater also emits Carbon Monoxide gas if kept on for a long or
without water. Cleaners, Sanitizers, Cosmetics, Hair Spray, Shaving Cream might cause
combustion when exposed at high temperatures. Lint collected in the dryer of the washing
machine is flammable. Clean it regularly.

Keep flammable liquids such as alcohol, paint, gasoline, kerosene in leakage proof,
crack proof containers. Being highly combustible might cause an explosion because of the

Stray embers from barbecue stove, it may give rise to fire if it is not placed several
feet away from trees, deck or fencing, etc.


A Christmas tree is highly combustible as it is dry. Decoration with low quality or
damaged lights might ignite a fire. The blast of firecrackers in the vicinity of a home is one of
the major reasons for a fire at home during the Diwali Festival.
Surprisingly, kitchen/terrace gardening is also able to cause a fire. Some pesticides or
fertilizers in extra amounts in pot soil catch fire at high temperatures.


 Don’t smoke inside the home.
 Keep candles far away from flammables. Put out candles before exit or sleeping.
 Don’t leave the kitchen unattended when the stove or other appliances are on. Always
put off the cylinder regulator after cooking is done.
 Don’t forget to unplug the iron, hair straightener, etc.
 Not to use an extension cord for high power appliances.
 Don’t overload the socket with many plugs.
 Keep children and pets away from risky heat and electrical appliances.

Home Extinguishers
Write 5 safety symbols that can be found in a workshop, write the functions of those
safety symbols, and write the reasons why those safety symbols must be posted at the
workshop wall. Complete your assignment and send your work to LMS topic 15.

1. Safety Shoes

 The Function Safety Shoes

1. Protects from Sharp and Dangerous Objects
2. Preventing Fatal Work Accidents
3. Protects from Hot Objects
4. Make Users Not Slip
5. Prevent the feet from getting serious injuries
 The safety symbol must be installed on the workshop wall because it reminds all students
to always use safety shoes when doing practicum in the workshop room, in order to
avoid work accidents.

2. First Aid Box

 The Function First Aid Box

First aid in case of minor injury or injury.
 The safety symbol must be installed on the wall of the workshop because it ensures that
the workshop room is always ready if a student has a work accident.

3. Fire Extinguisher

 The Function Fire Extinguisher

APAR or Light Fire Extinguisher is a tool used to extinguish fires or control small
 The safety symbol must be installed on the wall of the workshop because it is to maintain
safety in the event of a minor fire when carrying out practicum.

4. No Smoking

 The Function No Smoking

as a warning that in certain areas, especially where there are flammable materials,
smoking is prohibited because it can cause fires.
 The safety symbol must be installed on the workshop wall because it is to remind all
students not to smoke when in the workshop room which will cause a fire and not
interfere with concentration when doing practicum.

5. Wearpack Safety

 The Function Wearpack Safety
to protect the wearer's body from things that can lead to accidents during practicum in
the workshop room.
 The safety symbol must be installed on the workshop wall because it reminds all students
to always use a safety Wearpack when doing practicum in the workshop room, in order
to avoid practicum accidents.


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