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Leonhard 3

Jack Leonhard

Mr. Tanner

8th Lit/Comp.

22 May 2022

Shylock’s Revenge

Has there ever been a time where everything just goes wrong or everyone is disrespectful?

Shylock in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakpespeare, is the one who everyone is

disrespectful to. Shylock is being disrespected and has the right to have revenge. Shylock's want

for revenge against Antonio is justified because of the way Antonio treats him . Three ways in

which Shylock’s want for revenge against Antonio is justified because the way Antoio treats him

are Antonio is disrespectful to him, Antonio lowers interest rates in spite of him and takes his

belongings, and Antonio and his friends are anti-semitist towards him.

Because Antonio is disrespectful to Shylock his want for revenge is Justified. Shylock is

talking to Antonio about how much he has wronged him: “You spurned me such a day; another

time You called me ‘dog’;” (Shakespeare 137-138). Antonio calls Shylock a dog. Shylock

deserves revenge on Antonio and Antonio knows how disrespectful he is. Shylock knows that he

is purposefully being disrespectful to him. Not only does Antonio call him a dog but much more.

Shylock is talking to Antonio about how Antonio physically disrespects him: “And spet upon my

Jewish gaberdine” (122). Antonio actually spits on Shylock and physically hurts him. The

amount of disrespect it takes to spit on someone especially in this time is incomparable. Antonio,

again, shows how much he does not like Shylock and for a bad reason. Similarly, Antonio does

other things to Shylock than spit on him and call him a dog.
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Shylock’s want for revenge on Antonio is justified because Antonio lowers interest rates

in spite of Shylock and takes his belongings. Shylock is angry at Antonio for lowering interest

rates and letting out money so easily: “He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate of

usance here with us in Venice” (44-45). Antonio is handing out money with no interest. Nobody

will want to go to Shylock for loans if they can go to Antonio. Antonio ruins Shylock’s business

and reputation. Antonio not only lowers interest rates but also takes Shylock’s belongings.

Antonio and Shylock are in court and Shylock just for proved for attempted murder and Antonio

is asking the Duke to give him half of Shylock’s goods: “So please my lord the Duke and all the

court To quit the fine for one half of his goods” (396-397). Antonio wants half of all of Shylock’s

things. Antonio wants the worst for Shylock and for no reason. For all that Antonio has done to

Shylock, he deserves revenge. Similarly, to Antonio, his friends are also mean to him and they

also want the worst for him.

Shylock’s want for revenge on Antonio is justified because Antonio and his friends are

anti-semitist towards him. Shylock, again, is telling Antonio about all the wrongs he has done to

him: “He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my

gains, scorned my nation, thwarted mine enemies-and what’s his reason? I am a Jew” (54-57).

Shylock remembers all the things Antonio has done to him. Antonio disrespected his nation, The

Jews. He ruined his bargains and Antonio’s reason is that he is a Jew. Antonio does other

disrespectful things to Shylock and his religion. Antonio and Shylock are in court and Shylock is

getting his punishments for attempted murder: “Two things provided more; that for this favor He

presently become Christian” (402-403). Antonio and his friends are forcing him to become

Christian. This is very disrespectful and wrong to Shylock and his religion. If Antonio is going to

wrong him he should at least let him keep his own religion.
Leonhard 3

Because Antonio treats Shylock wrong, Shylock’s revenge against him is justified.

Antonio is disrespectful to Shylock in many ways, Antonio lowers interest rates in spite of

shylock and his own money, Antonio and his friends are wrong and anti-semitist to him and

force him to do things he does not want to do. Even when everyone is being disrespectful, keep

moving on with life and do not let it stop you from doing the right thing.

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