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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1
Hari /Tanggal : Selasa, 27 September 2022
Waktu : 07.15-08.45 WIB
1. Berdoalah Anda sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal.
2. Tulislah Identitas Anda (Nama, Nomor Peserta, Kelas, Ruang, Jenis Ulangan, Mata Pelajaran, Hari/ Tanggal,
Tahun Pelajaran) di tempat yang tersedia.
3. Jumlah Soal sebanyak 50 butir, terdiri atas 50 butir soal pilihan ganda.

Pilihlah jawaban yang a, b, c atau d yang paling tepat!

Text 1
Andin : Dayu, my sister, Alya, will turn 17 this week.
I’m going to give her a surprise party. I’ll make a
delicious birthday cake for her. I have to buy many things
this afternoon for it. I think I need someone to accompany
me to go to the supermarket. Can you please accompany me
to go there?
Dayu : That sounds great, Dayu. Actually I would, but I have to go
to the dentist this afternoon.
Andin : That’s Ok. I can go with Lisa or somebody else. I hope that your
granny will get better soon.
Dayu : Thanks.

1. The expression of telling willingnes from the text above is ....

Dayu, my sister, Alya, will turn 17 this week.
I hope that your granny will get better soon.
I’ll make a delicious birthday cake for her.
I can go with Lisa or somebody else.

2. “Actually I would, but I have to go to the dentist this afternoon.” By saying this, we know that Dayu ....
accepts andin’s invitation
declines andin’s invitation
tells her ability to andin
agrees to Andin’s idea

3. Will Dayu go to the supermarket with Andin?

A. Yes, she can .
B. Yes, she will.
C. No, she cannot.
D. No, she will not.

Sahda : Hey, everyone. Listen to me, please. I got an interesting news.

Students : What’s that?
Sahda : Our school will held a speech competition next month.
The 1st winner will get 2 millions rupiahs for the prize.
Students : Really? Tell us more about it.
Sahda : Each class must send at least two representatives for that, one boy
and one girl. We have to register the participants before this
this weekend. The captain of each class can send the name of
each class delegations by WA group to the committee. So I think
it’s better for us to choose our class delegation soon so that i can
tell the name of our delegation to the cometee before this weekend.
Do you follow me?
4. Where could the text above probably happen?
In the library
In the canteen
In the classroom
In the school hall
5. By saying “What’s that?”, we know that the students ....
Ask for Sahdas’s opinion
Gives attention to Sahda
Ask for Sahda’s attention
Gives their opinion to Sahda
6. The expression of asking for attention from the text above is ....
Tell us more about it.
What’s that
Hey, everyone.
7. “Tell us more about it.” The word “it” refers to ...
The prize
The news
The winner
The students
8. By saying “Do you follow me?”, we know that Sahda wants to ....
Check whether her friends still look at her or not.
Check wheter her frends still right behind her or not.
Check whether her friends are still in front of her or not.
Check whether her friends understand her information or not.

9. Who is Sahda?
The captain of the class
The member of the cometee
The 1st winner of the speech competition
The class delegation for the speech competition

10. What will probably they do after that?

Follow the speech competitioin.
Take the prize form the comete.
Prepare the speech competition script.
Choose the class delegation for the competition.

Gea : Sari, have you ever visited Bali?

Sari : No. I’ve never been there. But my brother did,
last year with his school. Why Gea?
Gea : It’s such a wonderful place to visit.
There are many stunning views you
can enjoy there. You should go
there someday.
Sari : Realy, Gea?
Gea : Sure. Trust me.

11. “You should go there someday.” By saying this expression, we know that ....
Gea suggests Sari to go to Bali.
Sari suggests Gea to go to Bali.
Gea invites Sari to go to Bali.
Sari invites Gea to go to Bali.

12. “There are many stunning views you can enjoy there.” The underlined word can be best replaced with ....

13. Reza : Hi, Rico. Can I borrow your book? I got a fever so I could not come to school yesterday.
Rico : Sure. Here you are.
From the dialogue above, we know that Reza ....
Asking for Rico’s capability
Asking for Rico’s willingnes
Giving instruction to Rico
Asking for Rico’s permission
Lutfi : Hey look, Dayu. My uncle has just bought me
a pairs of new rackets.
Dayu : Really? How kind your uncle is.
Lutfi : Well, by the way, can you play badminton?
How if we play it together tomorrow?
Dayu : I’m so sorry, I can’t. I’ve never played it before.
Lutfi : Don’t worry. I’ll tell you then. Just see me
at 8 a.m. in my house.
Dayu : Thanks alot. I promise i’ll come on time.

14. By saying “ How kind your uncle is.”, we know that Lutfi ...
asks for Dayu’s opinion about her uncle
gives her opinion about Dayu’s uncle
gives compliments for Dayu’s uncle
shows her attention to Dayu
15. From the dialogue above, we know that ....
Dayu is capable to play badminton.
Lutfi is unable to play badminton.
Dayu is unable to play badminton.
Lutfi is cannot play badminton.

16. “How if we play it together tomorrow?” From this expression, we know that Lutfi ....
invites Dayu to see her new rackets
asks Dayu’s ability to play badminton
invites Dayu to play bandminton to her house
asks Dayu’s opinion about playing badminton

17. Teacher : Can any one help me turning on the LCD, please? I’m gonna show you
a video about asking and giving opinion.
Anya : Sure, Ma’am.
Teacher : Thank you Anya.
From the underlined expression from the dialoge above, we know that Anya ....
Asks students ability t turn on the LCD
Gives instruction to turn on the LCD
Asks students persmission to turn on the LCD
Asks for students attention to see at the LCD

Beni : Can I go to Edo’s house tonight, Dad?

Father : What for, Beni?
Beni : We have a science project Dad. We need to make the plan
as soon as possible. We only have one month left to get it done.
Father : O.K. Sure. But please don’t come home too late, Dear.
Beni : Don’t worry Dad, I’ll be home again before 9 p.m.
Father : Good Boy. Finish your eating first and you may go then.
Beni : Sure. Thanks, Dad.

18. Where could probably this dialogue happen?

At shcool
In the canteen
In the living room
In the dining room

19. “We only have one month left to get it done.” The word “we” refers to ....
Beni and Edo
Beni and his father
Edo and Beni’s father
Beni and Edo’s father

20. “But please don’t come home too late, Dear.” From this sentence we know that Beni’s father ....
asks for permission
asks for attention
tells prohibition
gives suggestion

21. What will Beni probably do right after the dialogue?

go to school
go to beni’s house
finish his dinner
do the science project
Hi! My Name is Alex, I’m seventeen years old
and I live in Paris. We must listen to our
teachers in our school and we must be polite.
We mustn’t fight in the school and we
mustn’t swear! We mustn’t be late in school
and we mustn’t sleep in class! We mustn’t
listen to music in the classroom or in the
corridors, but we can listen to music in the

22. From the text above, we know that Alex tell about .... in Alex’s school.

23. One of prohibitions in Alex’s School is ....

Students must come on time.
Students must listen to the teacher.
Students are not allowed to sleep in class.
Students are allowed to listen to music in the classroom

24. Dika : What do you think about my drawing?

Hendra : That’s great! It’s so colorfull. You should
hang it on your room after this.
Dika : Really? Thanks, Hendra.
From the dialogue above, Hendra is...
asking for help
giving his opinion
asking for an opinion
asking for suggestion

This dialogues is for number

Davin : Hey, Edo. There’s a football match tonight.
Let’s enjoy it with me?
Edo : Yeah, that’s sounds great! What time is the
Davin : It’s at 7.
Edo : Great! Let’s go.

25. Will Edo go to the concert?

No, he will not.
He is still confused.
Yes, he will.
He likes it but he won’t.

26. “Let’s enjoy it with me?” The sentence is an expression of …

prohibiting someone to do something
asking for permission
giving permission
inviting someone to do something

27. From the text we know that ….

Edo refuses to see the match.
Davin and Edo will see the macth.
Davin will see the concert alone.
Davin is not able to see the match.

28. Danis : ....?

Haris : I think it is big and clean. It is comfortable to study here isn’t it?
Danis : I do agree with you.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....
are you thinking of this big classroom
what do you think about our classroom
what are you doing in our classroom
what if we are thinking about our classroom
29.Daniar: The weather is so hot today. …
Danar : With my pleasure.
Daniar: Thanks a bundle. It’s cooler now.
a. Do you think so?
b. Let me turn on the fan.
c. Turn on the fan, please.
d. How do you turn on the fan?

Mother : Dayu, look, your room is so messy. Please tidy up

and clean it soon.
Dayu : Off course Mom.
Mother : Good girl. Thank you.
Dayu : No problem Mom.

30.Where does the dialogue above probably take place?

at school
at home
in library
in a play ground

31. From the underlined expression, we know that mother …

gives Dayu instruction to clean up my room.

asks Dayu’s permission to to clean up her room.
gives Dayu permission clean up her room.
gives Dayu instruction to tidy dan clean up her room.

32. Beni often comes late to school. His teacher tells him, “. . . .”
Don’t be late.
Do not late to school.
Never late here.
Don’t come back here.

33. Doni : Hey, Bayu. How’s life?

Bayu : Great. And you?
Doni : Not really good. I’ve got many home works this week and
I haven’t done many of them. I have to get it done before Friday.
Some of them are really difficult for me, especially my
math homework. I have to solve some algebra problems.
…? I heard that you’re good at math.
Bayu : Sure. Let me see your problem and help you solving it.
Doni : Thanks a million, Bayu.
Bayu : Don’t mention it.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

Do you can help me?

How do you think of my homework?
Can you help me?
Will you give me your homework?

Siska : My family’s gonna celebrate my graduation this weekend.
Would you like to come?
Wulan : …., I have to accompany my mom to go to her doctor.
The most suitbale expression to fil the bank is ....

It’s very interesting

It’s my pleasure
I’m very worried
I’m afraid, I can’t
35. Fahmi : Dad, may I go fishing with Made this weekend?
Father : Okay. Be careful and be sure that you bring all
the tools you need.
From the underlined expression above, we know that Father …
Fahmi to go fishing with Dika.


36. Mrs Gracia is in the class with her students. They are discussing a long text.
The Students : The text is too long. There also many difficult words in it.
Mrs Gracia : Surely you can. You can open your dictionary.
The students : Thank you.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

We can open the dictionary.

Can we open the dictionary?
What can we open the dictionary?
How can we open the dictionary?

37. Gunawan is talking about his house with Diah.

Diah : You said that you will paint your new house.
Gunawan : Yes, my uncle will do that.
Diah : I see. We will help him to paint your house tomorrow
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

He will paint my house.

He will paint your house.
He won’t paint my house.
He won’t paint your house.

38. Udin and his mother are on the phone,

Udin : Hello, Mom. This is Udin.
Lina : Oh, Udin. Why are you calling, Son?
Udin : I have a birthday invitation this afternoon but
I can’t go to buy gift for him. ………………………………
Lina : OK, I will buy the gift for your friend birthday after the office.
Udin : Thank you Mom.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

Can you go with me?

Can you buy the gift for him?
Can you celebrate the birthday?
Can you celebrate my friend’s birthday?

Teacher : For your health, …………………………………
Too much soft drink is not good for your health.
It contains preservatives and other chemiclas substances.
They may harm your kidney.
Students : Yes, Sir.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

Do not drinks much soft drink.

Do not drank much soft drink.
Don’t drinking much soft drink.
Don’t drink much soft drink.
40. Udin is talking to Lina about her gift for Dayu’s birthday.
Lina : Hey, Lina is a girl. Buy her a doll.
Udin : But she tells me that she likes a car toy.
Lina : Okay if she says so. You can buy a car toy for her.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ....

Buy her a car toy.

Please buy her a doll.
Don’t buy a doll for her please.
Don’t buy a car toy for her birthday.

41. Tama : I catch a cold Mom. What should I do?

Mom : You ... drink much water, eat healthy food
and have enough rest, dear.
The most suitable expression to fill the blank is ...

To: Audrey

Congratulations on
Your success to pass the examination
May today’s success be just the beginning of your
long-life achievement and happiness.
Remember the challenges are waiting for you in the
coming senior high school. However, I believe you can
do your best as you used to be and become the best
of all again. Good luck!

Your best friend,


42.What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

to ensure one’s happiness.
to congratulate his friend.
to have a good time.
to entertain someone.

43. The text shows that the receiver has just finished
his … school.
junior high
senior high

44.Who is Mayang?
She is your best friend.
She is my best friend.
Riany’s close friend.
Audrey’s friend.
Happy 2nd birthday to our sweet granddaughter
Rachel ….
Have fun eating your cake and present opening

45.The text above is ….

an invitation card
a greeting card
an announcement
a caution

46.Who send the card?

Rachel’s Parents
Rachel’s grandparents
Rachel’s friends
Brothers and sisters

47.How old is Rachel? She is … years old.


This text is for number 3-4

Dear Diana,
On this special occasion, I would like
to say:
A very happy 13th BIRTHDAY TO YOU
Wish you the best and may your
wishes come true.
Your beloved friend


48.What does the text inform?

Lina expresses her gratitude to Diana.
Lina expresses her apology to Diana.
Lina wishes Diana Happy 13th birthday.
Lina gives her compliments to Diana.

49.“On this special occasion, I would like to say….” The word “occasion’ has the same meaning with ….

50. The text below is ....

An invitation card
A get well card
A condolence card
A birthday card
51. Who is the sender of the card?
Grandpas’s son
Grandpa’s grandchild
Grandpas’s father

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