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Let’s talk about ‘WHAT IF’

● What will you do if you won the lottery? Explain in detail.
R/ If I won the lottery, I would pay all my debts and buy the
motorcycle of my dreams.

● What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island?

R/If I were trapped on an island, I would take the time to
think about how I can get out of there while I look for food
and accommodation.

● Which 3 things would you like to have with you?

R/ I would have a company, a family and my motorcycle

● If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?Why?

R/ If I had three wishes, I would like to have enough money to
be able to travel a lot and always be healthy because they are
necessary to fulfill my dreams.

● What would you do if you found a fat wallet on the street?

R/ If I found a fat wallet on the street, I would check if it has
documents to give it to its owner since it does not belong to me
and that person may have needs.

● If you could be an animal for one day, what would it be? Explain
R/ If I could be an animal, I would be the lion because they are
generous and very peaceful, just as I feel good helping others.
● If an alien space ship invited you for a ride, would you go? Why
or why not?
● R/If an alien ship approaches me I would be scared and if they
invite me for a walk I would say no because they can't have.

● If you could travel in time,where would you go? Explain why

R/ If I could turn back time I would see my mom one more
time because I missed her a lot

● How long would you like to live if you had the choice? Explain.
R/I would like to live too long until I am wrinkled because I
have much to enjoy and more to live life is beautiful.

● If you were born 50 years earlier, how will your life be

R/ If I was born when I was 50 years old, my life would be
different because I would already have another thought and I
would not have met the special people that I have in my life and
I imagine that I would be lying in bed because of my age.

● If you could start over your life, what would you change?
R/ If I could start over I would change my ways because I've
been wrong to amazing people and I feel bad about it.
● If you had divine (= godlike) powers, how would you change the
R/If I had powers I would change the world with my super
mind to think fast with more ideas and my super strength with
agility to be able to finish the works faster without any delay.

● If you were the leader of your country, what would you do or

R/If I were the leader of a country, I would listen to people
from the largest to the smallest and I would support them in
everything so that they do not lack anything.

● If you had the chance to be born again, in which country would

you like to be born?
R/ If I were born again it would be in the United States

● What would you do if your dog ate your homework just before
going to school?
R/ If the dog ate my homework I would do it again and if I
can't finish it I tell the teacher what happened.

● If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would
you do?
R/ If I could commit a crime, I would put an end to the bad
people that stalk the streets so that no one else fears for
their lives.
● If you received one million dollar which you couldn’t spend on
yourself, what would you spend it on?
R/ If I had a million dollars, I would spend it on my family so
that they can meet their tastes and buy what they need.

● What would you do if you had only one day to live?

R/If I had one day left to live, I would enjoy it like never
before and share it with the people I love the most.

● How would you feel if you found out that you were adopted?
R/ If I found out that I was adopted, I would feel sad but at
the same time grateful to the people who rescued me and
welcomed me as their son.


What will you do if … #

… another student asked If he asks me for a copy, I would say no because I

to copy your homework? made an effort to do it and I would easily be

giving it to him.

you were bullied at school If I was bullied at school I would tell my parents

or work? so they can take action or if it was at work I

would file a complaint and I would not remain

got lost in the forest at 7 If I get lost in the woods, I would scream to see

night? if someone would listen to me, and if not, I would

hide while the sun rises.

Someone stole your 6 If my bike is stolen, I notify everyone I know so

bicycle? they can help me find it.

… you saw a friend 8 If I see that he is stealing, I tell him to return
what he took because it is not his and it cost that
stealing something?
person a lot to get it and it is not fair.

you were stuck in a lift? 2 If I was trapped and I manage to get out, I run to
tell the staff of the building so that it can be
fixed and it doesn't happen again.

… your mobile phone fell 1 If I drop it, I quickly take it out of the toilet, dry
it and put it in a cup of rice to extract all the
in the toilet?
water and wait for it to turn on the cell phone.

… a friend or relative 4 If he does, I claim him and ask for the money
back because it is all my effort and nothing is that
stole money from your

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