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1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

As it is known, technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of

human life and environment, which in turn serves as a mode of revealing tangible and intangible things.
Technology not only uncovers the truth about the world and certain aspects of reality, but it also shapes
it in such a way that everything we perceive, think about, and even interact with is revealed. When we
are able to recognize and understand its concepts and relation, reality unfolds. And this is where
technology enters the picture, as it alters our way of thinking as well as how we perceive and interpret
the world, beyond our will or control. Technology serves as a mode of revealing in a way that it tells us
how things work and their nature and it embodies a specific way of revealing the world, in which
humans take power and control over reality. 

2. How is questioning the piety of thought?

The piety of thought is described as a comprehensive attempt to interrogate ideas in order to

gain an understanding of the essence of a thing, rather than merely understanding it as an instrument or
a means. With this, we can say that questioning is the piety of thought because as we explore and open
ourselves to new questions, we continue to seek insight, we continue to search and uncover the essence
of truth for us to know, while we continuously anticipate and investigate. Questioning becomes a piety
of thought because learning and understanding are achieved through the act of being curious. Through
questioning things and interrogating, additional thinking is acquired, and we get to know and
understand new concepts and things in life. This applies to science and technology as we continue to
question and think of the different scientific theories and concepts, we gain new knowledge, facts,
perspectives, instruments, and even innovations that influence our daily lives and allows us to
understand the truth of where we stand in this world.

3. How does art provide a way of enframing?

Enframing is a way of revelation in Heidegger's philosophy in which things are only interpretable
in terms of flexibility, reliability, efficiency, utility, and so on. We are ultimately driven into a particular
conception of things in the essence of modern technology, in which we must comprehend them in terms
of standing reserve through enframing. Unconcealment, on the other hand, occurs through art and is a
way of unveiling in which objects are rendered interpretable as they are in themselves and make sense
to us. That is to say that art acts as a way of enframing through disclosing or revealing the truth and
things as they are in themselves, rather than revealing them as they are. Art shifts our understanding of
things from one of standing reserve to one of truth, allowing us to emotionally engage with something
that is complicated for us to appreciate with our minds alone.

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