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To what extent does Indonesian
government serve the basic
Human Rights of its citizens.

including the rights to food, education,
Human rights are privileges that we have only by
employment, health, and liberty. Human rights
virtue of being human; no state has the authority
cannot be taken away. They shouldn't be taken
to bestow them. No matter our nationality, sex,
away until certain conditions are met and the
ethnicity, race, color, religion, nationality, or any
proper procedure has been followed. For
other status, we are all endowed with these
instance, if a person is found guilty of a crime by a
universal rights. The most fundamental of them is
court of law, their right to liberty may be limited.
the right to life, followed by those that make life
The protection of human rights is one approach to care for the variety
of the Indonesian nation, which is characterized by widespread
Enforcement through law
diversity and plurality. People that reside on Indonesian land are known
to have a variety of traits. This entails having rights that are not
Establishment of a National
comparable amongst various community groups. But generally
speaking, as stated in the opening paragraph of this article, there are six
categories into which Indonesian people's human rights can be divided.
As a result, in order to accomplish the objectives of sovereign
Establishment of a Human Rights
governance both domestically and abroad, the government of Court
Indonesia must take certain steps to defend and protect the human
rights of its population.One step toward ensuring justice for Indonesian Enforcement through the
residents, particularly in cases involving human rights breaches, is the
establishment of a human rights court in the country. The government educational process
can take a variety of steps to protect Indonesian citizens' human rights,
including the following:

Examples of
Human Rights
violation in
The Case of
Marsinah Indonesia. The Tanjung Priok Massacre
Marsinah was an independent The Tanjung Priok incident was a riot that occurred
trade unionist who worked at a on September 12, 1984 in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta,
watch factory in East Java, Indonesia, which resulted in a number of deaths and
Indonesia, whose assassination injuries and a number of buildings being burned. A
drew international attention to group of mobs carried out a defile while destroying a
the brutal suppression of labor number of buildings and finally clashed with the
under the Suharto dictatorship. officers who then opened fire on them. At least 9
people were burned to death in the riots and 24
people were killed by the actions of the authorities.

G30S / Sep 30 Movement

The September 30th Movement (G30S) was an event
with the background of a coup that took place during
one night from September 30 to October 1, 1965
which resulted in the death of six generals and one of
the first officers of the Indonesian military and their
bodies were placed in an old wellbore in the Lubang
Buaya area, East Jakarta.
"Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and
where individuals and nations are free."
14th Dalai Lama

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