Exercise 6 Matter and Energy 2

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1. The average weight of a common person is around 65 kg.

If two common persons

have a 1C charge each, one positive and the other negative, which should be the

distance between them such that the force of electric attraction between them is

equal to their weight, 700N?


r= √ ( k*q1 *q2÷ F)=

k= 8.987551787*109

q1= 1C

q2= 1C

F= 700N

√ 8.987551787*109 *1C*1C÷700= 3583.20522656 m

2. Two small spheres separated by a distance of 0.3m have similar charges. How

many exceeding electrons must be in each sphere if the magnitude of the repulsive

force between them is of 5.5x10-21N?


d: 0.3 (r 2)(F)/1C= 5.5x10 -32 2.345x10 -16/1.6x 10

F: 5.5x10 N q= 5𝑥10 − 52 q1q2= 5.5x10 -32 −215.

F2= 9x10 =2.345x10 -16 9 𝑁·𝑚


R= 1465.75

3. Two point charges are placed over the x-axis as follows: charge q1=+3nC is at

x=0.26m, and charge q2=+6nC is at x=-0.45m. Find the magnitude and direction

of the total force exerted by these two charges over a negative point charge

q3=-8nC that is at x=0m.


d: q1=+3nC is at x=0.26m, q2=+6nC is at x=-0.45m, q3=-8nC that is at x=0m

F₁₃ = k q₁ q₃ / r₁₃²

F₂₃ = k q₂ q₃ / r₂₃²

F = k q₃ (q₁ / r₁₃² + q₂ / r₂₃²)

F = 9 10⁹ 8 10⁻⁹ (3 10⁻⁹ / (0.26 - 0) 2 + 6 10⁻⁹ / (0.45-0) 2)

F = 72 (44,379 + 29,630) 10⁻⁹

F = 5.33 10⁻⁶ N

Answer: F = 5.33 10⁻⁶ N , directed to the left.

4. Three point charges, q1=+7x10-6C, q2=-7x10-6C and q3=+3x10-6C, are placed

on the corners of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 80 mm. Find the

magnitude and direction of the net force over charge q1=+7x10-6C.

Formula: q1=+7x10-6C isx=.08m, q3=+3x10-6C is x=.08m, q1=+7x10-6C is x=.08m

F12=9*10^(9)C ((7*10^(-6)C)(-7*10^(-6)C))/((.08m)^(2)=68.9N

F13=9*10^(9)C ((7*10^(-6)C)(3*10^(-6)C))/((.08m)^(2))= 29.53N

of the free body diagram





Direction= 60.17°

5. Two identical charges separated by 0.040m have an attractive force of 2kN. Find

the magnitude of each.


F= k e(q1q2/𝑟 )

F= electrostatic (N)

q1=magnitude first charge (C)

q2= magnitude second charge (C)

k e= Columbus’ constant= 8.98755*10^9 N*m^2/C^2

Answer: 0.00001886923 C or 18869.23 nC

6. Two point charges are attracted from each other with a force of 6kN. If the

distance between them is reduced to one fourth of its original value, determine the

new force of attraction between them.


F= 6kN= 6000 N D: r/4 F= k(q1q2/𝑟 )

F2= ? D: r F2=k(q1q2/(r/4) )=k(q1q2/ /16) = 16 k(q1q2/ 2

Constant: 9x10 F2= 16*F1 = 16*6000= 96000 N 9 𝑁·𝑚


R= 96 kN

7. A charge q1=+6μC is 0.06m at the right of a charge q2=-9μC. Find the FN over

charge q3=-1.9μC that is 0.03m at the right of charge q2?


F1= k(q1q2/r2)=k(q2q3/r2)

F1=9*10 (-9* /0.0 /0.0009) 9


= 9 * 10 9

(1. 71 *10−11

F1=(9*10)*(19*10)=171 N

F2= k(q1q2/r2)=k(q3q1/r2)




8. Two identical charges have an attractive force of 60N when the distance between

them is 0.075mm. Determine the magnitude of each charge.


E = kQ/r2


r2= 0.075mm

Q= 6.12796




9. Three point charges arranged as in the image below have charges of Q1= +3 nC,

Q2= +5 nC and Q3= -2 μC. Find the net force on Q1.


F= k lq1q2llq3/r2



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