CM 1-Cu 5-1 - 99309230

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 Read course and unit objectives
 Read study guide prior to class attendance
 Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
 Proactively participate in discussions
 Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
 Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Define the Carińosa a Philippine folk dance.

1. Listen attentively during discussions
2. Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.
4. Develop heightened interest in studying Carińosa a Philippine folk dance.

1. Participate actively during discussions and group activities
2. Perform the Carińosa a Philippine folk dance and make an improvised props and costume.
Cariñosa (Philippine Dance)


The music of Cariῆosa shows a great Spanish
influence to the Filipinos. It is ¾ in rhythm.

Female; Balintawak style costume or patadiong
and camisa.
Girl has fan hanging at the right side of waist.

Male; Barong tagalog, any color trouser.

Boy has a handkerchief in his pocket.


In this dance, performers should refrain from touching each other, but the steps shows the
guy’s interest to the female while the latter is shy and wants to be chased.

Female dancer uses fan. She will be using it to fan herself with the beat while dancing. They
glance at each other from a handkerchief as if they were playing hide-and-seek, where each
partners hold the corners of the handkerchief while blocking each other’s face. Partners swap
flirtatious waves and gestures, and then the girl will kneel down with one knee and fans herself
while the guy dances around the other and then vice versa.


The step of Cariῆosa is similar to waltz and music is ¾ signature. When the music starts, the
female holds her skirt with one or both hands, swaying the fabric of her skirt at the side while
moving around the floor by swaying to the side with a left foot by stepping your right next to the
Start at;

STEP 1. 3 step turn and bow facing each other.

STEP 2. 3 step and point Right-Left direction in 16 counts

STEP 3. Touch step- 3 step forward in 2 counts. 4 touch step, change position then repeat.

STEP 4. 3 step forward and back to back

4 Touch step
Change position and repeat the first two on step 4 above

STEP 5. 3 step forward

Girl opens her fan and will start fanning herself
4 touch step
Change position and the first three on step 5 above.

STEP 6. 3 step forward

Boy move forward then kneel
Girl taps the boy with her fan and she will do 4 touch steps
Change position
Girl will kneel as they look each other and the boy will do 4 touch step

STEP 7. 3 step forward

Girl gets the handkerchief from the boy
Both will move the handkerchief up and down four times
Change position then repeat the first three in step 7.
Here is the Rubrics for your PRELIM PERFORMANCE in CARIŃOSA;

69-60 pts 79-70 pts 89-80 pts 100-90 pts
Student is not clear Student requires some Students gets into Students demonstrate
about the dance assistance from teacher position for the dance clearly the correct
formation while getting into with little assistance dance formation and
FORMATION position from the teacher helps others with only
an occasional hint
from the teacher
Students seems lost or Student can follow Student can follow Students is in a
demonstrate incorrect portions of the dance with most of the sequence leading role and
SEQUENCE OF dance step frequent cues provided by with some guided help clearly demonstrates
STEPS the teacher from others the correct dance
Movements and the Students beat is Demonstrate the beat Student clearly
beat of the music are inconsistent and it most times and is able maintains the beat in
out of step or not fluctuates at times to maintain it in the their dance and
BEAT synchronized. dance consistency maintains
it throughout the
Show little or no Students will participate Approaches dance Student is totally
enthusiasm for dance. in dance. Frequent with a positive motivated to
Does not focus and reminders are needed to attitude. May need to participate in dance. Is
WORK ETHIC follow instruction. Is maintain their focus on be brought back to always focused and on
easily distracted the dance task at times. Can stay task. In fact,
focused and follows encourage others
instruction fairly well. remain on task.
Only some Dance performed with Dance performed with Dance performed with
understanding of attention to most details attention to details of great attention to
technical elements of technique, but hasn’t technique, has attained quality of movement,
TECHNICAL (i.e. footwork, quality attained proficiency in proficiency in dance body position,
SKILL of movements, body dance style yet. Some style placement on stage
positions) technical errors. and other details of
demonstrated in dance. Also
performance demonstrates an
understanding of
dance style
The dancer is not The dancer is seldom The dancer is often The dancer is focused,
focused, concentrated focused, concentrated and focused, concentrated concentrated and
PERFORMANC and committed to the committed to the and committed to the committed to the
E and performance of the performance of the performance of the performance of the
CREATIVITY movement and the movement and the props movement and the movement and the
props and costume is and costume is seldom props and costume is props and costume is
not represents the represents the often represents the wholly represents the
culture/character of culture/character of culture/character of culture/character of
dance. dance. dance. dance.
FOLK DANCE- A folk dance is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a
certain country or region.[1] Not all ethnic dances are folk dances. For example, ritual dances or
dances of ritual origin are not considered to be folk dances. Ritual dances are usually called
"Religious dances" because of their purpose. The terms "ethnic" and "traditional" are used when it
is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. In this sense, nearly all folk dances are
ethnic ones. If some dances, such as polka, cross ethnic boundaries and even cross the boundary
between "folk" and "ballroom dance", ethnic differences are often considerable enough to mention

POSITION- is the spatial location (rather than orientation) of an entity.

CARIÑOSA- (Spanish pronunciation: [kaɾiˈɲosa], meaning the loving or affectionate one) is a

Philippine dance of colonial era origin from the Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances, where
the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it places the couple in romance scenario.

Study Questions and Performance to do;

 Perform the Carińosa a Philippine folk dance with your

improvised props and costume.

PRELIM Performance and Written Examination.

Philippine Folkdance - Cariñosa by BPHE

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