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We can worship God.

Ezra 3:8-9

Acts 20:32: And now I commit you

to God and to the message of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified.

Ancestor Older family member such as a great grandparent or great-great grandparent. (See Descendants) Luke 1:55
*Taken from Holman Publishings Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary for Kids.

Q&A: Q. Who is God?

A. God is a Spirit, and does not have a body like men (Jn. 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Tim. 1:17).

Memorizing scripture is hiding Gods word in our hearts. Use a piece of red or pink paper and cut out a heart. Place each verse youve ever memorized on the heart. When you memorize this months memory verse, place it there too.

Writers once used bread crumbs instead of erasers to correct pencil mistakes.
*Taken from National Geographic Kids Weird But True: 300 outrageous facts.

At the Summit, were striving to climb to new heights with Jesus. These five devotionals are suggestions of activities to do as a family to help your family to climb closer to Jesus together at home during the week. This tool is intended to help you lead a family worship time. Please go to God in worship as a family on a regular basis even if you do not use this resource. If your family completes one of the devotionals parents can initial in the boxes below and the child will receive a buck for every devotional completed.

Devotional One, Read: Read the following verses about worshiping God. Scriptures to consider: Exodus 20:4-6; Deuteronomy 4:19; Joshua 24:15; Psalm 99:5; Matthew 2:2; John 4:24; Romans 12:1-2

Devotional Two, Pray: Prayer is one way to worship God. Tell Jesus how much you love him and are thankful for him and how you need help when it comes to worshiping other things.

Devotional Three, Mold: You can try and mold yourself after other people. Its important we look up to those who are someone who can be looked up to. But regardless of how great a person is (even if its our mom and dad), Jesus is greater still and He is who we need to look like. See if you can use playdough to mold a statue of Jesus. Now mold one of you. Ask Jesus to help you look more like Him each day.

Devotional Four, Build: Build a scene from Acts 16:16-40 using Legos, Duplos, Mega Blocks, or some other kind of building toy. See if you can use these blocks to get all of the details right. Talk with your parents about how this story might relate to the one we learned on Sunday.

Devotional Five, Sing: I love hymns. Hymns are songs that people might have been singing for hundreds of years. One of my favorites is O Worship the King With your parents help, look up this song on the internet or in a hymn book. See if you can find the story behind the song. Talk about this song and what it means. A good resource is, you can listen and read the lyrics and read about the hymn. See if you can sing the hymn once youre finished learning about it.

Devotional Six, Serve: Pray and ask God to show you a way you can serve someone else in your family this week. When He shows you a way, you should probably do it. Ask Him for the strength to do it.

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