ME184903 - Workbook 04

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Damage Analysis and Troubleshooting


4 Fundamental of Fracture
Ductile Fracture

Course Instructor:
Dwi Priyanta

Department of MarineRev. Aug 2022

ME 184903 Damage Analysis and Workbook 4 :
Troubleshooting Fundamental of Fracture: Ductile Fracture


REV. AUG 2022 ...................................................................................................................... 1

1. FUNDAMENTALS OF FRACTURE ....................................................................................... 3

2. DUCTILE FRACTURE .......................................................................................................... 3

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Educate – Enhance – Empower Rev. Oct. 2022
ME 184903 Damage Analysis and Workbook 4 :
Troubleshooting Fundamental of Fracture: Ductile Fracture

Read Chapter 8 of Materials Science and Engineering Textbook and answer the
 following questions.

1. Fundamentals of Fracture
1. What is fracture?
2. Besides stress what other causes of fracture?
3. Mention steps in fracture proces.
4. Name the classification fracture modes based on the the ability of a material
to experience plastic deformation before it fracture.
5. What are the characteristics of ductile fracture and brittle fracture.
6. Why ductile fracture is preferred two brittle fracture?

2. Ductile Fracture
7. Recall resilience and toughness topics from section 6.6. of Callister textbook.
In a stress – strain diagram, briefly explained the different between ductile
fracture and brittle fracture fracture in term of energy absorbtion before
8. Using a sketch / schematic, explain the difference among highly ductile
fracture, moderately ductile fracture and brittle fracture.
9. Using a sketch / schematic, explain the stages in the cup-and-cone fracture
commonly found in moderately ductile fracture.
10. From a cup-cone fracture photo, identify the appearance of the fracture. Page 3 of 3
Educate – Enhance – Empower Rev. Oct. 2022

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