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“DO IT YOURSELF” 5 MD7 MD11 MD S-drive & inion VOLVO PENTA “Do it yourself” Marine engines MD5 * MD7 * MD11 * MD17 Introduction a Important Spare pars Environment ‘Thankyou ‘The isn Faciory History Engne Development Engine designations - Year of manvtacture Design and function Onentaton agin ‘eennical data. is "Tohrical dia NOS i ‘Techical asta MOT - ‘eetricl data MD's ‘ ‘oehrieal data MOI? on Fault racing Seenearsposeeerersgesssseresssaarkeess Mary people preter to maintain ter boat and eqip- ment nemaaives, sce for mary peep a boat snot [st something to dein. ts also pleasant lise acy ‘Securty and stay boars very cependert onthe ‘conden of the boat's equpment. The mos important linkin the rebabity chan she engine and cron ‘This handbook has boon witon a8 aot yourea™ manual win desertion of the uncons cf each fystor and tae are and mantnance “Tasks related each martonance pit are de- serbed in grea! Seta wth bot ext and Hustratons ‘The ets need ae also species, whic ates he Dracicaladvartage Pat you can review te task eo Fetcaly at home. The tcl needed foreach ask and fry spare pate canbe purchased in advance, belore You travel out o your boa. ‘The tacks doscibod are those whch we believe hat anboat owner of average practi billy shoud be ‘todo sally Each one of us has adfernt ove Ot nowiedge and experince trom potessional ‘ucaton et Forts reasr, the level of duty Ste operations doceiba in a "De IE yoursal™ handbook may be perceive dierent. you fal a all unsure about ary pon lease ask your author. lzad Voto Penta workshop for advice. The personnel wallbe nappy fo ve you advice, and io under ne tacks tat you mgt need sore hao wih von # you ae an exporencedproessional lhe mor dfcut tasks shoud ba guen oan autor [zed Voto Penta workahop todo, Tese tasks oten require access to special fools and workshop maa. als tobe done safely. Work on heinjctor pump and Injectors should aways be done oy an authorized workshop, whic has the special equpment and tran ingneedt Invesee alot of money n you engin anc arsmis+ Slon unt, adi cree looked ate wl ea a large part ofits value you should evr choose o sell you bat. De nat fl ortho fomptation font “pirate” componerts. Components of unkrown spec ‘Nato, which are sido yout Vave Pers, might be cheaper o buy, but nobody guararoes that ey realy have been teste, or comply wit te rater 8nd quality requremens that Volo Pena apps © tmarine engine components. Non-rgnalepere can be. snortterm investment tat can lover the overall {ualy and setey. No chain's stonger han fs weak {stint Vv Pert’ doles allover be wos are dco about neato, ‘You can fre mote infomation a: ‘ Inveducten ‘Allotue wart a lean. healthy marine enuronment {ocretaxaton and eceation We, sea lang ngs, ‘epand on ean ar, clean water and peace. Untonunatay, the marine environmen is undor reat ‘fom many souees. The puyol the air and wate, ‘ante poace ofthe natural envionment areal a= {Weted by rman acy nana nerf the wat. Inu product evelopment, wo give pron 10 ot {oreo giving ou product the emalest possible ‘ervroamental pact We constantly endear t= ‘tice exaust omission, tut consumption and noise tov Is you, the boat owner who has tha fa sayin now the envwonmentsaaced, Aways run ths engine ‘win ne recommended tel and nthe way sugges ‘edn the itucton Book very inpetant athe annual service works ‘done, Soma of hie work es tobe done oy author ined personne. many ofthe tasks described, components have ‘be changed. Sevapped olan uel fies always ‘contain a smal amount of ao lana must be ‘eposted nthe spetl bins found at service anc ‘eyeing station, together wih ther chemicals and Used baie. VoWo Peta recononds tat you ‘shoud vee Biodegradable degreasere anc, pos ‘Sie mechanical hulleeaning stead of pooncus antouing pals. .8y reponeible anavor a8 boat ona and boat ‘opera, you maka do avery valuable contiouton to Conservation of ou marine enurormert ‘The Fon factory ha oot gong back o 1801, when ‘was founded as a eam mil In 1912 the ea mil busines nas sold and roar arte 0 ‘make harvesting machinery. Te company, ns {Trbskmashintabrik sew many changes of ownet hunt 1945 when Bander Munk acquired a ‘majority ofthe shares. At thet tina, Sander Markl ‘nly made agicutal machinery and waste ma ‘etleaer ir combine rarvestersn Sweden. Tho stongest competitor was Obéns. Te ion was {ocoordnate and concertraie manufacture ol cam Dine harvestrs to Fln, to mprove compettveross Bolinger Munktot was then acquired by Voto in 1860, toga: with te Fen tactory. Bath under Botner Munktat and under BM Vove, fe fac= ‘ory was coneierablyorionded ut ho aims wore ‘hangndin 1960 whan BI Veo aequted a cam Detng combine harvester manufacturer and al ‘manuacture wae concentra toe factory ste at alsborg. Ais pot, the Fle factory's ea as |S rmanulactcer of como. harvesters has ended. ‘and Volo delded that tho Fler factory woul rene- ‘ate enginas fr alo Volo's pecason comps ies. The factory was now tranctere to the VoWo ‘Stowe works ane ‘so strogin 1968, tomake tand2 tinder engines for Volvo Pena These had prwousy oon ‘made a Souda, but this producton was now transered Fen, The volume ofboth renovation andl Pentas marne engres grew srorgy and he factory ata had tebe extondes sovora! times. VoNo Penta na expanded srongy during Ne 19608 and was now Europe's ages marine engine manstac: {urbe The 28 tanary 1976 was aire day when the ast MD2 engine was mace. They succeeded ‘making acta f 31472 MD engines. The M2 o- (gee ith the MD and MD2 ware replace by he Improved engines that rs “Do-tyourel maa overs, which ae the MDS. MO7. MOTT and MDT? For his reason the manvaiis gly apotcable to {he previous MOS, MD? and MOS 0s wel ‘The eet D7 engine was mac in 1984, bute ‘ony-desioned secessrs inthe 2000 seras aso ‘Care o be made a Fen In 199, the Fn acer, ‘nas ranstrred tom Volvo Compenenis to Volvo Pen- {but rodueed total martat or smal marie descs lea etre Porta te deca 1093 hal he sueoos- ‘Sorte he 2000 series would be basod on purchased ‘Shor block engines and competed wih VoWo Peas ‘marnizaton bya sub-contract. At SO yours as 8 ‘erine engine manulacturer tw Flan works ured {0 concaaiaon boing the ongne rotor forthe ‘lve Group. The marre anges which leave the Fen factory tase days re exchange engines, which look te same an me compare to nowy made on ‘hes, but ey already havea compet service Ie as ‘anengro beni them. Fe TNR aS ‘Vol Peets announced he tst marine engin 1807 Qualy, relly and innovation nave made Volvo Perta a worileecng marine engine manu {acturer However, no products beter tan the ‘are and sere gets We have ound, rom our orespendence, that isnot unusual 6 fn 20-30 Yyoa ls Vato Penta proavets hat ae stil inas-new Condon This thank o ou owners conscen tous cae and malntonanc. Altus at Voto Porta ‘ar proud and grata fv al ho atonon tis gives ‘G-Of courte, we hope tat you wi have many ear feo years inthe same way, wih your Volo Penta ‘squped bat Wi hope tat you wil have sme pleasant ‘doityou- 0 eetiong olowed by mary enjoyable boa tips. ‘AB VOLVO PENTA Introduction ‘Mbt, mb2, mba, Mor, MOT oho Perea announces he wor’ et ght deceecid marine hse eng the MD} in 195. The yer engine ads sre! vue 450 ce nd gave 6 hp a 2000 rpm fn 1964, he we cpder MO was anneunes Ths Pa no Cynder tee swe lume, ara gh 1.9 a 2500p. The engines enjoed erogresne produ ceveoomert ‘Srawere hn er he gnerton tors Aan n generation A. hey wee reoeagned ene buleng Deck Her ‘a hat tne mam components ere conmon'o al engines In genenon 6, wich was amuncedin 1970 te eran ‘ameter was inreaes rom 7037 We 0mm Tis Reena he sp! wore 0 500 oe arne owe 3 MOS ‘we hp. The MOZS gave 25 hp. This as aso he repetan lan ictease teenie aly. 907%, thoy {er wes anreuned. Thi pave the 3-enger engine 1689 ce ant cevlopes 95 pat 2500 Fm. “Treergie became ry sucess but oe Peta’ ergneers Weert alone rest ne aul hay were oven new deeper goals This was amare ertand ler rrepowa,buLalso a dora fx Mee comoes rgres fo a+ Ing bats, above al The ed toto development ofthe MD2® end MDSB. The ew engnes were announced in 975. ‘The 2aynder angina wae gon the deagnton UONC athe 3-olndr was clad DTC. The new Seagraton ure rere ioe swep volume neten ol he novo cyinues at pevsy Aang She rg the egies wee ven ‘ety ners a aleade lon crake a he powe nesses. cron 1987 fey dvone the LOT ave {Da enre, Tee were arco! vrsone fhe MOT ane MOR lord fra customer nTalar. a rgatan o> ines. The eal al troup and ony wo prchypes were ade cr whic in Vv Pet museum coecton. os ‘The ender MDB na lave ine mensions. ets power class Shey nad cede devel @ now 1. engre win 45 degre natin. When e sgn was isos ured at a the produce costs re lanes vl ‘ina woud be 00g 0 was Soci asnee te dang In 974, Veo Pera ound a mustang panes No ‘ay Mandl Moor athe new NDSA ange coud be sucorvacadte hen. The ee was he ee oes ‘Sthe MOS® m 078 andthe MOSC nF os.mo7 ‘ovo Pertasoaures Asn Mats desl engine busines 17, neu arecentycoveloned engine which was oven the Vono Penta curation MOBA. Th angie det havea uo rand was epee wih a Dyrasta, Fr hs ‘eaten, tha dovlpman gave thon oie eat moar ard an aterator The OED saad pesictonn| {075 he card for hie: power ea oan iereaca in cinder area om Oa 78m and he ede Ped wat en germ a exhaust ves. The swap volume cite engine now hefeased om 631 ceo 74 cathe power reread 1586 he 2 250 fom. The new engin was gene deosnaten MUTA, ard was anreuncec 187, Powe ‘ug was rereaed to 17.5 pt 3000 rpm by Mcreasod engine sees en the MOTB whch was arrounced i T8 tnvoduoson Designstonvesr Characters, notes CO /stoke Power As rom (rorpn) engine no. MO! 19561060 _Desgned ininces 35" rector angle soto Mot 1eso 1082 1551662000 MD! 19621963 Desgned nmr. 35° jeter ange. ‘60/2000 MDI 10631984 injector sleave 14m e270 MDIA 1964-1970 _20njecer ange, recor see @ 14.1 yor sttrom 1968 Gearuhea be 3 pure ‘tom 1860 Hewuman requir x ois “1e701076 Dyrasat 1002800 MOA 19641067 20 rece ang, nec slate 14. 1882900 ‘8671970 1852300 sito 1968 Gear wnea ub pune ftom 1869 Henuman regu Mo2s “Is7O197S Dyrastartr starter metre atrsior Mo8 Statermete atone Mose Oyinse ange 5" oss, bites eng braces Mose ‘M21 1 poms aac Fon cranks MOsa 19711975 Dymus to02W00 Ose 19751075 Starter motor + tao, low tar * MOrA 1976001 Stator «aerator sasasc 10ers More 186.1903 yrseo0 28s MONIC 19751961 Weteynderinats, masta on crarksha 207500 S000 MONO. teet-1089 2snaoco 55700 MOITC. 18751861 Weteynder ners, maleate ion carkahat * sus S000. MOW7D t86r1804 “ memo 18k ‘The engines are inne 1,2, 30r4 finder, 4c drecty injected diesel engines wih overhead valves. The ‘ves are operated by ookar am mecranisms, push rods and valve liters. The camshaft i dven by he ‘ranks vi timing ger whoo. The engine Hock and cylinder head are marulatredofaloyed cast ron. ‘The MOT and MOTT have loose engine blocks, ne foreach cylinder. Te bocks are hedin place by he ‘jlnder head, wisn fae by lng sad rom the rantcage. The MOS and MD have th engeo block and ‘rankeaga cast in one unt The MDS, MOTT and MOY? have replaceable, wet cylinder ners. The MOT Pass ‘yn bere cited ect nvough ie lock Engine lubrication is provided bya pressure lurcaton system which uses an effet, gearanoe pup to pump the ol ot through a eduction valve and ol terete ubreaton pols. The ot Hira ful ow fit. ‘Te cooing system is a hermosaticaly controled seawaer sytem A rsh walr system's avalabl as an optonal ext, ‘The rah water eystem (optona) is themestatealy controled and cole he engine block anc cyngor hea. ‘Sea water oats he reshwatar system via a heat exchanger ‘The fue aye consits fa feed purp, uel fia, yer pup, ual spat pipes and injectors. Te irectors are mounted nthe oyinder head, rage copper injector sloves which ave surTounded by cooing water ‘The exhaust system consists ol a seawater cooled, cast ron exhaust pipe and marifod wth pipe sub for attaching a hose tothe hl ting. lectreal syst, 12 V wih aera. Please oar 1o“Technical Data fora dete specication Design an function [Connection or hané start (certain models) Oiler engine | “Trermostt housing Decempression lever (certain models) Injector later ran tg, reverse gear Ol ain aig, reverse gear ‘tern to. engne ition reverse gear 10 Dipti verse gar 11 Seawater pump 12.Foet ter 13. Fuse box 1. Avonting sow 15. Hand pump, fol 18 Dipsiok engine yroter eevovsen= Mo7A 2 3 4 5 ‘< 7 a 8 (i desck ano tng, reverse gear Cover sea water pump. Bleed sere, ine fier Fre fer Decompression ever Pressure pipe nut “Temperate sencer Injector ‘Thermostat housing 10.01tng, engine i Hang str 12 Cooling water ran. engine 19. Fualinecton pomp 44. Ol dp-stg engine 15. Cooling water cra, vero goat 16. Ar coaner anita slenest 17 Sender, ov courier 18. Fuel pump uth nand pum) 18. Cooling war in, reverse gear £20, Switch, of pressure 22. Ol tmer Desion 345 67 e900 Design and tncton p11¢, MD11D 1. Stop deveo 14 5 2. Airbed se, rscton pump tear 4. Pressure poe nut ‘5 Temperature sender ° 8 ° Lock screw crank shaft conve bearing 15: leaner and tae sence: 48 Ot flor engine 17, Prooure equating vo (carn models 1. firieed sew 19. tor 20.Feod pune 21. Sender counter a | 22.01 Mer 5 24 23 22 21 20 23.01 pressure sender 24.01 Sane and o dpstex (D110) mp11D 25.01 apstck MOTO) Design and uncon Mp17¢, M0170 Fuse box Decompression lover (conan moses) 4 Otter 5. Airbed sorw & Fe fter a a Feed pump ‘Sender ev counter 8, Of ter 10.St0p device 11 Aajustmont screw igh to 12 Adjustmont sere, wile 13 Leakeot pipe 16. Ling eve 45.Presaue pipe 18.kyecor 17 Thermostat housing 18. Ol apace 19 Dran cocks, cooing water 20, Engine type & number pate 21, Goolng water ume General MOSA, MOs8, MOSO. S5KW (751) 74KW (10) + Propaler sat power, cc. 10 DIN 6270 ‘Lubrication system (0 volume, engine ne er (Ot grace 10: API i 0 pressure, hot engine, ing speed hot engine ful speed Bab co 1840.60 1.525 kom 4050 'p!en" Fuel system BOSCH PFR 1K 70AMO1/11 BOSCH PFEIG7OVTS955 BOSCH KBALES BOSCH DLLAIEO 185 tofome 3739 mm shew 400,190 SESE inners a 40,1009 9m 065.088 item! wv 35 (4900) 50 (@00W) (0.1 KW (1.1 hp) Botons, WAX as tom engi no. 18574 eoce? 78 Tecnica ta Torque (finder peas nuts i 70Nn ‘Ofindor head stud. 7 208m Nts or ject nar. pecs SE wt "Tightening in tree stages tt stage: ON 2d sage: 40 Nm ‘Sd stage: 70 Nm REE ROE ee General Tipe designation = Mo7A war at 2800 rem. 10K (13.4) DielacoMentnnnnnn = ovat (Compression rao. cs wa ‘Compression pressure at starter motor speed uly charge bar). 2025 kan? Direction orotate, sa0n Hom tyes! Crecese ding see es 50780 1B ‘Valve clearance, lt va hot engine) 030mm ehast vale (98 €or ornnnvenne O80. + Fywhoo power, ace. to DIN6270 Lubrication system ‘Ot ome, engi. nnn so (Ol grade 1: APL ‘swi40 00 ‘Ol rescue, ht engine, sing spe6d. onan OH pet hot engine tl speed... enema 4.0 et Fuel system Injection pum, up o engine no. 19999. sevnmnnnne BOSCH 0460 302008 {as rom engine no 20000 cay 8222 F070 ‘Supply pressure. E pace 078 gle Injocor, SCH nade. = * 0431 112008 Injector nazz. eons 488 171 008 Opening pressure, new nace... cn 105-108 le Injocton advance, BOSCH pump... omnes HH BTOC. Cav pump, ennnncnn 1° 40.1 BTDG. Injecton volume, BOSCH pump... 18. 051mg lavoke at 40°C, 2880 rem CAV pump. OT a £05 mq ewoxe at 40°C, 2580 rm Feed pump, fed pressure at 2500 rp nnn ~ 066-085 knion* Electrical system Betory vote. eon 1a ‘Atrator, max current density (power) = 35 (90%) ‘Staner motor power. 43K (15) " “Teonnial ata {cooling eyetem™ “Thermostat, YG nea sennnonnnnnen Bows thermostat ‘Start to open at. “a eee Filly 0900 nnn rec) St, oa. water co0led Torque Cylinder head rus = see TON tinder head sts. 20Nm Nut or ijt yok. 8m Screw or ster MELE nnn renee 7ONM Screw for engine brackets, Wort an Fn = 45m “ Tghoning nee tages fststage: 10 2nd stage: 40'Nm rd stage: 70m Generai “Woe designation - ae Mo11¢. O11 Power at 2500 rp, M116... ATK (23%) Power at 3000 rp, MO110... 18.440 25 mp) Displacement nnnnnnsnnmennnsnn —— wat ‘Compression ratio 3 1781 ‘Compression proesure at str motor speed lly charged baer) 2025 holon? Deecton of lation, seen rom yet Croce tang speed 750-810%5m ‘Vale clearance, et vale (hat engine) 050mm ‘aust valve (ot engin). 28mm Decampression ceuice, max. doprastion of exhaust vave (not austate on MHD) osmn * Propet shat power, sc. 10 DIN 6270 ‘Lubrication system Oilylume, engine nc. ar... ast Engine wih AB reversing gear eluding iter. 225 (8 grade 0: AP 15040 00 (Ot prassure, hot engine ing ped 1020k0en* hot engine fl speed, 2030Ko.en* 2 Teoma! sta Fue system Injection um. Bosch Opening pressure, new injector, MO11C. c 170 kolo, 0, +8 koe now nozzle, NOD... = 245 koe, 0 +8 len Inecton advance, MOt1C. 2426" BTDC Mono. = conan 24898.5°BTOC Injection volume at 1000 rpm, ur speed) : 95.96 make at 20°C Food pump, teed pressure at 2500 rpm (0660.85 kom? lecrcal system ‘anor votage S wv ‘Atwnater, max curent deny (power, MOTIC 384 400") max current deny (power, MDNYDonnnsevnsennnnnn SOA (TOW ‘Stan motor power. _ ei 11 KW (15) eating system ‘Thermostat type aS Botows thermostat can be replaced by WAX) 1 rm mat M0 48685. Soak wax. Stas to open a. : worcer Fly open Bt nnn 70 Sta seawater cooled ‘Torque (ynder read nuts“. a 110Nm Imectors = 20Nm “Top hat Us, vaNe COVE en sepia 150m Nile or er enene ON "Tightening in tree sagas ‘1st tage: 90 Nm 2nd stage: 80. ‘stage: 110 8m DES aE General “We designation. im Mo17¢, wo170 Power at 2500 rpm, MOI7C. 28 KW (35 mp) ower t 9000 rpm, MOX7D. = BREW (36M) Displacement... s mia? 168. CCompresion ratio W751 ‘Compression pressure at starter motor speed (uly charged baler)... 2025 kp? iecton of rotation, seen om fad nnn oo Clocevise ‘ing see, 7508100m ate clearance, et vale (hat engin) 0.90 mm exhaust ve (ot engin). = 0.96 mm Decompression device, max. depression of exhaust valve (ot autabl 08 MOI7D) nnn = OS rm * Proper shat power, ae. 10 DIN 8270 2 “echnical data Lubrication system ‘Oyu, engine inc. tr. Engine with reversing gear, lung er. ‘Ol grade 0: AP fa é Oipressure, hot engine iting speed hot engine fl speed ul system Injection UMP nner _ Opening pressure, new infect, MDY7C enn nnnnonnnn ‘ow nz, MO170 Injcton cvance, MOI7C. M0170. 5 Injoctonvrume fat 1000 rpm. pum S008) Feed pump eed pressure at 2500 rpm tecrca system Battery wage. a ‘Aerator, max curert deny (power), MDT 16 ‘max current density (power). MO110. ‘Starter motor power. cooling system “Trarmostat, ype ‘ype trom moter no. 49685. Starts to open a. —— Fy 0900 nnn St s00-water cooled ‘Torque (oynder nea nuts Inet nn zs “Top hat ns, ve Ce ail Nile or x er. “Tightening in trae stages ‘sststage: 90 Nm 2d stage: 80 Nm Sd stage: 110 Ne “ asst ‘505. 1504000 1020;en"| 2030Kp en" oscH 170 ko. 0, +8 kpc? 248 ioe’, +8 kplen? 24.26 BTDC 245265' BTOC 35.96 mnstokn st 20°C 065.085 ilen" ev 354 400%) 50 7o0W 1oKW este) Beliows thermostat can De replaced by WAX) orca 760 10m 20m 450m not rget {open the ap again when the work mies Change the Inpeter as tows: Undo the cover. Some wate wil un ot Be cork nto et water got in! Never leave the boat unl you have ensured al water can tnd is way in under any croumstances and sk he oat “Two cieront deg ol paler station occur ‘he early mal ho mpelr and shat ao puted out 10-18 mm. Aor i, he Mango crow hate ncerted ‘ransvarely tough the empl and sha uraone His import that he shaft shoud not come out f= ‘ar so hol the shaft i place and pul he impeller of Late met mpeters can te pute cut wiheut undo- Ing the ange sorew-n aon, te shat Is locked ‘2eaysoitean ot come out wih the impel. The Sait has a groove thats wade when the cover 2 removed, ‘Geant inside of ne pump housing and scrape ot ‘any gastet remains. Tighten the fange screw ne impeter a few tus on ent models and tighten ‘completely on lator models Press the mpelr nso far tat he sorow can bo tightened on the shit in ‘ealy mecels On late neces the pels pressed Insothat he screw engages inte groove in he ‘hat instal he i th a new a, Ite sha has come out. the pump should bere moved tom the engine. Check tere san Ong botwoon te seal ing. Remove I tis nt needed Put somo grease cn he that Sse tha shat in are: {uly at ne same time ets tumed (pesos rte fo ‘he lusraten). Thread the new impeler on and ight ‘ent wit he imoeter screw. Check atthe Oving on ‘he pumo mating face ism place. Turn he shat io postion oo thet engages nthe fang and tighten ‘he pump. Connect the cooling watr Roses an e- ‘open the shut tap othe coling wat. cooing system “Tha seal ings inthe sea water pump canbe dam aged by sandy water ete. The seal ng cosed to he Impote is ono hats damaged fst One sign otis that water leaks out ofthe pump housing fran ble this happens to soal regs should bo ‘hanged as quily as posse. Cloeo to ea cock forthe tap onthe Save Be cart nt to et war got int Novr leave te boat unl you have ensured that water can nc ind ins way in under any creumstances an snk he oat ‘Undo th cooing water unions fom he pump. R- ‘move the punp trom te engine. Dsasseribe he Bump, check the mpellr ana change necessary. Spd poate sal rings ot. Glan the housing care- {uly Check at tere a no Burson te hat ho ‘shins worn, moat be changed I ore was 2 ‘small Oving on the shat between the seal ngs. should nt be ress. {nstal new sal ngs. The seal cosest othe epaler should sal againat war, ard should thus have. ‘pen 268 wih the sag ip ara ping ig aang ‘he enpallor The othe eal ng should seal aparst ‘land shoul reo ace te the wy, the _seaing i acing he engine. Poston te sl ros {to hatthey do not bck the wale leakage hoe nthe pump housing. Put greace on the ehaft and poset in trough he fa ings whl turing I, tom fe Pur np ler sid. Pros he impel in, and on ea modes ‘ho impeler wit the farge sere Intal he id witha new seal Re-nsall the pump on the engine together wih anew O-ing and connec the cooing ator ipse. Open ho goa cock or tap onthe Suave cooing system Mine engine runs oto i 10 col. he reason cout be that te thermostat opens afte wrong tempera {ror doesnot open a al. Another possible reascn {could be statin tho trmpertieserar, hon ‘makes he coolant alarm tip, a thre could bo & fautin the tmparature gauge (optional, ‘Sea ater cooled engines (standard) Drain ot some ofthe cooing wate, Be caetl nto ft war got int Never fave the boat unl you have ensued tha water cannot ied its wayin under any creumstances and se the boat Undo the cooing water unions fom te thermostat housing Remeve the thermostat cove. Remove the ‘hemos, Witooksundarneged check tin het | i Beloe the thermostat cover i emewed you shouls ‘ano some ote cookng water. Use a hemometer to check hat the thermostat ‘starts to open at 60" and le uly open at about 7° the thermostats auity. 3 new thermostat must be ‘nstales Fresh water cooled engines (optional) ‘rain of some of te cotng wae, Undo te cocina ater unions from the thermostat hous. Remove ‘he thermostat cover Remove he thermostat. coke undamaged, check tn hot water Engnas with ‘Tesh water cooling have a thermostat wih aaeren ‘pening temperature. Please efrto the svucton forthe engineraccessory kt ‘OS STE (Coolant is hazardous forthe envionment. Process ina responsible marnor. the coolant doesnot need tobe changed fer age reaeons, it ean be put back gan. Allengines.. natal the thermostat wah anew gasket and ighten ‘he thermostat cover again, Connect he coolant pes agan. Aways cary new thermostat aboard, Ceoosng system ale ee {Wa vacuum vale is insted inthe cooking system, ‘must be taken apart for loaning ater evry season, rileakage should cocur ‘Undo the hoses tom the valve. Remove the valve {fom the bukhead Hols the valve upsise down ahd ‘ecto he it Be erat to ensure atthe smal ‘aphragm (1 and gaskat (2) do nt al oft Ciean the components in freshwater, make exe that Any eal Gepost are removed, Hold ne vate nut upside down, put the daphvagm {ng thon the gaska. Hold he valve upside down 28 ‘roland srom the nto, ‘Tiguan caretuly ony 2Nm. ihe nuts tightened harder tare © sk athe vale ght not work “Test the valve by sucking al tvough the len fe rut (pie on ater models). Renstal re vacuums Valve on he bulkhead and connect the hese. Tih: tn the hose dame. ‘As standard, te engin havea poi electical aye. System votage ie 12 Vol. The energy source or he ‘lecteal system ean aerator. The electra! sytem protected by fess, “The main component inthe elcticalsyter ae a olows ‘ater. main swich, start mote strate, tus box, ol pressure and coolant temperature montors, and he [MDI aio nas an engine speed sensor Whenever tere are abnormal values ne system the montors inthe System send an impute tothe alarm, which en vos a waring ®@ = Never agcennect he cout between the ate nator andthe btiry when the engines run fing, and ever tum the man sch of blere ‘he engine has stopped. There otorwise a rok that he airator rhe eletonc compo rents coud be damaged Fie and exloson hazard Bate must never ‘be exposed to open Tames oF sparks. Never contuse the postive and negative poles on ‘he bates. When yeu connect ators, is. Cnect he + cable (od) 10 he + pole onthe Datlory Then connect he able ack tothe “pole onthe battery. ~ itary rope are dene tothe aterntor or ohe ‘ctcal equpment, escenneet toh bate ables tom he bal. The same apps he Dateres are quck charge, ~The batees canbe steed aboerd in wir on Condon that oy ae fy charged A pty ‘charged ater an reze ano burs local sytem ~ Reguary check the cables, ening of termi nels and comong of cables. Cabin wich re fot used shouldbe oats ~ Extra equipment shoul nt be connected tone ‘otdnary engine cables, uness Volvo Pena in- ‘alain nstracton permis The edie namess |s dimensioned for te load on each eeu. ~ Hany elect weg i done on oar the ba. tery cables and al eae lescing fo the aternator ‘mustbe ied of andiscates. The oath lamp fn the welder must bo connect n such a way ‘hal ha ron oes nat pass tough ary Dea ngs. Changing these “Theresa fuse borin he electra aye. The use cas off te elactcal systom Its overoaded. Re- ‘comet the social ystm by moving the cable terminal tothe next outlet connoctor ‘Aways cary spare usb on board. Eecrical system ‘Stop the engine beloe doing ay rantnance work ‘The service ile of he vee-belt mainly depends on cleaniness inthe engine bey, snd above ll ht the betenson is corey acustd. A veo-belt tat \s alowed to runin oly water's quick dstoyed. ‘belt chs to loose can sp on te pully. ‘ites would make he icton temperature vary gh. ‘ecronical wear nereases api and atematcr charge ae, For this reason, hoop the ara round he vee-blt {ean and check the belt tnsion often Inepection land any adjustment should be done afer opera- ‘ion, when the bets ot. should be posse press a correct tensioned belt down § mm between te pulleys, not mor. the ‘eo-bets tensioned foo hard i ean damage bot ‘he bet and he bearngin he alematr ‘Agus the bl tonsion a ‘lows: Undo the sew holcing the tensioner sap on he ‘erator ang pul the aerator out using @ wooden ‘ania. Do not oe the stool shat ofa large sero Caver since is ean damage he alternator Tighten the scrw and check he bat tension. sore cases, {he aerator il not move ui he ateretor moun Ing srew hasbeen sigh loosened. te bot feels hard or has cracks, must bo ‘hanged. Undo bon ends fhe tnsionr sap, and Toosen the mounting sore. Presse ateraorn land work he be oft. ies the bel grooves an Stale new bo. Tonaion he bet Aer about an hour ‘operation, the bot enon should be chockod and ‘juste necessary, Aways cary a new yee-belt bard, together wih Ine necessary oo. Elecrical system “ ‘Swi, enra Charge eatin iam bulb ‘Warning emp fr hightemperature ‘Waring amp, fr ow ol pressure Place or intrument optonal equipment 1. i 2 1a rr 18 (cr release connector Starter mote ‘temator Fusebox Mai eiten Battery 1 Temperature sensor " Ot pressure sonsor Elctical system peeprey Position ist 8. Place or instument,optlonal equipment Sse, extra 40, Quierelease connector 2. Charge indian am bub 48, Stner motor '3 Waring amp, for igh temperature 12. Atemsior 4 Warning lamp, or iow ol pressure 13. Fuse bo» 5 ey amen 16 Main sen & Sion 15. Bttory 7. Alarm unit 18. Temperature sensor a 17, Ol preceuesenaot octal system Post Temperature gauge 9. Starter motor 2 Tachometer 40. Aierstor 3. Charge ication amo 11. Fuse box 4 Waring lamp, row ol pressure 12. Mai sven 5 key ih 18. Engine speed sensor {6 Swich, natumontighing 14. Ot proseure sensor 7. ‘Swach, ext equipment 15. Tomperature sonsor a Connector 46. Banery “ ‘uring heme that the boat inthe wats, he en (Gn shouldbe started and ved up st ast every ‘cays, to avoid corosion damage ote engine possible, the engine shou be warmed up wih 1 ear engaged, which ges queer warming up Ie boa is expected tobe lft unused for up oa ‘mont, long-term consevaton shoud be ore, ‘he same type of conservation asi doe or he winter yup Winter lay-up mus be done with extra {ate 1 prover damage de to cold and mature ‘Dung the winter layup, the boat and its equipment Is exposed io stresses such as large dferencesin temperature and mos. aly amogphere. The Dost ‘nner can te a tof the equipment home, bt he ‘ings which ae let hind mt be ortectod 0 ‘maintain ter uncon. nen the tne fr layup approaches, tis a good ‘ee to ao contin teat Contact an athorzes \worthop in good tne. the workshop ha ede ‘2nyning, twit be easier or tem 0 plan the work {rng te coming weer. ‘olor the boat ied ou, it shoud bo rete, ‘he yerd tows to boat tobe tore with fal an ‘Remember that fel qualty can fatter ong storage Inte tank File engin and rvereng gear wih Veo Peta. Conservation wore neds hw tools mensorad be: town aacton fo standartoos suchas crescent wrenches, vous types and ss of sence piers, buckets, smal vessels and rags Also ‘ake Some empty paste jrieane wah you, change ol orsoolat, “The folowing tools are needed to change he vee- bottandtenson ‘Alon key 8 ren. ing wrench 18mm (2 pes). 5 and “Ths task can well be done when the boa isi the water Run te engre unt warn, fo make he cl Mow ease. Sop the engine and pump the engine all ‘or transmission ol out wh an 0 an tp. Hend the ed otto a reeyeng copat Hot of and not surlaces can cause bums Ceeaaration rE “The ol seo and grade ls SAE 154/40. The of (gf3do, CO, used for cosa engines ar also com- Dies win the requirements wrt yup ots Dis sed, no of change is needed bere aunch- Ing. Plase reer te nstructon book o the“ ‘change’ section forthe amount of i required. he ‘oat ald up fra longer pore than norma, he ‘gine and reversing gear shouldbe fled up wth Special conservation a Also use the cipal to check hat te coe vet has been reached ser the ot change Since thea ‘erie also changed, the lve wil vay fal sy ‘nen the engine has en rn andthe rhs ben ‘led wih ot ‘Neve tl up above the maximum ol level Yepecialconsonaten ois used, this mus be ‘ain of before lunching, and engine ol wh tho ‘Sbove gully spoctcaion thst beaded, This tank can woe done when the Boa iin the Change te secondary titrate tue systom anc ‘pty he water ap, tod to ansure at no war Is att eonen rng ine winter. Be caret oto spl fuel Please refer to te “Fuelsyten” chapter fr further ‘slomaton ‘Hand he serappe titre oa recyeing dept. “The nex! phase in conservation work taking fe oat oto the water Conservation canines wth ‘he towing points: ‘Gian th boa an, insted he S-ae, 10 8- ‘ove fouing staght after he boats pulled cs to ‘Sop rom dying on, ‘Be very caret using a pomer washer for earing. ‘The water jt must rover be decid agains he pe lr shaft ea, te rubber sea and bosows on the Sore tthe boat is equipped wih an Sve the of must, ‘be rained oto the crv and now i (he same (97200 2s th engine) must be aased Use he dipstick {o check hate cortect wome has been ace, Pees rete "Ot cain, Se" ‘The ci wil un easier the dps notin pace, Do tis es soon as possible ator the boat s taken w. Ite od itis miky or ray, watr ha found ts way into te drive. Contet an authorzed worshon o have repaired ‘The probabe cause of water nt eaky sea! rings, whieh must then be chang. Corrned op ‘ration with water in theo can ac toa aur! aoldngeroptorinetated his shoud be taken home aug the winter, Undo the ooking screws forthe blade mounting in, ive the pine out and remove te blades. Undo the propel shaft nut erd Dull the propel hub of Grease the proper shaft wih water-resistant (gas (pro. 828280) afer thas been cleaned Protect the shaft curing the winter: Passa rte to ‘he separate “Care of toxang propeters”secton Cconservaton| ‘Ate the aoat has baun put on blocks ad cesned, isto star conserving the engine cooing sye- tem. The procedure fers, depending on whether ‘ho engine ls seawster cooled or fresh water cooled (eotera. Drain he cooing wate Remove the thermostat housing cove and take the thamostat Ot esnetal ‘he cover snd the thermostat gest Irs ncessary to run the engine ati to do conse ‘ation ofthe cooing sysem. Conservation shoud be ‘one on lan “The coaling system mus test be tushed wit ash wate. o prevent deposits and salt crystals fom ac- ‘Umuiating inthe cooing system ‘Organize a collection vassal under he exhaust out tet cla te coon water ‘Connect anose tothe auetion side othe sea water ump. Te hooe shouldbe 80 long tat teaches oun the soleeton veel oabw tne socng e ator re-create L Organize a mic of hal wate and half yeoin a bubket Undo the Rosson the bea war pump a ‘ton sie (enghas wih Sse) and connec longer hose that reaches down i he boom a the buck ‘On engines wah a reversing gos, connect a ose to ‘he suction side ofthe reversing goa Check that nothing canbe splashed rom tho ox ‘aust ett Pu the engine contol in neural. Check ‘hater Is aoring cose tothe proper Start the engine anit tle ul he buckets omp- "3,0" relate the mur fora few inte, ‘Working with an engine which is operating ea saety hazard Watch out for rotating component an het surfaces. ‘Stop the engine at once when the buckets may. ‘The impelerin he seawater purp willbe damaged trans without water For envronmeral reasons, he mitre shoud a ays be cotected rom he exhaust cut and it Should be run ovough several mes. The mitre ‘ee not ned tobe drained. Hany other type of con- Seraton preparation sused. whith doesnot have trot protection, thi must be drained to stp he en- (ne being destoyed by rost FRoinsial he thrmestat Use a new gasket Connect the coctng water hose othe pump orto to revers- ‘The mixture must be rained betore launching. Re- use the mature next season, hand ko a veyeing depot For environmental ressors, frst not be s+ ‘charged int ho watt or ted out on and (Chock thatthe heal cantet of the coolant eu fen. Top up as necessary The engine must be ila wih 50% wate ye) rst al year lng, respective of whether here 'Seny rik of feeding or net. Th so maria the oretion potas Inthe rosh wat sytem iis ‘bucet Undo the Rose on he soa water sump suc tion side (ngings wit Seve) and connects enger thse that reaches down othe botom af the buck. (On engines with aroveraing ger connects Noga to the sueton sae of he reversing gear = check hat noting canbe slash fom the ox: ‘haut cust. Put re engine cool in neu Check ‘at here is nating Gose toe propel. ‘Start he engine and lt tie unt te bucket ‘y.or creat he mature for afew minutos ‘Wrking wit en engin which s operating isa saoty 3 hazard Watch ou fr rotating componens an het I Stop the engine at once when the buckets empty. I ‘Tho limpelerin the sea water punp willbe damaged itrin witout wate For envircementa reasons, the mature shou a- a ‘ways be colecte rom the exhaust out, andit ‘house rn through several es. Te mre oes not need obo ranod Way eter typeof con ‘Seraton preparation is used, which does net have ‘test protection this must be drained 0 sop the en ‘ne being destoyed by tos. Remove the cover rom the seawater pump. Take te impor ot nepect he impel ands Lndamaged, put tn a laste bop for mtr storage Ina-cool place. Inspect he inside of ne pump housing and clean he over needed, ber ts nstaiodternperany Ite engine is equipped wih a vacuum va, tis ‘musi be akon to pieces and cleaned. Pease reer the Vacuum vane" secon. ‘The cabes in the eectical system have many con- cers, where damp can finds way in ad cause ‘octal problems because of coreson. To wold this, hese places shouldbe protected win water-- potcant pray. “Thar aa many connections undernaah the st ‘mont panel. The resto the boa’ elctcal sytem Is ‘connectod tc a dsirton box which ao nobgs 12 be protcied, 0 j ‘The batteries nthe boat canbe stored aboard in wire, condion that hey are uly charged, since uly cherged batery doesnot Rosse Undo the battery cables and it nem away you are not sre about battery constion, you can ‘ae them heme frre charging ard wir Sr {901 a tostFee location A poo charged batory ‘can treaze and burs ‘Geant engine bay and underneath te engine, 1 Femove tw causes of edo" and unoecessary mol Check ne trish of he engine ané equipment Chale panes sould be Geared and pated with touctrup panto prevent coresion attack Use VO Ponta original pln ane varnish, tthe engine has reversing gear andhas a rubber cp ln aoa clase "Volvo Penta pat ruber 828250, shee be forced io he eal Funoar proper shat seals shcula be changed ater '500 hours of operation or 5 years p \ s File ful tank completely, o avoid condensation. ‘But check tet hat there are no speci es al he storage se, about he aru of ua on Board. (Chock that al rubber components ee soft and are ‘fe rom cracks. Change necessary. Bor belows kt. The actual change ehoud be done in the sping since the external nd below shou be donded when te weather's warm and ry. Iie engine has arversing gear and stecer. any ator sneus be dranod ou bear the wire tare, “Foidingpropetiee uring the werter lay-up, tis importa tat he pro pallor is taken of the propel shat and csasser- bied for carl clearing and brea Disessemsie the proper bades by frst undoing the locking screws and thn dive the pins out. Remove the stn for tw propeller shat rut unscrew the ‘ul and then pul he hub and he fishing ine 9o- {octon (pacer sao). Pease refer tothe adacont Aiur tor he sequence of tasks. “Take the proper home for cart clearing and _tsing fo make t ready for reinstalaton. “Te hub, pot ins, potholes and gear teeth are the surfaces that shoud be protected with grease no. 20050. Check the contion of he ne ig ad instal anew, ‘nga’ protective anede i neceseary The anode ‘must be changed when abou 80% Nas ben eres. Pease rier to he Protective anodes section or otaod description, Feview and rain all equipment that could be da ‘aged by rot during he winter For exams ne bige pum resh water pump, water tris and war nears, heads (ots) et. Check hat he we ter realy does rn out oa these pipes. so that hey ‘wil not eeze up. Wipe up any bige wae om the eoton. “Take nome at loose equpment a might besten. (Check hat he ul supports are steady, and rate itt: cover is socurl fastoned. Tho boat snow ‘repered or winter storage, but tke a lock ati at Fogulritral. echoes thet win or anow have not ‘stood the covers ‘Takeoff the winter covers and et the boat a pop- ‘ty ora few warm cays. Ins now tne to varish oc wood components, ‘end any darsage to the Pll and touch 0 = Pant entre baton. te rubber Delows ore Starve needed tobe changed, his shouldbe done ow, beta the Bottom is epsnte, ‘Al amoulng pins are poisonous and tus moce Glee damaging for he marine envionment. oid these prparatons, Mest counties nave fgiation teh regulates the ute of antvtoing hull pants ‘Always comply with these restrictions. n some ‘aves, heir yo ls comple) bared on pleasure boats in rsh water et tis eagy to ako the boat ‘ut of he water, we recorenend that enya Teton ‘Coating shoul be used, combined wih mechanical ‘leaning stow tes dung the season Hyounave a larger boa, ts canbe impractical. ‘he boat isn waters hat encourage marine growth ‘mighte necessary to use artioutng pat anyway In his case, use a puro coopar-baceg an fouing ‘ant nat sontaine copper thiogyanale, nt copper Lave 810 mm urparted area round he Scie Tin based pants (THT paints) must nt be used. Find out about the legislation applicable tothe fren where the boats used. ‘Before the cive le palned wih art-oulng pat, any ‘pant damage must be repaired, Sand metal eriaces lightly wth 120 gt emery paper, and use ner paper ‘on pang surtaces, Wash win cokuose inners ‘En ecuvlent product Ary pores must be led ana ‘sanded Pain wit Volvo Pera orginal primer pus a {9p coat. Give the pants te to harden Then apply lao wo cote of Voh Penta ant-ouing primer Lave to ary. Then appt atleast two coats of Voto Penta ant-eung paint. “The protective anodes onthe dive must nether ‘be painted nor Ten coated. This aso aoples to bronze o stiles soe propellers. Removing conservation preparations “The protecive anodes ae supposed to proto the ligt meta comporents ofthe Save rom galvanic oronon. The requirement er protaction tobe esc ‘woe that he anode igi in good oortact wit the ve housing and at nt mere han 60% oe ng has been eroded Wcomesion damage occurs onthe dive, there can be soveralcauaos,Arttouing pant tel contain ‘cooper can cause severe damage. An anodein poor ‘onction orn poor coract wt the dive oF an ‘lectical system that causes say cuens can also {cause damage. Some extemal factors can as a fect the cortoson process, auch a the sal content ‘tne wator anc is tomoerature,cortinaton et Inisasoimportanttechaoso he right ype of arose. “Zine anodes shouldbe chosen for use msl water, ‘bul magnesium anodes shoud be chose for use Ih ‘tech or bracish wate. The corosion protection can ‘be checked wih a special narumont when te oe! Is inthe water ‘Ase check any the anodes onthe boat. Boats wth 'roversing goa can have anodee Pd aun the ‘rudder and propor shalt. {ts exremely important that he corosin rctection Is algo checked during the soason, no jst when the boat launched. Remove the anode ng by undoing the socket cap screws. Check he anode pugs onthe ong pro- pater It mare han 50% of hem has been ores. they must bo changed CCaretuy scrape ne mating surace on he dive ‘Gan. There must not be any ait on tis surface, Ineal anew active anode ring anc igh lse- ‘cute, to ensure good metalic contact. The anode ‘must nt be pnted under any excumstances, “The oxide coating on protective anodes must be ‘ceaned owt sandpaper Deore launching. Do not {se sie! tools, such as steel wre brushes since this could weaken tne gahane protection. Always se orignal anodes, whoto composition i dosigned to sut Pe gavanl potential ef the arvo. An anode ‘shouldbe Used up a suitable att protct he ive! Insta fetng Se guard and acaretuty cleaned propeller. The proper shalt, pivot pins (0), pti hole avd goat tom shoud bo greased with water ‘resistant grease ro. 828250. - Engine andtransmission Ifthe engine was filed with Voto Pata ongin cit ‘beg coraoraton, the breton system seedy foruse. One cer hand conservation ol has ‘eee put, tis must be anes out and VON Ponta ol putin The Mr must iso be changed. (Chock te aileel inthe engine and reversing ger or Serve beloreaunehing eee ee "1e cooing system was conserved with a wate (yoo! mice before the winter, sud must now Be Rushes out Orpanie a calecton vessel uncer {he exhaust dt Take tha thermostat out andr instal the cover termperany. Connect a resh water ose othe sucton sof he sea water pump and ‘tush te system trough. Rowse the mixture next season, or hand tte a reoy- ‘ing Sopot. Fr enronmatal egsona it must nat ‘be decnaged nto the water or pped Suton land Chock at hoses in ha cooing system or cracks and ‘other damage that might atet the Dots bouyanoy ‘itor is. al hose laos shoud be inspected and ‘eghtaned. The hose clamps should be sales. ‘Be call to re-algn any hoses thal might be ex posed to chang, pon the oba cock rap on ho Srarve, Fesinstal tne impor. Put grease on the shaft and ‘ress tin tough te soa ings whi tuning fom ‘he pump impor side, Press the impo and on ‘arly models fx the impor wth he flange screw. Ina i witha raw soa. Press he impel in, and on vary model ith in- lar wit the ange screw nstal te is wih @ new (Chock and aut bot tension as necossary ease rele tte “Aerator section. Removing conservation preparations Some se ‘signs of damage enc they could fall whon susoct. {2310 heat and wbration curing operon the Batirios have boon ord aboard thr con- ‘tion shuld be checked Apply pe grease the battery terms and connect thm totaly charges atone Never conte the postive and nagatve pies on the bates. Fisk fang and explosion. (Check that heaters are securely fed Connect he cuanto the main sien and obec ‘he futon of al eletcal comoonets aboard. ‘The points below canbe used ae a check iat before launching ease supplement te Ist wit your own points, hat ‘appiye YOUR boat and engin. Check tat: = atovels are coneet = allen taps are ciosed = noses ae comectea — those clams ae ghtoned ‘he oaterie are tat charged = the oatteries ae securely astes al electical components tuncton th toce have boon tkon away trom the engine the sea cocks open the seawater pump impels insted = bettonson is comet the boat is "ead" below the watering ~ the fel aps ave open = the propels conety installed and xed fal un, wher al unctens are tests (Check ne instumerts, observe noise and any ra- ‘itor he tal un, eek hat no leakage occurs Components encompassed bythe éxchange sion are complet units suchas he allemator and starter tretr you and your damaged starter mato, {you can choose te buy a renova startor moka Fewer pice than buying anew ene. The fy erovated stares metor is enovate 0 new conden, asa other complete uns nuded ine ‘exchange syter, tthe same specications end Gata as & new fairy unit You have the same war rant and securty eo you hed chosen a new te: ‘ory une ‘The products avaabe fo: the MDS-MDIT areas fl. one! ~ Oytinderneas wih valves = Aerator ~ Stantr mote = rectors Vist your Volvo Perta dele for futher rdomaton about he Volvo Penta exchange syst, whenever fone of the complete unit std above need tobe ranges, Pease vist te QL, Quality Line web ste as wet. “These are mar accessories rom VON Penta at; lari 2 ‘Te folowing accessories ae only selection, lease refer to our acessories calaegue and con- Sut your Vo Penta. Gente i you are not sure about ‘hal might ut your engine or your boat. “Engine cessoriog Fresh water cooling for MD11-MO17 Freshwater cooing i recommended in very say orosive or contaminated war. 0 avd excessive epost inthe ngne's cooing est, Fresh water cooing also makes it possible toll tae for ‘thot water neato: Bere instalation the cooing ‘system sould be earl inspected andthe cocing {ets leaned. rslaton of Fresh water cotngs ‘econmended in cenjncton win engine renovation, ‘Shoe ao considraiy increases the service io ot the engine. A fresh water cooled engine wil un et a igher ope ‘ng omperature, wach wl often lod to leoeoning (tresdual rst, dt and deposts afer some tie ot ‘poration. Consul yur VON Penta ceaier when the ‘cooing aysiem s eared flere cleaning often ‘ecules cosvecherscals, wich must be handled carey. %0 Aecesores ‘Seawater fiter for MDS, MOT, MOT, MOX7 2 alcent walter intone or separate neal ‘ion n Be boat, above te walrin. Th itt on ‘iste ter, hat can be cleaned anda cover The Ser etectvel removes contaminaton fom t= 38 wale, end conrbutes io ncreasng engine ita. Cock Ant connections for hase toa a 18m) and Inetalaton screws wih washers. The ker nou be ‘onmecid othe sucSon side th cooing oystom, Free Paro. 829711 Hoes, inten 18m) neat lenghe Part ro. 861495 Stainless hose camp Part no 951668 Water trap Separate water tap intended 10 be insta be- ‘wean the fel tank and tho fel pump but nt on ‘he engne. Tare ea ara tap underneath ha or ‘owt an water and contamination wats rap counteracts otelated fat, where condensec ‘ater and cortaminaon damage te rjectin pump {nd itor Supplied wih urera lor 816° and ‘waged copper pipe. Part no. 690972 Combined tut fiter/ water rap Intended to be intaleg betwaen the ue tank and ‘eel pump uncsons as bah a war rap and secondary iter t's eat ran any water a con- {ination from the etl bow, tough & rain ap. “Te re supoed whet sions te fel pipes Please conaut your Volvo Penta for eta une tor your engne ‘Comptes with the EU requirements in RCD 94/250. Par 0.8766 {Charge spliter ‘The charge ster makes "possi to charge two Indepercent barter creuts athe same ume The starter ater alvays stays charged, even ao of urant hes bean taken fer th oat th elect ‘jst inthe boat. Since ho NOSD17 engines were maruacture, the range of marine accessories, (en rquuing ence cure, has reseed cone ‘ral The demands on he boats eect! ston Increases when we connect ure oacs, suche ‘aviation squpment Cone your Ve Peta fr {vc0 anda Yeviw of the Seas acta year. “he elec system is a sal ated system, £0 any changes must be done ina ptessonal manner, wth components inten or marine se Part no. 873120 Volvo Penta has dveloped a rango of suitable and thoroughh-testes products, which make mare ance work easier When you nave used these prod- ‘ets, your engine and equipment have receved ne best possible cae [Al Volo Petas products, engines, drives, accesso: ‘es, pln and als re subjcted o sting vsing lpd are the focus of constant develope soa ‘hoy alays comply wit new, sci enionmental requirements We do ot spre ay esau In ‘making he environmental impact four roduc as “mal as posse, Thi is One a reasons that You ‘should always ebose Vow Penta Ongial Spares Alistotinea mintonncs products is shown bolo, ‘inich nave net been mentones earn ya Book Please alerto he Veve Para Accessory catalogue as wot a ‘Voto Penta engine ois hae the composition need 0 wittanda marine envronment, at makes pect demands on ols The addives inthe ol Bind Up sot, carbon, metl parle and hey neutaize ‘6s, Waar also bound, andthe ol has a presor- ing ect tat mane sutableto use as awiter all ‘uring te iyo peso. on conaton tate ols ‘hanged whan he boa is lad up or conserved Volvo Penta ie a CO ai hat compo wth the - quirements nthe VOS spectication ana vscosty ISssae rewind “The engine ol i leo used for he reversing gear and tes-ane. ‘The ols evalabie in *-er ar ter containers. AC RSE “The res wate ayer (optional) the internal coo ‘ng eystom ofthe ongne, which ensures that heen ‘ne work at the cect emer. Ii closed system and must therlor aways be ‘ied wit motu ofa last 40% concontatod ‘eoalat and 60% walt, oor protection fom n= for corosion, cavtaon and ost brs. ‘We recommend that you use ‘Vv Penta Coolant, Feady Minoa, or "Volo Perta Coolant (concen- ‘raea) med with pure water Ths grade of coolant isthe only one tals developed for and approved by Vote Penta ‘The coolant should contin @ good grade of ety tne gyeol anda suitable chemical ormula erful {ngin protection. The use of ony an ant-corrosion reparation sre permissibe for use in Vl Penta engines. Never use water by ise asthe coon (0s, pans and cher accassories Inthe harsh environment tha he boat ais equp- ment ae subjected 1, he eactica system inthe boas the patna probably sure most tom ‘mafunetore. The reason la equenty corrosion in Terminals, wth consequent votage drop or open c= ‘oto Penta universal lin a say can ofes exce- ert protection aganst comtesion, sine war. pelt “Te spray can conta 200m Part no. 1161657 Water resistant grease \Winenpropeters are removed, he propel hats shouldbe protected bya thn layer of watereaon {7aso, This also make proplers easier pull ot ext tine thoy are tobe removed ‘Volo Pents watervesisat greases avaaiein a practical paste tube hat hols 27 ‘Tis grease i also used for inboard tations, for ‘he rubber seal onto propel shalt The grease Can also bo used lerubrcaung te conel compo ents. Part no. 828280 Ins important at damage to surace pats ‘mended as son as posse fo revert the engine and divereversing gear rom corosion. Orginal Danis are avalabie noth spay end tuk peckages Proaso ror tothe accessory catalogue er pat ‘When anioulng pants chosen tis important ©

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