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Arellano St., Dagupan City

Name of Student: Villy Joe P. Salarzon Student No: 19-4281-817

Course: Master in Education Instructor: Dr. Rhea B. Madamba
Major: Educational Leadership SECOND SEM, SY 2019 - 2020

MED 10


The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what
students know in reading, mathematics and science, and what they can do with what they know.
It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning
outcomes to date.
Among 79 participating countries and economies, the Philippines scored the lowest in
reading comprehension for both boys and girls in the PISA 2018. The Philippines also placed the
second-lowest in mathematics and science.

How can establishing good partnership with the different agencies and community people
contribute in raising the performance of the learners in Reading, Mathematics and Science?
Propose an action plan on how you can promote basic quality education through partnership with
Academic achievement is a big concern all around the world. Some areas such as,
math and science are playing a big role in students’ school success. Researchers are
focusing on the factors that affect math and science achievement. Reading comprehension
has found as one of the biggest factor on math or science achievement. Data is gathered
from the latest PISA results. The OECD countries were investigated according to math,
science, and reading performances. A strong relationship has shown between the top
reading performer countries and top math/science performer countries. On the other hand,
there weren’t any significant relation found between average and lower performer OECD
countries. Lastly an observation was conducted to obtain student opinions on reading
comprehension. Student who shows academic success are mostly feeling supported to read
either by their families or teachers. In contrast, student with average or low academic
success don’t pay adequate attention on reading. They believe that they don’t get any
remarkable support from the individuals around them. The research was conducted with
the mixed-method approach. At this point, in order to overcome the difficulties on
academic success, students should improve their reading comprehension as well as they
focus on mathematics and science. In this case students may need some support from their
families and teachers. So the grown ups, families and teachers should encourage the
students to read because students academic success quite much depends on students’
understanding of what they read and how they feel about their selves. Educators, as
guiders of the students, should also mention on the importance of reading comprehension
in their classes and organize class lectures, and activities accordingly.
As teachers, our primary goal for our students is to promote learning, inspire them
to bring out their best and help them become productive members of the community.Some
teachers are more popular than others among students. These teachers become popular by
building good relationships with their students, and by treating them with respect.
However, this ideal situation would not be possible without the help and support of all
school stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or
concern for the school. They include parents, school administrators, board members, local
government officials, alumni and socio-civic groups who contribute to the development of
the school community.
Thus, a healthy relationship between the teachers and stakeholders is important, as this
will enable everybody to harmoniously work together, which will have a positive impact on
the students.
Parents desire a successful educational system for their children; while the students
themselves want to receive good education. It’s easy to imagine the influence the education
system has on government officials, like city councilors and district representatives, as
voters also base their decision on the way public officials show their support to the school
In fact, the community as a whole is the biggest stakeholder in its education system. This is
because local schools educate future employees, business owners and community leaders. A
solid education program builds a stronger community by preparing students to be
successful community members.
Since everyone in a community is a stakeholder in the local education system, every
stakeholder plays a different, significant role in supporting the education system.
For example, a stakeholder’s input and relationship with other stakeholders are important
in the planning, implementation and evaluation of, say, health promotion and education
programs in schools. Their personal perceptions and understanding can help motivate
children in the school environment.
Parents, on the other hand, can support and influence the adoption and implementation of
a solid school curriculum. In addition, the parents can help monitor and evaluate the
implementation of the curriculum by keeping abreast with the performance of their
children, particularly by monitoring their homework activities.
Furthermore, the parents can help teachers by monitoring the behavior and social
development of their children at home, especially for children with special education
needs.As teachers, we know we are dealing with fragile beings. Adolescence, for example,
brings insecurities. Individuals at this age are pulling away from adults. Being accepted by
their peers is the key to develop their self-esteem. When children feel good about
themselves, it’s much easier to motivate them to become academically proficient.To fulfill
our goals of developing successful students, teachers must work together with school
stakeholders in planning and building a school community where children thrive as they
enhance their learning capabilities.

Arellano St., Dagupan City

Name of Student: Student No:

Course: Master in Education Instructor: Dr. Rhea B. Madamba
Major: Educational Leadership SECOND SEM, SY 2019 - 2020

MED 10


The school cannot stand alone by itself in providing quality education to the learners.
Thus. We turn to the stakeholders and community people. How can we develop a positive and
healthy collaboration with them? What programs and projects do you plan to implement in
partnership with the stakeholders?
The kind of engagement we are talking about here is different from what both
educators and external stakeholders might think of when pondering the notion of parent
and community engagement in schools. This is not merely about involvement in social
events, fund-raising efforts, or traditional involvement in activities such as parent training,
homework assistance, and general volunteering. We are talking about on-going
collaboration focused squarely on what schools are there for—student learning—and about
transparent dialog on the need that many schools face to improve student learning.
Beginning this dialog does not ensure a successful partnership.
Here are guidelines for engaging stakeholders:
 The staff must take the lead to provide stakeholders the data and other information they
need to be productive partners around student achievement.
 Partnership activities must be directly aligned with student achievement goals.
 Efforts must be collaborative and genuine. There are meaningful roles for each party to
play and these must be clearly articulated.
 Information sharing must be transparent. Achievement data must be clear, accurate, and
 All parties must operate from common values and a common vision for student
 All efforts must be mission-oriented and data-driven.
To what extent can parent and community involvement impact student success in school?
How might traditional involvement of external stakeholders be extended such that these
constituents become a force for successfully implementing and sustaining effective
schoolwide reading practices?Historically, parent involvement in education has taken one
of three forms:
1. Parent training How to be a good parent; how to promote the importance of education to
your child; how to talk to your child about important issues.
2. Parent support In terms of the school’s homework practices and the child’s homework
efforts (including student independent reading outside of school).
3. Parent volunteering Ranging from volunteering in the classroom to helping out with
social activities at school (e.g., class parties, school carnivals, field trips,) or with fund-
raising activities.
While all of these activities can enhance the academic or social dimensions of a child’s
school experience and extend what the school can provide, most parent involvement
activities remain at a distance from the heart of the elementary school’s mission—to impart
basic skills and foundational knowledge in preparation for the more advanced learning
required in middle school, high school and beyond. The gatekeepers this type of parent
involvement, of course, and those who determine its form and extent are the school staff. It
is incumbent upon educators to engage parents and community members in ways that are
aligned with critical outcomes and go deeper to impact school outcomes at scale. Let’s
examine how some educators are reaching out to stakeholders to support the school’s
mission and to empower school improvement.

Arellano St., Dagupan City

Name of Student: Student No:

Course: Master in Education Instructor: Dr. Rhea B. Madamba
Major: Educational Leadership SECOND SEM, SY 2019 - 2020

MED 10


What are the existing school-community relationship issues you have encountered? What
did you do to address them? What recommendations can you give to prevent such issues to occur
Managing a high school and bringing together departments and campuses to
achieve the mission is always a big challenge for school management.

Transforming schools system with high technology-enabled automation tools to

support the academic and administrative processes will make it easy to achieve their
goals.To succeed in everyday tasks of schools, there is an emerging demand to modernize
public education system with cloud, mobile and digital technologies to improve operational
efficiency and manage the institution effectively
Here are some commonly observed school management issues, and how
technological solutions can be employed to do things right:
1. Paper-based processes
Educational institutions are burdened by cumbersome paperwork and manual
processes, and they find it difficult to maintain records on attendance, fees, admissions,
transport, etc., and track the information they need. Using School Management System,
automate academic processes to save time and reduce staff workload.

2. Online Registration
Students no more have to stand for hours in the queue to pay fees. Simplify
registration and fee collections with online forms, with the ability to send automatic
notifications, alerts and reminders via email, SMS alerts and push notifications from
mobile devices.
3. Teacher Evaluation
Tracking the progress of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of teachers' work
is significant. Teacher evaluation system improves communication and collaboration
between evaluators and teachers. Student’s feedback will measure teacher’s performance
in the classroom and the automated evaluation process improves student learning skills,
achievement and success.

5. Communication & Collaboration

There is apparently no platform to provide seamless communication between
students, administrators, staff and teachers. Moreover, increasing student discipline
incidents happen as a result of big communication gap between students and teachers. Web
and mobile-based education management system improves communication through instant
notifications and alerts via email, SMS and push messages to keep the constituents
informed at every step of the journey to build relationship and improve student retention.

6. Classroom Management Strategy

Schools are finding it difficult to handle tardy students, and solve indiscipline and
behavior issues. Improve classroom environment with discipline tracking and behavior
management system to easily handle tardy students and uninformed absences.
7. Student Monitoring
Teachers are struggling to monitor student’s activities including attendance, leave,
discipline, assignments, etc. School administrators are lacking in result-based monitoring
tools to track student progress. Automate and streamline student attendance and
absenteeism using student information system which delivers real-time status updates of
student activities to support learning needs.

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