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 Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Supervision is a planned program for the improvement of:

a: Quality b: Institutions c: Curriculum d: Standards
2. Measurement and______ are essential parts of teaching learning process:
a: Assessment b: Instruction c: Evaluation d: Pedagogy
3. HEC stands for:
a: Higher Employment Commission b: Higher Education Commission
c: Higher Catchment Commission d: Honorary Education commission
4. Educational administration deals with educational _____
a: objectives b: policies c: practices d: all of these
5. Supervision is concerned with improving the ______ resources for better results:
a: Productivity b: Motivation c: Objectives d: Utilization
6. How many learners of age group 4-16 years are mandatory in BEC School?
a: 15 b: 17 c: 30 d: 45
7. It executes and direct the workers?
a: Supervision b: Leadership c: Administration d: Management
8. In Pakistan, tertiary level education is supervised by:
a: HEC b: Ministry of Education c: NAVTTC d: NCTD
9. Adam and Dicky say that ______ is a planned program for improvement of institutions:
a: Organization b: Supervision c: Management d: Leadership
10. Higher secondary level of education in Pakistan are the classes of:
a: 6,7,8 b: 9,10 c: 11,12 d: None of these
11. The style of leadership which keep everything as it is called _____ leadership:
a: multiple b: status quo c: visionary d: contributing
12. It is responsible for bringing harmony among all elements of administration:
a: Commanding b: Planning c: Coordination d: Organizing
13. The term administration means, the welfare service offered to
a) institution b) company c) managers d) others
14. Statistics is ______ statements in any department of enquiry in relation to each other:
a: Logical b: Qualitative c: Empirical d: Numerical
15. That school is considered best which always
a: welcome parents b: clean c: have good staff d: fully funded
16. AEO stands for:
a: Autonomous Education Officer b: Assistant Education Officer
c: Administrative Encounter Officer d: Assistant Evaluative Officer
17. Which type of assessment is used to assess achievement at the end of instruction:
a: Placement b: Formative c: Diagnostic d: Summative
18. School Principals are expected to:
a: Interact with school critics b: Interpret school programs for community
c: Support student publications d: All of these
19. Which of the following is central to administration?
a: Coordination b: Organization c: Decision Making d: Communication
20. CPD is a planned process where teachers develop _____ qualities.
a: Professional b: Interpersonal c: Organizational d: Communicative
21. A supervisor is basically one who:
a: Inspects classrooms c: Give directions
b: Criticizes the teaching method d: Provides friendly help
22. Administration is derived from Latin Word
a: Ministic c: Manistic
b: Mfnistic d: Mcnistic
23. ______ is an objective assessment of an individual's performance against well-defined benchmarks
a:Performance Appraisal b: HR Planning
c: Information for goal identification d: None of the above
24. Which of the following is not an aim of performance appraisal?
a: Personal Development b: work satisfaction
c: Training d: None of the above
25. Needs, setting standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders according to Adair’s
approach, called as:
a: Work functions b: Task functions
c: Individual functions d: Team functions
26. Which of the following is a desirable feature of leadership?
a: One-directional influence from the leader to the follower
b: Coercive power and authority
c: Lack of freedom
d: Co-existence of leaders and managers
27. The human elements of Educational Management include -
a: children b: parents c: teachers and other employees d: all of the above
28. Training refers to the process of imparting ______________ skills.
a: Specific b: General c: Important d: Over all
29. The leader as the school principal who are nominated for bearing the high responsibilities in an
organization, is called:
a: institutional leader b: dominant leader
c: intellectual leader d: executive leader
30. Who is at the center of the school and community focus?
a: The teacher b: The school board
c: The student d: The local businesses
31. Full form of DPI in education department?
a: Director Public Internet b: Department Personal Investigation

c: Director Private Instructions d: Director Public Instructions

32. The success of a teacher is proportional to his

a: attitude b: students’ attitude

c: students’ results d: social achievements

33. PEF is abbreviation of:

a: Public Education Foundation b: Punjab Education Foundation

c: Punjab Efficiency Fund d: Public Effectiveness Foundation

34. In Pakistan, tertiary level education is supervised by
a: Ministry of Education b: NCHD c: NAVTEC d: HEC
35. Which ministry of the federal government oversee education and related matters?
a: Ministry of Education
b: Ministry of Education and Training
c: Ministry of Federal Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education
d: Ministry of Education, Professional, and Vocational Training
36. Modern supervision is based on
a: Social process b: Psychological process
c: Educational process d: All of the above
37. Which of the following is considered as the best type of supervision

a: Corrective supervision b: Coercive supervision

c: Creative supervision d: Preventive supervision

38. “Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively.” Who said this?

a: Glatthorn b: Hoy and Forsyth

c: Glickman d: Harris

39. Supervision should be primarily

a: Preventive and critical b: Critical and corrective

c: Constructive and creative d: Constructive and critical

40. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _______ and supervision.

a: Training b: Recruitment

c: Work Quality d: All of the above

41. The term Administration has been derived for the -----word “Ministic” which means service offered to
others for their welfare:

a) Greek (b) Arabic (c) Latin (d) French

42. SMART are rules that apply to:
a) Compare performance (b) Evaluation (c) Goal setting (d) Supervise
43. This is not a component of administrative process:
a) Appraisal (b) Planning (c) Direction (d) Coordination
44. The appraisal process consists of:
a) 7 steps (b) 6 steps (c) 5 steps (d) 4steps
45. Status quo leader drives the organization by the reports rather than the
a) Leadership (b) Mission (c) Governance (d) Information
46. Leaders always have big personality and a way with
a) Words (b) Business (c) success (d) Clients
47. Great leaders demonstrate -------in all their actions:
a) Positivity (b) Empathy (c) Passion (d) Integrity
48. Akinsola (2012) identified following roles of school administrators:
a) Funding, Procurement, Supervision (b) Funding, Appraisal, Supervision
(c) Funding, Inspection, Supervision (d) Funding, Maintenance, Supervision
49. Who list the 10 ways to get the community to come to school?
a) Wilson & Stanberry (b) Pelton (c) Burner (d) Husen
50. Rogers in 1983 gave idea of ---------------------in community involvement in school
a) Middle leader (b) Opinion leader (c) Real leader (d) None of these
51. According to McBeath et al, 1983 parents may be involved in schools by giving
a) home work (b) Incentives (c) Gifts (d) Package
52. The saying “it takes a ---------------- to raise a child” is true to a child education:
a) School (b) Attention (c) City (d) Village
53. The Chief Executive of the Education Secretariat is Federal Education:
a) Minister (b) Director (c) Secretary (d) Advisor
54. At present, there are how many Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Punjab?
a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 6
55. This is not the duty of District Education Officer:
a) Planning & Development (b) Guidance (c) Printing Books (d) Financial control
56. Modern Supervision is scientific which does not use:
a) Surveys (b) Action (c) Research (d) Theory
57.Immediate recognition of good work is principle of:
a) Administration (b) Supervision (c) Management (d) Training
58. What helps a supervisor to develop understanding of trainee’s network, their history and core values?
a) Conversation (b) Curiosity (c) Context (d) Complexity
59. A Supervisor is a leader at the -------rung of management ladder:
a) Lowest (b) Upper (c) Middle (d) Initial

Q.NO.1. a. What is controlling in an organization, how controlling function help managers? (10)
b. Define supervision and describe its process in detail. (10)
Q.NO.2. a Explain any TEN characteristics of an effective leader. (10)
b. What are the major components of administrative process? (10)
Q.NO.3. a. Differentiate between Educational Administration and Supervision? (10)
b. Discuss the role of parents in child’s education. (10)
Q.NO.4. a. What are leadership and management skills required for staff development? (10)
b. Describe the functions of School Education Department. (10)
QNO.5. a. Explain the stepwise details of Appraisal Process for the improvement of

performance. (10)

b. Discuss the Administrative process in detail. (10)

Q.NO.6. a. Describe the different roles played by the Multiple leaders in a School. (10)

b. Compare the Administration with Supervision. (5)

c. Explain the characteristics briefly, you wish to see in a Contributing Leader. (5)

Q.NO.7. a. How school leadership can improve the School Plant. Discuss in detail. (10)

b. Describe the role of Principals in Community involvement. What hurdles they might
encounter in the process? (10)

Q.NO.8. Write notes on the followings:

a. Concept of Modern supervision (5)

b. 7 Cs of Successful supervision (5)

c. Federal Ministry of Education and its main Wings. (10)

Q.NO.9. a. Write a note on benefits of applying the administrative process. (10)

b. Differentiate between Educational Administration and Supervision. (10)
Q.NO.10. Give characteristics of effective Leader. (20)
Q.NO.11. a. What do you know about the leadership and management skills required for staff
development. (10)
b. How a leader can evaluate school effectiveness? (10)
Q.NO.12. a. Explain various functions of provincial ministry and its agencies. (10)
b. Discuss seven” C” of successful supervision. (10)

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