Impact of Using Online Mass On The Spiritual Life of The MSBS Members

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A Research Paper

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of requirements in Research Education


Verdin, Jelly Mae M.

December 2020


First, I would like to thank God for giving me a chance to experience life

here on earth. For sharing with me His ability to understand and to think,

because of this I was able to finish my research amidst difficulties.

I would like to give my great appreciation to my formators Sr. Jury

Goretti, Sr. Lin Bhiju and Sr. Maria Lam Bieng Kim Hien, who guided me in my

formation and gave their full support to provide for my needs in finishing this


I would also like to acknowledge the presence of my professor Dr. Alicia

Padua, who rendered her time, understanding and untiring support to make my

research paper possible.

I am truly happy to say thank you to the Aspirants, Postulants, and

Novices who serve as my respondents and actively cooperate to answer my

survey questionnaires to collect the data needed in my research paper.

I would like to give my special thanks to my one and only classmate

Yasmin Faye Granaderos for being my companion and helping me to understand

some part of my study.


Mass is the source of strength of everybody. Due to the online

mass and spiritual life of MSBS members is affected unlike before. Online mass

has a different effect, it can be observed in the community of Missionary

Servants of the Blessed Sacrament. This paper was conducted to determine the

impact that affects the spiritual life of MSBS members. This study is very

significant to the Aspirants, Postulants, Novices and Sisters for they are under

formation. Likewise, to the religious person who is experiencing spiritual

weakness because of this pandemic. The research used a purposive sampling

as research design. The twenty-five respondents of the survey were the MSBS

members but the sisters are not included. The data gathered was used by

frequency, percentage, and mean. The conclusion is that the spirit of MSBS

members has been strengthened. Spiritual life has been affected in terms of

reflecting the gospel and learning to trust each other. As a result, the researcher

recommends to give attention to the word of God whatever happens and

whenever it will be, do not wait for the time that there will be something happen

to deepen our faith, and to practice deepening our faith through the people who

are around us.





TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………...



Statement of the

Scope and Limitation of the


Significance of the Study


Definition of


Review of related literature and studies…………………..5-10


Research Design/Method…………………………………11

Population and Sample……………………………………11

Data Collection Instrument………………………………..12

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………..13

Statistical Treatment…………………………………14


Presentation, analysis
and interpretation of data………………………..….15-24


Summary of the entire paper………………………..25

Summary of Findings………………………………...25




Table 1 Idea about Online Mass……………………………………16-17

Table 2 Effect of Online Mass on

the Spiritual Life………………………………………………………19-20

Table 3 Ways to Strengthen

Spiritual Life Despite of Covid 19…………………………………...23



Appendix 1 Letter to respondents………………………………….28-29

Appendix 2 Survey Form/Interview Schedule………………….…29-32



Mass is the most important prayer as catholic Christians. The word Mass

is derived from the Latin word “missa” means sent”. After mass the priest or

deacon at the last part of the mass will say, “Ite, missa est” means “go, you are

sent” or “go in peace”. Mass is divided into two important parts which are the

liturgy of the “Word” and the liturgy of the “Eucharist”. Eucharist in the Greek

word means “thanksgiving” and the holy meal of Jesus' body and blood we

received during the mass, for us as Roman Catholics. On November 15, 2017,

Pope Francis says, “Mass is the highest form of prayer and not an appropriate

moment for small talk”. "Faith inspires charity, and charity safeguards faith”. He

also mentioned that it was our greatest grace and the moment for us to be with

Jesus and with our brothers and sisters.

According to Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. March 13, 2020, “Mass is

not our sacrifice; it is Christ’s. What we do is worship, adoring God the Father,

through Christ, the Son, in the Holy Spirit. The grace conferred in and by this

worship is efficacious by virtue of the divine, not as a result of human effort”. “The

church, the ecclesia, or people set apart for God will always be those “called

together” in worship. And there lies the essential that we must always keep in

mind, even when we can only worship online. The celebration may be virtual,

when necessary, but the People of God are always real.”

Online mass allows people to participate in the Holy Eucharist. A way to

gather all the people who were joining in the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ.

Catholics used to participate in the mass, from kneeling, as a sign of peace and

the most important is receiving a holy communion. But everything changed

because of Covid 19. Timothy O’Malley, the academic director at the University

of Notre Dame’s Center for Liturgy, who interviewed by Christopher White a

National correspondent for Crux says that: “The kind of ‘viewing’ Mass on TV that

is participation involves embodied acts of worship,” “At Mass, we must stand and

sit, to use our voices in the praise of God, to kneel before the living presence of

Christ. At home, we can and should do this. We can stand and sing the chant or

opening hymn. We can sit attentively and listen to the word of God.”


The Study aims to determine the impact of the online mass on the spiritual life of

MSBS members. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the ideas of MSBS members regarding the online mass?

2. How did the online mass affect the spiritual life of MSBS community

in terms of:

2.1. Their Reflection

2.2. Their Relationship with one another

2.3. Their Faith


This study focused not the entire members only the Aspirants, Postulants

and Novices and not included the Sisters. This study was mainly focused on the

impacts of online mass on the spiritual life of Missionary Servants of the Blessed

Sacrament Members in terms of their reflections, their relationship with each

other and their faith, during Covid 19.


The researcher aims to provide useful insights regarding the online mass

which affects the spiritual life of MSBS members.

The useful and applicable information acquired from the following part:

Aspirants. It will inspire them in their vocation as they are journeying in

Christ Jesus.

Postulants. This could help them to deepen their faith, persevere their

vocation and continue their mission as the disciples of God.

Novices. This study would help them to dedicate their life to their mission

especially to God with full trust and faith.

Religious. It will help them to be more aware and active in proclaiming the

good news and the word of God to all the people.

Researcher. This would help the future researchers consider tackling

other factors that might affect the sisters or other religious persons in their

spiritual life.


For better understanding and explanation of this study, the following terms are

actively defined.

Online mass- it is a new way of celebrating the Holy Eucharist using

television or any other technology.

Mass- a higher level of adoring God. It is a holy celebration because you

were going to celebrate the paschal mystery of Christ. It is a sign that we are in

communion with God.

Holy Eucharist- it is a sacrament and a sacrifice. In the Holy Eucharist,

under the appearances of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered,

and received.

Paschal mystery- it is about the core of Christian doctrine, one of the

important beliefs of all Christian. It is similar to the doctrines of the Incarnation

and the Trinity.

Covid 19- a disease known as coronavirus (COVID-19) it is an infectious

disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. This new virus and disease were

unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Religious- these are the persons who surrendered their lives to God and

the persons who have responsibility to bring and proclaim the good news of the


Spiritual life- it is something natural and normal unlike the other things

that we come across in our daily numerous activities. It is precisely normal and

natural because it knows its source. Its source is God the infinite light and God

the eternal truth.

Missionary Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (MSBS)- it is a

congregation of sisters found by Mo. Caterina Zechinni an Italian sister.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies on impacts of

using online mass on the spiritual life of MSBS members. This also presents the

effects of the spiritual life in terms of reflection, relationship with one another and

faith, to fully understand the entire study that the researcher will be doing.

Holy Mass before the Pandemic

Before, everybody celebrated the Holy Mass in an actual way. Everyone

can receive a Holy Eucharist given by the priest. On March 30, 2020, Pope

Francis approved the new way of celebrating a Holy Mass. According to C.

White, 2020, the increasing level of viewers this year of holy week increased

from 1.5 million online viewers up to 5.5 million compared to last year. He

mentioned that people were forced to attend the virtual mass due of COVID-19

pandemic. He also mentioned the struggles and adjustments that people did in

the virtual mass.

According to Dr. K.G Schmidt, March 20, 2020, “There are ways to make

choices in our livestreams and recordings that mark them as a different kind of

space, a sacred space, to minimize distractions.” Before Covid-19, she shared

that she is trying to come-up in the study of having a virtual mass on the internet.

But many Catholic people are saying that it was impossible in the Catholic

tradition. Despite many people who were against her study she never gives them

any attention. In her interview, mentioned that she is much less interested in

whether we can “do Mass online” than I am in how digital spaces augment or

work alongside our liturgical spaces”.

Finally, she said that

“No matter how immersive the virtual experience of Mass gets, I think

there’s still going to be that break when we get to the Eucharist, where we

see the seams of the virtual experience that show that it’s not quite

perfect. There’s this break where we realize, oh no, I can’t actually partake

in this Eucharist. In our sacramental imagination, it’s important we hold

onto the fact that this is a real break”.

Holy Mass thru Social Media

J.M Bennett October 24, 2018 says that, people who used to interact

using social media, have flesh and blood people with feelings. It can cause a

positive or negative effect to the persons; it is either in emotional or physical well-


Moreover, she said that

“Social media can be a way to address social isolation and enable

vigorous theological discussion about our faith. A great benefit of online

social media is to connect people who might otherwise become

disconnected. This is important for churches! Illness, disability, frequent

moves, changes in work schedules and doubts about our faith are all

reasons people disappear from church attendance”.

According to Fr. Jerry Pokorsky, Apr 09, 2020, the presence of Jesus

never failed in the holy Eucharist, which we are celebrating. Jesus presents in a

different way; in the priests, liturgy of the word and the people who were joining

the Holy Eucharist; for “where two or three are gathered together in my name

there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18:20). He mentioned that, in 1979, Pope

John Paul II encouraged priests in their sacred ministry. His words were

remarkably prescient…think of the places where people anxiously await a Priest,

and where for many years, feeling the lack of such a Priest, they do not cease to

hope for his presence. And sometimes it happens that they meet in an

abandoned shrine, and place on the altar a stole which they still keep, and recite

all the prayers of the Eucharistic liturgy; and then, at the moment that

corresponds to the transubstantiation a deep silence comes down upon them, a

silence sometimes broken by a sob… so ardently do they desire to hear the

words that only the lips of a Priest can efficaciously utter. So much do they desire

Eucharistic Communion, in which they can share only through the ministry of a


People’s Faith during a Crisis

On March 27, Pope Francis recalled the awoken Gospel of St. Mark

during the storm at sea and begs to calm the storm. (cf. Mark 4. 31-35). “Why

are you afraid? Have you no faith?”  The Pope stated that the worlds are not

disturbed by any wars and injustices. Not even in the cries of the poor; and now

that the world is in a stormy age everybody is calling for God’s help. Begging and

waiting when the Lord listens to our cries to stop the stormy seas. He said that

many are afraid but continuously offer and sacrifice their lives to save others’

lives. Pope Francis mentioned that “Faith begins when we realize we are in need

of salvation”. Pope invites everybody to trust the Lord through the intercession of

Mother Mary. Pope says that; “Yet our faith is weak and we are fearful. But you,

Lord, will not leave us at the mercy of the storm. Tell us again: “Do not be afraid”

(Mt 28:5). And we, together with Peter, “cast all our anxieties onto you, for you

care about us” (cf. 1 Pet 5:7).”

"Jesus says to each one of us: 'Courage, open your heart to my

love.'" In the homily of Pope Francis, he is comparing the situation of the world

today to Jesus when he was hanging in the cross and saying the words “Eli, Eli,

lama sabachthani?” means Father, Father why do you abandon me? People of

the world today are also asking God why? Like Jesus, he allows it to happen to

tell that; “Do not be afraid, you are not alone. I experienced all your desolation in

order to be ever close to you”. Pope also mentioned that this tragedy is a

realization to all that; “life is of no use if not used to serve others. For life is

measured by love”.

According to Priam Nepomuceno April 8, 2020, in his Unshaken faith:

Observing Holy Week amid Covid-19, Filipino are faithful especially in the time

of Holy week many are devoting and participating in this occasion. Nepomuceno

mentioned several people who experienced crisis, but never disturb. No one can

stop them in their faith, but rather it becomes stronger. Despite many blocks on

their way to attend the most awaited day which is the holy week, some stay in

their house and pray to the prayer guide given by the Catholic Bishops Council of

the Philippine (CBCP).

'We haven't lost Christ in this': sisters under COVID-19 lockdown

On April 9, 2020, GSR Staff reported about the congregations of the

sisters from different countries like Bangladesh, Colombia, Nigeria, Philippines,

United State and South Korea. He is talking about the reactions and how the

Sisters spent their time in their communities while in quarantine. In the country of

Bangladesh, the sisters from Mary the Queen of the Apostles Congregation

offered their time in participating in a 24-hour prayer for the affected of covid 19.

One of the sisters says that prayer is their day and night work. Sr. Leida Holanda

Dájome from Colombia of Missionary Carmelites Congregation says that, “When

we ask ourselves what our role is in this moment, we believe that we are to be

bearers of hope”. Walsh, one of the lay of the Dominican sisters, mentioned that

while she was listening in their sessions that their conversation was not fear but

the desire to share community, to hear how people are coping and finding ways

of outreach. She said that she is living with four people and a dog which she

considers as her community. According to her, "But for people who are isolated

and alone, it gives a great sense of being able to reach out and for those folks to

be able to reach back. It's a great opportunity to discover what community really

means, and that's relationship."

According to Bryan Goodman May 11, 2020, in his Faith in a time of crisis,

interviewed Kay Bjwa, who is an agent in Washington, D.C., and spent time in

praying five times a day and working in a mosque together with her members

during quarantine time. It was her opportunity to help others during pandemic.

According to her, “This whole ordeal is bringing us closer together and closer to

Allah,” “Spending time praying and being with him is comforting.”

Chapter III


This thesis describes the methodology of research study. It covers the

research method and design, population and sample of the study, data collection

instruments include the questionnaire, data gathering procedure and statistical

tools used.

Method of Research

This study used the online and paper survey method to determine the

impact of online mass to the spiritual life of MSBS members. Not all the MSBS

members were included, only Aspirants, Postulants and Novices and not the


Online surveys use technology. It is a simple way to gather information to

the respondents via email or simply access the survey if they have an internet

connection. The respondents are given some time to answer the questionnaires.

While the paper survey is a traditional kind of conducting survey. It uses pencil,

ball pen and paper.

Population and Sample of the Study

The total population for this study is composed of 25 members including

the Aspirants, Postulants and Novices of the Missionary Servants of the Blessed

Sacrament (MSBS), during the first semester of academic year 2020-2021.

Specifically, the responses of respondents were taken within the period of

October 15-16, 2020 using standardized questionnaires as instruments in

gathering information about the impacts of online mass to the MSBS members.

The researcher used the purposive sampling technique to generate the 25

members of MSBS included Aspirants, Postulants and Novices based on the

availability of the respondents.

Data Collection Instrument

The study made use of a survey form. The survey consists of part 1,2,3.

The researcher used both checklists for the first and third part of the

questionnaire. And the second part is ranking scale of the different factors that

can influence on the spiritual life of MSBS member.

The first part of the questionnaire was a checklist composed of ten items.

It contains the ideas of the respondents towards the online mass. Respondents

were asked to answer each question by putting a check on the space provided.

The second part of the questionnaire is about the ranking scale of the

different factors that can influence the spiritual life of MSBS members. It is

composed of fifteen items. And the third part is a check list which contains ideas

and ways to strengthen the spiritual life of MSBS members despite Online mass

attendance, which is composed of ten items. The ranking scale used in the

questionnaire composed of (5-strongly agree, 4-agree, 3-n either agree or

disagree, 2-disagree, 1- strongly disagree).

Ranking scale

Degree of the agreement of respondent

Scale Range Verbal


5 4.50-5.00 Strongly agree

4 3.50-4.49 Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Neither agree or disagree

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used the questionnaire for the gathering of the desired


The researcher asked the permission of Sr. Maria Goretti Jury, one of the

formator of the Aspirants, to conduct the survey about the impact of online mass

to the Aspirants, Postulants and Novices.

The questionnaires had been distributed to the respondents in the

morning and received in the evening. The researcher assuring the respondents

that the data gathered would be treated with strict confidentiality.

The results were tallied and tabulated according to the weighted mean of

the items checked by the respondents. After the tallied and tabulated subjected

to the following statistical tools:

Statistical Tool/s Used

1. Ranking frequency distribution

The researcher used the Ranking frequency distribution in the study to

know the highest rank about the ideas of the respondents toward the online

mass. The researcher took the frequency of every number and ranked it

according to the highest to the lowest. This formula is used in part one and

part three.

2. Weighted Mean

The researcher used another type of technique in the study which is

weighted mean. This is used in order to get the sub mean and grand mean to

analyse the respondent’s verbal interpretation of agreement. This is used in the

second part of the questionnaire. The researcher used the formula below.


WM= Rf (Rs)

WM = Weighted mean
Rf = Ranking frequency
Rs = Ranking scale
N = no. of Respondents


SM = Sub mean
ƩWM = sum of weighted mean
N = no. of the item


GM = Grand mean
SM = Sub mean

N = no. of sub means



This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered by the researchers from the respondents. This chapter presents three tables,

ideas of respondents toward online mass, agreement on online mass for the spiritual life

of the respondents and ways which can help to strengthen the spiritual life of the


Table 1


Part I

Items Frequency Per cent Rank

1. Online mass is a 20 80% 5

Eucharistic celebration using
the internet.

2. It can be facilitated using 21 84% 3.5

cell phones, television, laptops
and any other gadgets.

3. This is a new way of 18 72% 6.5

celebrating the Paschal
mystery of Christ which is
used all over the world.

4. It brings the presence of 22 88% 2

Jesus Christ at home, in
community and wherever you

5. It includes physical and 8 32% 9

emotional interactions
between the priest and the

6. It is supported by the 18 72% 6.5

different congregations of
Priests to continually proclaim
the good news.

7. Online mass is joined by 16 64% 8

single, dual, or groups

8. It takes time to join and 5 20% 10

participate in the online mass.

9. It is open for all the people 25 100% 1

who are catholic.

10. It provides spiritual 21 84% 3.5

strength to one another.

Table 1 shows that in item 1 out of 25 respondents only 20 (80%) says that

online mass is a Eucharistic celebration using the internet. While items 2 and 10 show

that out of 25 respondents 21 (84%) stated that online mass can be facilitated using cell

phone, television, laptops and any other gadgets and provides a spiritual strength to

one another. Likewise, both items 3 and 6 show that out of 25 respondents only 18

(72%) mentioned that online mass is a new way of celebrating the Paschal mystery of

Christ, which is used all over the world and was supported by the different

congregations of Priests to continually proclaim the good news. Item 4 shows that out of

25 respondents only 22 (88%) say that online mass brings the presence of Jesus Christ

at home, in the community and wherever you are. While item 5 shows that out of 25

respondents only 8 (32%) stated that online mass includes physical and emotional

interactions between the priest and the participants. In item 7 out of 25 respondents

only 16 (64%) are telling that online mass is joined by single, dual, or groups’

participants. On the other hand, in item 7 out of 25 respondents only 5 (20%) say that it

takes time to join and participate in the online mass. Finally, in item number 9, 100% are

saying that an online mass is open for all the peoples who are catholic.

Based on the results of the survey, the respondents totally agree that

online mass is open for all the peoples who are catholic. This result was similar

to the statement of J.M Bennett October 24, 2018 when he said that people who

used to interact using social media, have flesh and blood people with feelings. It

can cause a positive or negative effect to the persons; it is either in emotional or

physical well-being. He also said that, “Social media can be a way to address

social isolation and enable vigorous theological discussion about people’s faith. A

great benefit of online social media is to connect people who might otherwise

become disconnected. This is important because illness, disability, frequent

moves, changes in work schedules and doubts about one’s faith are all reasons

for people to be absent from mass



Part II

5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal
mean Interpretation

A Reflection

1. I can concentrate on 1 11 13 3.5 Agree

reflecting the Gospel using
online mass.

2. I have become more sensitive 2 14 8 1 3.7 Agree

in listening to Homily in online

3. I began to know the real 7 11 6 1 4.0 Agree

purpose of prayer in my daily

4. I learned that life without 19 5 1 4.72 Strongly

prayer is empty. agree

Sub- 3.98 Agree


B. Relationship with each other

1. I think this is the time for me 16 8 1 4.6 Agree
to spend more time together
with my community.

2. I become more open to my 13 10 2 4.44 Agree

companions and learn to pray to
each other.

3. I learned to lend my trust to 10 10 5 4.2 Agree

others as I am trusting to God.

4. I began to value the things 8 16 1 4.28 Agree

given by other.

Sub- 4.38 Agree


C. Faith

1. I find strength in attending 11 10 4 4.28 Agree

online mass during of covid 19.

2. I find the presence of God in 5 14 4 1 3.72 Agree

joining the online mass.

3. I learned how important the 20 5 4.8 Agree

holy Eucharist is.

4. I began to deepen my faith 15 10 4.6 Agree

and trust in God as I am longing
for His presence in the form of
the Holy Eucharist.

Sub- 4.35 Agree


Grand 4.24 Agree


Table 2 on Reflection Part shows items 1, 2, 3 and 4 having weighted means of

3.5, 3.7, 4.0 and 4.72 respectively. This indicates that the respondents agree that online

mass can help them concentrate on reflecting the Gospel, to become more sensitive in

listening to Homily, to know the real purpose of prayer in their daily life, and realizing

that life without prayer is empty. The sub-weighted mean 3.9 indicates that the

reflections of the respondents on online mass are affected.

Based on the findings of the survey conducted, the respondents are

showing their favor that life without prayer is empty. And this was proven On April

9, 2020, when the Global Sister Report Staff reported about the congregations of

the sisters from different countries like Bangladesh, Colombia, Nigeria,

Philippines, United State and South Korea. The sisters from this country shared

their experience during the pandemic and how they manage their time while in

quarantine. In the country of Bangladesh, the sisters from Mary the Queen of the

Apostles Congregation offered their time in participating in a 24-hour prayer for

those affected with Covid 19. One of the sisters says that prayer is her day and

night work. Sr. Leida Holanda Dájome from Colombia of Missionary Carmelites

Congregation says that, “When we ask ourselves what our role is in this moment,

we believe that we are to be bearers of hope”. According to her, "But for people

who are isolated and alone, it gives a great sense of being able to reach out and

for those folks to be able to reach back. It's a great opportunity to discover what

community really means, and that's relationship."

Likewise, Table 2 on Relationship with Each Other part also shows that items 1,

2, 3 and 4 having weighted means of 4.6, 4.44, 4.2, and 4.28 respectively. This

indicates that the respondents agree that online mass for them is a time to spend more

time together with their community, to become more open to their companions and learn

to pray for each other, learn to lend their trust to others and begin to give value to the

things given by one another. The sub-weighted mean of 4.3 indicates the relationship

with each other of the respondents on online mass is affected.

In this part, the result of the survey is showing that the respondents agree

that they become more open to their companions and learn to pray for each

other. This is similar to the result of the survey conducted by the researcher

Bryan Goodman May 11, 2020. According to Kay Bjwa, who is an agent in

Washington, D.C. her Faith in a time of crisis, spent time in praying five times a

day and working in a mosque together with her members during quarantine time.

It was her opportunity to help others during pandemic. According to her, “This

whole ordeal is bringing us closer together and closer to Allah,” “Spending time

praying and being with him is comforting.”

Table 2 on Faith part shows items 1, 2, 3 and 4 having weighted means of 4.28,

3.72, 4.8, and 4.6. This indicates that the respondents agree that an online mass helps

them to find strength and find the presence of God during the pandemic. Likewise, they

also realized how important the holy Eucharist is, and began to deepen their faith and

trust in God in the form of the Holy Eucharist. The sub-weighted mean of 4.3 indicates

the faith of the respondents on online mass is extremely affected.

In this part, the result shows great favor that the respondents find strength

in attending online mass during the pandemic. The statement of Fr. Jerry Pokorsky,

Apr 09, 2020, is similar such that the presence of Jesus never failed in the Holy

Eucharist which is being celebrated. He continued and said that Jesus is present in a

different way; in the priests, liturgy of the word and the people who were joining the Holy

Eucharist; for “where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the

midst of them.” (Mt 18:20). He mentioned that, in 1979, Pope John Paul II encouraged

priests in their sacred ministry. His words were remarkably prescient…think of the

places where people anxiously await a Priest, and where for many years, feeling the

lack of such a Priest, they do not cease to hope for his presence. And sometimes it

happens that they meet in an abandoned shrine, and place on the altar a stole which

they still keep, and recite all the prayers of the Eucharistic liturgy; and then, at the

moment that corresponds to the transubstantiation a deep silence comes down upon

them, a silence sometimes broken by a sob… so ardently do they desire to hear the

words that only the lips of a Priest can efficaciously utter. So much, do they desire

Eucharistic Communion, in which they can share only through the ministry of a priest.



Part III

1. Prayer is the best way to 21 84% 2.50

strengthen faith.

2. Take time to meditate and reflect 15 60% 9

on the word of God.

3. Take time to meditate and reflect 21 84% 2.50

on the word of God.

4. Spent time reading books of 19 76% 5.5

5. Think positively. 19 76% 5.5

6. Always read the readings and 21 84% 2.50


7. Spent time in front of the crucifix. 11 44% 10

8. Cultivate a shared prayer life. 14 56% 7.5

9. Be open and honest to others. 14 56% 7.5

10. Always present in writing 21 84% 2.50

reflections books and diary.

Table 3 shows that in items 1, 3, 6 and 10 have the same result that out of 25

respondents only 21 (84%) are saying that prayer is the best way to strengthen faith. It

also says that online mass is a time to trust one another to build a good relationship with

God, to always read the readings and the gospels and a time to present in writing

reflections books and diaries. While item 2 shows that out of 25 respondents only 15

(60%) says that online mass can take their time to meditate and reflect on the word of

God. Likewise, items 4 and 5 have the same result that out of 25 respondents only 19

(76%) say that online mass is a chance for them to spend their time reading books of

saints and to think positively. On the other hand, item 7 is showing that out of 25

respondents only 11 (44%) says that online mass is a time to spend their time in front of

the crucifix. Finally, items 8 and 9 show the same result that only 14 (54%) out of 25

respondents, are saying that online mass is a time for them to cultivate their prayer life

and to be open and honest to others.

Based on the findings of the survey conducted, there are three statements which

show that the respondents’ spiritual life is affected. The respondents agree that prayer

is the best way to strengthen faith. Taking time to meditate and reflect on the word of

God, always read the readings and gospels and always present in writing reflections

books and diary are also some ways to strengthen the spiritual life. This statement is

similar to the statement of Priam Nepomuceno April 8, 2020, in his Unshaken faith:

Observing Holy Week amid Covid-19, when he said that Filipino are faithful especially

in the time of Holy Week wherein many show devotion and participate in this occasion.

Moreover, Nepomuceno mentioned several people who experienced crises, but never

were disturbed. No one can stop them in their faith, but rather the more it becomes

stronger. Despite the many barriers on their way to attend the most awaited day which

is the Holy Week, some stay in their house and pray to the prayer guide given by the

Catholic Bishops Council of the Philippine (CBCP).


Online mass creates a big impact in the spiritual life of MSBS members and

brings different factors. Determining the impacts that affect the spiritual life of MSBS

members will help them to persevere and grow in their vocation.

This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the

conclusion and the recommendation made to complete this paper. This study was

conducted to determine the impact of online mass to the MSBS members. Purposive

sampling was used in this study. The data was gathered with the use of a survey

questionnaire. The respondents are Aspirants, Postulants and Novices of MSBS

members. The questionnaire consists of items on different ideas about online mass,

different impacts of online mass and different ways that can strengthen spiritual life. The

data were collected and analyzed using weighted mean and frequency.

Summary of findings

1. The MSBS members strongly agree on the idea that online mass is open for all the

peoples who are catholic.

2.1. Reflection

The MSBS members learned that life without prayer is empty and know the purpose

of prayer.

2.2. Relationship with each other

The MSBS members agree that they began to value the things given by others and

became more open to their companions and learned to pray for each other.

2.3. Faith

The MSBS members found strength in attending online mass during covid 19 and

learned how important the Holy Eucharist is.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The spiritual life of the MSBS members had been affected in terms of reflecting

the gospel.

2. The MSBS members need something to deepen their faith in God.

3. Online mass helps MSBS members to strengthen their faith.

4. The spiritual life of the MSBS members has become even stronger now


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following

recommendations are suggested:

That the MSBS members

1. give attention to the word of God whatever happens and whenever it will be.

2. continue deepening their faith even without any crisis.

3. practice deepening their faith together with the people who are with them.


Christopher White, National Correspondent

(May 9, 2020) Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real

thing (Crux)


Nick Mayrand, Journalism Intern

(March 20, 2020) Theologian: Distinguish digital Masses from other media during



Phil Lawler, Catholic journalist

Apr 09, 2020, Silence: closed churches and mixed messages


Priam Nepomuceno

April 8, 2020, Unshaken faith: Observing Holy Week amid Covid-19

Apr 9, 2020

GSR Staff, (Global Sisters Report),

Apr 9, 2020, 'We haven't lost Christ in this': sisters under COVID-19 lockdown


Fr. Arul Joseph V. ,Pastor, Saint Peter Catholic Church


St. Marys’ Press

(2010) Living in Christ Series, The Paschal Mystery


Srichinmoy.Orgen, spiritual teacher. Spirituality



Date: October 20, 2020

To the respondents,

Praise be Jesus and Mary!

I would like to ask for your time and support for my research study entitled IMPACT OF


study aims to determine the impact of the online mass on the spiritual life of MSBS

members in terms of their reflection, relationship with each other and faith. Your answer

will be kept confidentially.

Thank you!

Verdin, Jelly Mae M.


Name: ______________________________________


Part I: Check one or more of your ideas about online mass on the space provided.

1. Online mass is a Eucharistic celebration using the internet.

2. It can be facilitated using cell phones, television, laptops and any other


3. This is a new way of celebrating the Paschal mystery of Christ which is used

all over the world.

4. It brings the presence of Jesus Christ at home, in community and wherever

you are.

5. It includes physical and emotional interactions between the priest and the


6. It is supported by the different congregations of Priests to continually proclaim

the good news.

7. Online mass is joined by either single, dual, or groups participants.

8. It takes time to join and participate in the online mass.

9. It is open for all the people who are catholic.

10. It provides spiritual strength to one another.

Others: (Please specify) ___________________

Part II: Please read the statement carefully. Check the box corresponding to your

agreement on the online mass on your spiritual life. Use the scale below.

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neutral

2 Strongly Disagree

1 Disagree

A. Reflection 5 4 3 2 1

1. I can concentrate on reflecting the Gospel

using online mass.

2. I become more sensitive when listening to

Homily in online mass.

3. I began to know the real purpose of prayer

in my daily life.

4. I learned that life without prayer is empty.

B. Relationship with each other

● I think this is the time for me to spend

more time together with my community.

● I become more open to my companions

and learn to pray to each other.

● I learned to lend my trust to others as I am

trusting to God.

● I began to value the things given by


C. Faith

1. I find strength in attending online mass

during of covid 19.

2. I find the presence of God in joining the

online mass.

3. I learned how important the holy Eucharist


4. I began to deepen my faith and trust in

God as I am longing for His presence in

the form of the Holy Eucharist.

Part III: Check one or more ways by which your spiritual life can be strengthen despite

of the online mass attendance on the space provided. 

1. Prayer is the best way to strengthen faith.

2. Take time to meditate and reflect on the word of God.

3. Trusting one another is a way to build a good relationship with God.

4. Spent time reading books of saints.

5. Think positively.

6. Always read the readings and gospels.

7. Spent time in front of the crucifix.

8. Cultivate a shared prayer life.

9. Be open and honest to others.

10. Always present in writing reflections books and diary.

Others (Please specify) _______________


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