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Which of the options below is not included in the list of goals of the Review Mechanism?

a)  Promote international cooperation as stipulated in the Convention and the

Protocols thereto
b)  Help States parties to identify and substantiate specific needs for technical
assistance and to promote and facilitate the provision of technical assistance
upon their request
c)  Serve as an instrument for interfering in the domestic affairs of States parties
and be conducted in a political and selective manner
d)  Improve the capacity of States parties to prevent and combat transnational
organized crime and to promote and review the implementation of the
Convention and the Protocols thereto

Which of the following documents will be translated into the 6 official languages and made

available for the Conference and its working groups?

a)  The responses to the self-assessment questionnaire

b)  The summary of the list of observations
c)  The list of observations
d)  The Written Feedback

According to the Procedures and rules, a general report to facilitate the exchange of

experiences, lessons learned, best practices and challenges in implementation the

Convention and protocols will be prepared. Which documents will be the basis for the

general report?

a)  The written feedback

b)  The written summary of the discussions of the constructive dialogue
c)  The background papers of the constructive dialogues
d)  The responses to the questionnaires and the list of observations

Who prepares the general report of trends, patterns and practices of the review


a)  The Secretariat

b)  Representatives of the private sector, academia and non-governmental
c)  The chair of the working group
d)  The country under review

Select the wrong statement among the following:

a)  Constructive dialogues with relevant stakeholders has the objective to allow
for briefing participants on the development and outcomes of the review process,
and for collecting inputs and suggestions from participants, including their
contributions on ways to improve the implementation of the Convention and the
Protocols thereto;
b)  During the constructive dialogues, specific country situations shall be
mentioned in order to provide concrete example for stakeholders.
c)  Representatives of the private sector and academia may apply to participate
on the constructive dialogues.
d)  The constructive dialogues shall be conducted following the conclusion of the
sessions of the working groups and adoption of the reports by the chair, assisted
by the Secretariat.

Who participates in the Step C – List of Observations?

a)  Focal points and experts of the reviewers

b)  Focal points of both reviewer countries and country under review
c)  Experts of country under review only
d)  Focal points and experts of both reviewers and country under review.

What is the role of the focal point?

a)  Observe the review process as an external user

b)  Coordinate the participation of a country in the review process only
c)  Coordinate the participation of a country in the review process, vote to close
the steps, and actively add his/hers inputs to the review (like experts)
d)  Add inputs to the written feedback only

In Step B, what happens if, after a focal point has already voted to close, the other focal

point changes the text?

a)  Voting system will reset

b)  Nothing
c)  Step will be closed
d)  The whole review will be reset

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