Esercizi Corso Recupero Inglese

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Completa il testo con a, some o any.

The girl is sitting on _____ bed reading _____ book. The other student is using
_____computer and on the screen there is _____ game where _____ mice play
football. The boy isn’t doing _____homework! On the desk there is ______lamp,
_____books and ______ vase of flowers. On ______shelves there are ______videos,
books and ______family photos. In the corner there is ______ stereo and _____CDs.
There is_______ small table in the middle of the room with _______glasses and
______water in _____ jug. There is ______sports equipment in the corner: ______
skis and ski boots. There is _______ window in the room, but there aren’t
_______curtains. Outside the window you can see _______church and ______small

Completa le seguenti frasi con some o any.

1. They don’t have ______bread in this shop. 5. Is there ______tea?
2. Are there ____ boys in your music class? 6. Do you have ____brothers or
3. I have ______money for you. 7. He doesn’t have _____ pets.
4. There isn’t _______cheese in this sandwich. 8. There isn’t ______chocolate on
the table.
Completa le seguenti frasi con a, an, some o any.
1. Are you going to do ______homework over the weekend?
2. He’s having ______ party next week but he doesn’t want ______adults to come.
3. They’ve got ______ nice apples in that shop.
4. You can’t have ______dog because you don’t have ______time to look after it.
5. Don’t give me ______ peas. I hate them.
6. There are ______ great films on TV this week.
7. There was ______ virus in _______ e-mail I received yesterday.
8. There’s _______ bus in my village but there aren’t _____trains.
Trasforma le seguenti frasi come nell’esempio utilizzando much, many, a little e a
1. I don’t want much wine. → I only want _____ wine.
2. I only have a few CDs. → I don’t have _______ CDs.
3. She doesn’t like many pop songs. → She _____ pop songs.
4. I only understand a little Italian. → I don’t understand ______ Italian.
5. There aren’t many apples on that tree. → There are ______ apples on that tree.
6. We only need a few minutes. → We don’t need _____ minutes.
7. He only employs a few people. → He doesn’t employ ______ people.
8. They don’t buy much food each week. → They buy _____ food each week.

Cerchia l’arternativa corretta.

1. We always take a lot of / much photographs on holiday.
2. Have you got any DVDs? Only a little / a few, but I’ve got a lot of CDs.
3. She needs a few / a little more time to finish the exercise.
4. They haven’t got many / much furniture in their house.
5. Are there many / Is there much traffic on the roads today?
6. We’ve got a lot of / much work to do today!
7. There’s a little / a few wine left in the bottle.
8. This year there is much / a little snow on the mountains.
9. Do you know many / much people in this town?

Traduci le seguenti frasi usando a lot of, much o many.

1. Vuoi molto sugo sulla pasta?
2. Ci sono molti studenti nella vostra classe?
3. Non ho bisogno di molto.
4. Conosci molte ragazze?
5. Ho poco tempo oggi.
6. Hanno molti bambini.
7. Hanno molto tempo libero?
8. Oliver beve molto tè.
9. Sono rimasti solo pochi giorni di scuola.

Completa le frasi con il Simple Present.

1. He _____ in Italy. (vivere)
2. He ______ football in the park. (giocare )
3. They ______ in a little village near Turin. (abitare)
4. Patty and I always _______ MTV after school. (guardare)
5. You _______ a lot of chocolate! (mangiare)
6. I usually ________ my clothes at the market. (comprare)
7. My parents _______in the centre of town. (lavorare)
8. Tony _______ the bus at 8 o’clock every morning. (prendere)
9. I ________ to school with my friends. (andare a piedi)
10. She _______ fantastic pasta dishes. (cucinare)
11. Your brother _________ his car very fast. (guidare)

Completa la seconda frase di ciascuna coppia in modo che abbia lo stesso

significato della prima. Usa i seguenti verbi.
Do come like go fly take work have listen to
1. My Dad isn’t a pilot. He ________ aeroplanes.
2. He’s not a waiter. He _________in a restaurant.
3. We’re not Polish. We __________ from Poland.
4. She isn’t a football fan. She __________football.
5. John is poor. He _____________ a lot of money.
6. My teacher hates rap music. My teacher ____________ rap music.
7. They aren’t religious. They ___________ to church.
8. Paul isn’t a good student. He ____________ his homework.
9. My sister drives to work. She ___________ the bus to work.

Completa il seguente brano con la forma corretta del Simple Present.

Sunday _______ (be) Jack’s favourite day. He __________ (not get up) early. He
_________(have) a television in his room and after he _________(wake up), he
________(stay) in bed and ________(watch) cartoons. His family _________(not
have) lunch together because his father usually _________(work). After lunch Jack
usually _________(study). He __________ (not do) much homework during the
week so he_________ (have) a lot at the weekend. When he __________(finish) his
homework, it _________(be) about 5 o’clock. He _________(not like) going out
before that time. At 5:30 his friends ___________(meet) on the streets corner near
his flat. His mother always __________(ask) him what he _________(do) with his
friends in the street. She ____________(not understand): they __________(not
have) much money and it ___________ (be) a cheap way to pass the time. If Jack
__________(not come) home at 8 o’clock his mother and father __________(get)
angry because they _________(have) dinner at that time. After dinner Jack
__________(go) to his bedroom and ___________(watch) TV or _______(read) a
book until bedtime.

Traduci i seguenti mini dialoghi.

A: Susan scrive per un giornale?
B: Si, ma non guadagna molto.
A: L’aereo parte alle 11, non è vero?
B: Sì, e arriva a Londra alle 13:00.
A: Conosci i Miller?
B: Conosco Christine, ma non conosco suo marito.
A: Questo televisore non funziona, vero?
B: NO.
A: Chi lava i piatti a casa vostra?
B: Io lavo i piatti, ma mio marito fa la spesa e cucina.
A: Premi il pulsante per accendere il computer.
B: E poi cosa faccio?
A: Andate a scuola qui vicino?
B: NO. Andiamo a scuola in un’altra città.

Completa le seguenti frasi con il Simple Past dei verbi tra parentesi.
1. I _________(damage) my car in an accident, so I took it to a garage.
They ________(repair) it and _________(paint) it for me.
2. When I was a little girl I__________ (hate) dolls. I __________ (prefer) toy cars
and guns! In fact, I really ___________(love) them.
3. We __________(wrap) all Christmas presents and __________ (arrange) them
under the tree, but our children __________ (open) them all before Christmas Eve!
4. Ed _________ (worry) all night about his driving test, but he _________(manage)
to stay calm during the test – and he __________(pass) it.
5. We ___________(travel) through Europe by car last year. We _________ (visit) all
the famous sights and we _________(stay) in lots if hotels. We really_______ (enjoy)

Completa il testo usando I verbi elencati.

play buy be own pass win watch make become perform grow up
Maria-Elisabeth Lott ______born in 1987 in the Black Forest, Germany. She was the
oldest of four children. Her father ________ a music school and her mother was a
violinist so Maria-Elisabeth _________ with music all around her. When she was
three, her grandfather __________her a tiny violin as a present and her mother
________her first teacher. Between the age of four and seven Maria-Elisabeth Lott
___________ prizes in the annual national youth music competition, and at the age
of eight she ___________the entrance exam to study music at university. She
__________ in her first concert when she was still only nine! In the same year, ten
million people _________her perform with Andrea Bocelli on live television.
Incredibly, she ____________the first child in 100 years to use the violin that Mozart
___________as a child. In fact, the following year, she _________her first record,
performing on that special violin!

Completa la seconda frase usando la forma corretta di used to.

1. When I was child I lived in Brighton but now I live in Eastbourne.
I live in Eastbourne now, but ___________ in Brighton.
2. I didn’t like fish when I was child. Now I do.
When I was child ___________ fish.
3. Where did you go to school when you were a child?
Where ____________ to school?
4. He drove a Fiat Panda before. Now he drives BMW.
He ____________ a BMW before.
5. Did Steve and Pam know each other when they were children?
Did Steve ______________ know Pam when they were children?
6. There isn’t a cinema in this street any more.
There ____________ a cinema in this street.

Completa il seguente dialogo con la forma corretta di used to e i verbi tra

Man: Excuse me. I think I know you. ___________(we / not go) to school together?
Kim: I don’t think so.
Man: I’m sure we ____________(be) in the same class. You _____________(sit) next
to Susan Carter,____________?
Kim: I think you’ve got the wrong person.
Man: _____________(you / have) long hair?
Kim: Yes,_________.
Man: And ___________ glasses?
Kim: No, I___________. You’re thinking of someone else.
Man: ________________(you / not play) the piano?
Kim: Look, I ___________________(not wear) glasses, I ______________(sit) next to
Susan Carter and I ________________(not play) the piano. I only moved to this
country in 1994. Before that I ______________(live) in Hong Kong!
Completa le seguenti frasi con il Present Perfect dei verbi tra parentesi alla forma
affermativa o negativa.
1. Carol ____________ (watch) TV all evening.
2. Clare _____________ (not listen) to all her CDs.
3. She ______________ (answer) the phone ten times this morning.
4. We ______________ (not live) in London all our lives.
5. The train ______________ (leave).
6. They __________________ (invite) us to dinner.
7. Your brother _______________ (not arrive).
8. Excuse me. I think you _______________ (drop) your scarf.
9. Tim _____________ (go) to London.
10. Robert _____________ (ask) Sally to marry him!

Traduci le seguenti frasi usando il Present perfect.

1. Ho parlato con Jack.
2. Abbiamo visto Shrek.
3. Hai comprato un televisore nuovo?
4. Non ho letto il giornale.
5. Non avete portato i libri?
6. I miei genitori sono arrivati.
7. Hanno risposto alla nostra lettera?
8. Sono partiti i tuoi amici?
9. Non hai finito i compiti.

Completa il seguente dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.
Helen: Simon, this is my penfriend, Miyumi. She’s from Japan!
Simon: Hi, Miyumi! Nice to meet you.
Helen: We’re going to get some fish and chips. Miyumi __________ (never eat)
Simon: I’ll come with you. _________ you ever __________ (visit) England before,
Miyumi: No, I haven’t.
Simon: I_________ (travel) all over the world, you know. I_________ (be) to
Australia, New Zeland, the USA…
Miyumi: Really? _________ you ________ (be) to New York?
Simon: Yes, I have, lots of times, and I _________ (see) most of the capital cities of
Miyumi: I _____________ (never travel) outside Japan before.
Simon: Would you like to come out tomorrow, Miyumi? _______ you _______ (try)
skateboarding? I’ll teach you, if you want. I __________ lots of people…
Helen: Actually, Simon, Miyumi ____________ (try) skateboarding before.
Miyumi: That’s right. In fact, I’m a junior champion back in Japan.

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