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NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

Ngong Technical and Vocational College

Kajiado County

Trainees’ Union Proposed Constitution


(Proposed Constitution April, 2022)

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022


This Constitution has been rectified approved for referendum by Ngong Technical and
Vocational College BOG meeting Held on: ______________________
And hereby signed by the following:

BOG Chairperson
Sign: ……………………………………………….
___________day of_____ ________2022.

Witnessed by;
Dr. Jane M’ Ringera
Sign: ……………………………………………….
__________day of_____________2022.

Alice Maina
For: Dean of Trainees
Sign: ……………………………………………….
__________day of_____________2022.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

APPROVAL OF CONSTITUTION............................................................................................................... ii
PREAMBLE............................................................................................................................................... v
DEFINITION OF TERMS........................................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE .........................................................................................................................................8
THE TRAINEES’S UNION AND SUPREMACY OF THIS CONSTITUTION......................................................8
Article 1: Name .......................................................................................................................................8
Article 2: Registered Office .....................................................................................................................8
Article 3: Supremacy of this Constitution ...............................................................................................8
Article 4: Defense of this Constitution....................................................................................................8
Article 5: Sovereignty of the Trainees.....................................................................................................8
Article 6: Scope .......................................................................................................................................9
Article 7: Status and Nature....................................................................................................................9
Article 8: Objectives and Aims of the Union...........................................................................................9
Article 9: Functions of the Union ..........................................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................................................11
Article 10: Eligibility to Membership.....................................................................................................11
Article 11: Membership Fee..................................................................................................................11
Article 12: Cessation of Membership....................................................................................................11
Article 13: Rights and duties of NTVCTU members...............................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................12
ORGANS OF NTVCTU .............................................................................................................................12
Article 14: Arms of the Union: ..............................................................................................................12
Article 15: Composition of the Trainees’ Council: ................................................................................12
Article 16: The Executive.......................................................................................................................12
Article 17: Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive.......................................................................13
Article 18: Class Representatives..........................................................................................................13
Article 19: Departmental Representatives ...........................................................................................13
Article 20: Trainees Governing Council.................................................................................................14
Article 21: Powers and Responsibilities of the Union Leadership ........................................................14
Article 22: Duties and responsibilities of the Trainees Council office bearers .....................................15
CHAPTER FOUR .....................................................................................................................................22

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

Article 23: Elections ..............................................................................................................................22
Article 24: Appeals ................................................................................................................................29
Article 25: Vote of No Confidence and By-Elections.............................................................................30
Article 26: Termination of Office ..........................................................................................................31
Article 27: Qualification for the election to the Trainees Council ........................................................32
Article 28: Disqualification for the election of the Trainees Council ....................................................33
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................................34
MEETINGS .............................................................................................................................................34
Article 29: Types, Composition and Functions of Meetings .................................................................34
CHAPTER SIX..........................................................................................................................................36
FINANCES ..............................................................................................................................................36
Article 30: Sources of NTVCTU’s Funds .................................................................................................36
Article 31: Management and Expenditure of the Union’s Funds .........................................................36
Article 32: Budget Day ..........................................................................................................................38
Article 33: Allowances and Privileges for NTVCTU Leaders...................................................................38
CHAPTER SEVEN....................................................................................................................................38
Article 34: Adhoc Committees ..............................................................................................................38
Article 35: Duties and Powers of The College Administration..............................................................38
Article 36: Review of Constitution ........................................................................................................39
APPENDIX 1...........................................................................................................................................40
OATH OF OFFICE ...................................................................................................................................40
APPENDIX 2...........................................................................................................................................41
THE KENYA NATIONAL ANTHEM...........................................................................................................41
APPENDIX 3...........................................................................................................................................42
THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY ANTHEM..........................................................................................42
APPENDIX 4...........................................................................................................................................43

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022


We, the Trainees of Ngong Technical and Vocational College,

Acknowledge the supremacy of the Almighty God.
Honour the Trainees’s fraternity, whose solidarity is based on democracy, freedom,
social justice and the rule of law as enshrined in our Kenyan Constitution.
Recognizing the Kenyan Constitution 2010, the Technical and vocational training Act
(2013) and the Regulations governing the contract and discipline of Trainees and any
other laws of the land in all activities of the college.
Remember Former Trainees who struggled for rights and welfare that informs the
governance of NTVCTU.
Pledge to continue to preserve Our rich culture, skills and other diversities to forge a
united Trainees’ body.
Commit to develop good servant leadership that will be pillars of service to the Kenyan
nation and to the world.
Recognize The aspiration of all Trainees for a united NTVCTU body, and
Subsequently, we dedicate this Constitution to present and future generations of
Trainees at Ngong Technical and Vocational College.



NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022


“Academic year” means the Year as defined by Ngong Technical and Vocational College
annual calendar of events.
“Act” refers to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act, 2013.
“Administration” means Ngong Technical and Vocational College Administration.
“Constitution” means the Constitution of Ngong Technical and Vocational College
Trainees Union.
“Dean” refers to Ngong Technical and Vocational College Dean of Trainees
“Board of Governors” Means Ngong Technical and Vocational College Governing body as
per the TVET Act 2013.
“NTVCTU” refers to Ngong Technical and Vocational College Trainees’ Union.
“Member” means any such person who is a Trainee at Ngong Technical and Vocational
College, and who has paid NTVCTU membership fee.
“Principal” refers to Principal or the Head of Ngong Technical and Vocational College
“Trainees” Means anyone registered into Ngong Technical and Vocational College register
of Trainees, for a program leading to award of a certificate, diploma, or any such award as
may be approved by Ngong Technical and Vocational College Governing Body.
“Trainees Council” Means the Trainees representatives as defined by Chapter Three of this
“Union” means Ngong Technical and Vocational College Trainees Union.
“Union Leadership” means the executive and the secretaries.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022


AGM Annual General Meeting.

COK Constitution of Kenya.
CR Class Representative.
HOD Head of Department.
KASNEB Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board.
KATTI Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions.
NTVCTU Ngong Technical and Vocational College Trainees Union.
KNEC Kenya National Examinations Council.
NTVC Ngong Technical and Vocational College.
TEC Trainees Electoral Committee.
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



Article 1: Name

There shall be a Union for all Trainees of Ngong Technical and Vocational College that
shall be called Ngong Technical and Vocational College Trainees’ Union (hereafter
referred to as NTVCTU).

Article 2: Registered Office

The registered office of NTVCTU shall be under the Office of the Dean of Trainees at
Ngongi Technical and Vocational College (hereafter referred to as NTVC).

Article 3: Supremacy of this Constitution

1) NTVCTU is founded on the supremacy of this Constitution and the rule of law and
shall be governed in accordance with this Constitution.
2) The validity and legality of this Constitution is not subject to challenge by or before
any committee formed by it.
3) This Constitution is a supreme law of all committees formed under it, subjected only
to the laws of Kenya, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Act of 2013.
4) Any article of this Constitution that is inconsistent with the Constitution of Kenya
(2010), the laws of Kenya and Ngong Technical and Vocational College rules and
regulations, is void to the extent of the inconsistency, and any act of omission or
commission in contravention thereof is invalid.

Article 4: Defense of this Constitution

1) Every Union member has an obligation to respect, uphold and defend this
2) Any attempt to establish a system of governance that is inconsistent with this
Constitution shall be unlawful.

Article 5: Sovereignty of the Trainees

1) All sovereign powers belong to the Trainees’ Union members and shall be exercised
only in accordance with this Constitution.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

2) The Union members may exercise their sovereign powers either directly or through
their democratically elected representatives.
3) Sovereign powers of this Constitution is dedicated to the Trainees Union organs
which shall perform their functions in accordance with this Constitution,

Article 6: Scope

The Union shall cover Trainees registered in all the academic departments, clubs and
societies within Ngong Technical and Vocational College.

Article 7: Status and Nature

1) The Union shall determine its own organs and procedures and in particular develop in
each case a Constitution stating out clearly:
a) The officials of the Union;
b) Duties and powers of each official;
c) The frequency and regulation/ procedure of meetings;
d) Purpose to which the funds of the Union are to be applied;
e) The manner and form in which the academic affairs of Trainees are to be represented
in the Union.
2) The Union shall be internal, non-political in nature and aimed at serving Ngong
Technical and Vocational College Trainees.

Article 8: Objectives and Aims of the Union

The aims and objectives of NTVCTU shall be:

1) To enrich and enhance the experience of Trainees in academics, social welfare, health
and security.
2) To liaise and foster the co-operation between its members, staff and The College
3) To promote the integration of persons with special needs into Ngong Technical and
Vocational College community.
4) To promote the participation of the college Trainees in projects of community and
national development and to inculcate a spirit of nationalism and patriotism among
Trainees of the college.
5) To promote advancement of industry, encourage scientific technology and any other
educational objectives within Ngong Technical and Vocational College.
NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

6) To unite the entire Trainees’ body and to create a sense of belonging to all members.
7) To enhance sense of responsibility among the NTVC Trainees.
8) To provide guidance and promote health activities within the Trainees’ body.
9) To provide an effective forum for dialogue with The College Administration.
10) To help promote peace and justice among the Trainees of NTVC.
11) Look into the welfare of the members of the Union in coordination with The College
12) To help in Promoting integrity and self-discipline amongst members.
13) Any other objectives as shall be relevant to the furtherance of the aims and objectives
of the Union.

Article 9: Functions of the Union

1) Promotion of communication and co-ordination between members and those charged

with dissemination of knowledge and information through Ngong Technical and
Vocational College Community.
2) To enrich and enhance the experience of Trainees in academic, social welfare, health
and general welfare.
3) Encouragement of raising and using the Union’s fund to the best interest of its
4) The Union shall encourage and promote the development of leadership qualities
among its members, coordinate and utilize the creative abilities of future industries,
educationists, scientists and scholars by forming clubs, societies and sourcing
reasonable funds for such activities.
5) To encourage members to participate in the local and international Trainees forums,
and thereafter create awareness and exposure amongst the members in various fields
of study.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



Article 10: Eligibility to Membership

1) Any person in session and currently registered as a Trainee at NTVC.

2) Membership to the Union shall be free from Discrimination on the basis of race,
ethnicity, colour, creed, gender, marital status, age, personality, nationality, political
affiliation and/or people living with disabilities (PLWDs).

Article 11: Membership Fee

1) Every member shall be required to pay membership fee, whose amount shall be
determined by the Union and approved by the BOG.
2) The membership fee in Article 11(1) may be reviewed as and when need arises, upon
obtaining two thirds majority votes of the Union members, and approval by the BOG.
3) The membership fee in Article 11(1) shall be remitted to the NTVC Account.
4) This membership fee in Article 11(1) shall form part of Ngong Technical and
Vocational College fees and hence once paid shall be non-refundable.
5) The membership fee in Article 11(1) shall however not be used for any other purpose
other than transactions involving the Union affairs.

Article 12: Cessation of Membership

A member shall cease membership:

a) Upon completion of his/her studies at the college.
b) Where a member ceases to be a Trainee at the college.

Article 13: Rights and duties of NTVCTU members

A member shall have a right to:

a) Vie for any elective post;
b) Vote in any election for all offices;
c) Have a fair and equitable right to access the services and facilities offered by
NTVCTU, if such access shall not be through unlawful means such as access by use
of physical force, occupation of building or misuse of NTVCTU facility or service;
d) Protect the Union’s Constitution;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

e) Promote the aims and objectives of NTVCTU as stated under Article 8;

f) File an Election petition;
g) Attend and participate in the Union’s Annual General Meetings.



Article 14: Arms of the Union:

1) The Executive.
2) The Trainees’ Council (TCo).
3) Class Representatives (Class Reps) and Departmental Representatives (Dept Reps)

Article 15: Composition of the Trainees’ Council:

The Trainees Council shall consist of:

1) The executive.
2) The secretaries who shall be in the following dockets:
a) Security and Accommodation Secretary;
b) Sports, Entertainment & Culture Secretary;
c) Health and Catering Secretary;
d) Special Need Secretary;
e) Nominated member adopted to achieve gender balance. The nominated
member shall hold a docket assigned to him/her by the election committee.
f) Class Representatives elected by members of the class.

Article 16: The Executive

1) There is established the Executive of NTVCTU which shall be the highest decision-
making organ subject to this constitution.
2) The executive shall comprise of five members as follows:
a) The Chairperson;
b) The Deputy chairperson;
c) The Secretary General;
d) Finance Secretary;
e) The ICT and Academic Affairs Secretary
f) The Dean of Trainees who shall be an ex officio member.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

Article 17: Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive

a) Develop the Union’s Budget policy and present it to the Trainees’ Council for
deliberation and approval for implementation;
b) Shall meet the Principal and the administration every month to inform him/her on
matters of concern and report the resolutions back to the Trainees’ Council;
c) Shall propose various development policies to the Trainees’ Council for deliberation
and approval before implementation;
d) Be in charge of running and managing the NTVCTU affairs on daily basis;
e) Ensure that the policies passed are implemented;
f) Shall uphold and respect the NTVCTU Constitution.

Article 18: Class Representatives

1) There shall be one Representative who shall be elected in each class.

2) The roles and responsibilities of the Class Representative shall include:
a) Representing the class at the Trainees’ Council.
b) Protecting and upholding the KTVCTU Constitution.
c) Creating and promoting awareness of Trainees’ rights in the college.
d) Articulating Trainees concerns with the Department and the Administration.
e) Be a link between the Trainees and the Executive and administration.
f) Monitor implementation of agreed policies and Trainees’ concerns in the class.
g) Promoting cooperation with other classes in the college.

Article 19: Departmental Representatives

1) There shall be one Departmental Representative who shall be elected in each

department by class representatives.
2) Departmental Representative shall be a Class Representative
3) The roles and responsibilities of the Departmental Representative shall include:
a) Representing the Department at the Trainees’ Council when need arises.
b) Protecting and upholding the NTVCTU Constitution.
c) Creating and promoting awareness of Trainees’ rights in the college.
d) Articulating Trainees concerns with the Department and the Administration.
e) Be a link between the Trainees and the Executive especially in organizing
Departmental activities.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

f) Monitor implementation of agreed policies and Trainees’ concerns in the

g) Promoting cooperation with other departments in the college.

Article 20: Trainees Governing Council

There shall be a Trainees Governing Council whose membership will include:

a) The Chairperson;
b) The Deputy chairperson;
c) The Secretary General;
d) Finance Secretary;
e) The ICT and Academic Affairs Secretary
f) Security and Accommodation Secretary;
g) Sports, Entertainment & Culture Secretary;
h) Health and catering Secretary;
i) Special Needs Secretary.

Article 21: Powers and Responsibilities of the Union Leadership

a) Shall be responsible for delivering the mandate of NTVCTU as stipulated in this

b) Shall present issues affecting Union members to the office of the Dean of Trainees.
c) Shall act in accordance with this Constitution;
d) Shall make and review policies of NTVCTU;
e) Shall receive, discuss and consider reports from Union members;
f) Shall recommend any appointments by the Chairperson and forward to the Dean for
g) Shall be represented in a Committee that shall approve nominations of tenants at the
Trainees’ center;
h) Shall review remunerations as provided for in this Constitution and forward proposals
to the College Administration through the Dean’s office;
i) Shall preserve, promote and uphold this Constitution;
j) Shall hold office for one year from the date of swearing in until the next election;
k) Shall NOT hold office for more than two terms in the college;
l) Shall perform any other duty as directed by the Union members.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

Article 22: Duties and responsibilities of the Trainees Council office bearers

1) The Chairperson
a) Is the head of the Union, Chairperson of the Trainees’ Council and the Executive,
and official representative of the Union;
b) Shall chair all meetings of NTVCTU Executive, Trainees’ Council and Annual
General Meetings;
c) Shall convene the first Union leaders’ meeting within one week after swearing in.
d) Shall represent the Union whenever necessary;
e) Shall cast the deciding vote within the Union leadership when there is a tie;
f) Shall protect and safeguard the assets under custody of NTVCTU;
g) Shall present the Trainees’ views and grievances to the office of the Dean, in
consultation with the other union leaders;
h) Shall take charge of NTVCTU offices and ensure smooth operation;
i) Shall advocate for Trainees’ rights, freedoms, concerns and needs within the
Trainees Union and The College Administration and shall sensitize members on
their obligations;
j) Shall foster mutual understanding between the Union members, the teaching and
the non-teaching staff;
k) Receive officials and representatives from other institutions in the presence of at
least two members of the Executive;
l) The chairperson of the Union shall not hold any other position either by election or
appointment as long as he/she continues to hold this office within the college;
m) Seek official opinion from Trainees’ Council on any other matter concerning the
interpretation, protection and enforcement of the Constitution;
n) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
o) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may
arise in the execution of his/her duties.
2) Deputy Chairperson
a) The Returning Officer shall declare the Running mate of elected Chairperson to
be the duly elected Deputy Chairperson;
b) Shall be the principal assistant to the chairperson;
c) Shall act as the chairperson if the former is incapacitated in any way;
d) Shall be in charge of welfare and benevolence affairs of the Union;
e) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

f) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may
arise in the execution of his/her duties;
g) Shall carry out any other duty as may be prescribed by the chairperson or Union.
3) The Secretary General
a) Shall Coordinate and initiate the activities of the Trainees Council secretaries and
the Executive offices;
b) Shall be the spokesperson of the Union;
c) Shall be the executive secretary of NTVCTU;
d) Shall be the custodian of the NTVCTU Constitution;
e) Shall be the custodian of all written records, reports, letters and documents;
f) Shall coordinate and initiate the activities of Union and Executive offices;
g) After consultations with the Dean’s office, recommend dissolution of any illegal
club or association;
h) Shall handle all correspondence of NTVCTU under the supervision of the executive;
i) Shall in consultation with the chairperson issue notices for all NTVCTU meetings;
j) Shall keep and maintain a register of NTVCTU members;
k) Shall keep performance records for all Trainees Union Departments;
l) Shall convey the decisions of the Union and the executive to appropriate persons or
m) Shall issue any relevant information/ news to the Trainees when need arises;
n) Shall take Minutes of the Executive and Trainees’ Council meetings;
o) Shall be the Union’s interpreter of Union’s Constitution;
p) Shall be a signatory to the Union’s requests;
q) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
r) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise
in the execution of his/her duties;
s) Shall carry out any other duty as shall be prescribed by the chairperson or Union.
4) The Finance Secretary
a) Shall be any Union member who has knowledge in Accounting;
b) Shall be independent, show a lot of integrity, accountability and transparency;
c) Shall be ready to show transparency as far as financial operations are concerned;
d) Shall be the Chief Finance Officer of the Union;
e) Shall be answerable to the Executive and to the NTVCTU members;
f) Shall prepare a budget for the year based on the projected Union revenue;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

g) Shall keep records of members’ subscriptions as per the record(s) from the NTVC
finance department;
h) Shall prepare and release financial statements;
i) Shall disburse Union’s funds for the relevant activities;
j) Shall keep and maintain all Union financial records;
k) Shall be a mandatory signatory in all financial transactions of the Union;
l) Shall publish the Union’s statement of financial position at least once per
academic term;
m) Shall ensure that all books of accounts are submitted for auditing;
n) Shall be the chairperson of the Union’s budget committee;
o) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
p) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may
arise in the execution of his/her duties;
q) Shall carry out any other duty as be prescribed by the Chairperson or Union.
5) Special Needs Secretary
a) Shall be elected among members with special needs;
b) Shall promote the interest of members who are Persons Living with Disabilities
c) Shall ensure that members with special needs access facilities, materials and
services available to all other members within The College;
d) Shall ensure that members with special needs are well represented in all Trainees’
activities carried out within The College;
e) Shall work hand in hand with the Guidance and Counseling Department;
f) Shall champion the respective special need issues;
g) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
h) Shall be held liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise in the
execution of her duties;
i) Shall carry out any other duty as shall be prescribed by the Chairperson or Union.
6) Security and Accommodation Secretary
a) Shall ensure all lighting in classes and rooms used by the Trainees is well
b) Shall help the college and Trainees in locating appropriate hostels around the

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

c) Shall ensure that security is well taken care of in liaison with the Dean and the
d) Shall be a member of the College security committee;
e) Shall collect and release any news/ideas relevant to Trainees and be in charge of
the notice board, suggestion boxes owned by the Union and ensure that they are
available for Trainees at strategic points;
f) Shall in collaboration with the Secretary of Health and Catering ensure the
cleanliness within the hostels, dining hall and compound is well maintained;
g) Through the office of the Dean and the Administration, shall ensure that discipline
is maintained within The College;
h) Shall liaise with class representatives and report to the security personnel people
suspected to be strangers within the college compound;
i) Through the office of the Dean and the Administration, shall handle cases
pertaining to hostels and accommodation of NTVCTU members;
j) Shall ascertain the adequacy of furniture such as chairs, desks, tables, stools and
benches against the number of Trainees and ensure their maintenance and report the
same to the administration;
k) Through the office of the Security Officer, shall ensure that the properties of The
College are well taken care of;
l) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
m) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may
arise in the execution of his/her duties;
n) Shall carry out any other duty as shall be prescribed by the chairperson or Union.
7) Sports, Entertainment and Culture Secretary
a) Shall organize and co-ordinate all entertainment, social and cultural activities of the
b) Shall ensure that entertainment facilities are in good order /maintained;
c) Shall coordinate between clubs and Executive as concerning allocation and
d) Shall be the chairperson of the Sports, Entertainment and Culture committee;
e) Shall be responsible for the organization of extra-curriculum activities including
games and seek help from sports committee;
f) Shall be responsible for provision and custody of kits and all other sports equipment
to teams;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

g) Shall supervise the working of various team captains and advise the College sports
officer on any related matter;
h) Shall organize internal and external friendly matches with other institutions in
liaison with the sports officer and captains;
i) Shall ensure proper accommodation of Trainees in case they are out on a mission in
conjunction with sports officer;
j) Shall be in charge of beddings provided to teams during visits and tournaments;
k) Shall liaise with sports officer to ensure that the welfare of players is well catered
l) Shall liaise with the sports officer to ensure that all sporting fields are well
m) Shall organize the election of sports and games captains and coordinate all their
n) Shall ensure that sports and facilities and equipment are safe and in good condition.
o) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution.
p) Shall be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise
in the execution of his/her duties.
q) Shall carry out any other duty as shall be prescribed by the chairperson or Union.
r) Identify and recommend recreational activities that enhance holistic growth of
Trainees in liaison with the Dean of Trainees.
s) Receive and record member’s grievances and requests and forward them to the
Trainees ‘Council for deliberation.
t) Facilitate and encourage the formation of sports clubs.
8) Health and Catering Secretary
a) Shall be in charge of catering services;
a) Shall ensure that hygiene standards are maintained in and around the kitchen and
the dining hall;
b) Shall ensure that catering services are adequately and promptly provided;
c) Shall ensure that meals served in the NTVC cafeteria are of good quality and of
standard ration;
d) Shall promote harmony between the catering staff and Trainees;
e) Respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
f) Be held personally liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise in
the execution of his /her duties;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

g) Carry out any other duties as be prescribed by the chairperson or Union;

h) Shall work in liaison with The College Nurse and any other relevant authorities in
providing possible assistance to sick Trainees;
i) In liaison with The College Nurse and any other relevant authorities, shall ensure
high hygiene standards are maintained;
9) The ICT and Academic Affairs Secretary
The ICT and Academic Affairs Secretary shall have authority and responsibility as
provided in this Constitution and in particular shall—
a) Address issues arising directly from the academic interests of the members;
b) Enhance the provision of high-quality academic facilities, resources, and services
for world class academic programmes at the college;
c) Represent NTVCTU at academic meetings;
d) Address issues concerning ICT and ODeL;
e) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
f) Shall be held liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise in the
execution of his/her duties;
g) Shall carry out any other duty as may be prescribed by the chairperson or union.
10) Class Representative(s)
a) Each class shall have a class representative elected by members of their class in
the presence of the class tutors/trainer;
b) Shall ensure their respective classrooms are clean and tidy;
c) Shall ensure that classroom facilities are well maintained;
d) Shall chair class meetings;
e) Shall liaise with the Departmental Representative in addressing issues affecting
class members;
f) Shall report to the class teacher any matter relating to academics;
g) Shall be the spokesperson of the class;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

h) Shall coordinate with the tutors/trainers for proper learning;

i) Shall coordinate with Heads of Departments (HODs) in matters regarding
academic affairs;
j) Shall respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution;
k) Shall be held liable for any act of omission or commission that may arise in the
execution of his/her duties;
l) Shall carry out any other duty as may be prescribed by the class tutor and the
Departmental Representative.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



Article 23: Elections

1) General Principles
a) The election shall be held not later than Friday of the 1st week of term of October of
every year.
b) The Union Chairperson shall be the person declared winner by the Returning
c) The Deputy Chairperson shall be the person who had been nominated as Running
Mate by the Wining Candidate.
d) Running Mate shall be from different ethnicity as Chairperson, be of the opposite
gender, be of different Academic department as theirs and of different intakes. It
should be ensured that at no time of the academic calendar, will both the chairperson
and the deputy be out of session.
e) The Deputy Chairperson shall have a right to serve two fresh terms if they are
elected for any elective post while still at the College.
f) Before a voter casts a vote, he/she must be identified beyond doubt. Valid Trainees
ID, National identification card or Passport, Biometric features and/or the voter
register shall be used for voter identification purposes.
g) Voter’s register shall be prepared and produced by The Returning officer.
h) Election shall be free and fair.
i) Voting shall be by Secret ballot.
j) Election shall be Free from violence, intimidation, undue influence or corruption.
k) Aspirants shall pay a non -refundable nomination fee to NTVCTU as follows:
i. Ksh 1000 for executive post.
ii. Ksh 800 other secretarial post.
iii. KSh 800 for nominated members.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

l) Persons with disability shall be exempted from paying nomination fees.

m) Those filing their Election Petitions shall be required to pay as follows:
i. Ten thousand shillings (Ksh. 10,000.00) for position of secretary apart from
ii. Twenty thousand (Ksh. 20,000.00) for Executive position.
n) Accredited observers, who shall be drawn from the Religious societies within the
College, shall be allowed to monitor the voting process for purposes of ensuring
that the elections are free and fair.
2) Trainees’ Electoral Committee
a) There shall be a Trainees’ Electoral Committee (TEC) to conduct and supervise
Union’s elections and referendum in accordance with this Constitution.
b) The Trainees’ Electoral Committee shall be an independent, body free from
internal and external interference.
c) The Trainees’ Electoral Committee shall stand dissolved upon the swearing in of
the new officials of the Trainees’ Council.
3) Composition of the Trainees’ Electoral Committee
a) The Dean of Trainees who shall be the Returning Officer of the committee.
b) Two Assistant Returning Officer who shall be appointed by the Dean of Trainees, in
consultation with the respective Heads of department.
c) Chairperson of the TEC, who shall be appointed by the Returning Officer, through
a competitive process.
d) Vice Chairperson of the TEC, who shall be appointed by the Returning officer,
through a competitive process.
e) Secretary of the TEC, who shall be appointed by the Returning officer, through a
competitive process.
f) Nine Members of the committee, who shall be appointed by the Returning officer,
through a competitive process.
4) Role of the Trainees’ Electoral Committee
a) The Trainees’ Electoral Committee (TEC) shall conduct and supervise the Union
elections in accordance with this Constitution.
b) The Committee shall be guided rules and regulations for each election.
c) The Committee shall receive and vet nomination papers from prospective
candidates, according to this Constitution.
d) The Committee shall deal with nomination appeals.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

e) The TEC shall give accreditation to observers drawn from the College Religious
5) Role of the Dean of Trainees
a) The Dean of Trainees shall ensure that training and capacity building is conducted
for TEC and all election officials for effective election processes.
a) The Dean of Trainees shall remain impartial throughout the elections, and shall
strive to ensure that all elections and referenda are free, and fair.
b) He /She shall be the Chief Elections Coordinator and the Returning Officer during
the elections, and shall oversee the overall electoral process.
c) He /She shall establish the elections calendar of events.
d) He/ She shall declare Union posts vacant after dissolution of Trainees Leadership.
e) He/ She shall oversee the establishment and dissolution of the Trainees Electoral
f) He / She shall ensure that all voting material is available in time for the elections.
g) He /She shall appoint an arbitrator in consultation with the contestants whenever
disputes arise. The arbitrator shall be assisted in this function by the Dean of
h) He /She Shall appoint a Presiding Officer(s) who shall be Trainees from the TEC.
i) He /She Shall appoint a Deputy Presiding Officer(s) who shall be Trainees from
the TEC.
j) Shall appoint Two (2) Assistant Returning Officers.
k) Shall brief the Presiding Officers/Deputy Presiding Officers, Polling/Tallying Clerks
on the electoral procedures, their roles and expected code of conduct during the
6) Appointment Criteria of Trainees Electoral Committee
a) Must be an active member of NTVCTU;
b) Must be a Union member with high integrity, accountability, transparency,
wisdom and independence in decision making;
c) Must not have vested interest in the Trainees’s Union leadership;
d) Must not be appearing or have appeared before The College Disciplinary
e) Any Union member shall be free to apply;
f) Dean’s Office shall consult the Academic Board in the process of appointment of
the Trainees’ Electoral Committee;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

g) The TEC nominees shall be vetted based on:

i. The Trainees MUST be registered in the system;
ii. Integrity;
iii. Academic performance.
iv. And any other appropriate traits

7) Roles, Powers and Functions of Trainees Electoral Committee

a) Shall conduct, oversee/supervise the elections, by-elections, rerun and referenda;
b) Shall conduct voter education to the Union members;
c) Shall formulate, in consultation with the Dean of Trainees, rules and regulations to
be used during the elections. Such rules and regulations shall be valid only for that
election, and may not be used in subsequent elections;
d) The Chairperson shall convene a meeting of the TEC officials and brief them on
election rules and regulations;
e) Shall provide free and fair elections;
f) Shall account for any funds given to them during the election;
g) Shall receive, scrutinize and forward nomination papers from aspiring candidates
to the vetting sub-committee for clearance;
h) Shall have the powers to nullify election results in case of election irregularities;
i) Shall have the powers to bar any aspirant from contesting if he/she doesn’t
meet/fraud the requirements of electioneering rules and regulations;
j) Shall facilitate observation, monitoring and evaluation of elections;
k) Analyze and make necessary recommendations to help in the next General
l) Shall work in accordance with this Constitution;
8) Conduct of Trainees’ Electoral Committee
a) Shall be independent from the Union;
b) Shall perform its duties justly, honestly and in accordance with the provisions of
this Constitution;
c) Shall on no account be partial or unjust to any aspirant in any election;
d) No Trainees Electoral Committee member shall vote or be voted for.
9) Election Rules
a) The casting of votes during the election and referenda shall be by secret ballot.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

b) During voting, no posters or placards bearing any candidate’s photo or symbol

shall be allowed in the place of voting.
c) No campaign shall be conducted at the polling centre during voting.
d) Every contestant shall be represented by one (1) registered agent at every polling
e) The role of the agents shall be limited to observing and taking note of the voting
and tallying process.
f) The agents shall compose themselves and not contravene any of the electoral rules.
g) The results of the elections shall be declared within 12 hours upon completion of
elections and tallying.
h) Candidates or their Agents signing the results form will be a gesture of maturity
but not a necessity for declaring results.
i) The College Trainees Elections disputes shall be dealt with by the arbitrator(s).
j) Any violation of these rules shall disqualify a candidate from election.
k) Candidates shall also adhere to any other rules provided by the Trainees’ Electoral
Committee. The Trainees Electoral Committee shall give rule and regulations
governing the campaigns and elections for a particular election.
l) Upon taking an oath, the newly elected officials shall take over the affairs of the
Union and the Trainees Electoral Committee shall stand dissolved.

10) Disqualification of the Contestants

The following are some of the critical factors that might disqualify the nomination of a
i. Conducting illegal campaign before nominations are out.
ii. If an aspirant does not meet the eligibility/qualification as stated in this
iii. Forged nomination papers.
iv. Conducting campaign in unlawful manner.
v. Bribery of voters and election officials.
vi. Any other unlawful behavior that is inconsistent with this Constitution and
Ngong Technical and Vocational College Rules and Regulations.
vii. Violation of any of the election rules as stated in this Constitution.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

11) Election Procedures

a) The Dean of Trainees, acting in his / her capacity as the Returning officer for the
election, shall dissolve the Trainees’ Council in the first week of opening The
College in the Election term.
b) The Dean shall declare the elective posts vacant upon dissolution of the Trainees’
c) Upon dissolution, the Trainees’ electoral Committee shall take charge of the Union
d) During this period no major financial transaction shall be undertaken.
e) The Dean of Trainees shall establish the Trainees’ Electoral Committee by the
Second week of the term during which elections shall be held.
f) Interested candidates shall apply by filling the nomination forms from the office of
the Dean of Trainees signed by:
i. Aspiring candidates,
ii. At least five (5) bona fide members of the Union supporting the candidate,
iii. All candidate shall be cleared by respective Head of Department. In any event
that Head of Department (H.O.D) declines to endorse him/her, he/she is
expected to give a confidential report to the Dean of Trainees why the candidate
should not contest.
g) Upon expiry of the period of submission of the nomination papers, the office of the
Dean of Trainees shall submit copies of all application forms to the Trainees’
Electoral Committee.
h) Within a period of three days after receipt of the application forms issued by the
Dean of Trainees, candidates who are nominated shall undergo vetting
by TEC and thereafter the successful contestants handed over to the Returning Officer.
i) The Returning Officer shall release the names of the successfully vetted contestants
and such notices be posted on The College notice boards within 24 hours.
j) Successfully vetted contestants shall vie for posts of their choice.
k) Campaigns shall be done from 7.00 am to 5.30 pm every day for the given period
set by TEC.
l) Campaigns shall begin immediately after nomination exercise and last for a
maximum period of seven (7) days BUT not less than two (2) days.
m) Ballot papers shall bear the official names, nick names, images of the contestants as
shall be provided by the Candidates and confirmed by the Registrar of the College.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

n) Voting: -
i. Voting shall take place between 7.00 am and 11.00 am;
ii. Each bona fide voter shall be allowed to vote only once.
iii. A candidate shall nominate one polling agent who shall witness the voting
at each polling station and thereafter witness the counting of votes and sign
the results declaration form.
o) Declaration of results
i. The candidate for any position shall be declared a winner upon acquiring the
highest number of votes cast.
ii. The returning officer shall announce all results, and post the same results visibly
at numerous locations throughout the College within 1 hours after the end of
iii. In case of a tie, a re-run shall be done after 7 days by the Trainees’ Electoral
iv. Any registered disputes should be handled as per article 25 (1), (2) and (3)
12) Swearing in of Elected Union Leaders and Dissolution of the Trainees Electoral
a) The swearing in ceremony shall take place within 72 hours after the declaration of
the election results.
b) The swearing in of the elected NTVCTU leaders shall be done in the presence of the
NTVCTU members and shall be presided over by the Dean of Trainees.
c) The swearing in ceremony shall take place after announcement of the results if there
is no registered petition.
d) The Trainees Electoral Committee shall if there is no petition against election
results, stand dissolved and hand over to the Dean of Trainees their returns for safe
e) In the event of a petition against electoral results by any person, the Trainees
Electoral Committee shall await to act on the resolution reached by the Elections
Petition Tribunal on the said petition before it stands to be solved. All petitions shall
be handled as per Article 25 (3).
f) The official handing over shall take place within two days of swearing
g) The Chairperson shall convene the first Union leaders meeting within five (5) days
after swearing in.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

13) The Dean of Trainees shall organize for induction process for newly elected Trainees’

Article 24: Appeals

1) Election Disputes
a) All pre-election disputes including but not limited to issues relating to campaigns,
eligibility, conduct of Trainees’ Electoral Committee and vetting shall be referred
to the arbitrator.
b) All pre-election, during election and post-election disputes including but not limited
to issues of election malpractices and declaration of false results shall be referred to
the arbitrator.
c) A Union member may launch a petition with a panel together with the arbitrator if:
i. Such a member has a reason to believe, or has evidence that there has been a
contravention of any election procedure or rule(s) during the election period.
ii. If there is an allegation of bribing, intimidation/harassment of voters and /or
d) Any complaint about the electoral process and the way it was run must be registered
in writing to the arbitrator not later than 2 hours after the announcement of the results.
e) The applicant must within 24 hours do the following:
i. State the grounds on which he/she is appealing.
ii. Clearly display the date and time of application.
iii. Provide evidence to support their claim.
iv. A copy of the petition shall be forwarded to the Dean of Trainees.
v. Pay the relevant fees to the NTVCTU vote head for purposes of filing an
Election Petition as stipulated in Article 23(1)(m)
2) Arbitrator
a) For every Trainees Election, the Elections Disputes shall be referred for Arbitration.
The Dean of Trainees shall, in consultation with the Trainees Electoral Committee,
appoint and make known an arbitrator.
b) For each Election dispute, there shall be two arbitrators, who shall be appointed in
consultation with the contestants, and shall report to the Dean of Trainees.
c) The arbitrator shall hear all pre-election disputes including but not limited to issues
relating to campaigns, eligibility, conduct of Trainees’ Electoral Committee and

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

3) The Elections Petition Tribunal

a) The Election Petition Tribunal Panel shall hear and determine all election petitions
arising from the elections of the Executive and secretaries post, subject to this
b) The Dean shall constitute the Elections Petition Tribunal, which shall consist of:
i. A member of the top management who shall serve as Chairperson;
ii. Two trainers a male and a female who shall be appointed by the Dean;
iii. One member from the office of the Dean of Trainees (Guidance and counselling
HoDs) who shall be the secretary to the tribunal;
iv. Three members who shall be the Trainees drawn from the College registered
religious organizations.
c) The Elections Petition Tribunal shall have the authority and responsibility provided for
in this Constitution and in particular shall:
i. Within 3 working days of receiving a petition, uphold or nullify the contested
vote and forward written notification of its judgment to the Returning Officer;
ii. Establish rules and regulations for proper conduct of its business and procedures
for election appeals;
iii. Receive any written petition against the election result within 2 hours following
the announcement of such results;
iv. Receive evidence relevant to the Petition within 24hours;
v. Ruling of the Election Petition Tribunal shall be final and binding.

Article 25: Vote of No Confidence and By-Elections

1) A vote of no confidence may be passed on any Union leader on the following grounds:
a) Gross misconduct/indiscipline including sexual harassment case(s) as defined in the
Trainees Handbook and The College Rules and Regulations.
b) Misappropriation of funds.
c) A non performing leader in the office.
2) Vote of No Confidence Process
a) A vote of no confidence under this regulation shall be initiated by a petition which
shall be filed with an adhoc committee. Such a petition shall be in writing, and shall
be signed by the petitioner who must satisfy Articles 11, 12 and 13 of this

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

b) The Petitioner must gather 50+1% of signatures with excel typed copy of bona fide
NTVCTU members in every department within 24hours.
3) Circumstances that may call for a By–Elections
a) Nullification of the election results by the Trainees’ Electoral Committee.
b) Cessation of the office bearer to hold office for more than one academic term during
his/her term of office excluding attachment period.
c) Cessation of the Trainee through expulsion from or discontinuation by The College.
d) Death or mental infirmity.
e) Absence from the Union meetings for three consecutive sittings without
f) Vote of no confidence.
g) Resignation or suspension from The College for a period longer than one academic
4) By-Election Process.
a) Immediately the office is declared vacant, the Dean of Trainees shall circulate a
notice to this effect within the institution for a period of two (2) weeks.
b) The election process shall commence within fourteen (14) days.

Article 26: Termination of Office

1) Resignation
a) Any office bearer may be allowed to resign his/her position in the office after a
written notification at least three (3) days before the date of his/her resignation.
b) In case of resignation of the Chairperson, such resignation letters shall be addressed
to the Dean of Trainees and a copy to the Trainees Council.
c) In case of resignation of the deputy chairperson, the chairperson shall nominate a
person with the approval by the Dean of Trainees within three (3) days.
d) In case of any other member of the Trainees council, the notice shall be given to the
chairperson of NTVCTU and a copy to the Dean of Trainees.
e) Upon the expiry of the three (3) days’ notice, the Dean shall also publish a notice to
this effect on The College notice boards.
2) Dismissal
a) Reasons that may lead to Dismissal:
i. Failure to proceed to the next class.
ii. Involvement in corrupt deals/acts.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

iii. Incompetency.
iv. Termination of course.
v. Resignation.
b) Procedure for Dismissal
i. Upon confirmation of the official’s misconduct or failure, the Executive during
the Trainees’ Council meeting shall summon the person concerned, question
him/her and suspend if he/she cannot defend himself/herself substantially.
ii. Notice pertaining to such issues shall be communicated to all Trainees in memos
and any other approved official College communication channel.
3) Death, Illness and Insanity
a) The office shall be declared vacant and a by- election called within a reasonable
span of time as recommended by the Trainees’ Electoral Committee upon death or
unprecedented illness.
b) In case of the chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson shall assume the office for the
remaining period of time until the next election is held.

Article 27: Qualification for the election to the Trainees Council

To qualify for election to the Executive and Trainees council an aspirant must be an active
Trainees of Ngong Technical and Vocational College who must-
a) Be an ordinary member who has at least two terms remaining to completion of his/her
b) Must be a holder of NTVC Trainees ID and Bonafide member of the Institution
c) Have, based on the available grades in the members’ transcripts, have an average grade
of Pass in KNEC examination or Credit for internal examinations in their transcripts.
However, a person vying for the position of secretaries may have an average grade of
at least Pass and above on their transcripts in either internal or external examinations.
d) Have accomplished 75% class attendance;
e) Does not have or have done any Re - take in any exam or Refer in KNEC
Examinations in the Past One Year;
f) No case of indiscipline inside the institution and outside the community, he/she is not
a criminal whose has served a jail term of more than 6 months;
g) Have cleared all the fees of that term with the accounts department and registered for
semesters units manually or online;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

h) Be endorsed by at least 50 trainees for the chairperson and 30 for the other positions of
total population of registered and active Trainees from Ngong Technical and
Vocational College.
i. Where there is only one candidate in any post, he/she shall be declared elected
ii. For Executive position someone must have stayed in the school for At least one
Term and have termly academic report to ascertain that and with a mean average of
60% and above.

Article 28: Disqualification for the election to the Trainees Council

A member may be disqualified for election to the executive council if at the time of election,
a) Has been suspended from the Ngong Technical and Vocational College and the
suspension has not been revoked;
b) Is in office serving as an interim executive council;
c) Has been deemed to be of unsound mind and there is medical proof suggesting the same
d) Due to conflict of interests has been involved in the development of the NTVCTU
constitution under which he/she will vie. However, he/she qualifies to vie if six months
has pass after the ratification and promulgation of the constitution or amendments to
the constitution for which he/she participated in making;
e) Is a member of the Interim Electoral Commission;
f) Has previously been removed from office for violation of this constitution or
misappropriation of NTVCTU funds;
g) Has been convicted of a criminal offense by a court of law in the republic of Kenya or
any other Nation;
h) Has received academic warning within the last two terms;
i) Has contravened provisions and policies governing Trainees conduct of Ngong
Technical College as contained in the Trainees Handbook and the TVET act 2015
j) Has failed any unit or sat for a supplementary exam in the last two semesters leading
to general elections;
k) Has not shown any effort to promoted National Cohesion within the institution;
l) Has committed any election offences as per this constitution.
m) Has ever served in the executive council for two terms in or any other Institution
within the Republic of Kenya;

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

n) Has failed to exercise the duties delegated to him/her.



Article 29: Types, Composition and Functions of Meetings

1) Ngong Technical and Vocational College Prayer Day

Ngong Technical and Vocational College Prayer day shall be held once every term
within The College calendar of events.

2) Meetings of The Trainees’ Council

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

a) The Trainees’ Council shall have at least three formal meetings each term, or as
need arises. The Executive shall meet on as need arises basis, or in preparation for
the Full Trainees’ Council meeting.
b) The meeting shall be convened by the NTVCTU Secretary General in consultation
with the chairperson.
c) Notice to convene such a meeting shall be sent to the committee members at least
two days before the date thereof and copied to the Dean.
3) Departmental Forums
a) The Departmental Representative shall prepare a memorandum, in consultation with
Class representatives, for presentation during the Departmental Forum.
b) Departmental Forums shall be held in accordance with The College schedule of
events. However, the Departmental Representative may call for a forum upon
approval by the Head of Department.
4) Class Meeting
a) Members shall only address academic issues affecting the class.
b) The resolutions passed shall be forwarded to the relevant authorities through the
class representative.
c) Class meeting shall be chaired by the class representative.
5) Hostel Meeting
a) Members shall meet to address issues affecting their hostel.
b) The resolutions passed shall be forwarded to the Boarding master/ mistress through
Security and Accommodation Secretary.
c) Hostel meeting shall be chaired by hostel representative
6) Class Representatives Meeting
a) They MUST be held at least once a term, in the second week of the 2nd month of
the term.
b) Those in attendance must be top management, NTVCTU leaders and the Dean's
7) Social Responsibility Day
a) The social responsibility day shall be held once a term by the NTVCTU in
conjunction with the Dean’s Office.
b) The events of the day shall be coordinated by the office of the Dean of Trainees in
conjunction with The Executive.
8) Order and Manner of Speaking during meetings

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

a) A member wishing to contribute at the debate shall indicate so by putting up his/her

hand up so as to get the attention of the chairperson.
b) A member shall address his/her opinion to the chairperson and refer to any other
member as honorable member.
c) When a member is through with making his/ her point, he/she shall resume his/her
seat and the chairperson shall call the next person to address the congregation.
d) With the permission of the Chairperson, a member may make a statement of urgent
public importance relating to the functions of the meetings.
e) A delegate shall not interrupt another except by raising a point of order/ information
or point of procedure in which case the delegate speaking shall remain silent and the
delegate interrupting shall direct attention to the point which he/she desire to bring
to notice or submit to the chairperson for decision.
f) Debate of procedures of meetings shall be conducted in English or Kiswahili at the
opinion of the person speaking.
g) The proceedings of the meeting shall be recorded in English.



Article 30: Sources of NTVCTU’s Funds

1) Yearly subscription fee of Kshs. 600/= per Trainee.

2) Funds received from income generating activities initiated by the Union.
3) Nomination fee paid for elective positions during Union elections.
4) Proceeds from Trainees centre.
5) Any funds as approved by the Governing Council.

Article 31: Management and Expenditure of the Union’s Funds

1) Management of Union’s funds

a) The executive shall ensure transparency and accountability in all financial
b) The Executive in liaison with the office of the Dean of Trainees shall be in charge
of Trainees financial matters.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

c) All revenue shall be paid to or received on behalf of NTVCTU and a payment receipt
issued for the same by The College Finance Department, for accountability
d) Any withdrawal or expenditure of NTVCTU funds, in line with the set budgets, shall
be authorized by the NTVCTU leadership in coordination with the Dean of Trainees.
The requests for funds/expenditure shall be in writing; forwarded by Dean of
Trainees and approved by the Principal.
e) Secretaries from various portfolios requests on any expenditure shall be counter
signed by:
i. The Chairperson;
ii. Finance Secretary;
iii. Secretary General;
f) The countersigned requests are forwarded to the Dean’s office for consideration and
if adopted shall be subjected to The College requisitioning and procurement
g) Disciplinary action shall be taken against any NTVCTU member who is found to
have misused the NTVCTU funds.
2) Expenditure of Union’s Funds.
a) The Union’s expenditure shall be on the following items:
i. Approved Union activities……… 5%
ii. Electoral committee activities…...10%
iii. Union meetings facilitation………4%
iv. Union leaders’ allowances/stipend………48%
v. Needy Trainees Bursary…………...14%
vi. Benevolent funds…………………8%
vii. Clubs and societies……………….5%
viii. Balance in Union account settings ..6%
b) The expenditures shall be subject to the availability of funds and will be reviewed
accordingly from time to time.
3) Misappropriations of NTVCTU Funds
If any member (s) is found to have misappropriated the funds of the NTVCTU, the
NTVCTU in coordination with the dean of Trainees shall:
i. Establish an adhoc disciplinary committee to determine and ascertain the

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

ii. Based on the report of the committee, the committee shall initiate a process of
recovering the said funds.
iii. Bar the member from holding any Trainees’ leadership responsibility.

Article 32: Budget Day

1) The budget statement shall be prepared and presented to the NTVCTU members for
approval as per the calendar of activities.
2) The budget shall be prepared every academic year.

Article 33: Allowances and Privileges for NTVCTU Leaders

1) NTVCTU leaders shall be entitled to a responsibility allowances and all such

allowances as shall be approved by The College Governing Council. Such allowances
shall be subject to Article 29(II). The allowances shall only be paid during session.
2) Meetings’ expenditure shall be proposed by the NTVCTU executive, in line with set
budget, and shall be forwarded through the Dean of Trainees for approval by The
College Management.



Article 34: Adhoc Committees

1) The Trainees’ Union may constitute an adhoc committee as and when need arises.
2) Terms of reference and the life span of such committee shall be clearly spelt out.
3) All adhoc committees shall be funded by the Trainees’ Union.
4) Any committee established under Article 32, shall cease to exist once the specific
objectives for which they were formed are accomplished.

Article 35: Duties and Powers of The College Administration

1) Ngong Technical and Vocational College Administration shall have the duty of
collecting the Union’s funds on its behalf.
2) The administration shall manage the funds on behalf of the Union, and shall release the
Union’s funds as required by the Trainees Union upon approval by the Dean, in
accordance with the approved budgets.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022

Article 36: Review of Constitution

1) The SUPREMACY, SOVEREIGNTY of this Constitution shall only be amended

through a referendum.
2) Any member of NTVCTU may propose to amend this Constitution by writing the
proposal to the Dean of Trainees. This proposal may only be accepted three years after
promulgation of NTVCTU constitution of 2022.
3) Upon receiving the proposal, the dean of Trainees shall forward the proposal to the
Trainees’ council for discussion.
4) If the proposed amendment is accepted by 2/3 majority of the Trainees Council, it shall
be subjected to a referendum which shall be conducted by the Dean of Trainees.
5) Any amendment to this Constitution shall be adopted if approved by at least two thirds
(2/3) majority in a referendum.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



I,…………………………………………….. do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully execute

my duties as………………………………….
I will bear true allegiance to Ngong Technical and Vocational College Trainees Union. I shall
uphold and defend the Constitution of NTVCTU, and shall bear true allegiance to members of
I shall conscientiously exercise my duties with diligence and competence as provided for in
this Constitution without fear or favor, hate or hindrance and without personal biases. I shall
serve all members equally irrespective of race, creed, color, gender, religion, tribe and political
affiliations; I shall conscientiously discharge the duties of my office.
I shall not compromise the rights and privileges of any member, and pledge this with the full
knowledge of my responsibility and bind myself with the same.
So help me God.
Name ___________________________________________________________
Admission Number________________________________________________

Witnessed by:

Name: _______________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



(English Version)

O God of all creation,

Bless this, our land and nation.
Justice be our shield and defender,
May we dwell in unity,
Peace and liberty.
Plenty be found within our borders.

Let one and all arise

With hearts both strong and true.
Service be our earnest endeavour,
And our Homeland of Kenya,
Heritage of splendour,
Firm may we stand to defend.

Let all with one accord

In common bond united,
Build this our nation together,
And the glory of Kenya,
The fruit of our labor
Fill every heart with thanksgiving.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022



1. Ee Mungu twaomba uilinde

Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki
Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani
Tutimize na malengo yetu.

Jumuiya Yetu sote tuilinde

Tuwajibike tuimarike
Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu

Idumu Jumuiya yetu.

2. Uzalendo pia mshikamano
Viwe msingi wa Umoja wetu
Na tulinde Uhuru na Amani
Mila zetu na desturi zetu.

3. Viwandani na hata mashambani

Tufanye kazi sote kwa makini
Tujitoe kwa hali na mali
Tuijenge Jumuiya bora.

NTVC Proposed Trainees Constitution, 2022


Allowances/Stipend Guide

a) During NTVCTU workshops, trips and related activities organized by the Trainees’
Union, nTVCTU shall cater for accommodation expenses of the Trainees and will provide
pocket money of not more than Kenya shillings five hundred (Kshs.500/=) per Trainee per
day, which is subject to review from time to time.
b) Each Trainees council member is entitled to a sitting allowance of Kenya Shillings two
hundred (Kshs.200/=) per meeting. The COUNCIL shall hold to a maximum of three (3) meetings
per term.
c) NTVCU workshops, trips and related activities taking place outside Nairobi shall attract an
allowance of not more than Kenya Shillings five hundred (Kshs.500/=) per Trainee per day.
d) If NTVCTU related activities are caused by the Administration, then the NTVC management shall cater
for the expenses of the Trainees based on the rates approved by college administration.

NTVCTU officials shall enjoy a stipend at the rates shown below as per the budget located: Its subject to
change depending on revenue collected or available.


1 Chairperson 1,000
2 Deputy chairperson 800
3 Secretary General 800
4 Finance Secretary 800
5 Academic Secretary 800
6 Sports, Entertainment and Culture Secretary 700
7 Gender and social Welfare Secretary 700
8 Special need secretary 700
9 Class representatives 500


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