Auditing 1

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The Economic Demand for Auditing The Nature of Assurance Services

During Medieval times when manual According to the International Framework for
bookkeeping was prevalent, auditors in Britain Assurance Engagements issued by the
used to hear the accounts read out for them and International Federation of Accountants Council
checked that the organization's personnel were or IFAC, Assurance Engagement means an
not negligent or fraudulent. In 1951, Moyer engagement in which a practitioner - a cpa of
identified that the most important duty of the course- expresses a conclusion designed to
auditor was to detect fraud. Michael Chatfield enhance the degree of confidence of the
documented in 1974 that early united states intended users other than the responsible party
auditing was viewed mainly as verification of that is the management about the outcome of
bookkeeping details. Today, the need for the evaluation or measurement of a subject
accountability and compliance with laws and matter against criteria. The outcome of the
regulations drive business organizations to evaluation or measurement of a subject matter is
spend millions each year for the annual audit. the information that results from applying the
These needs were largely fueled by the criteria to the subject matter. In general,
industrial revolution and the growth of capital Assurance services consist of two types:
market. The industrial revolution gave birth to
modern accounting and auditing as well as the  one those that increase the reliability of
proliferation of corporations by previous sole information (example of the first type is
proprietorships and partnerships who merged the audit or review of historical financial
their businesses to form a larger entity. Because information which requires the auditor to
businesses were generally run by their owners issue an opinion as to the level of
prior to the corporations and borrowing was assurance) and
limited, accountability to outside parties was of  two those that involve putting
course minimal. When companies become information in a form or context that
larger and needed to raise capital to finance facilitates decision making (example of
expansion, they are allowed by law to sell small the second type are the agreed-upon
pieces of ownership that is stocks or to borrow in procedures and compilation
the form of thousands of small loans that is engagements that does not require the
bonds so that vast amounts of capital can be auditor to issue an opinion as to the
raised from a wide range of investors and level of assurance)
creditors. Over time, regulations from the
The nature of assurance services is one of an
securities and exchange commission and other
information enhancement designed to enhance
regulating bodies were imposed to protect the
the degree of confidence in the subject matter
interests of the investors and the creditors.
Auditing enforces accountability over the steel
worksheet function, how they manage the There are several types of assurance services
company's assets and operations on the part of but the significant portion of this is known as
management, who are not owners of the attestation services under the first type. To attest
business. The relationship between the to information means to provide assurance as to
stockholders or owners and managers often its reliability. In such engagements, a CPA
result in an information asymmetry between the provides a report on the subject matter or an
two groups with the latter generally having more assertion about the subject matters. One of the
information about the true financial position and most sought-after services is the examination or
result of operations of the business. The other audit of historical financial statements.
group, the owners, are often prevented by the
remoteness of information to even begin to Philosophy of an Audit
understand how the entity operates. A popular definition for audit is proffered by
Gupta and Kamal in November 2004 in their
book contemporary auditing. They defined it as
an independent examination of financial
information of any entity whether a profit- prepared by independent public accountants
oriented entity or not irrespective of its size or expressing their professional opinion as to the
legal form when such an examination is fairness of the company's financial statements.
conducted with a view to express an opinion Reporting in accordance with accounting
thereon. Auditing also attempts to ensure that principles does not solve the problem by itself
the books of accounts are properly maintained because the managers are responsible for
and the financial reports properly presented by reporting on the results of their own actions
the entity as required by standards and or by which the absentee owners cannot directly
law. Auditors consider the management's observe. The manager is in a position to
assertions obtain evidence and to evaluate the manipulate the reports to their benefit.
assertions based on the evidence and express
their opinion in their auditing report. This For example, when their bonuses are linked to
definition is focused on financial audit. There are the results of operations: the higher the net
other types of audit but they are beyond the income for example the bigger will be their
scope of this course. As the amount of capital bonuses. It is at this point that the demand for
involved in the number of potential owners auditing arises. If the managers are honest it
increase, the potential impact of accountability may very well be in the manager's self-interest
also increases. The auditor's role is to determine to hire an auditor to monitor and independently
whether the reports prepared by the report to the owner on their activities assuming
management conforms to the engagement that the owner will assume that the managers
contracts provision. Thus, the auditor's will manipulate the reports. If the auditor finds
verification of the financial information adds the financial statements reported fairly, the
credibility to the report and reduces information owners will likely be willing to invest more in the
risk or the risk that the information circulated by business and to pay the managers more for
a company's management is materially being accountable and honest even if the results
misstated and thus false or misleading. of operations may not be so desirable.
Reducing information risk potentially benefits Financial statements prepared by management
both the owner and the manager. As and transmitted to outsiders without first being
consequently, such reduction in information risk audited by independent accountants leave a
will result to the reduction of risk in decision credibility gap. In reporting on its own
making. In a financial statement audit, the administration of the business, management can
auditors undertake to gather evidence to obtain hardly be expected to be entirely impartial and
high level of assurance that financial statements unbiased. Independent auditors have no
are free of material misstatements due to fraud material personal or financial interest in the
or errors and that they are presented in business, their reports can be expected to be
accordance with appropriate accounting impartial and free from bias. Moreover,
framework. The external audit is intended to unaudited financial statements may have been
enhance the confidence that users can place on honestly prepared but management and staff
management prepared financial statements. may not be knowledgeable about acceptable
When the auditor has no reservation about accounting principles and methods or they may
management's financial statements or internal have committed material errors in recording or
controls, the report is referred to as an summarizing the financial transactions.
unqualified audit report. Especially so, if the company uses information
Importance of Audited Financial Statements system which is not programmed accurately
then millions of records of data may be
Audited financial statements are the accepted presenting financial information that are
means by which business corporations report materially erroneous. The management and staff
their operating result and financial position. The may have committed errors in the presentation
word audited when applied to financial of the accounts according to the prescribed
statements means that the balance sheet in the manners.
statement of income retained earnings and cash
flow are accompanied by an audit report
Lastly, there is always the possibility that the Labor unions (Union) refer to the financial
financial statements may have been deliberately statements in making collective bargaining
falsified in order to conceal fraud or as a means decisions.
of inducing the users of the financial statements
to invest in the business or to extend credit to Retired employees (Employees) protect
the business. Although not common deliberate themselves from surprises concerning pensions
falsification does occur in the real world and can and other post-retirement benefits.
cause losses to persons who are misled. All SUMMARY: Auditing is in demand because it
these reasons may cause the financial plays a valuable role in monitoring the
statements to depart from financial accounting contractual relationships between the entity and
and reporting standards and principles. the various stakeholders. Certified Public
Audits provide users with assurance that the Accountants have been charged with providing
financial statements are presented in audit services because of their traditional
accordance with these standards and principles. reputation of competence, independence,
objectivity and concern for the public interest,
Users of Audited Financial Statements thus they are able to add credibility to
information produced and reported by
Organizations maintain records of their financial management.
condition and progress as necessary references
to evaluate and guide business operations, to
determine financial status, to meet legal
requirements and to serve as a basis for credit.

Rating agencies based their credit ratings of

organizations partially on historical performance
of the company.

Creditors, vendors and investors present and

prospective may wish to study the financial
statements of many enterprises for credit
extension and investment purposes.

Government agencies will need financial

reports to help them carry out their duties
imposed upon them by the law.

Regulatory agencies need inputs from financial

statements to enhance or develop regulations
and monitor compliance, even the court assess
the financial position of a company if it is in

Of course, internal management

(management of the company) needs financial
reports for reviewing performance, planning,
directing and controlling business operations as
well as report the results of operations to capital
markets for example to the Philippines stock

Investment Analysis: Stockholders and

bondholders make decisions whether to buy and

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