Hồ Sơ Khoan Cấy Thép-RE500-SD

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I. Mục lục:

1. Tổng quan về keo cấy thép RE500-SD......................................................2-3

2. Thông số kĩ thuật của keo cấy thép RE500-SD.........................................3-4

3. Chứng chỉ của RE500-SD .........................................................................4-5

4. Quy trình thi công.......................................................................................5-7

5. Thiết bị kéo tải tại công trường...................................................................7-8

6. Quy trình kéo tải tại công trường................................................................8-9

7. Dự án tham khảo........................................................................................9-10

8. Thông tin liên hệ với HILTI tại Việt Nam........................................................10

9. Phụ lục:..........................................................................................................10

A. Chứng chỉ ICC-ES của Mỹ

B. Chứng chỉ ETA của Châu Âu

C. Chứng chỉ CSTB của Châu Âu

D. Chứng chỉ MFPA của Châu Âu

E. Chứng chỉ NSF

1. Tổng quan về keo cấy thép RE500-SD

Keo cấy thép RE500-SD có xuất xứ từ Đức, được phân phối khắp nơi trên thế giới.
Đây là loại keo hai thành phần có nguồn gốc là epoxy được trộn với nhau theo tỷ lệ
1:3, nên cường độ dính bám giữa keo với betong và cốt thép là rất lớn khoảng 13-15
N/mm2, tùy thuộc vào đường kính cốt thép và mác betong.
Keo RE500-SD có thể sử dụng với thanh ren để làm bulong neo cho các liên kết giữa
kết cấu thép và kết cấu betong cốt thép, hoặc có thể sử dụng với cốt thép để làm cốt
thép chờ cho các hạng mục như liên kết giữa sàn tầng hầm và tường vây hay giữa
dầm tầng hầm và tường vây... để khách phục cho những nơi mà cốt thép đặt sẵn
không khả thi hay bị thiếu.
Keo RE500-SD có thể áp dụng cho những công trình được thiết kế động đất hay chịu
sự va đập mạnh của các yếu tố bên ngoài như xe chạy trên cầu hay những bến cảng
nơi có những con tàu có tải trọng rất lớn.
Ngày nay có rất nhiều loại keo dùng để khoan cấy thép, tuy nhiên không phải loại keo
nào cũng có thể đáp ứng được các tiêu chuẩn liên quan đến ứng dụng khoan cấy thép
trong xây dựng công trình như EC2 (Euro code 2) hay ACI-318. Trong khi đó keo
RE500-SD được đánh giá và xác nhận bởi các tổ chức uy tín nhất trên thế giới hiện
này như EOTA hay ICC-ES cho sự phù hợp với hầu hết các tiêu chuẩn trên đối với
các ứng dụng khoan cấy thép trong kết cấu betong cốt thép hiện nay.
Ngoài vấn đề trên, thì hiện nay vấn đề liên quan đến điều kiện làm việc của lỗ khoan
ngày càng trở nên được quan tâm nhiều hơn đối với các nhà thiết kế, tư vấn giám sát
hay chủ đầu tư khi mà họ không thể kiểm soát được hết tất cả các công việc ngoài
công trường như keo được người công nhân bơm trong điều kiện lỗ khoan khô hay
ướt, lỗ khoan bị ngập trong nước hay betong bị bão hòa nước hay không. HILTI hiểu
được mối quan tâm này của khách hàng, nên đã tiến hành thí nghiệm và được sự
đánh giá của các tổ chức như ICC-ES hay EOTA cho keo RE500-SD có thể sử dụng
trong nhiều điều kiện lỗ khoan khác nhau như khô, ướt ,ngập trong nước hay betong bị
bão hòa nước.
Mặt khác trong lĩnh vực khoan cấy thép ngày nay một vấn đề vô cùng quan trọng và
ngày càng trở nên được quan tâm nhiều hơn đó khả năng làm việc của keo trong môi
trường hỏa hoạn, bởi việc phòng cháy và chữa cháy là yêu cầu bắt buộc trong tất cả
các tòa nhà hiện nay. Do đó keo RE500-SD đã được thí nghiệm và được đánh giá bởi
một tổ chức uy tín của Châu Âu –MFPA, cho khả năng làm việc trong môi trường hỏa

Keo RE500-SD có thời gian làm việc rất phù hợp cho trường hợp thi công khoan cấy
đại trà với số lượng lớn, bởi người công nhân có thể bơm keo cho nhiều lỗ khác nhau
mà không cần phải cắm cây thép vào ngay sau khi bơm. Điều này giúp cho người
công nhân thi công được nhanh hơn và tiết kiệm được nhiều thời gian hơn, đáp ứng
được tiến độ của dự án.
Keo RE500-SD được thiết kế đóng gói dạng bịch nên giúp cho việc giảm hao hụt khi
thi công nhiều hơn 5% so với keo được thiết kế đóng gói dạng chai nhựa. Ngoài ra với
kiểu đóng gói như vậy giúp cho việc tiêu hủy dễ dàng hơn và ít làm ảnh hưởng đến
môi trường hơn.
Cùng với kiểu đóng gói dạng bịch thì hệ thống súng bơm keo của HILTI được thiết kế
giúp cho việc thi công được nhanh hơn, giảm bớt thời gian trong quá trình thay keo
cũng như giảm bớt các ảnh hưởng đến khớp cổ tay của người công nhân.
Keo RE500-SD rất dễ dàng thi công cho các vị trí ngược trần.
Keo RE500-SD có thể sử dụng trong các dự án liên quan đến nước sạch hay nước
sinh hoạt. Nó được đánh giá và xác nhận của một tổ chức của Mỹ - NSF về vấn đề
Keo RE500-SD có thể áp dụng trong các công trình giao thông của Mỹ.

2. Thông số kĩ thuật của keo cấy thép RE500-SD

Kiểu dáng đóng gói và dung tích keo: 500ml

Ứng xuất dính bám của keo (N/mm2), ứng với mác betong C20/25:

Ø (mm) 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32

fbd 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13

Giá trị thiết kế ứng với mác betong C20/25:

Ø (mm) 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32

hef (mm) 90 110 125 125 170 210 270 300

N (kN) 23.6 32.4 39.2 33.6 53.3 73.2 106.7 125.0

V (kN) 14.7 20.7 28.0 36.7 57.3 90.0 112.7 147.3

hef: là chiều sâu chôn, N: là lực kéo, V: là lực cắt

Thời gian làm việc và bảo dưỡng của keo

Nhiệt độ trong betong (oC) Thời gian làm việc (phút) Thời gian bảo dưỡng (h)

40oC 12‘ 4h

30oC – 39oC 12‘ 8h

20oC – 29oC 20‘ 12h

15oC – 19oC 30‘ 24h

10oC – 14oC 90‘ 48h

5oC – 9oC 120‘ 72h

Thông số lắp đặt

Ø 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32

do 14 16 18 20 25 32 35 40

hef,min 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128

hef,max 200 240 280 320 400 500 560 640

hmin hef+30 hef +2do

Smin 50 60 70 80 100 125 140 160

Cmin 50 60 70 80 100 125 140 160

Đơn vị: mm, hef,min là chiều sâu tối thiểu, hef,max là chiều sâu chôn tối đa, hef là chiều sâu chôn
thưc tế, Smin là khoảng cách tối thiểu, Cmin là khoảng cách mép tối thiểu, do là đường kính lỗ

3. Chứng chỉ của RE500-SD

Hiện nay, HILTI có rất nhiều chứng chỉ trên thế giới trong đó phải kể đến chứng chỉ ICC-ES
của Mỹ, chứng chỉ ETA của Châu Âu, chứng chỉ CSTB của Châu Âu và chứng chỉ MFPA của
Châu Âu.
a. Chứng chỉ ICC-ES của Mỹ là chứng chỉ đánh giá khả năng
làm việc của keo cho các kết cấu được thiết kế theo tiêu
chuẩn ACI-318. Trong đó nêu rất rõ phạm vi ứng dụng của
keo có dùng được cho cốt thép hay không. Mọi thông tin chi
tiết, xin vui lòng xem trong phụ lục A.

b. Chứng chỉ ETA của Châu Âu là chứng chỉ đánh giá và xem
xét khả năng làm việc của cốt thép cấy sau làm việc như cốt
thép đặt sẵn cho các kết cấu betong cốt thép được thiết kế
theo tiêu chuẩn EC2. Ngoài ra nó cũng đánh giá phạm vi ứng dụng của keo có dùng
được với cốt thép hay không. Mọi thông tin chi tiết, xin vui lòng xem trong phụ lục B.
c. Chứng chỉ CSTB của Châu Âu là chứng chỉ đánh giá và xem
xét khả năng làm việc của cốt thép cấy sau trong các công
trình được thiết kế động đất theo tiêu chuẩn EC8. Mọi thông
tin chi tiết, xin vui lòng xem trong phụ lục số C.
d. Chứng chỉ MFPA của Châu Âu là chứng chỉ đánh giá và xem xét
khả năng làm việc cốt thép cấy sau trong các điều kiện có hỏa hoạn
xẩy ra từ 1h cho đến 4h. Mọi thông tin chi tiết, xin vui lòng xem
trong phụ lục số D.
e. Chứng chỉ NFS-International của Mỹ là chứng chỉ đánh giá và chấp
thuận cho keo RE500-SD sử dụng trong các công trình sử lý nước
sạch hay nước sinh hoạt. Mọi thông tin chi tiết, xin vui lòng xem
trong phụ lục số E.

4. Quy trình thi công

Để đảm bảo phát huy hết khả năng làm việc của keo RE500-SD trong quá trình làm việc
sau này, thì nhà thầu thi công cần phải thực hiện theo các bước sau đây:
a. Khoan tạo lỗ theo đúng đường kính lỗ khoan như trong bảng sau, (đơn vị: mm):
Ø 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32

do 14 16 18 20 25 32 35 40

b. Vệ sinh lỗ khoan theo các bước sau đây:

i. Thổi hết bụi trong lỗ khoan lần thứ nhất

ii. Dùng chổi cọ để làm sạch bụi khoan còn bám trên bề mặt lỗ khoan.

iii. Tiếp tục thổi hết bụi trong lỗ khoan sau khi cọ

c. Lắp keo vào trong súng bơm sau đó bơm ra ngoài 3 đến 4 lần

d. Bơm keo vào trong lỗ khoan từ đáy lỗ bơm ra

e. Cốt thép được đưa vào trong lỗ khoan một cách từ từ, vừa xoay vừa đưa sâu vào bên

trong lỗ khoan. Lưu ý thời gian làm việc của keo như trong bảng ở phía dưới. Trong

trường hợp keo để trong lỗ khoan lâu quá thời gian quy định, thì cần làm vệ sinh lại lỗ

khoan đó hoặc bỏ lỗ khoan đó đi làm lại lỗ mới.

Nhiệt độ trong betong (oC) Thời gian làm việc (phút)

40oC 12‘

30oC – 39oC 12‘

20oC – 29oC 20‘

15oC – 19oC 30‘

10oC – 14oC 90‘

5oC – 9oC 120‘

f. Cốt thép sau khi cấy cần được bảo dưỡng trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định như

theo thông tin trong bảng sau:

Nhiệt độ trong betong (oC) Thời gian bảo dưỡng (h)

40oC 4h

30oC – 39oC 8h

20oC – 29oC 12h

15oC – 19oC 24h

10oC – 14oC 48h

5oC – 9oC 72h

g. Sau khoảng thời gian bảo dưỡng ở trên, sẽ tiếp tục làm các công việc tiếp theo như
liên kết cốt thép, dựng ván khuôn để đổ betong.
5. Thiết bị kéo tải tại công trường
Hiện nay HILTI Việt Nam được trang bị đẩy đủ các thiết bị nhằm phục vụ cho công tác kéo tải
tại công trường. Các thiết bị hiện nay của HILTI Việt Nam bao gồm:
a. Kích thủy lực 60T của hãng Enerpac có thể kéo thép lên đến Ø32
b. Kích thủy lực 30T của hãng Enerpac có thể kéo thép lên đến Ø25
c. Kích thủy lực 20T của hãng Enerpac có thể kép thép lên đến Ø20
d. DPG-100 (10T) của HILTI dùng đển kéo bulong.

Bơm điện Bơm tay Kích thủy lực


Thời gian kiểm định của tất cả các thiết bị trên là 1 năm một lần, do các trung tâm uy tín hàng
đầu Việt Nam hiện nay như Quatest 3, Quatest 1 đánh giá và xác nhận độ chính xác của thiết
bị. HILTI sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ các chứng nhận của các tổ chức trên khi tiến hành kéo tải tại
công trường hoặc khi khách hàng yêu cầu.

6. Quy trình kéo tải tại công trường

a. Kiểm tra chất lượng của thiết bị kéo tải thông qua các giấy kiểm định của các trung tâm

độc lập như Quatest 3 hay Quatest 1.

b. Kiểm tra thời hạn của các giấy kiểm định.

c. Xác định số lượng cốt thép cần kéo cho mỗi chủng loại thép, tối đa là 3%.

d. Chỉ định vị trí cốt thép cần được kiểm tra.

e. Tiến hành kéo tải.

f. Lực kéo thực tế đạt tối đa 85% lực thiết kế, để có thể tận dụng lại được sự làm việc

của cốt thép. (Điều này còn tùy thuộc vào yêu cầu của khách hàng)

g. Nếu như các vị trí cần kéo mà không đạt yêu cầu, thì sẽ yêu cầu cấy lại và kiểm tra

toàn bộ các cây thép còn lại của hạng mục đó.

h. Kết quả thí nghiệm sẽ được gửi lại cho các bên liên quan để tham khảo và xem xét.

7. Dự án tham khảo
Số TT. Tên dự án Nhà thầu Ứng dụng

1 SSG-Tower Phú Cường-TPT Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

2 15 Lê Thánh Tôn Hòa Bình Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

3 Delta River Coteccons Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

4 Happy Valley SPCC Ramroc, sàn với tường vây ở tầng hầm

5 New Pearl Kumho Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

6 VietBank Dũng Tiến Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

7 Sunrise City 2 Hòa Bình Liên kết giữa dầm móng và đài cọc

8 Star Hill Hòa Bình Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

9 Reviera Point Ssang Yong Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

10 Vietcombank Tower Cofico Liên kết giữa sàn và lõi thang máy

11 VietinBank Hòa Bình Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

12 Tropic Garden Hòa Bình Đầu cột và thang bộ

13 Xổ Số Miền Đông Miền Đông Liên kết sàn tầng hầm và tường vây

14 EximBank-Đồng Nai Tân Vạn Hưng Thang Bộ

15 NH. Đông Phương Hòa Bình Dầm trong thang máy

16 Time City-Hà Nội Hòa Bình Lõi thang máy

17 Fomosa-Hà Tĩnh Hòa Bình Đầu cột

18 Nhà Máy Brotex Coteccons Đầu cột

8. Thông tin liên hệ với HILTI tại Việt Nam

a. Văn phòng Miền Bắc:
Địa chỉ: A11 Lô 12 KDT mới Định Công, Quận Hoàng Mai, TP. Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
Số điện thoại: 04 3556 9413
Số Fax: 04 3556 9414
b. Văn phòng Miền Trung:
Địa chỉ: Số 5, An Thượng Sáu, Quận Ngũ Hành Sơn, TP. Đà Nẵng.
Số điện thoai: 0904050208 (Anh Việt)
c. Văn phòng Miền Nam:
Địa chỉ: 40 Hoa Đào, Phường 2, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.
Số điện thoại: 08 3930 4091
Số Fax: 08 3930 4090
9. Phụ lục: ( Xin vui lòng xem chi tiết trong các trang tiếp theo)

ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2322
Reissued February 1, 2012
This report is subject to renewal April 1, 2014.

www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®


Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors
3.1 General:
REPORT HOLDER: The Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchoring System is
comprised of the following components:
5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE • Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive packaged in foil packs
TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 • Adhesive mixing and dispensing equipment
(800) 879-8000
www.us.hilti.com • Equipment for hole cleaning and adhesive injection
HiltiTechEng@us.hilti.com The Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchoring System
may be used with continuously threaded rod, Hilti HIS-(R)N
EVALUATION SUBJECT: and HIS-RN internally threaded inserts or deformed steel
reinforcing bars. The primary components of the Hilti
HILTI HIT-RE 500-SD ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN Adhesive Anchoring System, including the Hilti HIT-RE
CONCRETE 500-SD Adhesive, HIT-RE-M static mixing nozzle and steel
anchoring elements, are shown in Figure 2 of this report.
Installation information and parameters, as included with
Compliance with the following codes: each adhesive unit package, are replicated as Figure 5 of
 2009 International Building Code (2009 IBC) this report.

 2009 International Residential Code® (2009 IRC) 3.2 Materials:

3.2.1 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive: Hilti HIT-RE 500-
 2006 International Building Code® (2006 IBC)
SD Adhesive is an injectable two-component epoxy
 2006 International Residential Code® (2006 IRC) adhesive. The two components are separated by means of
a dual-cylinder foil pack attached to a manifold. The two
 2003 International Building Code® (2003 IBC) components combine and react when dispensed through a
 2003 International Residential Code (2003 IRC) static mixing nozzle attached to the manifold. Hilti HIT-RE
500-SD is available in 11.1-ounce (330 ml), 16.9-ounce
 2000 International Building Code® (2000 IBC) (500 ml), and 47.3-ounce (1400 ml) foil packs. The
manifold attached to each foil pack is stamped with the
 2000 International Residential Code® (2000 IRC) adhesive expiration date. The shelf life, as indicated by the
Property evaluated: expiration date, corresponds to an unopened foil pack
stored in a dry, dark environment.
3.2.2 Hole Cleaning Equipment: Hole cleaning
2.0 USES equipment must be in accordance with Figure 5 of this
The Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchoring System is
used to resist static, wind and seismic tension and shear 3.2.3 Dispensers: Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD must be
loads in cracked and uncracked normal-weight concrete dispensed with manual dispensers, pneumatic dispensers,
having a specified compressive strength, f c, of 2,500 psi to or electric dispensers provided by Hilti.
8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). The anchor system is 3.2.4 Anchor Elements:
an alternative to cast-in-place and post-installed anchors
described in Sections 1911 and 1912 of the 2009 and 2006 Threaded Steel Rods: Threaded steel rods must
IBC, or Sections 1912 and 1913 of the 2000 or 2003 IBC. be clean, continuously threaded rods (all-thread) in
The anchor systems may also be used where an diameters as described in Tables 7 and 11 and Figure 5 of
engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section this report. Steel design information for common grades of
R301.1.3 of the 2009, 2006 and 2003 IRC, Section threaded rods are provided in Table 2 and Table 3. Carbon
R301.1.3 of the 2003 IRC, or Section R301.1.2 of the 2000 steel threaded rods must be furnished with a 0.005-
IRC. millimeter-thick (5 m) zinc electroplated coating complying

ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed
as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as
to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.

Copyright © 2012 Page 1 of 44

ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 44

with ASTM B 633 SC 1 or must be hot-dipped galvanized with Section 1605.2.1 of the IBC and ACI 318 Section 9.2.
complying with ASTM A 153, Class C or D. Threaded steel Strength reductions factors, , described in ACI 318
rods must be straight and free of indentations or other Section D.4.5 must be used for load combinations
defects along their length. The ends may be stamped with calculated in accordance with Appendix C of ACI 318.
identifying marks and the embedded end may be blunt cut
This section provides amendments to ACI 318 Appendix
or cut on the bias (chisel point).
D as required for the strength design of adhesive anchors. Steel Reinforcing Bars: Steel reinforcing bars In conformance with ACI 318, all equations are expressed
are deformed bars (rebar). Tables 23, 27 and 31 and in inch-pound units.
Figure 5 summarize reinforcing bar size ranges. See Table
Modify ACI 318 D.4.1.2 as follows:
6 for specifications of common reinforcing bar types and
grades. The embedded portions of reinforcing bars must D.4.1.2—In Eq. (D-1) and (D-2), Nn and Vn are the
be straight, and free of mill scale, rust and other coatings lowest design strengths determined from all appropriate
that may impair the bond with the adhesive. Reinforcing failure modes. Nn is the lowest design strength in
bars must not be bent after installation, except as set forth tension of an anchor or group of anchors as determined
in Section 7.3.2 of ACI 318 with the additional condition from consideration of Nsa, either Na or Nag, and either
that the bars must be bent cold, and heating of reinforcing Ncb or Ncbg. Vn is the lowest design strength in shear of
bars to facilitate field bending is not permitted. an anchor or a group of anchors as determined from HIS-N and HIS-RN Inserts: Hilti HIS-N and HIS- consideration of Vsa, either Vcb or Vcbg, and either Vcp
RN inserts have a profile on the external surface and are or Vcpg. For adhesive anchors subject to tension resulting
internally threaded. Mechanical properties for HIS-N and from sustained loading, refer to D.4.1.4 for additional
HIS-RN inserts are provided in Table 4. The inserts are requirements.
available in diameters and lengths as shown in Tables 15 Add ACI 318 D.4.1.2 as follows:
and 19 and Figure 5. HIS-N inserts are produced from
carbon steel and furnished either with a 0.005-millimeter- D.4.1.4— For adhesive anchors subjected to tension
thick (5 m) zinc electroplated coating complying with resulting from sustained loading, a supplementary design
ASTM B 633 SC 1 or a hot-dipped galvanized coating analysis shall be performed using Eq. (D-1) whereby Nua is
complying with ASTM A 153, Class C or D. The stainless determined from the sustained load alone, e.g., the dead
steel HIS-RN inserts are fabricated from X5CrNiMo17122 load and that portion of the live load acting that may be
K700 steel conforming to DIN 17440. Specifications for considered as sustained and Nn is determined as follows:
common bolt types that may be used in conjunction with D.—For single anchors: Nn = 0.75 Nao.
HIS-N and HIS-RN inserts are provided in Table 5. Bolt
grade and material type (carbon, stainless) must be D.—For anchor groups, Equation (D-1) shall be
matched to the insert. Strength reduction factors, , satisfied by taking Nn = 0.75 Nao for that anchor in an
corresponding to brittle steel elements must be used for anchor group that resists the highest tension load.
HIS-N and HIS-RN inserts. D.—Where shear loads act concurrently with the Ductility: In accordance with ACI 318 Appendix sustained tension load, interaction of tension and shear
D, in order for a steel element to be considered ductile, the shall be analyzed in accordance with ACI 318 Section
tested elongation must be at least 14 percent and D.4.1.3.
reduction of area must be at least 30 percent. Steel 4.1.2 Static Steel Strength in Tension: The nominal
elements with a tested elongation less than 14 percent or a strength of an anchor in tension as governed by the steel,
reduction of area less than 30 percent, or both, are Nsa, in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.1.2 and
considered brittle. Values for various common steel strength reduction factors in accordance with ACI 318
materials are provided in Tables 2, 3 and 5 of this report. Section D.4.4 are given in the tables outlined in Table 1 for
3.3 Concrete: the corresponding anchor steel.
4.1.3 Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension:
Normal-weight concrete must comply with Section 1903
The nominal concrete breakout strength in tension, Ncb or
and 1095 of the IBC. The specified compressive strength
Ncbg, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2
of concrete must be from 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa
with the following addition:
to 58.6 MPa).
4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION D.5.2.9—(2006 IBC) or D.5.2.10 (2009 IBC) – The
limiting concrete strength of adhesive anchors in tension
4.1 Strength Design: shall be calculated in accordance withD.5.2.1 to D.5.2.9
under the 2009 IBC or D.5.2.1 to D.5.2.8 under the 2006
4.1.1 General: Anchor design strengths, Nn and Vn, IBC where the value of kc to be used in Eq. (D-7) shall be:
must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-08 (2009
IBC) or ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report. A design kc,cr = 17 where analysis indicates cracking at
example is given in Figure 4 of this report. Design service load levels in the anchor vicinity
parameters are provided in Tables 5 through 10 of this (cracked concrete)
report. Design strengths must be determined in kc,uncr = 24 where analysis indicates no cracking at
accordance with ACI 318-08, as an alternative to the 2000 service load levels in the anchor vicinity
and 2003 IBC, and Section R301.1 of the IRC. Design (uncracked concrete)
parameters are based on the 2009 IBC (ACI 318-08)
unless noted otherwise in Sections D.4.1.1 through 4.1.11 Additional information for the determination of the
of this report. The anchor design must satisfy the nominal concrete breakout strength (Ncb or Ncbg) is given in
requirements of ACI 318 Sections D.4.1.1 and D.4.1.2. the tables outlined in Table 1 for the corresponding anchor
Strength reduction factors, , described in ACI 318 Section steel. The value of f c must be limited to a maximum of
D.4.4, and noted in Tables 5 through 10 of this report, must 8,000 psi (55 MPa) in accordance with ACI 318 Section
be used for load combinations calculated in accordance D.3.5.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 44

4.1.4 Static Pullout Strength in Tension: In lieu of kc,cr

k,max,cr = hef f'c (D-16i)
determining the nominal pullout strength in accordance d
with ACI 318 D.5.3, nominal bond strength in tension must The value of f’c must be limited to maximum of 8,000 psi
be calculated in accordance with the following sections (55 MPa) in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.3.5.
added to ACI 318:
D.5.3.11—The modification factor for eccentrically
D.5.3.7—The nominal bond strength of an adhesive loaded adhesive anchor groups is
anchor, Na, or group of adhesive anchors, Nag, in tension
shall not exceed
= 2e'N ≤1.0 (D-16j)
(a) For a single anchor
ANa Eq. (D-16j) is valid for e'N
Na = ed,Na p,Na
Na0 (D-16a) 2
If the loading on an anchor group is such that only
(b) For a group of anchors certain anchors are in tension, only those anchors that are
ANa in tension shall be considered when determining the
Nag = ed,Na g,Na ec,Na p,Na
Na0 (D-16b) eccentricity, e N, for use in Eq. (D-16j).

where: In the case where eccentric loading exists about two

orthogonal axes, the modification factor ec,Na shall be
Ana is the projected area of the failure surface for the computed for each axis individually and the product of
single anchor or group of anchors that shall be these factors used as ec,Na in Eq. (D-16b).
approximated as the base of the rectilinear geometrical
figure that results from projecting the failure surface D.5.3.12—The modification factor for the edge effects for
outward a distance ccr,Na from the centerlines of the single single adhesive anchors or anchor groups loaded in
anchor, or in the case of a group of anchors, from a line tension is:
through a row of adjacent anchors. Ana shall not exceed ed,Na = 1.0 for ca,min ≥ ccr,Na (D-16l)
nAna0 where n is the number of anchors in tension in the
group. In ACI 318 Figures RD.5.2.1a and RD.5.2.1b, the or
terms 1.5hef and 3.0hef shall be replaced with ccr,Na and ca,min
scr,Na, respectively. ed,Na
= 0.7+0.3 ≤1.0 when camin < ccr,Na (D-16m)
ANa0 is the projected area of the failure surface of a
D.5.3.13—When an adhesive anchor or a group of
single anchor without the influence of proximate edges in
adhesive anchors is located in a region of a concrete
accordance with Eq. (D-16c):
member where analysis indicates no cracking at service
Ana0 = (scr,Na)2 (D-16c) load levels, the nominal strength, Na or Nag, of a single
adhesive anchor or a group of adhesive anchors shall be
with calculated according to Eq. (D-16a) and Eq. (D-16b) with
scr,Na = as given by Eq. (D-16d) k,cr substituted for k,cr in the calculation of the basic
strength Nao in accordance with Eq. (D-16f). The factor
D.5.3.8—The critical spacing scr,Na and critical edge g,Na0 shall be calculated in accordance with Eq. (D-16h)
distance ccr,Na shall be calculated as follows: whereby the value of k,max,uncr shall be calculated in
accordance with Eq. (D-16n) and substituted for k,max,cr in
scr,Na = 20·d· k,uncr
≤ 3hef (D-16d) Eq. (D-16h).
Scr,Na k,max,uncr = d
hef f'c (D-16n)
ccr,Na = (D-16e)
D.5.3.14—When an adhesive anchor or a group of
D.5.3.9—The basic strength of a single adhesive anchor adhesive anchors is located in a region of a concrete
in tension in cracked concrete shall not exceed member where analysis indicates no cracking at service
load levels, the modification factor p,Na shall be taken as
Na0 = k,cr d hef (D-16f)
p,Na = 1.0 when ca,min ≥ cac (D-16o)
ca,min; ccr,Na
k,cr is the characteristic bond strength in cracked concrete p,Na = cac
when ca,min < cac (D-16p)

D.5.3.10—The modification factor for the influence of the where cac must be determined in accordance with
failure surface of a group of adhesive anchors is Section 4.1.10 of this report.
0.5 For all other cases: p,Na = 1.0
= g,Na0
+ 1- g,Na0
scr,Na Additional information for the determination of nominal
bond strength in tension is given in Section 4.1.8.
4.1.5 Static Steel Strength in Shear: The nominal static
1.5 strength of an anchor in tension as governed by the steel,
= n- n-1 k,cr
≥1.0 (D-16h) Vsa, in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.1.2 and
k,max cr
strength reduction factors are given in the tables outlined in
where: Table 1 for the corresponding anchor steel.
n = the number of tension-loaded adhesive 4.1.6 Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Shear: The
anchors in a group. nominal concrete breakout strength of a single anchor or
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 44

group of anchors in shear, Vcb or Vcbg, must be calculated must be multiplied by the associated strength reduction
in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.2 based on factor φnn.
information given in the tables outlined in Table 1 for the
corresponding anchor steel. The basic concrete breakout 4.1.9 Minimum Member Thickness hmin, Anchor
strength of a single anchor in shear, Vb, must be calculated Spacing smin and Edge Eistance cmin: In lieu of ACI 318
in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.2.2 using the Section D.8.3, values of cmin and smin described in this
values of d and hef given in the tables as outlined in Table report must be observed for anchor design and installation.
1 for the corresponding anchor steel in lieu of do and e, Likewise, in lieu of ACI 318 Section D.8.5, the minimum
respectively. In no case must hef exceed 8do. The value of member thicknesses, hmin, described in this report must be
f c must be limited to a maximum of 8,000 psi (55 MPa) in observed for anchor design and installation. In determining
accordance with ACI 318 Section D.3.5. minimum edge distance, cmin, the following section must be
added to ACI 318:
4.1.7 Static Concrete Pryout Strength in Shear: In lieu
of determining the nominal pryout strength in accordance D.8.8—For adhesive anchors that will remain untorqued,
with ACI 318 Section D.6.3.1, nominal pryout strength in the minimum edge distance shall be based on minimum
shear must be calculated in accordance with the following cover requirements for reinforcement in Section 7.7. For
sections added to ACI 318: adhesive anchors that will be torqued, the minimum edge
distance and spacing shall be taken as 6do and 5do,
D.6.3.2—The nominal pryout strength of a single respectively.
adhesive anchor Vcp or group of adhesive anchors Vcpg
shall not exceed: 4.1.10 Critical Edge Distance cac: For the calculation of
Ncb, Ncbg, Na and Nag in accordance with ACI 318 Section
(a) for a single adhesive anchor: D.5.2.7 and Section 4.1.4 of this report, the critical edge
distance, cac, must be taken as follows:
Vcp = min kcp ⋅ Na; kcp ⋅ Ncb  (D-30a)
i. cac = 1.5.hef for h/hef ≥ 2
(b) for a group of adhesive anchors:
ii. cac = 2.5.hef for h/hef ≤ 1.3
Vcpg = min kcp ⋅ Nag; kcp ⋅ Ncbg  (D-30b)
For definition of h and hef, see Figure 1.
kcp = 1.0 for hef < 2.5 in. (64 mm)
kcp = 2.0 for hef ≥ 2.5 in. (64 mm)
Na shall be calculated in accordance with Eq. (D-16a)
Nag shall be calculated in accordance with Eq. (D-16b)
Ncb,Ncbg are determined in accordance with D.5.2.1 to
4.1.8 Bond Strength Determination: Bond strength
values are a function of concrete condition (cracked,
uncracked), drilling method (hammer drill, core drill) and
installation conditions (dry, water-saturated, etc.). Bond
strength values must be modified with the factor nn for
cases where holes are drilled in water-saturated concrete
( ws), where the holes are water-filled at the time of anchor Linear interpolation is permitted to determine the ratio of
installation ( wf), or where the anchor installation is cac/hef for values of h/hef between 2 and 1.3, as illustrated
conducted underwater ( uw) as follows: in the graph above.
C H PERMISSIBLE BOND ASSOCIATED For edge distance ca1=1.75 inch (45 mm) Tmax must be
R O INSTALLATION STRENGTH STRENGTH reduced according to the table provided below:
C C E FACTOR Edge distance, Element spacing, s, Tmax
O K ca1, in. (mm) in. (mm)
Dry concrete k,cr φd
C D R Water-saturated
1.75 (45) 5φ 0.30 Tmax
k,cr · ws φws
R I 1.75 (45) 16 (406) 0.50 Tmax
E L Dry concrete k,uncr φd
T U L Water-saturated k,uncr · ws φws 4.1.11 Design Strength in Seismic Design Categories
E N I C, D, E and F: In structures assigned Design Category C,
C N Water-filled hole k,uncr · wf φwf D, E or F under the IBC or IRC, the anchor strength must
T R G Underwater
Y A k,uncr · uw φuw be adjusted in accordance with 2009 IBC Section 1908.1.9
application or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16. The nominal steel shear
E K E Dry concrete k,uncr φd strength, Vsa, must be adjusted by V,seis as given in the
S E T tables summarized in Table 1 for the corresponding anchor
D H steel. The nominal bond strength k,cr must be adjusted by
O Water saturated k,uncr · ws φws
N,seis as given in the tables summarized in Table 1 for the
D corresponding anchor steel.
Figure 3 presents a selection flowchart. Where 4.1.12 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: For
applicable, the modified bond strength values must be designs that include combined tension and shear, the
used in lieu of k,cr and k,uncr in Equations (D-16d), (D-16f), interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated
(D-16h) and (D-16j). The resulting nominal bond strength in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.7.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 44

4.2 Allowable Stress Design: concrete thickness, anchor embedment, and tightening
torque. The special inspector must verify the initial
4.2.1 General: For anchors designed using load installations of each type and size of adhesive anchor by
combinations in accordance with IBC Section 1605.3 construction personnel on site. Subsequent installations of
(Allowable Stress Design), allowable loads must be the same anchor type and size by the same construction
established using the equations below: personnel must be permitted to be performed in the
Nn absence of the special inspector. Any change in the anchor
Tallowable,ASD = product being installed or the personnel performing the
installation must require an initial inspection. For ongoing
and installations over an extended period, the special inspector
Vn must make regular inspections to confirm correct handling
Vallowable,ASD = and installation of the product.

where Continuous special inspection is required for all cases

where anchors installed overhead (vertical up) are
Tallowable,ASD = Allowable tension load (lbf or kN) designed to resist sustained tension loads.
Vallowable,ASD = Allowable shear load (lbf or kN) Under the IBC, additional requirements as set forth in
Sections 1705 and 1706 must be observed, where
φNn = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor
group in tension as determined in accordance with ACI 318
Appendix D with amendments in Section 3.3 of this criteria, 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE
2009 IBC Sections 1908.1.9 and 1908.1.10 and 2006 IBC
Section 1908.1.16. The Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchor System
described in this report complies with the codes listed in
φVn = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following
group in shear as determined in accordance with ACI 318 conditions:
Appendix D with amendments in Section 3.3 of this criteria,
2009 IBC Sections 1908.1.9 and 1908.1.10 and 2006 IBC 5.1 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive anchors must be
Section 1908.1.16. installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
published installation instructions as included in the
= Conversion factor calculated as a weighted average adhesive packaging and described in Figure 5 of this
of the load factors for the controlling load combination. In report.
addition, must include all applicable factors to account
for non-ductile failure modes and required over-strength. 5.2 The anchors must be installed in cracked and
uncracked normal-weight concrete having a specified
Limits on edge distance, anchor spacing and member compressive strength f c = 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2
thickness described in this report must apply. Example MPa to 58.6 MPa).
calculations are provided in Table 35.
5.3 The values of f c used for calculation purposes must
4.2.2 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: not exceed 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa)
Interaction shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318
Section D.7 as follows: 5.4 Anchors must be installed in concrete base materials
in holes predrilled in accordance with the instructions
For shear loads V ≤ 0.2Vallowable,ASD, the full allowable in Figure 5.
load in tension shall be permitted.
5.5 Loads applied to the anchors must be adjusted in
For tension loads T ≤ 0.2Tallowable, ASD, the full allowable accordance with Section 1605.2 of the 2009, 2006,
load in shear shall be permitted. 2003 or 2000 IBC for strength design and in
accordance with Section 1605.3 of the 2009, 2006,
For all other cases:
2003 or 2000 IBC for allowable stress design.
+ ≤1.2 5.6 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive anchors are recognized
Tallowable,ASD Vallowable,ASD for use to resist short- and long-term loads, including
4.3 Installation: wind and earthquake, subject to the conditions of this
Installation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1.
Installation of the Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchor 5.7 In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C,
System must conform to the manufacturer's published D, E or F under the IBC or IRC, anchor strength must
installation instructions included in each unit package as be adjusted in accordance with 2009 IBC Section
described in Figure 5 of this report. Anchor locations must 1908.1.9 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16.
comply with this report and the plans and specifications 5.8 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive anchors are permitted
approved by the code official. to be installed in concrete that is cracked or that may
4.4 Special Inspection: be expected to crack during the service life of the
anchor, subject to the conditions of this report.
Periodic special inspection must be performed where
required in accordance with Section 1704.15 of the 2009 5.9 Strength design values are established in accordance
IBC, Sections 1704.4 and 1704.13 of the 2006, 2003 or with Section 4.1 of this report.
2000 IBC, whereby periodic special inspection is defined in
5.10 Allowable design values are established in
Section 1702.1 of the IBC and this report. The special
accordance with Section 4.2 of this report.
inspector must be on the jobsite during anchor installation
to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, 5.11 Minimum anchor spacing and edge distance as well
concrete compressive strength, hole dimensions, hole as minimum member thickness must comply with the
cleaning procedures, anchor spacing, edge distances, values described in this report.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 44

5.12 The minimum anchor embedment for threaded rods anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is
(Tables 2 and 3) is limited to the following values: unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors
under such conditions is beyond the scope of this
d 3 1 5 3 7 1 1 report.
/8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /8 1 /4
5.16 Use of zinc-plated carbon steel anchors is limited to
hef,min 3 3 1 1 1 dry, interior locations.
2 /8 2 /4 3 /8 3 /2 3 /2 4d 4d 4d
5.17 Periodic special inspection must be provided in
accordance with Section 4.4 of this report. Continuous
d special inspection for overhead installations (vertical
8 10 12 16 20 24 27 32 up) that are designed to resist sustained tension loads
must be provided in accordance with Section 4.4 of
hef,min this report.
60 60 70 80 90 4d 4d 4d
5.18 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesives are manufactured
The maximum anchor embedment for all anchor by Hilti GmbH, Kaufering, Germany, with quality
materials is limited to maximum of 20 times the outer control inspections by UL LLC (AA-668).
diameter d of the fastening element. 5.19 Hilti HIS-N and HIS-RN inserts are manufactured by
5.13 Prior to installation, calculations and details Hilti (China) Ltd., Guangdong, China, with quality
demonstrating compliance with this report must be control inspections by UL LLC (AA-668).
submitted to the building official. The calculations and 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
details must be prepared by a registered design
professional where required by the statutes of the Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. for Post-installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete (AC308),
dated November 2009, including but not limited to tests
5.14 Anchors are not permitted to support fire-resistive under freeze/thaw conditions (Table 4.2, test series 6).
construction. Where not otherwise prohibited in the
code, Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive anchors are 7.0 IDENTIFICATION
permitted for installation in fire-resistive construction 7.1 Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive is identified by
provided that at least one of the following conditions is packaging labeled with the manufacturer's name (Hilti
fulfilled: Corp.) and address, anchor name, evaluation report
• Anchors are used to resist wind or seismic forces number (ICC-ES ESR-2322), and the name of the
only. inspection agency (UL LLC).

• Anchors that support gravity load–bearing structural 7.2 HIS-N and HIS-RN inserts are identified by packaging
elements are within a fire-resistive envelope or a labeled with the manufacturer's name (Hilti Corp.) and
fire-resistive membrane, are protected by approved address, anchor name, evaluation report number
fire-resistive materials, or have been evaluated for (ICC-ES ESR-2322), and the name of the inspection
resistance to fire exposure in accordance with agency (UL LLC).
recognized standards. 7.3 Threaded rods, nuts, washers, bolts, cap screws, and
deformed reinforcing bars are standard elements and
• Anchors are used to support nonstructural
must conform to applicable national or international
5.15 Since an ICC-ES acceptance criteria for evaluating
data to determine the performance of adhesive
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 44
hef hef






Hilti HIS internally

Threaded rod Deformed reinforcement
Design strength
1 threaded insert

fractional metric fractional metric fractional metric Canadian

Steel Nsa, Vsa Table 7 Table 11 Table 15 Table 19 Table 23 Table 27 Table 31

Npn, Nsb, Nsbg, Ncb, Ncbg, Vcb,

Concrete Table 8 Table 12 Table 16 Table 20 Table 24 Table 28 Table 32
Vcbg, Vcp, Vcpg

Table 9 Table 13 Table 17 Table 21 Table 25 Table 29 Table 33
Bond Na, Nag
diamond cored
Table 10 Table 14 Table 18 Table 22 Table 26 Table 30 Table 34

Ref. ACI 318-05 D.4.1.2
See Section 4.1 of this evaluation report
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 44

Minimum Reduction
specified Elongation,
specified of Area, 6
THREADED ROD SPECIFICATION yield strength futa/fya min. Specification for nuts
ultimate 5 min.
0.2 percent percent
strength, futa percent
offset, fya
2 psi 125,000 105,000
ASTM A 193 Grade B7
1.19 16 50 ASTM A 194
≤ 2 /2 in. (≤ 64 mm)
(MPa) (862) (724)
ASTM F 568M Class 5.8 MPa 500 400 DIN 934 (8-A2K)
M5 ( /4 in.) to M24 (1 in.) 1.25 10 35 7
(equivalent to ISO 898-1) (psi) (72,500) (58,000) ASTM A 563 Grade DH
MPa 500 400
ISO 898-1 Class 5.8 1.25 22 - DIN 934 (8-A2K)
(psi) (72,500) (58,000)
MPa 800 640
ISO 898-1 Class 8.8 1.25 12 52 DIN 934 (8-A2K)
(psi) (116,000) (92,800)

Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD must be used with continuously threaded carbon steel rod (all-thread) have thread characteristics comparable with ANSI
B1.1 UNC Coarse Thread Series or ANSI B1.13M M Profile Metric Thread Series. Values for threaded rod types and associated nuts supplied
by Hilti are provided here.
Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service
Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally Threaded Metric Fasteners
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
Based on 2-in. (50 mm) gauge length except for A 193, which are based on a gauge length of 4d and ISO 898, which is based on 5d.
Nuts of other grades and styles having specified proof load stresses greater than the specified grade and style are also suitable. Nuts must
have specified proof load stresses equal to or greater than the minimum tensile strength of the specified threaded rod.
Nuts for fractional rods.


Minimum specified Reduction
specified yield Elongation, of Area, 4
THREADED ROD SPECIFICATION futa/fya Specification for nuts
ultimate strength 0.2 min. percent min.
strength, futa percent percent
offset, fya

2 psi 100,000 65,000

ASTM F 593 CW1 (316) ASTM F 594
1 5 1.54 20 -
/4 to /8 in. Alloy group 1, 2 or 3
(MPa) (689) (448)

2 psi 85,000 45,000

ASTM F 593 CW2 (316) ASTM F 594
3 1 1,89 25 -
/4 to 1 /2 in. Alloy group 1, 2, or 3
(MPa) (586) (310)

3 MPa 700 450

ISO 3506-1 A4-70
1.56 40 - ISO 4032
M8 – M24
(psi) (101,500) (65,250)

3 MPa 500 210

ISO 3506-1 A4-50
2.00 40 - ISO 4032
M27 – M30
(psi) (72,500) (30,450)

Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD must be used with continuously threaded stainless steel rod (all-thread) that have thread characteristics comparable with
ANSI B1.1 UNC Coarse Thread Series or ANSI B1.13M M Profile Metric Thread Series. Values for threaded rod types and associated nuts
supplied by Hilti are provided here.
Standard Steel Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs
Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs.
Nuts of other grades and styles having specified proof load stresses greater than the specified grade and style are also suitable. Nuts must
have specified proof load stresses equal to or greater than the minimum tensile strength of the specified threaded rod.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 44


Minimum specified ultimate Minimum specified yield strength,

strength, futa fya
Carbon Steel
MPa 490 410
DIN EN 10277-3 11SMnPb30+c or DIN
1561 9SMnPb28K
3 (psi) (71,050) (59,450)
/8 and M8 to M10
Carbon Steel
MPa 460 375
DIN EN 10277-3 11SMnPb30+c or DIN
1561 9SMnPb28K
1 3 (psi) (66,700) (54,375)
/2 to /4 and M12 to M20
MPa 700 350
Stainless Steel
EN 10088-3 X5CrNiMo 17-12-2
(psi) (101,500) (50,750)



specified Reduction
BOLT, CAP SCREW OR STUD specified Elongation, Specification for
yield strength futa/fya of Area, 6
SPECIFICATION ultimate min. nuts
0.2 percent min.
strength futa
offset fya
psi 120,000 92,000
SAE J429 Grade 5 1.30 14 35 SAE J995
(MPa) (828) (634)

psi 120,000 92,000

4 1 A 563 C, C3, D, DH,
ASTM A 325 /2 to 1-in. 1.30 14 35
DH3 Heavy Hex
(MPa) (828) (634)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M psi 110,000 95,000 7
ASTM F 594
(AISI 316) for use with HIS- 1.16 15 45
Alloy Group 1, 2 or 3
RN (MPa) (759) (655)
ASTM A193 Grade B8T psi 125,000 100,000 7
ASTM F 594
(AISI 321) for use with HIS- 1.25 12 35
Alloy Group 1, 2 or 3
RN (MPa) (862) (690)

Minimum Grade 5 bolts, cap screws or studs must be used with carbon steel HIS inserts.
Only stainless steel bolts, cap screws or studs must be used with HIS-RN inserts.
Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners
Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength
Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service
Nuts must have specified minimum proof load stress equal to or greater than the specified minimum full-size tensile strength of the specified
Nuts for stainless steel studs must be of the same alloy group as the specified bolt, cap screw, or stud.


Minimum specified ultimate Minimum specified yield

strength, futa strength, fya

psi 90,000 60,000
ASTM A 615 Gr. 60
(MPa) (620) (414)

psi 60,000 40,000
ASTM A 615 Gr. 40
(MPa) (414) (276)

MPa 550 500
DIN 488 BSt 500
(psi) (79,750) (72,500)

MPa 540 400
CAN/CSA-G30.18 Gr. 400
(psi) (78,300) (58,000)
Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
Reinforcing steel; reinforcing steel bars; dimensions and masses
Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 44

Nominal rod diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3 7 1
/8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /4
in. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25
Rod O.D. d
(mm) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) (22.2) (25.4) (31.8)
Rod effective cross-sectional in. 0.0775 0.1419 0.2260 0.3345 0.4617 0.6057 0.9691
area (mm )
(50) (92) (146) (216) (298) (391) (625)
lb 5,620 10,290 16,385 24,250 33,470 43,910 70,260
Nominal strength as (kN) (25.0) (45.8) (72.9) (107.9) (148.9) (195.3) (312.5)
governed by steel

lb 2,810 6,175 9,830 14,550 20,085 26,345 42,155

ISO 898-1 Class 5.8

(kN) (12.5) (27.5) (43.7) (64.7) (89.3) (117.2) (187.5)
Reduction for seismic
αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
lb 9,685 17,735 28,250 41,810 57,710 75,710 121,135
Nominal strength as (kN) (43.1) (78.9) (125.7) (186.0) (256.7) (336.8) (538.8)
governed by steel
strength lb 4,845 10,640 16,950 25,085 34,625 45,425 72,680
ASTM A 193 B7

(kN) (21.5) (47.3) (75.4) (111.6) (154.0) (202.1) (323.3)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.75
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for shear2
lb 7,750 14,190 22,600 28,430 39,245 51,485 82,370
Nominal strength as (kN) (34.5) (63.1) (100.5) (126.5) (174.6) (229.0) (366.4)
ASTM F593, CW Stainless

governed by steel
strength lb 3,875 8,515 13,560 17,060 23,545 30,890 49,425
(kN) (17.2) (.37.9) (60.3) (75.9) (104.7) (137.4) (219.8)
Reduction for seismic
αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types are based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq.
(D-20). Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 D.4.4.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 44

Nominal rod diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3 7 1
/8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /4

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 17

cracked concrete (SI) (7.1)

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 24

uncracked concrete (SI) (10)
7 1 1 3 3 1
in. 1 /8 2 /2 3 /8 3 /4 4 /8 5 6 /4
Min. anchor spacing smin
(mm) (48) (64) (79) (95) (111) (127) (159)
7 1 1 3 3 1
in. 1 /8 2 /2 3 /8 3 /4 4 /8 5 6 /4
Min. edge distance cmin
(mm) (48) (64) (79) (95) (111) (127) (159)
in. hef + 1 /4
Minimum member thickness hmin hef + 2d0
(mm) (hef + 30)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement as defined in ACI 318 Section D.4.4.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 12 of 44

Nominal rod diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3 7 1
/8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /4
psi 1,090 1,075 1,045 1,000 920 850 730
Characteristic bond τk,cr

(MPa) (7.5) (7.4) (7.2) (6.9) (6.3) (5.9) (5.0)

Temperature range A

strength and minimum

anchor embedment in in.
cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
Psi 2,285 2,235 2,140 2,065 2,000 1,945 1,860
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (MPa) (15.7) (15.4) (14.8) (14.3) (13.8) (13.4) (12.8)
anchor embedment in in.
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
Psi 445 430 380 345 315 295 260
Characteristic bond τk,cr
(MPa) (3.1) (3.0) (2.6) (2.4) (2.2) (2.0) (1.8)

strength and minimum

Temperature range B

anchor embedment in in.

cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
Psi 790 770 740 715 690 670 645
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (MPa) (5.4) (5.3) (5.1) (4.9) (4.8) (4.6) (4.4)
anchor embedment in in.
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55

Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.99 0.94

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.79

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Bond strength values are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only such as
wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 13 of 44



Nominal rod diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3 7 1
/8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /4
psi 1,740 1,705 1,555 1,440 1,355 1,280 1,170

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (MPa) (12.0) (11.7) (10.7) (9.9) (9.4) (8.8) (8.1)
range A

anchor embedment in in.

uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
psi 600 590 535 495 470 440 405

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (MPa) (4.1) (4.1) (3.7) (3.4) (3.2) (3.1) (2.8)
range B

anchor embedment in in.

uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45


φws - 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.88

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For 4,500 psi < f c ≤ 6,500 psi,

tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated characteristic bond
strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads such
as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 14 of 44

Nominal rod diameter (mm)

8 10 12 16 20 24 27 30
mm 8 10 12 16 20 24 27 30
Rod Outside Diameter d
(in.) (0.31) (0.39) (0.47) (0.63) (0.79) (0.94) (1.06) (1.18)
Rod effective cross-sectional mm 36.6 58 84.3 157 245 353 459 561
area (in. )
(0.057) (0.090) (0.131) (0.243) (0.380) (0.547) (0.711) (0.870)
kN 18.5 29.0 42.0 78.5 122.5 176.5 229.5 280.5
Nominal strength as (lb) (4,114) (6,519) (9,476) (17,647) (27,539) (39,679) (51,594) (63,059)
governed by steel
kN 9.0 14.5 25.5 47.0 73.5 106.0 137.5 168.5
ISO 898-1 Class 5.8

(lb) (2,057) (3,260) (5,685) (10,588) (16,523) (23,807) (30,956) (37,835)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
kN 29.5 46.5 67.5 125.5 196.0 282.5 367.0 449.0
Nominal strength as (lb) (6,582) (10,431) (15,161) (28,236) (44,063) (63,486) (82,550) (100,89
governed by steel 4)
strength kN 14.5 23.0 40.5 75.5 117.5 169.5 220.5 269.5
ISO 898-1 Class 5.8

(lb) (3,291) (5,216) (9,097) (16,942) (26,438) (38,092) (49,530) (60,537)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
kN 25.6 40.6 59.0 109.9 171.5 247.1 229.5 280.5
ISO 3506-1 Class A4 Stainless

Nominal strength as (lb) (5,760) (9,127) (13,266) (24,706) (38,555) (55,550) (51,594) (63,059)
governed by steel
strength kN 12.8 20.3 35.4 65.9 102.9 148.3 137.7 168.3
(lb) (2,880) (4,564) (7,960) (14,824) (23,133) (33,330) (30,956) (37,835)
Reduction for seismic
αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types are based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq.
(D-20). Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 D.4.4.
A4-70 Stainless (M8- M24); A4-502 Stainless (M27- M30)
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 15 of 44



Nominal rod diameter (mm)

8 10 12 16 20 24 27 30

Effectiveness factor for SI 7.1

cracked concrete (in-lb) (17)

Effectiveness factor for SI 10

uncracked concrete (in-lb) (24)

mm 40 50 60 80 100 120 135 150
Min. anchor spacing smin
(in.) (1.6) (2.0) (2.4) (3.2) (3.9) (4.7) (5.3) (5.9)

mm 40 50 60 80 100 120 135 150
Min. edge distance cmin
(in.) (1.6) (2.0) (2.4) (3.2) (3.9) (4.7) (5.3) (5.9)
mm hef + 30
Minimum member thickness hmin 1
hef + 2do
(in.) (hef + 1 /4)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 16 of 44



Nominal rod diameter (mm)

8 10 12 16 20 24 27 30
MPa 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.2 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.5
Characteristic bond τk,cr

strength and minimum (psi) (1,092) (1,092) (1,092) (1,044) (972) (877) (831) (768)
Temperature range A

anchor embedment in mm
cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
MPa 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.0 14.0 13.5 13.5 13.0
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (2,264) (2,264) (2,264) (2,142) (2,039) (1,974) (1,927) (1,880)
anchor embedment in mm
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
MPa 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Characteristic bond τk,cr
(psi) (444) (444) (444) (379) (336) (303) (287) (268)

strength and minimum

Temperature range B

anchor embedment in mm
cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
MPa 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.5
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (781) (781) (781) (739) (704) (681) (665) (649)
anchor embedment in mm
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55
Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.95

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.81

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 17 of 44

Nominal rod diameter (mm)

8 10 12 16 20 24 27 30
MPa 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

(psi) (1,740) (1,740) (1,740) (1,553) (1,413) (1,310) (1,254) (1,197)

strength and minimum

range A

anchor embedment in mm
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
MPa 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (psi) (601) (601) (601) (536) (488) (452) (433) (413)
range B

anchor embedment in mm
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.90

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For short-term loads including wind and seismic, bond
strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 18 of 44

Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3
/8 /2 /8 /4
in. 0.65 0.81 1 1.09
HIS insert O.D. d
(mm) (16.5) (20.5) (25.4) (27.6)
in. 4.33 4.92 6.69 8.07
HIS insert length l
mm) (110) (125) (170) (205)

Bolt effective cross-sectional (mm) 0.0775 0.1419 0.2260 0.3345

area (mm )
(50) (92) (146) (216)
HIS insert effective cross- in. 0.178 0.243 0.404 0.410
sectional area (mm )
(115) (157) (260) (265)
lb 9,690 17,740 28,250 41,815
Nominal strength as Nsa
governed by steel (kN) (43.1) (78.9) (125.7) (186.0)
strength – ASTM A 193 lb 5,815 10,645 16,950 25,090
B7 bolt/cap screw Vsa
(kN) (25.9) (47.3) (75.4) (111.6)
ASTM A 193 B7

Nominal strength as lb 12,650 16,195 26,925 27,360

governed by steel Nsa
strength – HIS-N insert (kN) (56.3) (72.0) (119.8) (121.7)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2

Nominal strength as lb 8,525 15,610 24,860 36,795

governed by steel (kN) (37.9) (69.4) (110.6) (163.7)
strength – ASTM A193
lb 5,115 9,365 14,915 22,075
ASTM A193 Grade B8M SS

Grade B8M SS bolt/cap

screw (kN) (22.8) (41.7) (66.3) (98.2)
Nominal strength as lb 17,165 23,430 38,955 39,535
governed by steel Nsa
strength – HIS-RN insert (kN) (76.3) (104.2) (173.3) (175.9)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq. (D-
20). Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 D.4.4. Values correspond to a brittle steel element for the HIS
For the calculation of the design steel strength in tension and shear for the bolt or screw, the φ factor for ductile steel failure according to ACI
318 D4.4 can be used.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 19 of 44

Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3
/8 /2 /8 /4
3 3 1
in. 4 /8 5 6 /4 8 /8
Effective embedment depth hef
(mm) (110) (125) (170) (205)

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 17

cracked concrete (SI) (7.1)

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 24

uncracked concrete (SI) (10)
1 1
in. 3 /4 4 5 5 /2
Min. anchor spacing smin
(mm) (83) (102) (127) (140)
1 1
in. 3 /4 4 5 5 /2
Min. edge distance cmin
(mm) (83) (102) (127) (140)
in. 5.9 6.7 9.1 10.6
Minimum member thickness hmin
(mm) (150) (170) (230) (270)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 20 of 44


Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3
/8 /2 /8 /4
3 3 1
in. 4 /8 5 6 /4 8 /8
Effective embedment depth hef
(mm) (110) (125) (170) (205)
in. 0.65 0.81 1 1.09
HIS insert O.D. d
(mm) (16.5) (20.5) (25.4) (27.6)
Characteristic bond psi 1040 955 845 805

strength in cracked τk,cr

range A

concrete (MPa) (7.2) (6.6) (5.8) (5.6)

Characteristic bond psi 2125 2030 1945 1910
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
concrete (MPa) (14.6) (14.0) (13.4) (13.2)
Characteristic bond psi 375 330 290 280

strength in cracked τk,cr

range B

2 (MPa) (2.6) (2.3) (2.0) (1.9)
Characteristic bond psi 735 700 670 660
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
2 (MPa) (5.1) (4.8) (4.6) (4.5)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55

Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.97

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 0.95 0.89 0.84 0.82

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 21 of 44



Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

DESIGN INFORMATION Symbol Units 3 1 5 3
/8 /2 /8 /4
3 3 1
in. 4 /8 5 6 /4 8 /8
Effective embedment depth hef
(mm) (110) (125) (170) (205)
in. 0.65 0.81 1 1.09
HIS insert O.D. d
(mm) (16.5) (20.5) (25.4) (27.6)

psi 1,535 1,405 1,280 1,235

range A

Characteristic bond
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
(MPa) (10.6) (9.7) (8.8) (8.5)

psi 530 485 440 425

range B

Characteristic bond
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
(MPa) (3.7) (3.3) (3.1) (2.9)

Dry concrete φd - 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45


φws - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.92

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.
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Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (mm)

8 10 12 16 20
mm 12.5 16.5 20.5 25.4 27.6
HIS insert O.D. d
(in.) (0.49) (0.65) (0.81) (1.00) (1.09)
mm 90 110 125 170 205
HIS insert length l
(in.) (3.54) (4.33) (4.92) (6.69) (8.07)
Bolt effective cross-sectional mm 36.6 58 84.3 157 245
area (in. )
(0.057) (0.090) (0.131) (0.243) (0.380)
HIS insert effective cross- mm 51.5 108 169.1 256.1 237.6
sectional area (in. )
(0.080) (0.167) (0.262) (0.397) (0.368)
kN 29.5 46.5 67.5 125.5 196.0
Nominal strength as Nsa
governed by steel (lb) (6,582) (10,431) (15,161) (28,236) (44,063)
strength – ISO 898-1 kN 17.5 28.0 40.5 75.5 117.5
Class 8.8 bolt/cap screw Vsa
(lb) (3,949) (6,259) (9,097) (16,942) (26,438)
ISO 898-1 Class 8.8

Nominal strength as kN 25.0 53.0 78.0 118.0 110.0

governed by steel Nsa
strength – HIS-N insert (lb) (5,669) (11,894) (17,488) (26,483) (24,573)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2

Nominal strength as kN 25.5 40.5 59.0 110.0 171.5

governed by steel (lb) (5,760) (9,127) (13,266) (24,706) (38,555)
ISO 3506-1 Class A4-70 Stainless

strength – ISO 3506-1

Class A4-70 Stainless kN 15.5 24.5 35.5 66.0 103.0
bolt/cap screw (lb) (3,456) (5,476) (7,960) (14,824) (23,133)
Nominal strength as kN 36.0 75.5 118.5 179.5 166.5
governed by steel Nsa
strength – HIS-RN insert (lb) (8,099) (16,991) (26,612) (40,300) (37,394)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq. (D-
20). Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 9.2 as set forth in ACI 318 D.4.4. Values correspond to a brittle steel element.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 23 of 44

Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

8 10 12 16 20
mm 90 110 125 170 205
Effective embedment depth hef
(in.) (3.5) (4.3) (4.9) (6.7) (8.1)

Effectiveness factor for SI 7.1

cracked concrete (in-lb) (17)

Effectiveness factor for SI 10

uncracked concrete (in-lb) (24)

mm 63 83 102 127 140
Min. anchor spacing smin
(in.) (2.5) (3.25) (4.0) (5.0) (5.5)

mm 63 83 102 127 140
Min. edge distance cmin
(in.) (2.5) (3.25) (4.0) (5.0) (5.5)
mm 120 150 170 230 270
Minimum member thickness hmin
(in.) (4.7) (5.9) (6.7) (9.1) (10.6)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 24 of 44


Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

8 10 12 16 20
mm 90 110 125 170 205
Effective embedment depth hef
(in.) (3.5) (4.3) (4.9) (6.7) (8.1)
mm 12.5 16.5 20.5 25.5 27.5
HIS insert O.D. d
(in.) (0.49) (0.65) (0.81) (1.00) (1.09)
Characteristic bond MPa 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5

strength in cracked τk,cr

range A

concrete (psi) (1,080) (1,040) (957) (845) (806)

Characteristic bond MPa 15.5 14.5 14.0 13.5 13.0
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
concrete (psi) (2,245) (2,124) (2,030) (1,946) (1,908)
Characteristic bond MPa 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0

strength in cracked τk,cr

range B

2 (psi) (433) (374) (330) (292) (278)
Characteristic bond MPa 5.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5
strength in uncracked τk,uncr
2 (psi) (775) (733) (701) (672) (659)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55

Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.97

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 0.95 0.89 0.84 0.82

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
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Nominal bolt/cap screw diameter (in.)

8 10 12 16 20
mm 90 110 125 170 205
Effective embedment depth hef
(in.) (3.5) (4.3) (4.9) (6.7) (8.1)
mm 12.5 16.5 20.5 25.5 27.5
HIS insert O.D. d
(in.) (0.49) (0.65) (0.81) (1.00) (1.09)

MPa 12.0 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5

range A

Characteristic bond
strength in uncracked τk,cr
(psi) (1,712) (1,534) (1,403) (1,282) (1,235)

MPa 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0

range B

Characteristic bond
strength in uncracked τk,cr
(psi) (591) (530) (484) (442) (426)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45


φws - 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.95 0.92

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 26 of 44

Bar size
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
3 1 5 3 7 1 1
in. /8 /2 /8 /4 /8 1 1 /8 1 /4
Nominal bar diameter d
(mm) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) (22.2) (25.4) (28.6) (31.8)
Bar effective cross-sectional in. 0.11 0.2 0.31 0.44 0.6 0.79 1.0 1.27
area (mm )
(71) (129) (200) (284) (387) (510) (645) (819)
lb 6,600 12,000 18,600 26,400 36,000 47,400 60,000 76,200
Nominal strength as (kN) (29.4) (53.4) (82.7) (117.4) (160.1) (210.9) (266.9) (339.0)
governed by steel
lb 3,960 7,200 11,160 15,840 21,600 28,440 36,000 45,720
ASTM A 615 Gr. 40

(kN) (17.6) (32.0) (49.6) (70.5) (96.1) (126.5) (160.1) (203.4)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
lb 9,900 18,000 27,900 39,600 54,000 71,100 90,000 114,300
Nominal strength as (kN) (44.0) (80.1) (124.1) (176.2) (240.2) (316.3) (400.4) (508.5)
governed by steel
strength lb 5,940 10,800 16,740 23,760 32,400 42,660 54,000 68,580
ASTM A 615 Gr. 60

(kN) (26.4) (48.0) (74.5) (105.7) (144.1) (189.8) (240.2) (305.1)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318-05 Eq. (D-3) and Eq.
(D-20). Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 Section D.4.4.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 27 of 44


Bar size
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 17

cracked concrete (SI) (7.1)

Effectiveness factor for in-lb 24

uncracked concrete (SI) (10)
7 1 1 3 3 5 1
in. 1 /8 2 /2 3 /8 3 /4 4 /8 5 5 /8 6 /4
Min. bar spacing smin
(mm) (48) (64) (79) (95) (111) (127) (143) (159)
7 1 1 3 3 5 1
in. 1 /8 2 /2 3 /8 3 /4 4 /8 5 5 /8 6 /4
Min. edge distance cmin
(mm) (48) (64) (79) (95) (111) (127) (143) (159)
in. hef + 1 /4
Minimum member thickness hmin hef + 2d0
(mm) (hef + 30)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 28 of 44



Bar size
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
psi 1,090 1,075 1,045 1,000 915 855 800 730
Characteristic bond τk,cr

(MPa) (7.5) (7.4) (7.2) (6.9) (6.3) (5.9) (5.5) (5.0)

Temperature range A

strength and minimum

anchor embedment in in.
cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
psi 2,265 2,235 2,145 2,065 2,000 1,945 1,900 1,860
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (MPa) (15.6) (15.4) (14.8) (14.3) (13.8) (13.4) (13.1) (12.8)
anchor embedment in in.
uncracked concrete hef,min
psi 444 431 379 345 316 294 276 260
Characteristic bond τk,cr
(MPa) (3.1) (3.0) (2.6) (2.4) (2.2) (2.0) (1.9) (1.8)

strength and minimum

Temperature range B

anchor embedment in in.

cracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
psi 781 772 739 714 691 672 656 643
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (MPa) (5.4) (5.3) (5.1) (4.9) (4.8) (4.6) (4.5) (4.4)
anchor embedment in in.
uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.94

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.82 0.79

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
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Bar size
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
psi 1,740 1,705 1,555 1,440 1,355 1,280 1,225 1,170

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

(MPa) (12.0) (11.7) (10.7) (9.9) (9.4) (8.8) (8.4) (8.1)

strength and minimum

range A

anchor embedment in in.

uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12
psi 600 590 535 495 470 440 425 405

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (MPa) (4.1) (4.1) (3.7) (3.4) (3.2) (3.1) (2.9) (2.8)
range B

anchor embedment in in.

uncracked concrete hef,min See Section 5.12

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45

φws - 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.91 0.88

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.
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Bar size
8 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
mm 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 25.0 28.0 32.0
Nominal bar diameter d
(in.) (0.315) (0.394) (0.472) (0.551) (0.630) (0.787) (0.984) (1.102) (1.260)
Bar effective cross-sectional mm 50.3 78.5 113.1 153.9 201.1 314.2 490.9 615.8 804.2
area (in. )
(0.078) (0.122) (0.175) (0.239) (0.312) (0.487) (0.761) (0.954) (1.247)
kN 27.5 43.0 62.0 84.5 110.5 173.0 270.0 338.5 442.5
Nsa (13,98 (19,03 (24,86 (38,84 (60,69 (76,13 (99,44
Nominal strength as (lb) (6,215) (9,711)
4) 4) 0) 4) 4) 5) 1)
governed by steel
DIN 488 BSt 550/500

strength kN 16.5 26.0 37.5 51.0 66.5 103.0 162.0 203.0 265.5
Vsa (11,42 (14,91 (23,30 (36,41 (45,68 (59,66
(lb) (3,729) (5,827) (8,390)
0) 6) 7) 6) 1) 5)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq. (D-
20). Other material specifications are admissible. Nuts and washers must be appropriate for the rod.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 Section D.4.4.
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Bar size
8 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32

Effectiveness factor for SI 7.1

cracked concrete (in-lb) (17)

Effectiveness factor for SI 10

uncracked concrete (in-lb) (24)

mm 40 50 60 70 80 100 125 140 160
Min. bar spacing smin
(in.) (1.6) (2) (2.4) (2.8) (3.1) (3.9) (4.9) (5.5) (6.3)

mm 40 50 60 70 80 100 125 140 160
Min. edge distance cmin
(in.) (1.6) (2) (2.4) (2.8) (3.1) (3.9) (4.9) (5.5) (6.3)
mm hef + 30
Minimum member thickness hmin 1
hef + 2do
(in.) (hef + 1 /4)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
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Bar size
8 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
MPa 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0
Characteristic bond τk,cr

(psi) (1,092) (1,092) (1,092) (1,068) (1,044) (972) (862) (806) (732)
Temperature range A

strength and minimum

anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128
cracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.36) (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)
MPa 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.0 15.0 14.0 13.5 13.0 13.0
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (2,264) (2,264) (2,264) (2,198) (2,142) (2,039) (1,955) (1,908) (1,862)
anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128
uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.36) (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)
MPa 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Characteristic bond τk,cr
(psi) (444) (444) (444) (410) (379) (336) (298) (278) (260)

strength and minimum

Temperature range B

anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128

cracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.36) (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)
MPa 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.5
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (781) (781) (781) (759) (739) (704) (675) (659) (643)
anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128
uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.36) (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.94

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.79 0.79

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
κuw - 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.91

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
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Bar size
8 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
MPa 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.5 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

(psi) (1,740) (1,740) (1,740) (1,637) (1,553) (1,413) (1,291) (1,235) (1,169)

strength and minimum

range A

anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 110 130

uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) 2.36 (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)
MPa 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (psi) (601) (601) (601) (565) (536) (488) (446) (426) (404)
range B

anchor embedment in mm 60 60 70 75 80 90 100 112 128

uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) 2.36 (2.36) (2.76) (2.95) (3.15) (3.54) (3.94) (4.41) (5.04)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45

φws - 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
κws - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.92 0.88 0.88

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 34 of 44

Bar size
10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M
mm 11.3 16.0 19.5 25.2 29.9
Nominal bar diameter d
(in.) (0.445) (0.630) (0.768) (0.992) (1.177)
Bar effective cross-sectional mm 100.3 201.1 298.6 498.8 702.2
area (in. )
(0.155) (0.312) (0.463) (0.773) (1.088)
kN 54.0 108.5 161.5 270.0 380.0
Nominal strength as (lb) (12,175) (24,408) (36,255) (60,548) (85,239)
governed by steel
strength kN 32.5 65.0 97.0 161.5 227.5
(lb) (7,305) (14,645) (21,753) (36,329) (51,144)

Reduction for seismic

αV,seis - 0.70

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.65
φ for tension2

Strength reduction factor

φ - 0.60
φ for shear2
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Values provided for common rod material types based on specified strengths and calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Eq. (D-3) and Eq. (D-
20). Other material specifications are admissible. Use nuts and washers appropriate for the rod strength.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318 Section 9.2, as set forth in ACI 318 Section D.4.4.



Bar size
10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M

Effectiveness factor for SI 7.1

cracked concrete (in-lb) (17)

Effectiveness factor for SI 10

uncracked concrete (in-lb) (24)

mm 57 80 98 126 150
Min. bar spacing smin
(in.) (2.2) (3.1) (3.8) (5.0) (5.9)

mm 57 80 98 126 150
Min. edge distance cmin
(in.) (2.2) (3.1) (3.8) (5.0) (5.9)
mm hef + 30
Minimum member thickness hmin 1
hef + 2do
(in.) (hef + 1 /4)
Critical edge distance –
splitting cac - See Section 4.1.10 of this report.
(for uncracked concrete)
Strength reduction factor for
tension, concrete failure φ - 0.65
modes, Condition B
Strength reduction factor for
shear, concrete failure φ - 0.70
modes, Condition B
For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Additional setting information is described in Figure 5, installation instructions.
Values provided for post-installed anchors installed under Condition B without supplementary reinforcement.
3 3
For installations with 1 /4 inch edge distance refer to Section 4.1.10 for spacing and maximum torque requirements.
ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 35 of 44



Bar size
10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M
MPa 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.0 5.5
Characteristic bond τk,cr

(psi) (1,092) (1,044) (991) (852) (777)

Temperature range A

strength and minimum

anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120
cracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)
MPa 15.5 15.0 14.0 13.5 13.0
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (2,264) (2,142) (2,058) (1,955) (1,880)
anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120
uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)
MPa 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0
Characteristic bond τk,cr
(psi) (444) (379) (342) (294) (271)

strength and minimum

Temperature range B

anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120

cracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)
MPa 5.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5
Characteristic bond τk,uncr
strength and minimum (psi) (781) (739) (710) (675) (649)
anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120
uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.55

Permissible installation conditions

φws - 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.96

φwf - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Water-filled hole
κwf - 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.85 0.81

φuw - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κuw - 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, bond strength values must be multiplied by αN,seis = 0.65.
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Bar size
10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M
MPa 12.0 10.5 10.0 9.0 8.5

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

(psi) (1,740) (1,553) (1,431) (1,291) (1,197)

strength and minimum

range A

anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120

uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)
MPa 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0

Characteristic bond τk,uncr

strength and minimum (psi) (601) (536) (494) (446) (413)
range B

anchor embedment in mm 67 80 90 101 120

uncracked concrete hef,min
(in.) (2.65) (3.15) (3.54) (3.97) (4.71)

Dry concrete φd - 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.45 0.45


φws - 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

κws - 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.90

For SI: 1 inch 25.4 mm, 1 lbf = 4.448 N, 1 psi = 0.006897 MPa.
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 N = 0.2248 lbf, 1 MPa = 145.0 psi
Bond strength values correspond to concrete compressive strength in the range 2,500 psi ≤ f c ≤ 4,500 psi. For the range 4,500 psi < f c ≤

6,500 psi, tabulated characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 6 percent. For the range 6,500 psi < f c ≤ 8,000 psi, tabulated
characteristic bond strengths may be increased by 10 percent.
Characteristic bond strengths are for sustained loads including dead and live loads. For load combinations consisting of short-term loads only
such as wind and seismic, bond strengths may be increased 40 percent.
Temperature range A: Maximum short term temperature = 110°F (43°C), Maximum long term temperature = 80°F (26°C).
Temperature range B: Maximum short term temperature = 162°F (72°C), Maximum long term temperature = 110°F (43°C).
Short term elevated concrete temperatures are those that occur over brief intervals, e.g., as a result of diurnal cycling. Long term concrete
temperatures are roughly constant over significant periods of time.
Bond strength values applicable to Seismic Design Categories A and B only.


ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 37 of 44


Nominal Effective Allowable

anchor embedment tension load
diameter depth f’c k Nn φNn/

do hef
(in.) (in.) (psi) (-) (-) (-) (lb) (lb)
3 3
/8 2 /8 2,500 24 1.48 0.65 4,392 1,928
1 3
/2 2 /4 2,500 24 1.48 0.65 5,472 2,403
5 1
/8 3 /8 2,500 24 1.48 0.65 6,629 2,911
3 1
/4 3 /2 2,500 24 1.48 0.65 7,857 3,450*
7 1
/8 3 /2 2,500 27 1.48 0.65 8,840 3,882
1 4 2,500 27 1.48 0.65 10,800 4,743
1 /4 5 2,500 30 1.48 0.65 16,771 7,365
For SI: 1 lb = 4.45 kN, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa, 1 in. = 25.4 mm

Design Assumptions:
1. Single anchor with static tension load only; ASTM A 193 Grade B7 threaded rod
2. Vertical downward installation direction
3. Inspection Regimen = Periodic
4. Installation temperature = 41 – 104°F
5. Long term temperature = 80°F
6. Short term temperature = 110°F
7. Dry hole condition – carbide drilled hole
8. Embedment depth = hef min
9. Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage
10. Load combination from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading)
11. 30% Dead Load (D) and 70% Live Load (L); Controlling load combination 1.2 D + 1.6 L
12. Calculation of based on weighted average: = 1.2 D + 1.6 L = 1.2 (0.30) + 1.6 (0.70) = 1.48
13. Normal weight concrete: f c = 2,500 psi
14. Edge distance ca1 = ca2 > cac
15. Member thickness h ≥ hmin

* Verify capacity
Capacity Formula Calculation φ φNn
318 Section
Steel D.5.1 Nsa = n Ase,N futa Nsa = 0.3345 · 125,000 0.75 31,360 lb
0. 5 1. 5 0. 5 1. 5
Concrete D.5.2 Ncb = k (f’c) hef Ncb = 24 · (2,500) · 3.5 0.65 5,107 lb
Bond D.5.3 Na = d hef τ Na = π · 3/4 · 3.5 · 2,065 0.65 11,069 lb
k ,uncr
5,107 lb
Nn = 5,107 lb (concrete) is decisive hence the ASD value will be calculated as = 3,450 lb
Design equation provided in Section 4.1.4 Eq. (D-16f)
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1/2-IN. A193 B7 A
ALL-THREAD Tmax ccr,Na

d N
N s

dbit c cr,Na

ccr,Na ca,min


Dimensional Specifications/assumptions:
ASTM A193 Grade B7 all-thread rods, UNC thread, A 563 Grade HD hex nuts.
hef = 9.0 in. Normal weight concrete, f c = 4,000 psi.
s = 4.0 in. Seismic Design Category (SDC) B
ca,min = 2.5 in. No supplementary reinforcing in accordance with ACI 318-05 D.1 will be provided.
h = 12.0 in. Assume maximum short term (diurnal) base material temperature ≤ 100° F.
d = /2 in. Assume maximum long term base material temperature ≤ 80 ° F.
Assume installation in dry concrete and hammer-drilled holes.
Assume concrete will remain uncracked for service life of anchorage.

Calculation in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report ACI 318 Code Ref. Report Ref.

Step 1. Check minimum edge distance, anchor spacing and member thickness: -

hef,min < hef therefore ok. Section 5.3

cmin = 2.5 in. ≤ ca,min therefore ok. - Table 8
smin = 2.5 in. ≤ s therefore ok. - Table 8
hmin = hef + 1.25 = 9 + 1.25 = 10.25 in. ≤ h therefore ok. - Table 8
Step 2. Calculate steel strength: N sa = n ⋅ Ase ⋅ futa D.5.1.2 -

ASTM A 193 Grade B7 rods comply as ductile. ∴ φ = 0.75 D.1 and D.4.4a) -

∴ φ Nsa = φ ⋅ n ⋅ Ase ⋅ futa = 0.75 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 0.1419 ⋅ 125 , 000 = 26,606 lb = 26.6 k

D.5.1.2 Table 7
or, using Table 7, ∴ ∴ φ Nsa = 0.75 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 17, 737 = 26.6 k
Step 3. Determine concrete breakout strength: Ncbg = ⋅ψ ec ,N ⋅ψ ed ,N ⋅ψ c,N ⋅ψ cp,N ⋅ Nb
ANc 0 D.5.2.1 and Eq. (D-5) -

ANc = ( 3 ⋅ hef + s )( 1.5 ⋅ hef + ca ,min ) = (27 + 4)(13.5 + 2.5) = 496 in2 - -
2 2
ANc 0 = 9 ⋅ hef = 729 in D.5.2.1 and Eq. (D-6) -


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Calculation in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report ACI 318 Code Ref. Report Ref.

ψ ec,N = 1.0 no eccentricity of tension load with respect to tension-loaded anchors D.5.2.4

ca,min D.5.2.5 and

ψ ed ,N = 0.7 + 0.3 ⋅ for ca ,min ≤ 1.5 hef -
1.5 hef Eq. (D-11)

c a ,min = 2.5 < 1.5 ⋅ 9 - -

∴ψ ed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 ⋅ = 0.76 - -
1.5 ⋅ 9
ψ c,N = 1.0 uncracked concrete assumed (kc,uncr = 24) D.5.2.6 Table 8
Determine cac:
0.75 0.75
hef + 5 ( ca ,min ) = 9 .0 + 5 ( 2 .5 ) = 18.9 in. > 12.0 in. ∴ cac = 2.5 ⋅ hef D.5.2.7 Section 4.1.3
cac = 2.5 ( 9.0 in.) = 22.5 in.
max ca,min ; 1.5 ⋅ hef max 2.5 ;1.5 ⋅ 9 D.5.2.7 and
For ca,min < cac ψ = = = 0.60 -
cac 22.5 Eq. (D-13)

Nb = kc ,uncr f ' c ⋅ hef 1.5 = 24 4 , 000 ⋅ ( 9.0 ) = 40 , 983 lb D.5.2.2 and Eq. (D-7) -

Ncbg = ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ 0.76 ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ 0.60 ⋅ 40,983 = 12,715 lb - -
φ Ncbg = 0.65 ⋅ 12 , 715 = 8 , 265 lb = 8.3 k D.4.4c) -

ANa Section 4.1

Step 4. Determine bond strength: N ag = ⋅ ψ ed,Na ⋅ ψ g,Na ⋅ ψ ec,Na ⋅ ψ p,Na ⋅ N a0 -
ANa0 Eq. (D-16b)

 τ k,uncr  2,235
Scr,Na = min  20 ⋅ d ⋅ ; 3hef  = 20 ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ = 12.4 in.
 1,450  1,450
Section 4.1
Table 9

3 ⋅ hef = 27 in. ≥ 12.4 in. ∴ scr ,Na = 12.4 in.

scr .Na Section 4.1
ccr,Na = = 6.2 in. -
2 Eq. (D-16e)
Section 4.1
ANa = ( 2ccr ,Na + s )( ccr ,Na + ca ,min ) = 143.0 in2 -
2 Section 4.1
ANa0 = ( scr ,Na ) = 154.2 in2 -

 c 
For ca,min < ccr.Na : ψ ed,Na =  0.7 + 0.3 ⋅ a,min  - Section 4.1
 c cr,Na 
 2.5 
ψ ed,Na =  0.7 + 0.3 ⋅  = 0.82 - Section 4.1
 6.2 
kc,uncr 24 Section 4.1
τ k,max,uncr = hef ⋅ f' c = 9.0 ⋅ 4,000 = 2,899 psi -
Table 8
π ⋅d π ⋅ 0.5
  τ k,uncr  
  2,235  
Section 4.1
g,Na0 = 
n – n – 1⋅   = 2 –  ( 2 – 1) ⋅    = 1.13 -
  τ k,max,uncr     2,899   Table 9


ESR-2322 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 40 of 44

Calculation in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report ACI 318 Code Ref. Report Ref.

 s 0.5   4.0 0.5 

ψ g,Na = ψ g,Na0 +   ⋅ (1 − ψ g,Na0 )  = 1.13 +   ⋅ (1 − 1.13 )  = 1.06

 s    12.4 
- Section 4.1
 cr,Na   

ψ ec,Na = 1.0 no eccentricity - loading is concentric - -

max ca,min ; ccr,Na max 2.5 ; 6.2

ψ p,Na = = = 0.28 - -
cac 22.5
Section 4.1
Na0 = τ k ,uncr · · d · hef = 2,235 · · 0.5 · 9.0 = 31,610 lb -
Eq. (D-16f)

N ag = ⋅ ψ ed,Na ⋅ ψ g,Na ⋅ ψ ec,Na ⋅ ψ p,Na ⋅ N a0
ANa0 Section 4.1
Eq. (D-16h)
Nag = ⋅ 0.82 ⋅ 1.06 ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ 0.28 ⋅ 31,610 = 7,134 lb
φ = 0.65 - Table 9

∴ φ Nag = 0.65 ⋅ 7,134 = 4,637 lb = 4.6 k -

Step 5. Determine controlling strength: D.4.1.2 -
Steel strength φNsa = 26.6 k
Concrete breakout strength φNcbg = 8.3 k
Bond strength φNag = 4.6 k controls
Step 6. Convert strength to ASD using factor provided in Section 4.2:
Nd φN n 4.6
N ag = = = = 3,108 lb
α α 1.48 Section 4.2
Note: For this example 30% dead load, 70% live load and a controlling load combination of
1.2D + 1.6L is assumed: = 0.3*1.2 + 0.7*1.6 = 1.48.


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ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2322 Supplement
Reissued February 1, 2012
This report is subject to renewal April 1, 2014.

www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®

Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors


(800) 879-8000




Compliance with the following codes:
 2007 Florida Building Code—Building
 2007 Florida Building Code—Residential
Property evaluated:
This supplement is issued to indicate that the Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchoring System described in Sections 2.0
through 7.0 and in Tables 1 through 6 of the master report comply with the 2007 Florida Building Code—Building, and the
2007 Florida Building Code—Residential, when designed and installed in accordance with the master evaluation report.
Use of the Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchoring System as described in the master evaluation report to comply with
the High Velocity Hurricane Zone Provisions of the 2007 Florida Building Code—Building has not been evaluated, and is
outside the scope of this supplement.
For products falling under Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report holder’s quality assurance program is audited by a
quality assurance entity approved by the Florida Building Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the
responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the code official when the report holder does not possess an approval by
the Commission).
This supplement expires concurrently with the master evaluation report reissued on February 1, 2012.

ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed
as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as
to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.

Copyright © 2012 Page 1 of 1

European Technical Approval ETA-07/0260
English translation prepared by DIBt - Original version in German language

Handelsbezeichnung Injektionssystem Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD für gerissenen Beton

Trade name Injection System Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD for cracked concrete

Zulassungsinhaber Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

Holder of approval Business Unit Anchors
9494 Schaan

Zulassungsgegenstand Verbunddübel in den Größen Ø 8 mm bis Ø 32 mm

und Verwendungszweck zur Verankerung im Beton

Generic type and use Bonded anchor in the size of Ø 8 mm to Ø 32 mm

of construction product for use in concrete

Geltungsdauer: vom 16 May 2013

Validity: from
bis 16 May 2018

Herstellwerk Hilti Werke

Manufacturing plant

Diese Zulassung umfasst 42 Seiten einschließlich 33 Anhänge

This Approval contains 42 pages including 33 annexes

Diese Zulassung ersetzt ETA-07/0260 mit Geltungsdauer vom 09.11.2012 bis 09.11.2017
This Approval replaces ETA-07/0260 with validity from 09.11.2012 to 09.11.2017

Europäische Organisation für Technische Zulassungen

European Organisation for Technical Approvals
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1 This European technical approval is issued by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik in accordance
- Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws,
regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction
products1, modified by Council Directive 93/68/EEC2 and Regulation (EC) N° 1882/2003 of
the European Parliament and of the Council3;
- Gesetz über das In-Verkehr-Bringen von und den freien Warenverkehr mit Bauprodukten zur
Umsetzung der Richtlinie 89/106/EWG des Rates vom 21. Dezember 1988 zur Angleichung
der Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Bauprodukte und anderer
Rechtsakte der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (Bauproduktengesetz - BauPG) vom
28. April 19984, as amended by Article 2 of the law of 8 November 20115;
- Common Procedural Rules for Requesting, Preparing and the Granting of European
technical approvals set out in the Annex to Commission Decision 94/23/EC6;
- Guideline for European technical approval of "Metal anchors for use in concrete - Part 5:
Bonded anchors", ETAG 001-05.
2 Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik is authorized to check whether the provisions of this European
technical approval are met. Checking may take place in the manufacturing plant. Nevertheless,
the responsibility for the conformity of the products to the European technical approval and for
their fitness for the intended use remains with the holder of the European technical approval.

3 This European technical approval is not to be transferred to manufacturers or agents of

manufacturers other than those indicated on page 1, or manufacturing plants other than those
indicated on page 1 of this European technical approval.

4 This European technical approval may be withdrawn by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, in
particular pursuant to information by the Commission according to Article 5(1) of Council
Directive 89/106/EEC.

5 Reproduction of this European technical approval including transmission by electronic means

shall be in full. However, partial reproduction can be made with the written consent of Deutsches
Institut für Bautechnik. In this case partial reproduction has to be designated as such. Texts and
drawings of advertising brochures shall not contradict or misuse the European technical

6 The European technical approval is issued by the approval body in its official language. This
version corresponds fully to the version circulated within EOTA. Translations into other
languages have to be designated as such.

Official Journal of the European Communities L 40, 11 February 1989, p. 12
Official Journal of the European Communities L 220, 30 August 1993, p. 1
Official Journal of the European Union L 284, 31 October 2003, p. 25
Bundesgesetzblatt Teil I 1998, p. 812
Bundesgesetzblatt Teil I 2011, p. 2178
Official Journal of the European Communities L 17, 20 January 1994, p. 34

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1 Definition of product and intended use

1.1 Definition of the construction product

The "Injection System Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD for cracked concrete" is a bonded anchor consisting
of a foil pack with injection mortar Hilti HIT-RE 500–SD and a steel element. The elements are
made of zinc coated steel (threaded rods HIT-V, internal sleeve HIS-N), reinforcing bar,
stainless steel (threaded rods HIT-V-R, internal sleeve HIS-RN, tension anchor HZA-R) or high
corrosion resistant steel (threaded rods HIT-V-HCR).
The steel element is placed into a drilled hole filled with injection mortar and is anchored via the
bond between steel element, injection mortar and concrete.
An illustration of the product and intended use is given in Annex 1 and 2.

1.2 Intended use

The anchor is intended to be used for anchorages for which requirements for mechanical
resistance and stability and safety in use in the sense of the Essential Requirements 1 and 4 of
Council Directive 89/106 EEC shall be fulfilled and failure of anchorages made with these
products would cause risk to human life and/or lead to considerable economic consequences.
Safety in case of fire (Essential Requirement 2) is not covered in this European technical
The anchor is to be used only for anchorages subject to static or quasi-static loading in
reinforced or unreinforced normal weight concrete of strength classes C20/25 at minimum and
C50/60 at most according to EN 206:2000-12.
The anchor may be anchored in cracked and non-cracked concrete.
The anchor may be installed in dry or wet concrete; it must not be installed in flooded holes.
The anchor may also be used under seismic action for performance category C1 according to
Annex 32.
The anchor may be installed in dry or wet concrete; it must not be installed in flooded holes.
The anchor may be used in the following temperature ranges:
Temperature range I: -40 °C to +40 °C (max long term temperature +24 °C and
max short term temperature +40 °C)
Temperature range II: -40 °C to +58 °C (max long term temperature +35 °C and
max short term temperature +58 °C)
Temperature range III: -40 °C to +70 °C (max long term temperature +43 °C and

max short term temperature +70 °C)

Elements made of zinc coated steel (threaded rods HIT-V, internal sleeve HIS-N):
The element made of electroplated or hot-dipped galvanised steel may only be used in
structures subject to dry internal conditions.
Elements made of stainless steel (threaded rods HIT-V-R, internal sleeve HIS-RN,
Tension anchor HZA-R):
The element made of stainless steel 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4578, 1.4571, 1.4439 or 1.4362, may be
used in structures subject to dry internal conditions and also in structures subject to external
atmospheric exposure (including industrial and marine environment), or exposure to
permanently damp internal conditions, if no particular aggressive conditions exist. Such
particular aggressive conditions are e.g. permanent, alternating immersion in seawater or the
splash zone of seawater, chloride atmosphere of indoor swimming pools or atmosphere with

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extreme chemical pollution (e.g. in desulphurization plants or road tunnels where de-icing
materials are used).
Elements made of high corrosion resistant steel (threaded rods HIT-V-HCR):
The element made of high corrosion resistant steel 1.4529 or 1.4565 may be used in structures
subject to dry internal conditions and also in structures subject to external atmospheric
exposure, in permanently damp internal conditions or in other particular aggressive conditions.
Such particular aggressive conditions are e.g. permanent, alternating immersion in seawater or
the splash zone of seawater, chloride atmosphere of indoor swimming pools or atmosphere with
chemical pollution (e.g. in desulphurization plants or road tunnels where de-icing materials are
Elements made of reinforcing bars:
Post-installed reinforcing bars may be used as anchor designed in accordance with the EOTA
Technical Report TR 029 only. Such applications are e.g. concrete overlay or shear dowel
connections or the connections of a wall predominantly loaded by shear and compression forces
with the foundation, where the reinforcing bars act as dowels to take up shear forces.
Connections with post-installed reinforcing bars in concrete structures designed in accordance
with EN 1992-1-1:2004 are not covered by this European technical approval.
The provisions made in this European technical approval are based on an assumed working life
of the anchor of 50 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a
guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the right
products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

2 Characteristics of the product and methods of verification

2.1 Characteristics of the product

The anchor corresponds to the drawings and provisions given in the Annexes. The characteristic
material values, dimensions and tolerances of the anchor not indicated in the Annexes shall
correspond to the respective values laid down in the technical documentation7 of this European
technical approval.
The characteristic values for the design of anchorages are given in the Annexes.
The two components of the injection mortar are delivered in unmixed condition in foil packs of
sizes 330 ml, 500 ml or 1.400 ml according to Annex 1. Each foil pack is marked with the
identifying mark "HILTI HIT-RE 500-SD", with the production date and expiry date.
Each threaded rod HIT-V is marked with the marking of steel grade and length in accordance
with Annex 3. Each threaded rod made of stainless steel is marked with the additional letter "R".
Each threaded rod made of high corrosion resistant steel is marked with the additional
letter "HCR".
Each internal sleeve made of zinc coated steel is marked with "HIS-N" according to Annex 4.
Each internal sleeve made of stainless steel is marked with "HIS-RN" according to Annex 4.
Explanations of the markings are given in the Annexes.
Elements made of reinforcing bars shall comply with the specifications given in Annex 5.
Elements made of Tension anchor HZA-R shall comply with the specifications given in Annex 6.
The marking of embedment depth may be done on jobsite.

The technical documentation of this European technical approval is deposited at the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
and, as far as relevant for the tasks of the approved bodies involved in the attestation of conformity procedure, is
handed over to the approved bodies.

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2.2 Methods of verification

The assessment of fitness of the anchor for the intended use in relation to the requirements for
mechanical resistance and stability and safety in use in the sense of the Essential
Requirements 1 and 4 has been made in accordance with the "Guideline for European technical
approval of Metal Anchors for use in concrete", Part 1 "Anchors in general" and Part 5 "Bonded
anchors", on the basis of Option 1 and ETAG 001 Annex E "Assessment of Metal Anchors under
Seismic Action".
In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this European
technical approval, there may be other requirements applicable to the products falling within its
scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative
provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the Construction Products Directive, these
requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

3 Evaluation and attestation of conformity and CE marking

3.1 System of attestation of conformity

According to the Decision 96/582/EG of the European Commission8 system 2(i) (referred to as
System 1) of the attestation of conformity applies.
This system of attestation of conformity is defined as follows:
System 1: Certification of the conformity of the product by an approved certification body on
the basis of:
(a) Tasks for the manufacturer:
(1) factory production control;
(2) further testing of samples taken at the factory by the manufacturer in accordance
with a prescribed control plan;
(b) Tasks for the approved body:
(3) initial type-testing of the product;
(4) initial inspection of factory and of factory production control;
(5) continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control.
Note: Approved bodies are also referred to as "notified bodies".

3.2 Responsibilities
3.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer Factory production control
The manufacturer shall exercise permanent internal control of production. All the elements,
requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a systematic
manner in the form of written policies and procedures, including records of results performed.
This production control system shall insure that the product is in conformity with this European
technical approval.
The manufacturer may only use initial/raw/constituent materials stated in the technical
documentation of this European technical approval.

Official Journal of the European Communities L 254 of 08.10.1996

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The factory production control shall be in accordance with the control plan which is part of the
technical documentation of this European technical approval. The control plan is laid down in the
context of the factory production control system operated by the manufacturer and deposited at
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik.9
The results of factory production control shall be recorded and evaluated in accordance with the
provisions of the control plan. Other tasks for the manufacturer
The manufacturer shall, on the basis of a contract, involve a body which is approved for the
tasks referred to in section 3.1 in the field of anchors in order to undertake the actions laid down
in section 3.2.2 For this purpose, the control plan referred to in sections and 3.2.2 shall
be handed over by the manufacturer to the approved body involved.
The manufacturer shall make a declaration of conformity, stating that the construction product is
in conformity with the provisions of this European technical approval.
3.2.2 Tasks for the approved bodies
The approved body shall perform the
- initial type-testing of the product,
- initial inspection of factory and of factory production control,
- continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control,
in accordance with the provisions laid down in the control plan.
The approved body shall retain the essential points of its actions referred to above and state the
results obtained and conclusions drawn in a written report.
The approved certification body involved by the manufacturer shall issue an EC certificate of
conformity of the product stating the conformity with the provisions of this European technical
In cases where the provisions of the European technical approval and its control plan are no
longer fulfilled the certification body shall withdraw the certificate of conformity and inform
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik without delay.

3.3 CE marking
The CE marking shall be affixed on each packaging of the anchor. The letters "CE" shall be
followed by the identification number of the approved certification body, where relevant, and be
accompanied by the following additional information:
- the name and address of the producer (legal entity responsible for the manufacture),
- the last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed,
- the number of the EC certificate of conformity for the product,
- the number of the European technical approval,
- the number of the guideline for European technical approval,
- use category (ETAG 001-1, Option 1, seismic performance category C1),
- size.

The control plan is a confidential part of the European technical approval and only handed over to the approved body
involved in the procedure of attestation of conformity. See section 3.2.2.

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4 Assumptions under which the fitness of the product for the intended use was favourably

4.1 Manufacturing
The European technical approval is issued for the product on the basis of agreed
data/information, deposited at Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, which identifies the product that
has been assessed and judged. Changes to the product or production process, which could
result in this deposited data/information being incorrect, should be notified to Deutsches Institut
für Bautechnik before the changes are introduced. Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik will decide
whether or not such changes affect the approval and consequently the validity of the CE marking
on the basis of the approval and if so whether further assessment or alterations to the approval
shall be necessary.

4.2 Design of anchorages

The fitness of the anchor for the intended use is given under the following conditions:
The anchorages are designed in accordance with the EOTA Technical Report TR 029 "Design
of bonded anchors"10 and EOTA Technical Report TR 045 "Design of Metal Anchors under
Seismic Action" under the responsibility of an engineer experienced in anchorages and concrete
Anchorages shall be positioned outside of critical regions (e.g. plastic hinges) of the concrete
structure. Fastenings in stand-off installation or with a grout layer under seismic action are not
covered by this European technical approval.
Post-installed reinforcing bars may be used as anchor designed in accordance with the EOTA
Technical Report TR 029 only. The basic assumptions for the design according to anchor theory
shall be observed. This includes the consideration of tension and shear loads and the
corresponding failure modes as well as the assumption that the base material (concrete
structural element) remains essentially in the serviceability limit state (either non-cracked or
cracked) when the connection is loaded to failure. Such applications are e.g. concrete overlay or
shear dowel connections or the connections of a wall predominantly loaded by shear and
compression forces with the foundation, where the reinforcing bars act as dowels to take up
shear forces. Connections with reinforcing bars in concrete structures designed in accordance
with EN 1992-1-1:2004 (e.g. connection of a wall loaded with tension forces in one layer of the
reinforcement with the foundation) are not covered by this European technical approval.
For the internal sleeve HIS-(R)N material and required strength class of the fastening screws or
threaded rods shall be specified in accordance with Annex 7. The minimum and maximum
thread engagement length hs of the fastening screw or the threaded rod for installation of the
fixture shall be met the requirements according to Annex 4, Table 2. The length of the fastening
screw or the threaded rod shall be determined depending on thickness of fixture, admissible
tolerances, available thread length and minimum and maximum thread engagement length hs.
Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the loads to be
The position of the anchor is indicated on the design drawings (e.g. position of the anchor
relative to reinforcement or to supports, etc.).

The Technical Report TR 029 "Design of Bonded Anchors" is published in English on EOTA website www.eota.eu.

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4.3 Installation of anchors

The fitness for use of the anchor can only be assumed if the anchor is installed as follows:
- anchor installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervision
of the person responsible for technical matters of the site,
- anchor installation in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and drawings using
the tools indicated in the technical documentation of this European technical approval,
- use of the anchor only as supplied by the manufacturer without exchanging the components
of an anchor,
- commercial standard threaded rods, washers and hexagon nuts may also be used if the
following requirements are fulfilled:
• material, dimensions and mechanical properties of the metal parts according to the
specifications given in Annex 7, Table 5,
• confirmation of material and mechanical properties of the metal parts by inspection
certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204:2004, the documents should be stored,
• marking of the threaded rod with the envisage embedment depth. This may be done by the
manufacturer of the rod or the person on jobsite.
- embedded reinforcing bars shall comply with specifications given in Annex 5,
- checks before placing the anchor to ensure that the strength class of the concrete in which
the anchor is to be placed is in the range given and is not lower than that of the concrete to
which the characteristic loads apply,
- check of concrete being well compacted, e.g. without significant voids,
- marking and keeping the effective anchorage depth,
- edge distance and spacing not less than the specified values without minus tolerances,
- positioning of the drill holes without damaging the reinforcement,
- drilling by hammer-drilling or Hilti hollow drilling only,
- in case of aborted drill hole: the drill hole shall be filled with mortar,
- the anchor must not be installed in flooded holes,
- cleaning the drill hole in accordance with Annexes 8 to 10,
- for overhead installation piston plugs shall be used, embedded parts shall be fixed during the
curing time, e.g. with wedges,
- for injection of the mortar in bore holes ≥ 250 mm piston plugs shall be used,
- the anchor component installation temperature shall be at least +5 °C; during curing of the
chemical mortar the temperature of the concrete must not fall below +5 °C; observing the
curing time according to Annex 10, Table 7 until the anchor may be loaded,
- fastening screws or threaded rods (including nut and washer) for the internal sleeves
HIS-(R)N must be made of appropriate steel grade and property class,
- installation torque moments are not required for functioning of the anchor. However, the
torque moments given in Annexes 3, 4 and 6, respectively, must not be exceeded.

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5 Recommendations concerning packaging, transport and storage

5.1 Responsibility of the manufacturer

It is in the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the information on the specific
conditions according to 1 and 2 including Annexes referred to as well as sections 4.2 and 4.3 is
given to those who are concerned. This information may be made by reproduction of the
respective parts of the European technical approval. In addition all installation data shall be
shown clearly on the package and/or on an enclosed instruction sheet, preferably using
The minimum data required are:
- drill bit diameter,
- hole depth,
- diameter of anchor rod,
- minimum effective anchorage depth,
- information on the installation procedure, including cleaning of the hole with the cleaning
equipments, preferably by means of an illustration,
- anchor component installation temperature,
- ambient temperature of the concrete during installation of the anchor,
- admissible processing time (open time) of the mortar,
- curing time until the anchor may be loaded as a function of the ambient temperature in the
concrete during installation,
- maximum torque moment,
- identification of the manufacturing batch,
All data shall be presented in a clear and explicit form.

5.2 Packaging, transport and storage

The foil packs shall be protected against sun radiation and shall be stored according to the
manufacturer's installation instructions in dry condition at temperatures of at least +5 °C to not
more than +25 °C.
Foil packs with expired shelf life must no longer be used.
The anchor shall only be packaged and supplied as a complete unit. Foil packs may be packed
separately from steel elements.

Uwe Bender beglaubigt:

Head of Department Lange

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Page 30 of European technical approval
ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

English translation prepared by DIBt

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

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ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

English translation prepared by DIBt

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Page 42 of European technical approval
ETA-07/0260 of 16 May 2013

English translation prepared by DIBt

Z46341.13 8.06.01-152/13
Technical Application Document
Technical Evaluation Report 3/10-649

Injection system for rebar

Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD

Subject to European
Technical Approval
Holder of HILTI France SA
approval: 1 rue Jean Mermoz
Rond-Point Mérantais
F-78778 Magny-les-Hameaux Cedex
Tel. : 0825 01 05 05
Fax: 0825 02 55 55
Internet: www.hilti.fr
Manufacturer: Hilti AG
Business Unit Anchors
9494 Schaan
Principality of Liechtenstein

Company: Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

Hiltistrasse 6

Technical evaluation commission

(decree of December 2, 1969)

Technical department no. 3

Concrete and fastenings

Structures, floors and other structural parts

Reviewed on June 17, 2010

Office of the Commission des Avis Techniques

CSTB, 84 avenue Jean Jaurès, Champs sur Marne, FR-77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2
Tel. : 01 64 68 82 82 - Fax : 01 60 05 70 37 - Internet : www.cstb.fr

Technical evaluation reports are published by the Secrétariat des Avis Techniques, following the approval by the CSTB. The certified versions are available free of charge on the CSTB homepage
(http://www.cstb.fr) This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein.
The Technical Department no. 3 of the Technical Evaluation Commission examined
on April 13, 2010 the injection system for rebar connection HIT-RE 500-SD
presented by the company Hilti. This document, together with the attached
Technical Documentation prepared by the applicant, represents the evaluation
issued by the Technical Department, which summarises the complementary
information for the user of the system, such as intended use as well as planning
and installation instructions that are needed to ensure normal behaviour of the
structures concerned. This report has been prepared for use in the European
territory of France.

1. Brief definition
2.23 Manufacturing
1.1 Brief description
The manufacturer, the company Hilti, shall implement a permanent
The subject of this approval is the setting, by anchoring or overlap factory production control schedule to supervise the production of the
connection joint, of reinforcing bars (rebars) in existing structures sealing resins. The manufacturer shall ensure the continued validity of
made of normal weight concrete, using the Hilti injection system HIT- the CE certificate of conformity by facilitating the application of an in-
RE 500-SD in accordance with the regulations for concrete structures. house quality control system.

2.24 Installation
1.2 Placing on the market The system shall be installed by a skilled worker who is under on-site
With regard to being placed on the market, the products that are the
subject of this evaluation are subject to the regulations of the
ordinance of December 24, 2004 on the application of specific anchor 2.3 Particular technical specifications
bars of decree no. 92-647 of July 8, 1992 relating to the fitness for use
of construction materials, as amended by the decrees no. 95-1051 of 2.31 Design conditions for use outside of seismic zones
September 20, 1995 and no. 2003-947 of October 3, 2003.
In order to be used outside seismic zone, the injection system for
post-installed rebars HIT-RE 500-SD shall be designed to meet the
1.3 Identification of the components requirements described in European Technical Approval ATE-09/0295;
in particular the issues described in section 4.1 of the technical
The injection system Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD is delivered in 330 ml, 550 documentation shall be checked.
ml or 1400 ml cartridges. The product marking is in accordance with
the specifications provided in European Technical Approval ETA- 2.32 Planning conditions for use in seismic zones
The products carry CE marking which contains all information specified
When planning the structural works the design office shall review the
in the European Technical Approval ETA-09/0295.
specific properties of the system and calculate the reinforcements with
a view to ensuring the transfer of loads within the structure.
The reinforcements for reinforced concrete shall have a specific
2. ATTESTATION elasticity limit which is lower than or equal to 500 MPa.
To ensure that the reinforcements have a specific elasticity limit below
500 MPa, the calculation of lb,rqd,seism as defined in the technical
2.1 Approved field of application documentation shall be made using fy=500MPa in order to ensure that
the anchoring length of the reinforcement is not reduced.
The product may be used only for the execution of new works or major
The resistance of the concrete structure in a seismic zone shall be
repair works of classes A, B or C according to the PS92 rules, or of
C20/25 minimum and C45/55 maximum.
classes I, II, III according to Eurocode 8, for all seismic zones.
In the critical zones of primary structural parts of DCH classified
structures the reinforcement bars must be class C according to Table
2.2 Assessment of the system C1 of EN 1992-1-1.
Anchoring in existing structures that are subject to large-scale repair
2.21 Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations work shall be limited to the newly built parts.
and other requirements relating to fitness for use The combination of cast-in rebars and post-installed rebars is not
admissible as it might lead to displacement compatibility problems.
Use in seismic zones
The shear forces shall be taken up by steel tie bars cast on site; the
The system may be used for the execution of principal structural
system that is the subject of this document may only be used for
elements of buildings subject to the provisions of § 2.3 of this
absorbing tensile or compression forces.
document and using the design method described in the technical
documentation. When the normal force in a column is a tensile force, the anchor
lengths must be increased by 50 % with reference to the lengths
Fire protection specified in EN 1992-1-1 for the part that is situated in the critical
The system as such is not required to meet a fire protection criterion. zone.
It is however possible to provide fire resistance by integrating an Whenever possible, overlaps in the critical zone shall be avoided. In
additional means of fire protection. the overlap zones the transversal reinforcements shall comply with the
tie bar measure resulting from the transmission of forces between the
Thermal insulation longitudinal bars.
The HIT-RE 500-SD injection system has no effect on the thermal The design load in the reinforcement bar sd,seism shall be calculated
performance of an existing conventional system using in-situ cast under combined seismic assumptions, with particular attention to
reinforcements. compliance with § 4.4 - Verification of safety of EN 1998-1-1
(Eurocode 8).
Acoustic insulation
The HIT-RE 500-SD injection system has no effect on the noise control 2.33 Conditions of installation
rates of an existing conventional system using in-situ cast The installation of the injection system for post-installed rebars HIT-RE
reinforcements. 500-SD shall be in accordance with the specifications provided in
European Technical Approval ETA-09/0295.
2.22 Durability / maintenance
The durability of the injection system HIT-RE 500-SD is equivalent to
that of conventional systems used under comparable conditions.

2 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 3/10-649
The holder of this attestation shall offer a training programme on how
to use the injection system, in particular to the companies which install
the system (distribution of approvals, observance of the enclosed
provisions, ...).

Global assessment
The examination of the use of the system in the proposed field of
application has produced a favourable assessment.

Same as European Technical Approval ETA-09/0295, i.e. until May
8 2013.

For the Technical Department no. 3

The President

Complementary remarks of the Technical


The design anchoring length is the result of both structural and seismic
engineering calculations. Moreover, the design load in the
reinforcement bar shall be calculated under combined seismic
assumptions; it cannot simply be deduced from static design.
Despite the fact that structures can be designed in accordance with
Eurocode 8, only the PS 92 rules are applicable as of today. In both
cases, the design method, based on tests, can be used.
Bore holes are made with hammer drilling or compressed air drilling,
and holes are cleaned with compressed air using the equipment listed
in ETA-09/0295.
The structure in which the rebar is set shall be designed for seismic
action and the reinforcement shall be designed to pick up the forces
that are generated by the subsequently post-installed rebars.
The concrete connections shall be executed by roughening the joints
until the aggregates protrude.

The Examiner of Technical Department No. 3

Nicolas RUAUX

3/10-649 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 3
Technical documentation
prepared by the applicant

 The verification of the local transfer of loads in the concrete shall be

A. Description  The verification of the transfer of anchored loads in the structure
1. Description shall be performed.
The system Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD is used for the connection, by The spacing between the post-installed rebars shall be greater than
anchoring or overlap connection joint, of reinforcing bars (rebars) in the maximum of 5ds and 50mm acc. to European Technical Approval
new structures made with concrete of strength classes C20/25 through ETA-09/0295.
C45/50 (in a seismic zone). The design for these post-installed rebars ds= diameter of reinforcement bar
is performed in accordance with ETA-09/0295 and EN 1992-1-1:  The basic anchorage length lb,rqd required for transferring force As.fyd
October, 2005 (Eurocode 2). in the reinforcement bar where a hypothetical constant load equal to
fbd over the length of the bar is equal to:
2. Primary materials and elements lb,rqd=(ds/4).(sd/fbd)
ds= diameter of the rebar
2.1 Resin HIT-RE 500-SD
sd = design stress in the rebar under design load
The injection system HIT-RE 500-SD is based on a two-component fbd = design bond strength (according to table 5 of annex 9 of
resin. These two components are kept separate in dual-component European Technical Approval ETA-09/0295 and as listed in table 1 of
cartridges of 330 ml, 500 ml or 1400 ml in accordance with Annex 1 of this DTA).
 The design anchorage length lbd shall be determined acc. to EN
1992-1-1, section 8.4.3:
2.2 Reinforcement bars lbd = 1 2 3 4 5 lb,,rqd ≥ lb,min
The injection system HIT-RE 500-SD is used with straight where:
reinforcement bars with diameters ranging from 8 to 40 mm and 1 = 1.0 for straight bars
properties complying with Annex C of EN 1992-1-1 and EN 10080. The
characteristics are described in Annex 4 of ETA-09/0295. 2 = between 0.7 and 1.0 as calculated acc. to EN 1992-1-
1.Table 8.2.
3 = 1.0 in the absence of transverse reinforcement
3. Manufacturing and control
4 = 1.0 in the absence of welded transverse reinforcement
5 = between 0.7 and 1.0 for influence of transverse pressure
3.1 Production process acc. to EN 1992-1-1.Table 8.2.

The resin HIT-RE 500-SD is manufactured in the Hilti plant of lb,min = minimum anchorage length according to EN 1992-1-1
Kaufering with the aid of an automated production line. The plant has = Max (0.3 lb,rqd; 10 ds; 100mm) under tension
been certified acc. to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by the Swiss = Max (0.6 lb,rqd; 10 d s; 100mm) under compression
Association for Quality Management Systems.
The permissible maximum anchoring length is specified in European
Technical Approval ETA-09/0295.
3.2 Marking  The design lap length lbd shall be determined acc. to EN 0-1992-1,
section 1.8.7:
The resin HIT-RE 500-SD is identified by a marking affixed to its
packaging. l0 = 0 1 2 3 5 lb,,rqd ≥ lb,min
The marking indicates the name of the product, the production date where:
and time, the expiry date, the number of the European Technical 1 = 1.0 for straight bars
Approval and the number of the CE marking.
2 = between 0.7 and 1.0 as calculated acc. to EN 1992-1-
All cartridges containing HIT-RE 500-SD resin are individually packed 1.Table 8.2.
in plastic bags containing both the mixing nozzle and the setting
instructions. 3 = 1.0 in the absence of transverse reinforcement
5 = between 0.7 and 1.0 for influence of transverse pressure
acc. to EN 1992-1-1.Table 8.2.
3.3 Controls
6 = between 1.0 and 1.5 for influence of percentage of lapped
The manufacturing of the resin HIT-RE 500-SD builds on an internal length relative to total cross-section area according to EN 1992-1-1
production control system. All requirements and provisions applicable Table 8.3.
to the production process are systematically adopted in operating The product verifies (2.3.5) ≥ 0.7
procedures and written rules. The manufacturing plant is audited by an
l0,min = minimum lap length according to EN 1992-1-1
independent body once a year within the framework of the follow-up
audits for the CE marking. = Max (0.3.6.lb,rqd; 15 ; 200mm)
The permissible maximum anchorage length is specified in European
4. Design Technical Approval ETA-09/0295.

4.2 Design in a seismic zone

4.1 Design outside of seismic zones
For utilisation in seismic zones, the injection system for the anchoring
For utilisation outside of seismic zones, the injection system for the of reinforcement bars HIT-RE 500-SD shall be designed by verifying in
post-installed rebars HIT-RE 500-SD shall be designed to meet the particular:
provisions of European Technical Approval ATE-09/0295 verifying in  Use of the system is limited to new constructions or structures
particular: undergoing major repair work
 The position of the reinforcement in the part of the structure  The structure in which the rebar is set shall be designed for seismic
receiving the anchoring shall be determined on the basis of the as- action and the reinforcement shall be designed to pick up the forces
built construction plans that were used for designing the anchoring. that are generated by the subsequently post-installed rebars.
 The design of post-installed rebar connections according to Annex 2  The design study shall be performed at the same time as the
and determination of the internal section forces to be transferred in reinforcement of the initial structure is tested.
the construction joint shall be verified in accordance with EN 1992-
 The study shall allow for tie bars to pick up the shear forces.

4 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 3/10-649
 The calculation of the post-installed rebar and the determination of 5. Installation
the internal forces shall be performed in accordance with EN 1992-
1-1 (Eurocode 2) and EN 1998-1-1 (Eurocode 8), and shall coincide
with the design of the structure. 5.1 Construction site phases
 The loads applied to the reinforcements taking account of the
The decision to design for seismic zone is taken by the site supervisor,
acceleration shall be the responsibility of the design office. The office
who commissions the design office.
may decide to set additional reinforcements or greater anchorage
lengths. The design office calculates the stresses acting on the bars (taking
account of the acceleration applicable to the respective zone) and
 The verification of the local transfer of loads in the concrete shall be
determines the anchorage length of the post-installed rebars using the
formulas quoted in this DTA. The office is free to contact the company
 The verification of the transfer of anchored loads in the structure Hilti for dimensioning support.
shall be performed.
The design office checks the structure for its aptitude to pick up the
 The distance between the reinforcement bars shall be greater than loads and the tie bars for proper design engineering.
the maximum of 5ds and 50mm acc. to European Technical Approval
The inspection body validates the study prior to the setting of the
ds= diameter of rebar
 The basic anchorage length lb,rqd, seism required for transferring force
As.fyd in the reinforcement bar where a hypothetical constant load 5.2 Setting procedure
equal to fbd, seism over the length of the bar is equal to:
The installation of the injection system for rebar connection HIT-RE
lb,rqd,seism=(ds/4).(sd,seism/fbd,seism) 500-SD shall be performed according to the setting instructions
provided by the manufacturer and the annexes 10 to 19 of ETA
Bore holes are made with hammer drilling or compressed air drilling,
ds = diameter of the rebar
and holes are cleaned with compressed air using the equipment listed
sd,seism = design stress in the reinforcement bar in ETA-09/0295.
calculated acc. to § 4.4 - Verification of safety of EN 1998-1-1
(Eurocode 8)
fbd,seism = design bond strength in seismic zones as listed in
5.3 Operating procedure
table 2 of this DTA The installation of the reinforcement bars shall be performed by a
 The design anchorage length lbd,seism shall be determined using the skilled worker who is subject to on-site supervision.
following formula: Hilti may provide training for workers via Hilti representatives or key
lbd,seism = 1 2 3 4 5 lb,rqd,seism ≥ lb,min,seism project managers having the required expertise and a license to
provide training courses on post-installed rebars in concrete.
Participants in these training courses are required to sign an
1 = 1.0 for straight bars
attendance list which will be forwarded to the quality department of
2 = between 0.7 and 1.0 as calculated acc. to EN 1992-1- Hilti France, which will then issue training certificates.
1.Table 8.2.
Training will cover the following issues:
3 = 1.0 even in the presence of transverse reinforcement
 Drilling of bore holes of appropriate diameter and length (indicated
4 = 1.0 in the absence of welded transverse reinforcement on the plans)
5 = between 0.7 and 1.0 for influence of transverse pressure  Cleaning the bore hole in compliance with the requirements of ETA
acc. to EN 1992-1-1.Table 8.2. 09/0295 (proper use of tools and accessories and observance of
The product verifies (2.3.5) ≥ 0.7 procedure)
lb,min, seism= minimum anchorage length  Injection of the resin in compliance with the requirements of ETA
09/0295 (proper use of tools and accessories and observance of
lb,min, seism == Max (0.3 l b,rqd,seism; 10 d s; 100mm) under tension
= Max (0.6 lb,rqd,seism; 10 d s; 100mm)
under compression
5.4 Aspects to observe for proper setting
The permissible maximum anchorage depth is specified in European
Technical Approval ETA 09/0295. Table 4 of this DTA offers a checklist of items to be checked in order to
ensure the correct settings of reinforcement bars inside and outside a
 The design lap length lbd shall be determined acc. to EN 1992-1-1,
seismic zone.
section 8.7.3:
lbd,seism = 0 1 2 3 5 lb,rqd,seism ≥ lb,min,seism
1 = 1.0 for straight bars B. Experimental results
2 = between 0.7 and 1.0 as calculated acc. to EN 1992-1- Within the framework of the issuance of ETA 09/0295, the system HIT-
1.Table 8.2. RE 500-SD has been the subject of test reports of the university of
3 = 1.0 even in the presence of transverse reinforcement Stuttgart nos. H 174/05-06/03 and H 154/01-05/21 (laboratory IAS-
accredited under no. TL-230). These tests were performed in
5 = between 0.7 and 1.0 for influence of transverse pressure
accordance with the European Technical Approval Guideline ETAG001
compression acc. to EN 1992-1-1.Table 8.2.
+ Technical Report TR023 relating to post-installed rebars and the
6 = between 1.0 and 1.5 for influence of percentage of lapped American code AC308 (Acceptance Criteria for Post-Installed Adhesive
length relative to total cross-section area according to EN 1992-1-1 Anchors in Concrete Element) for the part relating to seismic tests.
Table 8.3.
l0,min, seism= minimum lap length
l0,min,seism = Max (0.3.6.lb,rqd,seism; 15 ; 200mm)
The permissible maximum anchorage depth is specified in European C. References
Technical Approval ETA-09/0295. The system HIT-RE 500-SD which is the subject of this technical
When the normal force in a column is a tensile force, the anchorage documentation has been in production since 01/12/2007. By
length shall be increased by 50 % with reference to the lengths 31/12/2009, this accounted for more than 474,000 cartridges with a
specified in EN 1992-1-1 for the part that is situated in the critical volume of 203,222,600 ml used in the United States and 67,000
zone. cartridges with a volume of 32,728,040 ml in Europe.
A table with pre-calculated values is provided in Table 3 of this DTA.

3/10-649 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 5
Description of product and intended use

The post-installed rebar connection consists of the injection system Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD and a straight reinforcement bar with properties
corresponding to classes B and C in accordance with annex C of Eurocode 2 (EC2).

Injection system HIT-RE 500-SD:

Production date
Production time
Expiry date

Foil pack:
330 ml, 500 ml and 1400 ml

Static mixer Hilti HIT-RE-M:

Reinforcing bar in conformity with EC2:

Covered are post-installed rebar connections in non-carbonated concrete on the assumption only that the design of post-installed rebar
connections is done in accordance to EN 1992-1-1.
Installation in dry or wet concrete, it must not installed in flooded holes
Temperature range: -40 °C to +80 °C
(maximum long term temperature +50 °C and maximum short term temperature +80 °C)

6 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 3/10-649
Design bond strength
Table 1: Design values of bond strength fbd in N/mm² outside seismic zones

hammer drilling or compressed air drilling acc. to EC 2 for good bond conditions
(for all other bond conditions, multiply the values by 0.7)

Rebar Ø Concrete class

d s C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
10 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
12 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
14 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
16 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
20 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
25 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
32 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3
36 mm 2,2 2,6 2,9 3,3 3,6 3,8 4,1
40 mm 2,1 2,5 2,8 3,1 3,4 3,7 4,0

Table 2: Design values of bond strength fbd,seism in N/mm² in seismic zones

hammer drilling or compressed air drilling acc. to EC 2 for good bond conditions
(for all other bond conditions, multiply the values by 0.7)

Rebar Ø Concrete class

d s C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55
8 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0
10 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0
12 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
14 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
16 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
20 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 3,7
25 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,4 3,4
32 mm 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
36 mm 2,2 2,6 2,9 2,7 2,7 2,7
40 mm 2,1 2,5 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7

3/10-649 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 7
Pre-calculated values
Table 3: Pre-calculated values for post-installed rebars using Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD in seismic zone

Examples of C20/25, good bond conditions, rebar yield strength 500 N/mm² with hammer drilling for all drilling methods

Load applied to bar Load applied to bar Mortar

Rebar Hole Anchorage Mortar volume Anchorage
under accidental under accidental volume
diameter diameter length length
seismic action seismic action

mm mm daN mm ml daN mm ml
 All  = 1 One of the  = 0.7

754 130 10 (4) 1,077 130 10 (4)

1,156 200 15 (7) 1,404 170 13 (6)
8 12 (10) 1,619 280 21 1,734 210 16 (7)
2,023 350 26 2,147 260 20
2,513 435 33 2,513 304 23
1,178 163 15 (7) 1,683 163 15 (7)
1,806 250 23 (10) 2,168 210 19 (9)
10 14 (12) 2,529 350 32 2,787 270 24
3,179 440 40 3,303 320 29
3,927 543 49 3,927 380 34

1,696 196 21 (10) 2,424 196 21 (10)

2,601 300 32 3,221 260 27
12 16 (14) 3,642 420 44 3,964 320 34
4,596 530 56 4,831 390 41
5,655 652 69 5,655 457 48
2,309 228 28 3,299 228 28
3,642 360 43 4,335 300 36
14 18 4,957 490 59 5,492 380 46
6,272 620 75 6,503 450 54
7,697 761 92 7,697 533 64
3,016 261 35 4,308 261 35
4,740 410 56 5,615 340 46
16 20 6,474 560 76 7,102 430 58
8,208 710 96 8,588 520 71
10,053 870 118 10,053 609 83
4,712 326 69 6,732 326 69
7,370 510 108 8,877 430 91
20 25 10,116 700 148 11,148 540 115
12,862 890 189 13,419 650 138
15,708 1,087 230 15,708 761 161
7,363 408 153 10,519 408 153
11,561 640 241 13,935 540 203
25 32 15,896 880 331 17,290 670 252
20,232 1,120 421 20,903 810 305
24,544 1,359 511 24,544 951 358
12,064 522 283 17,234 522 283
18,960 820 445 22,792 690 375
32 40 26,128 1,130 613 28,407 860 467
33,065 1,430 776 34,353 1040 565
40,212 1,739 944 40,212 1217 661
18,850 652 876 26,928 652 876
29,770 1,030 1,383 35,509 860 1155
40 55 40,753 1,410 1,894 44,593 1080 1450
51,736 1,790 2,404 53,676 1300 1746
62,832 2,174 2,920 62,832 1522 2044

NOTE: The required volume of resin, calculated by increasing the theoretical volume by 20% in order to account for any losses occurring on site
during the setting.
For small diameters (10, 12 and 14), the bracketed values correspond to the minimum drilling diameter where the anchor length is below 250

8 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 3/10-649
Table 4: Aspects to observe for proper setting

There is a certain number of parameters which cannot be controlled subsequently. It is recommended that such parameters are checked prior to
the injection of the resin. If this is not possible, the table below offers recommendations for subsequent control.

Element to be verified Type of verification Prerequisites

1. Recommended injection depth Information available at the construction site Design by a design office is mandatory, and
level the results shall be forwarded to the
construction site.
2. Correspondence of diameter of bar with Geometry According to table below
diameter of drilling

Nominal diameter of HA bar 8 10 12 14 16 20 25 32* 40*
Drilling with hammer drill (mm) 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 55
All drill holes with lengths of
10 12 14 - - - - - -
anchoring below 250 mm
3. Quantity of injected resin The resin must spill over the hole
4. Verification of the availability of tools Drills and machines for the required drilling Diameter of bar, bore hole and depth of
and accessories required for setting diameter and injection depth injection
and cleaning
Compressed air, air nozzle and metal brush Cleaning using compressed air is mandatory
of appropriate diameter
Injection nozzle If injection depth greater than 250 mm

Air nozzle Round metal Injection nozzle

Rebar HIT-DL brush HIT-RB HIT-SZ
Hole diameter

d s(mm) (mm) Designation Designation Designation












5. Mortar Expiry date (if there are remaining


3/10-649 This report has been translated from French to English by Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. 9
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
GS 111/8-07-070 17.04.2008

1 Purpose of the assessment

The MFPA Leipzig received a written application from the client on 28.08.2007 requesting
assessment of the behavior of the Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injection system regarding fire resistance, l.e,
Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injectable adhesive mortar in conjunction with BSt 500 S steel reinforcing bars,
HIT-V, HIT-V-R, HIT-V-HCR threaded rods and HIS-N, HIS-RN internally threaded sleeves, each
positioned perpendicular to wall or slab surfaces exposed to fire.

The assessment is to serve as a basis for application for a construction supervisory authority
certificate of fitness for use for the Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injection system.

2 Documents on which the assessment is based

The following documents were taken as a basis for the assessment:

[1] Technical Report TR 020 "Evaluation of Anchorages in Concrete Concerning Resistance to

Fire" (May 2004) issued by the European 'Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA).

[2] European Technical Approval ETA-07/0260 dated 08.11.2007 issued by OIBt Berlin:
"Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injection system for cracked concrete; chemically-bonded anchor in the
sizes (0 8 mm to (0 32 for use in concrete";

[3] Test report no. (3565/4595)-CM dated 29-10-2006 from MPA Braunschweig: "Test and
evaluation of Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive anchors in connection with HAS (-E)-R anchor
rods (dimensions M8 to M39) and HIS-RN sleeves with internal thread (dimensions M8 to M20)
made of stainless steel (material nos.: 1.4401; 1.4404; 1.4571) and Hilti HIT-RE 500 in
connection with HAS (-E)-HCR anchor rods (dimensions M8 to M39) made of stainless steel
(material no.: 1.4529) placed in the tension zone of RC floor slab sections, strength class
~ C20/25, and subjected to centric tensile forces to be tested and assessed for their fire attack
behavior to determine their fire resistance time";

[4] Test report no. (3588/4825)-CM dated 15.11.2005 from MPA Braunschweig: "Testing and
evaluation of Hilti HIT-RE 500 in conjunction with HAS (-E) anchor rods (dimensions M8 to
M39) and HIS-N internally-threaded sleeves (dimensions M8 to M20) made from
electrogalvanized steel (5.8 to 8.8 grade) as weil as Hilti HIT-RE 500 in conjunction with HAS (­
E)-R or HAS (-E)-HCR anchor rods (dimensions M8 to M39) and HIS-RN internally-threaded
sleeves (dimensions M8 to M20) made from stainless steel (material no.: 1.4401; 1.4571 or
1.4529) for fire attack behavior for the purpose of determining their fire resistance time when set
in the tension zone of steel reinforced concrete roof/deck sections made frorn con6"~~;cl~,
~ C20/25 g r a d e . : r~~fPI
(' \ Leipzig GmbH

bl MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
GS III/B-07-070 17.04.2008

[5] Investigatory report no. (3357/0550-5)-Nau, dated 30.07.2002 issued by MPA Braunschweig:
"Testing and assessment of the Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection system in conjunction with BSt 500 S
steel rebars set in concrete of the ~ B25 grade in the form of small test specimens (concrete
cylinder in a steel jacket) for behavior on exposure to high temperatures and flre as per
OIN 4102-2: 1977-09 while under centric tensile loading, for the purpose of determining puli-out
behavior and with a view to drawing up a fire protection design concept applicable to the use of
rebar joints.

[6] Injection mortar for the HIT-RE 500 chemical anchor system

[7] Injection mortar for the HIT-RE 500-S0 chemical anchor system

In addition to these documents, the extensive testing experience of the MFPA Leipzig regarding the
behavior of fastenings on exposure to fire and with steel-reinforced concrete structures has
contributed to this tlre behavior assessment.

3 Description of the items to be assessed

The Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injection system is described in detail in the European Technical Approval
ETA-07/0260.Various anchorage depths are permissible for steel rebars and threaded rods. Only one
anchorage depth is permissible with internally-threaded sleeves. No further description of the injection
system is given here. For further details please refer to the appendices of this assessment or the ETA
mentioned above.

4 Design concepts in terms of flre protection

Based on the available chemical formulations of Hilti HIT-RE 500 and HIT-RE 500-S0 and the only
minor differences between these, the behavior of the two products with respect to fire protection is
rated as equivalent. This constitutes the basis for the assessment of the anchor system (see support­
ing documents [3] to [5]).

4.1 Rebar connections made using the Hilti HIT-RE 500-50 injection system
Verification of fitness for use of BSt 500 5 steel rebar in anchor application
ti] MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
GS III/B-07-070 17.04.2008

The characteristic value under fire attack with BSt 500 S steel rebar used as an anchor in case of pull­
out failure mode FR,k,P,fi(t), was determined on the basis of integration of the critical temperature­
dependent bond stress 'tcrit,T as a function of rebar anchorage depth hef and fire resistance time. The
characteristicvalues are listed in appendix 1. The partial safety factor in case of fire attack can be
found in the design specification and, as a rule, the factor is YFi = 1.0 .
4.2 Anchoring HIT-V-... threaded rods using Hilti HIT-RE 500-50
At the request of the client, a table of design values showing the relationship between anchorage
depth hef of the steel component and fire resistance time is to be drawn up for HIT-V-... threaded rads
in the nominal diameters (2) 8 to (2) 30 rnm and for fire resistance time of 30 up to 120 min.

The characteristic values for fire attack for the pull-out failure mode FR,k,P,fi(t) and steel failure mode
FR,k,s,fi(t) for the anchorage of HIT-V-... threaded rads using Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 were determined on
the basis of the results of tests carried within the scope of [3] and [4] and on the basis of experience
gained with tests carried out with lengths of steel rebar [5], taking the threaded rod anchorage depth
hef and fire resistance time into account. The characteristic values are listed in appendices 2 and 3.
The partial safety factor in case of fire attack can be found in the design specification and, as a rule,
the factor is YFi = 1.0.
4.3 Anchoring HIS-(R )N internally threaded sleeves using Hilti HIT-RE 500-50
At the request of the client, a table of design values showing the relationship between anchorage
depth hef of the steel component and fire integrity rating is to be drawn up for HIS-(R)N internally
threaded sleeves in the nominal diameters (2) 8 to (2) 20 mm and for fire exposure durations of 30 to
120 min.

For this purpose, the corresponding values were adopted trorn [3] and [4] and Iisted in appendix 4.
The partial safety factor in case of fire attack can be found in the design specification and, as a rule,
the factor is YFi = 1.0.

5 Special notes
The assessment presented here applies only to installations made using the Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0
injection system for cracked concrete, under observance of the conditions for use listed in the
document ETA-07/0260 [2].

The assessment covers anchors with fire attack fram one side only. If the fire attack is from more than
one side, the design method may be taken only if the edge distance of the anchor is c ~ 300 mm and
~ 2 hef . The determination is valid for unprotected anchors.
tl MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
GS 111/8-07-070 17.04.2008

This assessment is no substitute for an official German Construction Supervisory Authority Certificate
of Fitness for Use.

Oipl.-Ing. C. Sint

List of appendices
Appendix 1: Characteristic tensile load for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to
fire, depending on fire resistance time t

Appendix 2 Characteristic values for centric tensile loading of Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injectable
adhesive with HIT-V-5.8(F) and HIT-V-8.8(F) threaded rods, on exposure to fire

Appendix 3: Characteristic values for centric tensile loading of Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injectable
adhesive with HIT-V-R and HIT-V-HCR threaded rods, on exposure to fire

Appendix 4: Characteristic values for centric tensile loading of Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injectable
adhesive with HIS-I\J and HIS RN internally threaded sleeves, on exposure to fire

Page 5
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 1.1 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 1.1 : Characteristic tensile loads for puli-out failure mode

for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to fire

Nominal Hole Characteristic Anchorage Characteristic tensile load for eSt 500 S steel
diameter diameter tensile load depth rebar anchor application on exposure to fire
(yield strength f Yk FR,k,P,fi(t), depending on fire resistance time t 1)
= 500 N/mm 2}

0 do FRk hef t=30 t=60 t=90 t=120 t=180 t=240

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
60 1.23 0.48 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00
65 1.38 0.57 0.19 0.05 0.00 0.00
80 2.35 1.02 0.47 0.26 0.00 0.00
95 3.87 1.68 0.88 0.55 0.12 0.00
115 7.30 3.07 1.71 1.14 0.44 0.18
8 10 32 150 16.19 8.15 4.59 3.14 1.41 0.80
180 25.75 16.19 9.99 6.75 2.94 1.70
205 32.00 23.79 16.19 12.38 5.08 2.86
220 32.00 27.94 21.66 16.19 6.95 3.82
265 32.00 32.00 32.00 29.61 16.19 8.57
305 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 28.62 16.19
60 1.54 0.60 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00
80 2.94 1.27 0.59 0.33 0.00 0.00
100 5.68 2.45 1.31 0.85 0.24 0.00
120 10.66 4.44 2.48 1.68 0.68 0.31
140 17.57 7.76 4.38 2.99 1.33 0.73
10 12 50 165 25.29 15.06 8.50 5.79 2.58 1.50
195 37.37 25.29 17.63 12.18 5.12 2.93
220 46.01 34.93 25.29 20.66 8.69 4.78
235 50.00 40.11 32.26 25.29 11.80 6.30
280 50.00 50.00 47.81 42.19 25.29 13.86
320 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.96 25.29
70 2.67 1.11 0.44 0.18 0.00 0.00
80 3.79 1.62 0.76 0.42 0.00 0.00
90 5.30 2.28 1.16 0.71 0.17 0.00
95 5.80 2.52 1.32 0.83 0.18 0.00
120 12.79 5.33 2.97 2.01 0.82 0.37
145 23.16 10.68 6.02 4.12 1.84 1.03
12 16 72
180 36.42 24.29 14.99 10.12 4.41 2.55
210 51.07 36.42 27.38 20.65 8.47 4.74
235 63.51 48.13 36.42 31.01 14.16 7.56
250 67.66 54.35 44.93 36.42 19.13 9.89
295 72.00 72.00 63.59 56.85 36.42 21.43
335 72.00 72.00 67.74 61.00 42.93 36.42
1) It must be checked whether the permissiblecold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/02S0 may be ~~;,......
d'P """
Note: Interpolation of intermediate values is permissible. Extrapolation is not permissible. The ch9faeteJ:i.§tic resista"'RC,e
values apply to tensile, shear and combined loads at any load direction. /l f '\
l\ leipzig GmbH iII \,

\'\,'~-"~::...J! L....._I.
J' eS

~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 1.2 of assessment GS III/B-07-070

Table A 1.2: Characteristic tensile loads for pu li-out failure mode

for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to fire

Nominal Hole Characteristic Anchorage Characteristic tensile load for BSt 500 S steel
diameter diameter tensile load depth rebar anchor application on exposure to fire
(yield strength f Yk FR,k,p,fi(t), depending on fire resistance time t 1)
= 500 N/mm 2 )

0 do F R•k hef t=30 t=60 t=90 t=120 t=180 t=240

[mm] [mm] [kN] [rnm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
75 3.69 1.56 0.68 0.34 0.00 0.00
80 4.42 1.89 0.88 0.48 0.00 0.00
90 6.18 2.66 1.35 0.83 0.20 0.00
100 8.54 3.66 1.95 1.25 0.44 0.00
110 10.92 4.65 2.55 1.70 0.61 0.20
140 24.60 10.87 6.13 4.19 1.86 1.03
14 18 98 170 39.12 23.50 13.55 9.20 4.07 2.37
195 49.58 35.60 24.69 17.05 7.17 4.10
225 66.84 49.58 39.20 31.34 13.48 7.34
250 78.93 63.41 49.58 43.44 22.32 11.54
265 86.19 70.67 59.67 49.58 29.49 15.00
310 98.00 92.44 81.45 73.59 49.58 31.98
350 98.00 98.00 98.00 92.94 71.86 49.58
80 5.05 2.16 1.01 0.55 0.00 0.00
90 7.06 3.04 1.54 0.94 0.23 0.00
100 9.77 4.18 2.22 1.43 0.51 0.00
110 13.41 5.65 3.10 2.05 0.84 0.24
120 18.33 7.56 4.21 2.84 1.25 0.51
130 22.59 9.42 5.30 3.61 1.56 0.80
160 39.17 21.33 11.95 8.15 3.65 2.11
16 20 128
190 55.76 37.92 25.45 17.25 7.35 4.22
210 64.75 48.98 36.51 27.53 11.29 6.32
240 84.68 64.75 53.10 44.12 20.88 11.04
265 98.50 80.76 64.75 57.94 33.70 17.14
280 106.80 89.06 76.49 64.75 42.00 22.17
325 128.00 113.94 101.37 92.39 64.75 44.84
365 128.00 128.00 123.49 114.51 90.42 64.75

Page 7
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 1.3 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 1.3: Characteristic tensile loads for puli-out failure mode

for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to fire

Nominal Hole Characteristic Anchorage Characteristic tensile load for BSt 500 S steel
diameter diameter tensile load depth rebar anchor application on exposure to fire
(yield strength f Yk FR,k,P,fi(t), depending on fire resistance time t 1)
= 500 N/mm2}

0 do FR.k hef t=30 t=60 t=90 t=120 t=180 t=240

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
80 6.32 2.70 1.26 0.69 0.00 0.00
90 8.83 3.80 1.93 1.18 0.29 0.00
100 12.21 5.22 2.78 1.79 0.63 0.00
110 16.77 7.07 3.87 2.57 1.05 0.29
120 22.91 9.45 5.26 3.54 1.56 0.64
130 29.82 12.53 7.03 4.78 2.18 1.05
160 48.97 26.67 14.93 10.18 4.56 2.64
20 25 200
200 76.61 54.31 38.73 27.50 11.42 6.48
240 101.18 81.96 66.37 55.15 26.10 13.80
270 126.58 101.18 87.11 75.88 45.58 23.36
295 164.60 121.69 101.18 93.16 62.86 35.72
310 154.23 132.06 116.35 101.18 73.23 45.69
355 188.79 163.16 147.45 136.22 101.18 76.79
395 200.00 190.81 175.10 163.87 133.76 101.18
100 15.26 6.53 3.48 2.24 0.79 0.00
125 32.72 13.52 7.56 5.12 2.31 1.04
150 54.56 27.12 15.21 10.37 4.78 2.61
175 76.15 48.44 28.99 19.59 8.70 4.92
200 95.77 67.89 48.41 34.37 14.27 8.10
250 138.96 111.09 91.60 77.57 39.86 20.61
275 158.09 132.69 113.20 99.17 61.30 31.81
25 32 312
305 188.47 158.09 139.12 125.09 87.22 52.79
330 210.06 182.35 158.09 146.69 108.82 74.39
345 223.02 195.31 175.68 158.09 121.77 87.34
390 261.90 234.19 214.55 200.52 158.09 126.22
430 300.78 273.06 253.43 239.40 199.80 158.09
450 312.50 286.02 266.39 252.35 214.71 180.09
500 312.50 312.50 309.59 295.55 257.91 223.29
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 1 .4 of assessment
GS III/ß-07 -070 17.04.2008

Table A 1.4: Characteristic tensile loads for pull-out failure mode

for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to fire

Nominal Hole Characteristic Anchorage Characteristic tensile load for BSt 500 S steel
diameter diameter tensile load depth rebar anchor application on exposure to fire
(yield strength f yk FR,k,P,ti(t)' depending on fire resistance time t 1)
= 500 N/mm2}

((J da F R.k het t=30 t=60 t=90 t=120 t=180 t=240

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
100 17.09 7.31 3.89 2.51 0.89 0.00
125 36.64 15.14 8.47 5.74 2.58 1.16
150 61.10 30.37 17.03 11.62 5.36 2.92
175 85.29 54.25 33.57 24.30 13.57 9.76
200 109.48 78.44 56.45 40.73 16.94 9.44
250 157.86 126.82 104.83 89.12 46.96 24.01
275 182.05 151.01 129.02 113.31 71.15 38.85
28 35 392 305 211.08 180.04 158.05 142.33 100.18 61.40
330 235.27 204.23 182.24 166.52 124.37 85.59
345 249.79 218.75 196.76 181.04 138.88 100.11
390 293.33 262.29 240.30 224.58 182.42 143.65
430 336.87 305.83 283.84 268.12 225.97 187.19
450 351.39 320.35 298.36 282.64 240.48 201.71
500 392.00 368.73 346.74 331.02 288.86 250.09
560 392.00 392.00 389.07 346.92 308.14
125 41.88 17.30 9.68 6.56 2.95 1.33
150 69.83 34.71 19.47 13.28 6.12 3.34
175 97.48 62.00 38.37 27.77 15.50 11.15
200 125.12 89.65 64.52 46.55 19.36 10.79
255 183.40 147.72 122.78 104.82 56.35 28.80
275 205.52 169.84 144.90 126.94 78.46 40.71
32 40 512 325 259.02 225.13 200.19 182.23 133.75 89.68
360 302.06 259.02 238.89 220.93 172.46 128.39
380 324.18 288.70 259.02 243.05 194.58 150.51
395 340.76 305.29 280.16 259.02 211.16 167.09
440 390.53 355.05 329.92 311.96 259.02 216.86
480 434.76 399.28 374.15 356.19 308.01 259.02
640 512.00 512.00 512.00 512.00 484.94 440.63
ti] MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 1.5 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 1.5: Characteristic tensile loads for pull-out failure mode

for BSt 500 S steel rebar anchor application on exposure to fire

Nominal Hole Characteristic Anchorage Characteristic tensile load for BSt 500 S steel
diameter diameter tensile load depth rebar anchor application on exposure to fire
(yield strength f yk FR,k,p,fi(t), depending on fire resistance time t 1)
= 500 N/mm2)

0 da FR.k hef t=30 t=60 t=90 t=120 t=180 t=240

[mm] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
290 249.87 209.73 181.67 161.46 106.93 59.10
325 293.41 253.27 225.21 205.01 150.47 100.89
355 327.82 290.59 262.54 242.33 187.80 138.22
385 370.92 327.82 299.86 279.65 225.12 175.54
36 42 to 46 648
410 402.02 362.11 327.82 310.75 256.22 206.64
425 420.68 380.77 352.50 327.82 274.88 225.30
470 476.66 436.75 408.48 388.27 327.82 281.28
510 526.43 486.52 458.24 438.04 383.83 327.82
320 319.10 274.50 243.33 220.87 160.28 105.19
355 367.48 322.88 291.71 269.25 208.66 153.57
385 404.71 364.35 333.18 310.72 250.13 195.04
415 453.60 404.71 374.64 352.19 291.60 236.51
40 48 to 52 800
440 488.16 443.81 404.71 386.75 326.16 271.07
455 508.89 464.55 433.13 404.71 346.89 291.80
500 571.10 526.75 495.34 472.88 404.71 354.01
540 626.39 582.04 550.63 528.17 467.95 404.71
1) lt must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260 may be applied.

Page 10
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 2.1 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 2.1 : Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of Hilti

HIT-RE 500-50 injectable adhesive with HIT-V-5.8(F) and HIT-V-8.8(F)
threaded rods on exposure to fire. Anchor sizes M8 to M16.

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,P,fi(t) 2) and

diameter diameter depth FR,k,s,fi(t) 3) d epen dlIng onrIre resrs
. t ance f une 1)

of thread of hole (galvanized I hot-dip galvanized steel,

5.8 and 8.8 grade)

HIT-V-... da hef F30 F60 F90 F120

[mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
40 0.47 0.12 0.00 0.00
50 0.75 0.28 0.00 0.00
60 1.12 0.48 0.13 0.00
M8 10 70 1.62 0.74 0.29 0.12
80 2.30 1.08 0.50 0.28
90 2.30 1.26 0.73 0.46
160 2.30 1.26 0.73 0.46
40 0.52 0.15 0.00 0.00
50 0.82 0.35 0.00 0.00
60 1.23 0.60 0.16 0.00
M10 12 70 1.78 0.93 0.37 0.15
80 2.52 1.35 0.63 0.35
90 3.70 1.90 0.96 0.59
100 3.70 2.00 1.15 0.73
200 3.70 2.00 1.15 0.73
48 0.56 0.24 0.00 0.00
60 0.92 0.47 0.13 0.00
70 1.33 0.73 0.30 0.12
M12 14 80 1.89 1.06 0.52 0.27
90 2.64 1.49 0.79 0.46
100 3.66 2.04 1.15 0.70
110 5.35 2.76 1.59 1.00
240 5.35 2.91 1.68 1.06
64 1.34 0.78 0.26 0.03
80 2.40 1.48 0.71 0.36
M16 18 100 4.63 2.86 1.56 0.93
125 10.00 5.42 3.12 1.97
320 10.00 5.42 3.12 1.97
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 2.2 of assessment GS 111/B-07-070

Table A 2.2: Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of Hilti

HIT-RE 500-50 injectable adhesive with HIT-V-5.8(F) and HIT-V-8.8(F)
threaded rods on exposure to flre, Anchor sizes M20 to M30.

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,P,fi(t) 2) and

diameter diameter depth FR,k,s,1i(t) 3) d epen d"mg on f Ire resrs
" t ance f irne 1)

of thread of hole (galvanized / hot-dip galvanized steel,

5.8 and 8.8 grade)

HIT-V-... da he1 F30 F60 F90 F120

[mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [kN] , [kN] [kN]
80 1.71 0.65 0.28 0.14
90 2.40 0.91 0.43 0.24
100 3.31 1.25 0.62 0.36
M20 24 110 4.55 1.69 0.86 0.51
120 6.22 2.26 1.17 0.71
170 15.60 8.46 4.55 2.79
200 15.60 8.46 4.87 3.08
400 15.60 8.46 4.87 3.08
96 5.00 2.15 1.13 0.71
120 10.76 4.44 2.47 1.67
M24 28 150 20.51 10.19 5.72 3.90
180 22.50 12.19 7.02 4.43
480 22.50 12.19 7.02 4.43
108 4.68 1.98 1.08 0.71
120 6.84 2.82 1.57 1.06
150 13.03 6.47 3.63 2.48
M27 30 180 19.21 12.60 7.91 5.33
200 23.34 15.84 9.13 5.77
240 29.25 15.84 9.13 5.77
480 29.25 15.84 9.13 5.77
120 9.29 3.83 2.13 1.44
150 17.69 8.79 4.93 3.36
M30 35 180 26.09 17.11 10.74 7.05
200 31.70 19.37 11.15 7.05
230 35.75 19.37 11.15 7.05
600 35.75 19.37 11.15 7.05
1) It must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260 may be applied.

2) FR,k,p,fi(t): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for puli-out failure mode

3) FR,k,s,fi(t): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for steel failure mode (gray background)

Note: Interpolation of intermediate values is permissible. Extrapolation is not permissible. The c...baFaetef:j~ic

resistance values apply to tensile, shear and combined loads at any load direction.
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Page 12
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 3.1 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 3.1 : Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of

Hilti HIT-RE 500-SDinjectable adhesive with HIT-V-R und HIT-V-HCR
threaded rods, on exposure to flre, Anchor sizes MB to M12.

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR k P fi(t) 2) and

diameter of diameter depth "'i ance
FR,k,s,fi(t) 3) d epen dlmg on fIre resrs ' tltme 1)
thread of hole (stainless- and high corrosion-resistant steel)

HIT-V-HCR do hef F30 F60 F90 F120
[mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
40 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.00
50 0.79 0.28 0.00 0.00
60 1.18 0.48 0.13 0.00
70 1.71 0.74 0.29 0.12
80 2.42 1.08 0.50 0.28
M8 10 90 2.42 1.52 0.77 0.47
100 2.42 1.88 1.11 0.72
110 2.42 1.88 1.34 1.03
120 2.42 1.88 1.34 1.07
160 2.42 1.88 1.34 1.07
40 0.54 0.15 0.00 0.00
50 0.85 0.35 0.00 0.00
60 1.28 0.60 0.16 0.00
70 1.85 0.93 0.37 0.15
80 2.62 1.35 0.63 0.35
M10 12 90 3.84 1.90 0.96 0.59
100 3.84 2.61 1.39 0.90
110 3.84 2.98 1.93 1.28
130 3.84 2.98 2.12 1.69
200 3.84 2.98 2.12 1.69
48 0.68 0.36 0.00 0.00
60 1.12 0.72 0.19 0.00
70 1.62 1.11 0.44 0.18
80 2.30 1.62 0.76 0.42
90 3.21 2.28 1.16 0.71
M12 14 100 4.44 3.13 1.67 1.08
110 6.50 4.24 2.32 1.54
140 6.50 5.50 4.50 3.80
160 6.50 5.50 4.50 4.00
240 6.50 5.50 4.50 4.00
tiJ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 3.2 of assessment GS 111/B-07-070

Table A 3.2: Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of

Hilti HIT-RE 500-50 injectable adhesive with HIT-V-R und HIT-V-HCR
threaded rods, on exposure to flre, Anchor sizes M16 to M24.

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,p,fi(t) 2) and

diameter of diameter depth . t ance f tme 1)
FR,k,s,fi(t) 3) d epen dlmg on f Ire resrs
thread of hole (stainless- and high corrosion-resistant steel)

HIT-V-HCR do hef F30 F60 F90 F120
[mm] [mm] [rnm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
64 1.63 1.14 0.37 0.04
80 2.90 2.16 1.01 0.55
100 5.60 4.18 2.22 1.43
M16 18 125 12.10 8.65 4.84 3.28
140 12.10 10.24 7.43 5.07
160 12.10 10.24 8.37 7.44
320 12.10 10.24 8.37 7.44
80 2.08 1.22 0.75 0.52
90 2.90 1.72 1.15 0.89
100 4.01 2.37 1.66 1.36
M20 24 110 5.51 3.20 2.30 1.94
120 7.53 4.28 3.13 2.68
170 18.88 15.98 12.22 10.51
200 18.88 15.98 13.07 11.61
400 18.88 15.98 13.07 11.61
96 6.05 2.60 1.36 1.36
120 13.02 5.37 2.99 2.99
M24 28 150 24.80 12.33 6.91 6.91
180 27.21 23.02 15.06 15.06
210 27.21 23.02 18.83 16.73
480 27.21 23.02 18.83 16.73
1) It must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260 may be applied.

2) FR,k,p,fi(I): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for puli-out failure mode

3) FR,k,s,fi(I): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for steel failure mode (gray background)

Note: Interpolation of intermediate values is permissible. Extrapolation is not permissible. The characteristic

resistance values apply to tensile, shear and combined loads at any load direction../" "'~-~-'-"""''''''''''''''''''''''

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Leipzig GmbH


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Page 14
~ MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Protection
Appendix 3.3 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 3.3: Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of

Hilti HIT-RE 500-50 injectable adhesive with HIT-V-R und HIT-V-HCR
threaded rods, on exposure to flre, Anchor sizes M27 to M30.

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,p,fi(t) 2) and

diameter of diameter depth d epen dlIng on f Ire resrs
F R,k,s,fj(t) 3) . t ance tlune 1)
thread of hole (stainless- and high corrosion-resistant steel)

HIT-V-HCR do hef F30 F60 F90 F120
[mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
108 5.66 2.39 1.30 0.86
120 8.27 3.41 1.90 1.28
150 15.76 7.83 4.39 3.00
M27 30 180 23.24 15.24 9.57 6.44
200 28.23 20.23 14.56 10.50
240 35.38 29.93 24.48 21.75
480 35.38 29.93 24.48 21.75
120 11.23 4.63 2.58 1.74
150 21.40 10.63 5.96 4.07
180 31.56 20.69 12.99 8.75
M30 35 200 38.34 27.47 19.77 14.26
230 43.24 36.58 29.92 24.43
270 43.24 36.58 29.92 26.59
600 43.24 36.58 29.92 26.59

1) It must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260 may be applied.

2) FR,k,p,fi(I): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for pull-out failure mode

3) FR,k,s,fi(I): characteristic resistance value on exposure to fire for steel failure mode (gray background)

Note: Interpolation of intermediate values is permissible. Extrapolation is not permissible. The ~,D,araeter1stJc""

resistance values apply to tensile, shear and combined loads at any load direction.

Page 15
tl MFPA Leipzig GmbH
Structural Fire Pratection
Appendix 4.1 of assessment GS 111/8-07-070

Table A 4.1 : Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of

Hilti HIT-RE 500-S0 injectable adhesive with HIS-N internal threaded
galvanized steel sleeves (5.8 or 8.8 grade) 4) on exposure to fire

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,S,fi)t)

diameter diameter depth depending on fire resistance time 1 4)
of'lhread of hole (galvanized steel)

HIS-N do hef F30 F60 F90 F120

[mm] [mm] [rnm] [kN] [kN] [kNl [kN]
MB 14 90 2.30 1.26 0.73 0.46
M10 18 110 3.70 2.00 1.15 0.73
M12 22 125 5.35 2.91 1.68 1.06
M16 28 170 10.00 5.42 3.12 1.97
M20 32 205 15.60 8.46 4.87 3.08
1) It must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260
may be applied.
4) The values were taken fram [4].

Table A 4.2: Characteristic values for centric tensile loads of Hilti HIT­
RE 500-S0 injectable adhesive with HIS-RN internal threaded stalnless
steel sleeves (material 1.4401; 1.4404; 1.4571) 5) on exposure to fire

Nominal Nominal Anchorage Characteristic tensile loads FR,k,S,fi)t~

diameter diameter depth depending on flre resistance time 1 )
of thread ot hole (statnless steel)

HIS-RN do hef F30 F60 F90 F120

[mm] [mm] [mm] [kNl [kN] [kN] [kN]
MB 14 90 2.42 1.88 1.34 1.07
M10 18 110 3.84 2.98 2.12 1.69
M12 22 125 6.50 5.50 4.50 4.00
M16 28 170 12.10 10.24 8.37 7.44
M20 32 205 18.88 15.98 13.07 11.61
1) It must be checked whether the permissible cold loads given in the tables in ETA-07/0260
may be applied.
5) The values were taken from [3].

Note regardina tables A 4.1 and A 4.2:

Should the edge spacing c selected be large enough for steel failure to be effective, the load values in table A

4.1 respectively table A 4.2 can also be transferred to the anchors subjected to shear loads.

The behavior of the anchors in the event of combined tensile and shear stress under fire conditions may be

assessed on the basis of the interactions at standard temperature in accordance with ETAG 001, Annex C, #"'''''·,,,...·~''''''''''''''c,'',

5.2.4 due to regard being given to the resistance values established for the different directions under fire,'C~on-
l ""-."'"

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NSF International


NSF International Certifies that the products appearing on this Listing conform to the requirements of
NSF/ANSI Standard 61 - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

This is the Official Listing recorded on May 28, 2013.

Hilti AG
Feldkircherstrasse 100
423 234 2111
Facility: Kaufering, Germany
Joining and Sealing Materials
Water Water
Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material
Hilti HIT-CT 1[2] NA CLD 23 ADH
Hilti HIT-HY 150[2] NA CLD 23 ADH
Hilti HIT-HY 150 Adhesive [2] NA CLD 23 ADH
Anchoring System
Hilti HIT-HY 150 Max[2] NA D. HOT ADH
Hilti HIT-HY 150 Max Adhesive [2] NA D. HOT ADH
Anchoring System
Hilti HIT-HY 150 Max-SD[2] NA D. HOT ADH
Hilti HIT-RE 500[2] NA D. HOT EPOXY
Hilti HIT-RE 500 Adhesive [2] NA D. HOT EPOXY
Anchoring System
Hilti HIT-RE 500 SD[2] NA D. HOT EPOXY
Hilti HIT-RE 500 SD Adhesive [2] NA D. HOT EPOXY
Anchoring System
Hilti HIT–HY 150-FR[2] NA CLD 23 ADH
Hilti HIT–HY 150-FR Adhesive NA CLD 23 ADH
Anchoring System
Hilti HVU Anchoring Adhesive[2] NA CLD 23 ADH

[1] Certified for use as an anchoring adhesive for installing threaded rods (less than or
equal to 32 mm in diameter) in concrete for water treatment applications.
[2] Product is Certified for use as an anchoring adhesive for installing threaded rods (less
than or equal to 1.3 inches in diameter) in concrete for water treatment applications.
Mechanical Devices
Water Water
Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material
Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
HVA Adhesive Anchoring System 3/8" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

Note: Additions shall not be made to this document without prior evaluation and acceptance by NSF International.
1 of 1
789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9723 USA
1-800-NSF-MARK / 734-769-8010

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