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April 25

9-10 pm

Book:1 Samuel 1:10 Mean? ►

She, greatly distressed, prayed to the LORD and wept bitterly.

1 Samuel 1:11 Mean? ►

She made a vow and said, "O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember
me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the LORD all the days
of his life, and a razor shall never come on his head."


Samuel was written at the time of the judges, when everyone did what they thought was proper. God is not obligated to
answer our prayers in the way we want or at the time we want. He is not obligated to respond to 'Word of Faith'
instructors and others who advocate the prosperity gospel's insane pledges, positive declarations, or affirmative oaths.


May I learn to pray in spirit and truth, and to put my complete faith in the Lord, knowing that He is a God who listens
and answers prayer. May I strive to match my prayers with His desire for my life rather than using prayer to manipulate
God to accomplish what I want. Rather, may i be ready and willing to put my faith in Him in all situations, handing over
my dreams and wishes to His gracious will and being willing to leave them with Him.


Heavenly Father, assist me in entrusting every aspect of my life to You, knowing that Your way is better and Your will is
flawless. Increase my faith, I pray, and push me to the brink of despair if I ever get sloppy in my prayer life, for You alone
have the words of life.

The enemy is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and eks to sift all God’s children like wheat. However, he has
to ask God’s permission and God is faithful; and will not let any one of us be tempted beyond what we can bear. But
what is so special is that the Lord Jesus, as a man understand out weaknesses but as God, He is both omniscient and
omnipotent - and He intercedes for us in the heavenly places - so that our faith will not fail.

Hannah's joyful song not only represents her deliverance from a life of chastity, but it also bears evidence to God's
splendor, His greatness, His strength, the majesty of His name, the wonder of His love, and His faithfulness to the
children of mankind. Hannah exemplifies the Lord's unfathomable omniscience. He investigates the deep mysteries of
the human heart and learns the ideas of the mind. God brings those who are haughty and arrogant to nought and ruins
the wisdom of the world, but He lifts up the humble and shows mercy to the meek and lowly in His love.

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