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Session 2020-2021

10TH C

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my
IT teacher Ms Smriti Srivastava as well as our principal
Ms Maya Gupta who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project of Information Technology, which
also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to
know about so many new things I am really thankful to
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends
who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the
limited time frame

Tarun Jain

This is to certify that Tarun Jain of class 10 has
successfully completed the project work on information
technology under the guidance of IT teacher Ms Smriti
Srivastava for class X practical examination of
the Central Board of Secondary Education in the year
2020-2021. It is further certified that this project is the
individual work of the candidate.

Teacher’s signature

About Project
This is our IT project. The main objective of this
project is to make students understand how to operate
Microsoft PowerPoint, excel, word and blogging.
The project contains a word document, a PowerPoint
presentation, an excel spreadsheet and a complete blog
with 5 posts. The word document contains a covering
letter with a featured merge mail and a bio data. In
PowerPoint, there is a presentation on French
revolution that have 17 slides in it. In excel spread
sheet there is a result mark sheet with some conditional
formatting and functions. And finally the blog, named
mischief managed, having 5 posts about the novel
Harry Potter.

Microsoft Word............................................................6
Mail Merge.................................................................7
Covering Letter (Mail Merge)..................................8
Bio data.......................................................................9
Microsoft PowerPoint................................................10
Presentation on French revolution.........................11
Microsoft excel............................................................20
Result Mark sheet....................................................21
Blog 1.........................................................................23
Blog 2.........................................................................25
Blog 3.........................................................................27
Blog 4.........................................................................29
Blog 5.........................................................................31

Microsoft Word
MS Word is a program used to make professional-quality
documents, letters, reports, etc., MS Word is a word
processor developed by Microsoft.
It has advanced features which allow you to format and edit
your files and documents in the best possible way. It was
first released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-
Tool Word for xenin systems Subsequent versions were
later written for several other platforms including IBM PCs
running the classic Mac OS, Atari ST,OS/2, Microsoft
Windows, SCO Unix and macOS. MS Word enables users
to do write-ups, create documents, resumes, contracts, etc.
This is one of the most commonly used programs under the
Office suite. It is used in education, workspace, by authors
to write books etc.
In schools, MS Word is considered as one of the simplest
tools which can be used by both teachers and students.
Creating notes is easier using MS Word as they can be
made more interactive by adding shapes and images. It is
also convenient to make assignments on MS Word and
submitting them online.
Authors uses MS Word to write and edit the books and it is
used in maintaining data at different workspaces

Mail Merge
Mail merge consists of combining mail and letters and pre-
addressed envelopes or mailing labels for mass mailings
from a form letter.
This feature is usually employed in a word
processing document which contains fixed text (which is
the same in each output document) and variables (which act
as placeholders that are replaced by text from the data
source word to word).
Some word processors can insert content from a database,
spreadsheet, or table into text documents.
It is a powerful tool for writing a personalized letter or e-
mail to many people at the same time. It imports data from
another source such as a spreadsheet and then uses that to
replace placeholders throughout the message with the
relevant information for each individual that is being

Covering Letter (Mail Merge)

Data Source of the Mail Merge

Bio data
Name – Tarun Jain
Date of Birth – 30 November 2005
Father’s Name – Deepak Jain
Address – P - 50 Streets No. 3 Shankar Nagar ext.
Contact No. – 9136383814
Qualification –
a) Educational – Matrix, HSC
b) Professional – IIT
Marital Status – Unmarried
Gender – Male
Nationality – Indian
Interest – Reading, gaming
Place – New Delhi
Date – 10 September 2020
Signature – Tarun Jain

Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program, created
by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company
named Forethought, Inc. It was released on April 20,
1987, initially for Macintosh System Operating system based
computers only. PowerPoint became a component of
the Microsoft Office suite, first offered in 1989 for Macintosh and
in 1990 for Windows, which bundled several Microsoft apps.
Microsoft PowerPoint software application that is used to present
data and information by using text, diagrams with animation,
images, and transitional effects, etc. in the form of slides. It helps
people to better understand the idea or topic in front of the
audience practically and easily.
Rules to make a presentation more attractive –
 Know your topic.
 Use key phrases about your topic.
 Avoid too much text on each text.
 Limit the number of slides.
 Plan the layout of your slide.
 Avoid fancy fonts.
 Use contrasting colours for background and your text.
 Use transitions and animations sparingly.
 Review your presentations two or three times before
making a presentation.
Presentation on
French revolution

Microsoft excel
Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet developed
by Microsoft for windows, macos, android and IOS. It
features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and
a macro programming language called visual basic for

Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's

used to create grids of text, numbers and formulas specifying
calculations. That’s extremely valuable for many businesses,
which use it to record expenditures and income, plan
budgets, chart data and succinctly present fiscal results.

In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and

charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical
display. It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies
on various factors for different perspectives (using pivot
tables and the scenario manager).A PivotTable is a powerful
tool that can save time when it comes to data analysis. It does
this by simplifying large data sets via PivotTable fields that
are also known as "the building blocks of PivotTables.

Result Mark sheet

A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or
technical users) users for creating personal web pages. Blogs
are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use. There
are hundreds of websites that offer blog service for free. Some
of the popular blogs are,,, etc.
Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or
topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as more
personal online diaries or online brand advertising of a
particular individual or company. A typical blog combines
text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and
other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave
publicly viewable comments, and interact with other
commenters, is an important contribution to the popularity of
many blogs.
Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art
(art blogs), photographs (photo blogs), videos (video blogs or
"vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). In
education, blogs can be used as instructional resources; these
are referred to as edublogs. Microblogging is another type of
blogging, featuring very short posts.

Blog 1

Blog 2

Blog 3

Blog 4

Blog 5

Thank you


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