Guide Questions For Graded Recitation

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Guide Questions

1. Could you relate to the description of masculinities in the essay? Does it remind you
of anyone? Why?
Yes, it reminds me of almost all the older man in my family. My grandfathers, uncles,
and some of my cousins have this idea in their head that in order for the husband to be a true
man he needs to provide for the family and that the role of the wife is to take care of the
children, the home and please her husband. Whenever they encounter a male relative or
friend, who is a “house husband” and the wife is abroad working for the family they always
question that man why is he in that situation and sometimes I hear them talking behind that
man’s back. I also notice that whenever we have reunions or get togethers, the men in my
family talk about work, properties, and hobbies, but they never get too personal unlike the
women in my family where they talk almost about everything they experience and feel.

2. How does the split between reason and the body/emotions affect men? Is this a
problem? Why?
The split between reason and emotions affect how men think and see the world. They
think that showing emotion is a sign of weakness, so they try to suppress it. I think it is a
problem, because suppressing your emotions is never healthy. There will just come a time where
everything will be too much, and you will just snap and do something irrational. It also makes
men think that other men are their opponents, so they rarely form strong bonds with each other
which is a problem because they see threats everywhere and can never be relax or be at peace.
Due to this split, men also think that they should be superior and should always exert dominance
which sometimes lead to violence, bullying and other risky behaviors which can lead to their
deaths. This split between reason and body/emotions causes men to view women as someone
who is inferior, weak and can be easily possessed/dominated, because they rely on their
emotions. I think this mindset is one of the main causes of abuse against women and children.
Since this split gives men the excuse that they can only control their reason and not their emotion
or body, they should not be held accountable when they act based on it. This lack of
accountability gives men the courage to continue all their bad doings.
3. What was Freud’s insight about masculinities? 

4. Is it fair that men legislate according to the expectations of their gender to the rest of the
world? Explain your answer.
It is not fair, because I think that the standards based on gender that the society set
a long time ago is unequal and unjust. These standards always favor men and does not
even consider those who belong to the LGBTQ+ community.

5. Is it fair that men consider women as their possessions? Explain your answer.
No, it is not fair for men to consider women as their possession. I believe that
human beings are equal regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity or
expression. Each of us has freedom and equal rights that should be respected by
everyone. A woman belongs to herself, just like a man belongs to himself. Marriage or
being in relationship does not give men the right to own women, instead marriage is an
agreement that they will respect and love each other. Speaking of marriage, daughters
should not be forced by their parents into relationships that they are not interested in just
for the sake of money or power. Men should keep in mind that women are not things that
they can possess, they should learn to respect and accept their decisions, they should not
see women as a prize when competing against other men and most importantly they
should change the mindset that women have the responsibility to please and keep them
happy and they are superior over women and they possess the power and authority in the

6. The essay discusses masculinities and is focused on white heterosexual masculinities.

How is this different from Filipino masculinity?
I think white masculinity is not that different from Filipino masculinity, because
the things discussed in the essay also happened and is happening in the Filipino culture, It
cannot be denied, that most Filipinos value patriarchy and think that men are superior
over women. It is also evident that in Filipino culture, women are possessions of men and
that women have responsibilities to fulfill the needs of men and to keep them happy and
7. Does patriarchy have negative effects on men as well? Explain your answer.
Yes, patriarchy have negative effects on men. In their quest for social dominance,
men will go up against other men to gain power and engage in forms of competitive, and
sometimes dangerous, behavior. To exert dominance, men engage in riskier behaviors
that can lead to death. In a patriarchal society, violence and bullying are acceptable
because of the mindset “boys will be boys”. It does not matter if men will be hurt
physically, emotionally, or mentally as long as they proved that they are dominant.
Patriarchy also limits the freedom of young boys to explore things on their own, because
there are already standards that they should follow.

8. Why are men afraid of being vulnerable or showing weakness? How does this affect
Men are afraid of showing weakness because this will give their opponents the
advantage to attack them. When men are invulnerable or are not showing any weakness,
they feel confident and thinks that they have the power and authority to rule over
everyone else. This also leads them to be aggressive and result to violence. I think that by
not showing any weakness they are also hindering themselves to show their true self or

9. Is there anything else that should be added to this reading, given the changes in
today’s society?
I think the reading should also include the effects of masculinity not only to women and
men, but also to children and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Hate crimes, discrimination,
and abuse against the LGBTQ+ community is very prevalent nowadays and the main
perpetrators are men. Masculinity taught men that they should be ruled by reason alone and they
view gay men as people who is tarnishing men’s reputation as strong, independent, and superior
for gay men are very open in showing their emotions and sexual orientation. Children also suffer
from physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse from their fathers and other male relatives,
for men assume that they have the power to discipline their children by any means to conform
with the standards of society.

10. What would you say are the good points about masculinity?

11. What is the difference between masculinity and masculinism?

12. Do you think there is a crisis of masculinity today?

13. What would make the masculinity of a poor Black man different from that of a “white

14. What would Kant’s view on heterosexual relations and masculinity be?

15. Is Performativity behind the view that heterosexuality is the standard relationship?
I think performativity can be looked at as one aspect why heterosexuality is the standard
relationship. Heterosexuality is inscribed in daily practices, learned, and performed based on
cultural norms. For instance, children are raised by their mothers and fathers so everyday they
see that the relationship of their parents is the standard that they should follow. This standard is
passed on from one generation to another. For so long, LGBTQ+ community and homosexual
relationships are not acceptable in society and it has been instilled in almost all people through
words, literature, actions and a lot more.

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