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Republic of the Phifnpines Department of Public Works and Highways oreo aed fenen ™ Damen Jemiooenga Cty : PROGRAM OF WORK varcinpect ject ove iNaieyOCATION OF FROST Tonepnaton Consiuconvteounebus,ieroveuse crvanousnsesstuciaenewone | Source of Finds SGA, mofo ROA nd BEBE -NATONAL TOROS toed Obgated Author weROvENsU Res KN CF BATD BATS” ARAWAAN NATIONAL BOA, PAMGLMASUGAIA) foincgeg oes MOR IROHECT CATEGORY: Car boystoComplete | a Caendarban | Desioble String Date Upon Approve NATIONAL ROA! Upon Approval | eee: Mode of Implementation ‘By Contract ROT DESCRIPTOR era: scope of Work Now Roos Opening, Concrete rood wich S7o mes (POCPO29 me) Foodbed Width = Y2.00 meter ve co1S00,00 to KM 024860.00 Sib bore Couse —; 030maer hick na aae8e8 me Sirtace couse 015 meter thick INU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT: TECHNICAL PERZONNEL REGURED Desefoon Ne Desstoon Ne | _Desetoton Ne. bulcoze (15 8) 1 nt (99 eum) 1 | Project engineer 1 Foyloader (50 ev), 380220 2 | Concrete Sow, tase 147 4p) 1 | ates Eopieer 1 Mototzed Rood Graser C7108 1 | Bor cute Single Pace 1 | Matera tob-toch, | 1 Vibratory Role W0miy.so 16006 | 1 | Bartender 1 | Surveyor : Dumpuck (8 Sun} 2 | Mate Compactor (Shp) 1 | seretyrraconer 1 Bockhoe 080 cvm).se 130162 | 1 | One Bagger Mee 2 | Carpenter 5 Wore ice 1600 1) 1 | concrete eater 2 | mason 3 Tost Micr(seumn) : tabocer 2 ESTAMATED COST OF PROFORED WORE %or DRECTEOR remo] DESCRIPTION OFT wnt | quaniny | sitet cost TEIEIES Removal of Actual SctuesOostwaton 3am | vam | aleaae | aaraeraao| tats [lat Removal of xing RPC ‘acm | _inm | 2400 vwasres| ela "102/2)_ [Surplus Common Excavation 3.00% cum 15044.50 | 2.137,785.84 142.10 7031 _|Foundation i eacera | cum. | 750 ciaeai| —eeeas 103(60 Pipe Culver nd iia xcavaton G52 | cum | T0058 wares] eae Toile [Enbaniment fom Roadway Excavation Zaoe | “eum | 751000 Tries 92 | z2r70 T6s(ta subgrade Preparation “Cass | sam} ~zso7a00 49,4063 | 1691 ZN] |Assregate Svbore Couns, 03m THGE Bika | areame | Byaaove| ara “oni)_[oravel Stace Couse, 0.1m ice 370% | eum | 86200 2ea78 | a0S078 Siti Poriond Goren’ Concrete Foverenh OI Tack) aS | ram | 700005, 2sis7iebe | 12889 311(2}c1 | Portiand Cement Concrete Pavement. 0.23m. Thick | 42.29% sqm. 16.17.50 | 30,095027.49 | 1,860.30 BINED ibe Gaver & om Dean (ose [Cae eT | aa BSB [Grovted pro, Cow aie | eum_| 1480 7792198 | 837398 bs) stone Moron aa7_| eum | #200 BAA [G20 a) feted ORES PSSATAHG|yumg | sam | 50 ‘ieee rae fatgcieed Peers Favementnienos |" oiay | sam | nso esiseas| 73730 [Provision of Furnitues/Fitures, Equipment & \ Po 41-111] pppriances forthe Feld Office af the Engineer eee EEE, 100 Li czaaad 70.544,00 TiLi} | Gomtucton of Feld Ofie fo the engrese Ones a PaaTERIS | FeaTIS EZ i) von of 4 Pk Up ype Senice Veise erthe | 1a?” each | 10 Livi asada | A868 7EA13 [Consetion Sinvey and Siiing Bae | km ae Biiost | agen FEAI2 [reject lboord a eaia20 | ated FE A.1.5 |Construction Safety and Health Program 0.10% hse 100 72,169.04 72169.04 [sbiiasion/Bervebiatin oa i e77e60| a7 7680 TOTAL ooo ip 7iiseaaaas mm NAME OF PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE. INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL. ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING OF BATO-BAIO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA, STATION UMIT: KM 0000.00 fo KM 02+840.00 |. ESTIMATED COST A. DIRECT COST Al. Materiois 6508 '58,580,128.53 A2. Labor oa) 727 485.76 ‘A3, Equipment Sxpenses 13.20 11.880,810.20 B. INDIRECT COST [Per D.O. # 57) 8.1. Overhead. Contingency & Misc 542 4876843.18 (9% Max of D.C} 82, Prof [8% Max cf 0.C) 621 5,590,336.63 C. VAT [5% of D.C. and LC. PerD.0. # 57) 453 44981,260.22 I. ESTIMATED GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 1. Engineering ond Administrative Overhead (3.0%) 3.50 '3.180,000.00 2. Detailed Engineering (1°) 43, Reserved for the Payment of RROW 17 1.143,118.48, 4, Physical Reserved 0.00 if (ni (Atal Engineer cay, D.Di i a1 Director CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING OF BATO- KM 00+500.00 to KM 02+860.00 SUMMARY OF DETAILED ESTIMATES DESCRIFTON ‘ITEM NO. A f LABOR TOR) [Removalcfacwalshuckwer/Obcrcien | a8teatemo| «77200 ~ | aereaaa.0 root [Removal of ing RRC veeirze| nar : vrasras 102(2)_ |Surpius Common Excavation 2.102,531.56 35,254.28 - 2.137,785.84 ren) [foundation vwra7e| —vznreo|——aanias|——aeaat eta ie Cuver ond Dn Excavation camasr| — oraas : 776s toat}ambaniment rom Roadway xcavtion saniassz6| — sasteie - | srre0oisa ses} |sborode Preperation cours] naria8 ~ | easenar 2201) |sazregatesvbbore Coune 0.00 Tick anueosce| — n4ssare| 2apraoura7 | asrenamnae zx0t) forovelsurtace Coune, 0.8m ck rawros| 240054] assons77| 24078 amine [feond Cement Coneeteravement. om. | zasessie| raasi7e| aarassra| asisrise aiiter Potond Cement onretePavement.z3m | arenanca| isszvesr| a7ssasaras| sommsozra# soars fine avr Storm Orn vesores| gana] mor7eaes| — raso4any sestta |ocvied foe. Clos saris] sioso7] — euerso| rsa s0at tone axory acer] isi7s0] — 2oaisst) 28040941 sry, [eigen memopin Revere maanes| 930678] aseear| a. raaso srazy_ffeteletesThemopicte Poverat aru] rem} eames] assas iy PredionetfummeramatiesEadement . - | sosssco) soso A119) [cammetenctRetsontcetorine engineer | snezer| zoaots7a] — azsn7s| —_roareris arzmy [frowionetetrecuptypesericevericle | omomon] —7sasss4| risiooco] 1191 asese 1€413 |Constvcton sey arSatina vonse1s| zessise| —toansr| —aszt00r reA12 fpoiet ences ~ | aore20] —savaco]——aarazo FEA |ConsiucfonSefty ond Hash Poston - | cons} — saisroe}—rasenoe 0 _}ycttzatonDemetizton e700 : s 778000 TOTAL Tiaeneiozo | varaasze | sassosaams | 7iseeaneas teoubu 4800 Nn NVaIVMVav1-O1VE-O1¥E JO ONAOO WH/ININAADMUAI- SO¥OR NNOIIVN S350 ONY SO¥OR TWNOI {Od 1¥901 MONON SL ISVAMNSNORWA 40 INAAAONAYAV BVH ISNOD IDVUNOD 3HL NOs 120NG GaAOUsAY Loa woHIMIStIO FLD sha peyDa49 *SAVOU IYNOUWN - S390}¥8 GNY S4VOU TYNONLYN = $193F 04d 1¥901 SNIANTONI AUNLDNAISVUINI SRORIVA JO INGVESAOYAWI/EVHY/AIVaSN/NOUMSNOD. 7 jcaycousarueRCaNGORT {UO HSH PAE AOS UoFENH0O| aH] i ze oa Pb inp RIS Teang warn] : _ "aa 35 ‘20843 249} 2590 yo UoFONKH00) a Ten | #80 84 6 e200 pr 4 souoyae "Byuoludinb3 ‘seinp4/soinjusns Jo UOLSAONd| si “ai ‘(roia) SOUP Byy| ire ore. Juawandg oysodounety | aay | Tens UO) a i | Get | mawer menace wna] ooze | ~ Arey euoi| — a3] O5P TS Soetapapon| ura | 0D WO. wo BAO ea y Boece Ee iui] aa | | || ee 022191 we wowencd 101009 wow BLOM of sez | -urbs| ooovoz. =n a 7 ae 290F02 | suet wowinny e10:0005 vowed parted a al 91e_ [arma] “caee_|_—_—YoR ws nas BooIne nn] ‘ clr [ier [ 5 | over] — you war's eune osoaans 900000 7: [aaa E—| Bor | we) ones i ‘vayoxoda1j apoxOq| 5 1 sere [ws ooois | vojendae Zowoo4 won vows i 7 5 ee WoF6NGF ID pu OAT Bcd mes SSS Ff sc0 fara oz i evo oo St [rete [urna | or wrost ae wouues ne sears ss = = so | wr] oo ‘2d0u Bus 0 orowey = sew _| wes | aoorrvt | veypranao Renyonas ony 6 ereues} CATIOL eee e |S : 40on | ain | anya wotauosza | onwan | _SA¥0 SNEIOM 5 wouvuna 4 SIMIHOS/AWHVYOONA WHOM weulooorez + HLONATIN yivons virionva‘avoxrvilouvn wvavmviv-oive-oive Jo onooweaNawnnovan | MOEN ‘CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR/REHAS /IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS "AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA PERT/CPM eee ‘$= CURVE/CASH FLOW fre) DecRON “ior | tava | mocuamm | soavann | avauane TOTS |aanavSa ava ose Oomen | —ZaTS2000 = Ei Toldat ferovelo Bing Roe Tass | Toi sans Carmen Berar ive TH [econ creas an Tel) [iow ver end ch Garcon {arn Tos [nborierd For oad coro asia i [Testis wegese Pepercion [asa opeocis Abbe Cone, OSom HA | aarsorse ‘poi [seve trees Crane Olan ck por C iba [ers oor Ome Reema nee 1 aaeeat mice oo ois Poe Geet om Be 5B ° Tose ouued pen, ss" Tai = 7 2s [ee wero aera — xa [fetectted eos Faverant sries0 7 cna ["efecoted heroe eRe ae 1212) |sgerkings [etow| * t aint tetomsinice Exiomd =a 7 si Rootacn a ac ote lt ones TAIT feanioston of Fad fas are ge | RATATS 312 | Rovion oft ck ip ype Seves Vice 1.7L ashe FExi3 [ooaiocen taney or Sang #7031 FEATS [poet Bbsod Balsa = FERS [conan Sa) TR POSH raieroe . 3 [nooo nets ram a 2 [Fetoae Accompttimertin Percent () pe Quarier ase] 2a05| masa] eae [Fotos Acconsstenin fess Op orator Taazas | were | usmenre| vases ot [Cappgive Accomplishment in Percend (2) per Qoaer anser| 24007 7ae%)| 1e000m, ecempthentn Ps (Pp) per Gurr Hamza | saossi7s| saaoee | ruuscae crecked oy: JERALD R. BARRERA Enaineet I naineet Approved: KHAD, GOL ‘IG Asstgnt Repiobal Drector DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST. /REPAIR/REHAB /IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/RESLOCKING OF BAIC-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA Item NoJDescrption 101(3}68 | Removal of ActuclStuctures/Obstruction Unit of Measurement sam Output per hour 40.00 same. Svontity 14,160.00 Designation Reet | NO-88) aiy Rate Amount Labor ‘9. Corstcton Foreman | 445 53280 23.57640 bs, Unstitled Laborer 2 | 4425 2600 25,196.00 i WETTATITA No.of [No.of T Nome ond Capacity Faerent| ‘tase | DalvRote | Amount », | Eauiomant Coat BOTA AGEL Raton) T {. Backhoe w/ Pavement Breaker (080 cum) 1 | 4425) — 27.09200 ) 1.196,168.00 ®, Payioader (1.50 cum) 1x80-26 1 | 4425 | Ise6c0 | 13.4820 , Dumptivek (10 eum) 3 | zs} 1136000 | 754020.00 Sub ora Ieee : 258 HBO fe Tokai (A 721344040 0. Ouipat aa $0.0 am Id Name and Spectication ‘cuantty | unt | untcost | Total «.[iaterals | Tubiora ere : F [Dvect Unt Con C>E] 21S a0. a0 1G Overhead Contingencies & Miscellanecus {OCM) 7% ta2.900.83 H.|Controcton Proft (CP } o% 20907828 1 Voie Added Tax {VAT} Eo so27282 Lfrotat Unit Cost 222.86 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST /REPAIR/REHAB. IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA tem No /Oeseription 1OI(4jo1 Removal of Biting RCPC Unit of Measurement im Output perhour 00 lnm/t. Quanity 26.00 nm. | jesignation No.of] N0.°F | pay ga our Designatt Noet [NO-2F] paty Rate amount abo Bee ‘8. Construction Foreman 1 | ose 53280 73840 b. Unshiled Laborer 2 | ose 23600 32047 Subioialioe a Worot | No-oF fame ond Capaci ely Rate mount Name ond Capacity ccerent| ‘trie, | _Doly Rate A «| euipment Cowt GO ACEL Rates) 6, Backhiee w/ Pavement Breaker (080 cum) 1 | ose | 27.0820 1454233, be. Boom Trick (2-5 mt) 1 | 027 2148.20 | 22208.45 Miner Tool (10% of Labor Cost) | | | | | I Soe-Toral ore iegar76 el Total A+ 6) TTASTOS 0. Oupal aay 5.00 cara] | ‘Name and Specification auanity | unit | unit Cost Total [Matera Substaliere : F [Dect Un Cost (E> E] THABT.OE 1G. |overnead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (OGM } 7% cee Hi|Conttactor Profi (CP } as 139656 1 Waive Added Tex | VAT) 5% 1008.78 Hotal unit Cost asa 1075 PROJECT NAME DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS +: CONST,/REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - LOCAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - LOCAL ROADS - CONCRETING OF PARANGAN- BALIMBINGAN ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA item No /Desaraton 1022) Surplus Common Excavation Unit of Measurement com Output per hour 3000 nmi Guontity 15.0640 fam Woe [Noo] oop vee Designation Reef [Reef] pai rate mt Aliebor ®. Consiucton Foreman 1 | ote 52280 1669940 Unsled Laborer 2 | 3134 2600 65846 biel ieee as No-ef [No.of Name and Capacty cane] oct | Paty Rate ‘amount 1,|Eauprient Con 12014 ACEL Rate . Bulcorer, OSH SERIES I PSDS/DD 1 | sie] 2708200 247.25809 6. Payload (5 eu") 1 | 3136] 1386s00 49459531 | @! Payload I.5cu.m) - at crposal crea 1 | 786 | 1386800 Toa S. Dumhuek (12 eu!) 2 | aia] 1138000 712.10828 i j | | | f Sees oR BSI z Tota Tas] is77esee 5, Oupu TSS 00 Some Name and Specification Gvaniity | unit | Unitcost | Total [Matera ] | Sere : 7 [Drect Unt ConTEFET ara Tes IG Joverneas Contingencies & Mixcatancous | OCM } 1% 149 645.01 Fi [eonttactor Pott cP) on i7i02287 1 |Yolve Adee Tox | VAT) a va2922.89 fetal Unb Cost i738 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME ‘CONST. /REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING ‘OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUIMA SUGALA, emo essintn Tage Founaaten Fl Unotieanrement cum Cutt porno as cui vent 10 (0. 10. of T Segnaton TEM [RST conyecte | __ amon Ao T @. Consvetoneremon 1 | ox | ssae0| on | 8 Lavoe 1 | 895] eco) ean | | : SBREE ar : ea pred Nate ard Capos cy Rote |___—Arount i Equipment | Days | Poly Ret 2 | RSET CO TA RCH Pa Pate omeccter SH 1 for] seta 7200 B Woterce Purp (600) 1 [sor | sxaz000 term tins toa ok eo vars BREET iaa7e gE Tela AA 220136 5 | Subp aa od Samy Kame an pectoain vontiy [ vat | untoos Teta Eee fire Noes 269] cum] 45000 assis | | | SERRE Ped [F. [Direct Unit Cost (C +E) 6,162.67 | |Overhead Contingencies & iMiscellaneous ( OCM) 7% 432.78 [i Conrocton oat) & oa | vee adcoarent var & 25550 (J. [Total Unit Cost 995.40 PROJECT NAME DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ‘CONST./REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA Hom No/Deseription 109(6Ja_ Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation Unit of Measurement cum Output per hour 20.00 cum.ihe Quantity 100.60 ; Nove | Novo Designation Nerot | N0-21] pany gate Amount [abor ‘2. Construction Foreman 1 04s 53280 33467 be. Laborer 3 043 296.00 357.78 Bae telaiferA wae Novof | No.of Name and Capacity sepinert| ‘bes | _22ty Rate Amount 8, |Equipesent Cost [2014 AGEL RaTes] 9, Backhoe (0.80 vim), SE 19010-2 1 043 1229600 772843 | |b. Dump tuck (10. eum) 063 1138080 771.00 | Miner Tools {10% of Labor) 07.24 | | 1 I Subtotal fore 722088.67 fe Total (A 8) 22,976.11 D.| Output f aay 760.00 _comiday i Nome and Specification Quantity | Unit | Unit Cost Total | & Mafra ‘Sib totaifere, a F |Drect Uni Cost (C+ E) 2297611 1G |Overnead Contingencios & Miscellaneous (OGM) 7% 160833 H.| Contractors Froft (CP ) 2% 1,338.09 1. )Volve Added Tox { VAT) 58 1321.18 4. ffotal unit Cost 276.06 PROJECT NAME Hem No/Descrition DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS + CONST/REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. ‘OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA 10a(1}a Embankment from Roadway Excavation Unitof Mecsurement cum, Cutput per hour 5000 cum vanity 7510.00 r 5 Wat [west Designation iy Rat = e fect [2-91] Deiy Rate Amount 1 [labor For Excavation Work: <. Consinofon Faceman 1 | 1558 50280 ex0a76 © Laborer 2 | 1558 27600 922528 Spreading and Compoction: ‘8. Contituction Foreman 1 | ize 52280 ropes ©, laborer 2 | 78 27600 vi.a1480 Subtolelioa Hwee Novof [Novo Name and Capac aly Rate oun L vans Eavioment| Days |_ POW” amovet «.[Bavipment Con (01a ACEC Rate | For Excavation Work: |)" soidocer iss He), ost 1 | 1559] 2702200 $21 24541 | | 6 Payoade (180 cum). wx8026 i | 1538] t386sc0 71604638 | ¢. Dump Truck (10 cum) 2 15.58 11,360.00 354,051.44 | | Spreading and Compaction: | a. Motorized Road Grader, G710A 1 1878 17,384.00 926,384.60 . Voretor Roe 10rm4), So1000c 1 | teze| 1475800 271:25920 €. Water rvek/Pume (1600 i i | 350 | — 19's0000 7638793 Tab etalfore Ta aa é Total (+8) 1710001.92 5,| Ouiput dey HO comiday | Name and specication Guonity [ Unt | Unt Cost Teta [Materials ee | Supsotaltoe : F [Dtect Uni ComTC+ EY THO DH. 1c lovernead Contingencies & Miscafanaous (OCM) 1% 11970013 tt [Contractor Profit { CP) om 13600015 1 Waive Added Tox (VAT) es snes 4. ffota Unit Cot 251.89 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST. REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIQUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA, Ito No/Descxption Tos(}}a_ Subgrade Preparation Unit of Measurement seu. Output per hour 200.00 sau. Quantity 25,378.00 No.of [No.of nation aly Rate mount Designat pa ar A llaber ‘@. Construction Foreman 1 10.57 58280 5468281 b. Laborer 2 | 1087 236.00 6,288.67 ‘Wbiolaltora Tava6 paras Noof | NovoF a Name and Capacity Hae lie Daily Rate amount 2, |Equiprrent Cost OTA ACEL Rates) ‘2, Motorized Rood Grader, G710A 1 wos7 | 17,98400 188,786.10 'b, Vibratory Roller (10 mat. SD100DC 1 tos? | 1476800 156,128.58 ce, Water Truck/Pump (16000 lt) 1 264 19,600.00, 51,203.21 Subtotal foré wie ce: Total [A+ 8) 403,408.21 D.| Gutput fay 2400.00 _samniday Name and Specification unit | Unit Cort Total ¢,|ateriok Subtotal tore 5 F. [Direct Unit Gost (G+) 403,208.31 1c ]overheed Contingencias & Miscellaneous (OCM) 7% 28,252.58 H.|Conttactors Profit (CP } 8m 32,268.66 |. [Value Added Tex (VAT) oe 23,207.48 4. }fotat Unit Cost 1.21 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME ‘CONST /REPAIR/REHAB, /IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLCCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA lem No/Desctiption : 200[1] Aggregate Subbase Course, 020m. Tick Unit of Measurement cum, Output per hour $000 eum Quantity 3878200 ; Noe | Ne.oF Designation sate moun s Person | Day oo Sree A [Lebo ©. Construction Foreman 1 | ats 53280 ne7o98 be. Laborer 2 | 291 296.00 1296776 Subtoialork a 6S74 Woof [No.of T Name and Capaci jaty Rate | mount ot Equoment | Days |_ OMY Ro" aioe 2, |Eeuipment Cont 014 ACEI Rates] ©. Motorized Road Grader, G710A 1 | att 17,38490 380,796.52, be. Vibratory Roller (10 m.t), SD1000e 1 | 219 1476800 373,493.04 ce. Woter Truck/Pump(1400 It) 1 5.48 500.00 107,334.50, Subtotal tes DRS c. Total [A+ 8) 836,262.80, 0 Ouiput Fdey 0.00 carmJaay Name and Specification ‘Quantity [Unit [Unit Cost Total [Matercis ©. Aggregate Subbase Course 10,076.30 | cum, 2472.44 24913.047.17 (with vinkage of 16%) ‘Subtorertere 24 713,087.17 F [Dieat Unit Cost (+E) "25,749 209.98 J joveinead Contingencies & Muceteneous [OCM) 7% 1,802,451.70 H.|Contiactors Profit (CP) 8% 2.059,944.20 |. Walve Added Tox { VAT) o% 1,480,585.82 4. [Total Unit Cost 3548.54 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST. /REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING ‘OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA Item No /Description 300{1) Grave! Surface Course, 0.18: thick Unit of Measurement cum, Output per hour 5000 cums Quantity 862.00 Neof [No.of Designation : ally Rate mount ir Peet [Neer] ety Rat Amount Allebor Construction Foreman 1 216 532.80 1as.18 Laborer 2 216 296.00 1275.76 Subiotaltoca 2a a No.of [No-oF Name ond Capaci : ly Rate Amount ar cauipment| Das | PSY 8. [Equipment Coat @O14 AGEL Rates} Motoraed Rood Grader, 710A i 216 17.38400, 37,462.52 Vibratory Roller (10 mat, SD10ODC 1 26 1476800, 3182504 Water Truck (1000 galt 1 054 19,600.00, 10,559.50 SubTotal orb 79 Ba7 06 el Tete (A+ 8) 132,271.00 [p.| Output feay 400.00 _cumiday Name and Specification Quantity | Unit | Unit Cost Tetol «| Materate ‘Aggregate Surface Course 991.30 | cum. 272.44 2,550,059.77 (with shrinkage of 1855) | | | x I Subtotalfere 2.550059.77 F [Direct Unit Cont (C+E) 2,632,330.78 |c Jovernead Contingencies & Miscellaneous { OCM) 7% 104,268.15 H.] Contractors Profit (CP) 88 210,586.46 1. [value Added Tex ( VAT) 5% 151,359.02 4, 3,487.40 otal Unit Cost DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST. /REPAIR/REHAB.JIMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/EBLOCKING (OF BATO-BATO -TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA, ternno/oenspton + anya atona camer Conse Poneman 0k UntetNecnreres! sam uoutperho 1ara8 same uoniy 201020 wea Roe Ss cy Rte = o eat TST atv reset as . censhucton orenen 1 fom] smo vaisas &: Salo steer t [ae | sie ese Labo 2 | am | ea eens ESTA Ware a Capos . oe Equipment | Oc ee ERT COT OT TRI Sonor und 2 [as] eso voozaase 8. Corete vir 2 [as] “Feoo0| aor ‘c. Batching Plant (30 cum.) t 238 14,076.00 | 83,442.47 d, Payloader [1.50 cu.m.), LXB0-2C , 238 13,884.00 | 32,938.79 o. Conte wes Sh 1 | aie | "Stee | wear 1 wotertuciPun cao 1 | 2a | esena0 | 1855 o. Conte aw Bode 75H) 1 | 3a] aston) ‘aie | h. Bar Cutter, Single Prose 1 ons 1,758.00 } 7.87 | Sanson cron | cae | | I | | ESErIcad aE lel Total {A+ 8) 242,046.96 6 | SAT aay Eee Name and Specification Quantity [Unit [unit cost | Total £,/Materais 1 | 4g. Reinforcing Stee! Bor 673.20] ka. 47.00 | 31,640.40 | © Gimocomeens ora] ae mavens |S kena socent mos | re ‘eozror 4. Setfore ein sisao| nm | S200 ‘29080 |. Sona 168.30 | cu.m. 2.617 44 440,515.15. | & Gravel 306.00 | cu.m. 2,597.44 794,816.64 |g coment azvz| bon | “siome reasons |b. Conerete Saw (diamond blade 14"| 0.31] pes. 8,000.00 2,448.00 t Rposeeve 2 1831] hm] aaas ‘ions i Seat 306) ed soure SEE aaa 7 Siac OORT C*E) ats Jowenead Contngencies & Mbootonecu{O°%} ™ rraten0« tlecntaces om (cP) & pias 1 rave seo Var} & vanes fetus cast 4o70e DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS FROJECTNAME + CONST/REPAIR/RSHAMMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS. NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES NATIONAL ROADS. IMPROVENENTRESLOCKING OF BATO.BATO -TARAWACAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGIIMA SUGALA item Ne/escrption : stiiie)Potfand Cement Concrete Pavement arm The Unite Mecsutement sam utou pero 7080 sqrt. Guontty vear7s0 | Designation Reet [NET paiy rate | __ amount Tabor | ‘a. Construction Foreman 1 73.89 507.68 | 14,666.06, ©. Silo Laborer 4 | Zee ners | fasted? o. laberer i | mee BAe | sesiene | | Sub ealtera ace Name and Capacity No.of] No-of | paiy Rate Amount tqupment | ‘Dove a, Raunt Coat OTE ACE Rao] ars ire (Scum) 4 | 220] 1054400] vatearese |B. Concrete vibrator 2 | zeae 72000 | 4217708 © Batching Pent 0 cum} 1 | zea | reore00 sossao2 | d. Payloeder (1.50 eu.m,), LX80-26 1 28.89 13,864.00 | 400,508.68 ©, Conereie eseeder fH) 1 | zear| “a 3e000| i590 Water racirPormp{1200 Ff) 1 | zea | asst0c0 | 621250 6G. Concrete Sav, Bode © 14 05 Hp) 1 | zee pelea ‘sti.as Bar Cutter, Sngle Phase 1 | 287 | 78800] Sorase hing Toss (So abr 7993 | L RoE iam a Total AB) 298606740 3 Supt Tay 500 sqm Tay Nome and Spectcaton Gvontty [oat | _untcon Talal « naianar Reinforcing Sto! Bor 695803 9 1700 2594728 B Gurng Compound cone | aco 5 19080 ©. Asphalt seclent Vaio] i st 142907588 & Steet Forms Rent) 7088 | tam, S200 se69e580 ©. sand Zoseas | cum.| 26irad 5356.40990 F Gravel somos | cum | 204 paceeiner 6. Coment es878| bom 31000 vose2 90475 Concrete Saw (ckamond biode 14] 28 | pee | 800000 7.81300 1 ppeseeve 73 43s | fan 2358 sons Groosefter voze| “te {6800 mame Rbioalere arises 7 [vector Con (E>) S005. O27 47 | overneod Contingencies & Miscetonecus ( CM} 7% 210868192 H.| Contractors Profit {CP} 8% 2,407 602.20 1 five Acdod Tex (VAT) m 170046408 Jota Un Cost 22463) DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS Name of Project + CONST /REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. ‘OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA Hem NoJDesccption 500(1)63 Pipe Culver & Storm Crain Unitof Measurement inn, Oviput per hour 1.00 Inemute Gvoniity $7.00 ; Net [Nevet | Designation fect [Sct] Doiy Rote Amount A.|labor ‘0. Construction Foreman 1 406 50748 2061.82 b. Skiled Laborer 2 | 406 36792 290843 ©. laborer 4 | 408 23448 4821.38 | / Sblotelfork a7 Not [No.of T : Name and Capacity at] wesot | Daa rate | Amount 3. |Eauisment Cont GO14 ACH Rates) ©. Backhoe [0.80 cv.m). SE 130 LC-2 1 18 12,296.00 | aaei77 | Plate Compcetor (5H i v8 324.00 115892 | WinorToois (10% oF Labor | 967.16 | | | | | | | | | | \ ‘Sab-fotelfor8 76m07.88 Tofal (A+ 8) 26,279.47 (OutpotTaay 8.00 nm /aay 1 Name and Specification Quantity | Unit | Unit Cost Totel | WeTorae «a. Pottiand Cement 6186] bog | 31000 19,088.60, Sand 348] cum | 2617.44 3.10084 ©. RC. Pipes (910mm dia) 790] pe. | 312800 178,296.00 d. Sand Bedding/Selected Sandy Soll 7.30 | cum | 450.00 3,288.20 | | Sub-Total for 20976304 F [Dect Unit Cost (+E) 236,048.11 1G |ovemneod Contingencies & Miscetaneous (OCM) 1% 16,525.02 H.|Contracior Profi (CP) eB 19,385.45 1. Valve Added Tax | VAT) a 1357248 5. tote Unit Cost 5,000.39 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROIECT NAME ‘CONST. /REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING ‘OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA. Item No /Descxiption $05(2}a Grovied Riprop, Closs"A" Unit of Measurement cum, ‘Outout per hour 1.25 cum. vant 1450 ae No.of [No.of Designation Revel | Ne-9F] ait Rate amount A llebar '@, Construction Foreman 1 145 507.48 736.14 bb Skiled Laborer 2 145, 367.92 11066.97 «. Laborer 8 145, 248 329997 SubTotal fora 510307 ee No.of | No.of Name end Capacity en a Amount 8. [Equipment Cost (2014 ACEI Rates} 1, One Bagger Mier 1 145, 1.37600 1,995.20 'b, Water Truck/PUmp (15000 lt) 1 007 19,600.00, 1421.00 1 Tools (5% of Labor) 255.15 Sub roial fore sans, e "etal [A 8) 877443 D.| Output day 10.00 cum aay Name and Specification Quantity | Unit | Unit Cost Tetal « |Materiok 2, Cement 4250| bog 310.00 13.4850 bb. Sond 33 | cum 2419.23 Breas ©. Gravel Fl 022| cum 2429.23, 528.36 6. Weep Holes 60 mm.21 2 PVC Pipe 435 | In, noo 478.50 «. Filter Cloth | 022 sqm. 17600 3828 f. Bouiders 1823 | cum. 2,989.28 45,054.28 Miscellaneous (1% of Materials) 04.68 Subtotal fork 9,147.50 F [Direct Unit Cone) 7192198 1c [overnead Contingencies & Miscellaneous { CM) 7% 5.45453, H.[Conttactors Profit [CP] 8% 6.73875 1. [value Added Tox ( VAT) 5% 4480.51 4. hrotat unit Cost 5,489.02. DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME ‘CONST./REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/RESUOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA er NosBescrson sag Son Maton Uatotieanrement cum Guin penn "0 eum ie vant en wea [wel Desgraon cyte |__ aren = Pesan "Ban | O#Y td Tabor %. conten rman 1 fax] sor vassa ©: St chow 2 | aa) Sve aaa &:tabrr a fem] ue rare | | | | SITTER Taw Tea [Ret Nee end Gapacy eat] cenvtaie | __Anexnt 5 PCS OTERO Ra ene tae er 2 | ox] sarsco| 1800 Bolero (2019 1 | ote | spzcoso| dase €.Honinoe net p28 com) 1 | ox | "area nana iar Yose nom Fic visas SERIES Tee E To pra 5 | Tay (aa Say Ware era Spociston evantiy [ Ua | Unveon ie «prema 2 cement 22100] v0 | s000 aioe 5. Sona vaao| cm) zasnae dnainse 2 Sto Gat] com. | Ramat bios . Meeps soma) OVE Poe saan| fun “vlog isseoo mieceih Ges| sim | ananae vasaan # teaser ao| Sim] ase sasnae Miclanooi (9% of Matt ass PeIcH maa 1 vec UAT eaHTETED aati 5 lovenoad Cortngonier 2 ecetoneue (OCH) ™ aaa wean rot (oP) o nana "rave aed (Va) & teystaa ‘etaun co versal DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME (CONST. /REPAUIR/ REHAB. IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD. PANGUIMA SUGALA tem NoJDescription 612|1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (White) Unit of Measurement sam, Output per hour 2800. sqm. Quanity $5200 ignation No.of [No.of | paiy rate ‘Amount Designati : No. | Daily Ra X]iabor ‘9. Construction Foreman 1 276 $84.16 1612.28 b. Sklled Laborer 2 276 42232 2381.21 . Laborer 6 276 3258 5393.26 L SUBTSSTA BET, Name and Capacity pais af : et Deity Rate Amount 3, JEavipment Coit 2003 AGEL Rates @. Corgo Truck /Deivery Tuck (51) 1 276 5.89600 1572098 ', Applicator Machine : 276 750.00 207000 . Kneocing Machine 1 276 1,500.00 4140.00 Mince Tools (10% of Labor) 933.47 Worwaee BS & Total (A+ 8] 32,201.38 D._Ouiput aay 20.00 sa Name and Speciieation ‘Guenity [Unt [Uni Gost Teka E weteros 9. Thermoplastic Paint (White) 179.40] boa 1,985.00 284,849.00, , Glass Beads 18.22 | bog 21500.00 145,540.00 ce. Primer 6628 | ter "230.00 15,235.20 3. LPG (50K9,) 221| ey. 4,500.00 936.00 fe, PG (123) 10] ov 11980.00 v19232 £ Calsursine 6900) kg, 19.00 90.00 Miscetaneous (5% of Materials) - | SuSToTaeE eS FD Biect Unt Com (E +E] 389,143.90 G. Overhead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (OCM) 7% 27:240.07 H. Contactors Frofit (CP ] 8% 3113181 Value Added Tex ( VAT) 5% 2237577 be Total Unit Cost 51.25 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME CCONST./REPAIR/REHAB. IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA Hem NoJDescription 6122] Reflectotized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (velow) Unitof Measurement: sam, Output per hour 25.00. squm.fh Quantity 1550 Nae [Naot Designation peck | Saat | Patveate ‘Amount IK ]lebor ‘o. Construction Foreman 1 ose 586.16 397.35 b. Stiled Laborer 2 058 222.32 487.78 . Laborer ‘ 0.88 325.468 Laas SubToralorA THsaaT No.of | No.of Name end Capacity Ecvieroont| ‘Dose, |_DOtY Rate Amount 5. Jeauipment Cost (2009 ACEL Rates) @. Cargo Truck (Delivery Truck (57) 1 056 5,696.00 3.289.44 'b. Applicator Machine 1 08 75000 495.13 . Kneading Machine 1 088 1,500.00 346.25 Minor Tools (10% of Labor) 195.8 Seraaltore ATA, ic Tefal (A+ 8] $737.79 iD. Cupar ek 200.08 sqm Jaa Name and Specification auantity | unit | Unit cost Total [E Materok «. Thermoplastic Paint (Yetow) 754) bog 1,586.00 59.49594 b. Glass Beads 381} boa 2150000, 9528.75 fe. Primer 1386 | Iter 23000 3187.80 6. LPG {50Kg,) 0.48} ov. 450000, 2079.00 2: PG [13,) 023] ov 1980.00 249.48 f. Colsuine us| ig. 10.00 14438 Miscellaneous (5% of Materials) 373432 Spiele Te at.e6 | Direct unit Goa (C+) 25,158.45 IG. Overhead Contingencies & Miscellaneous [OCM} 7% 5,961.09 li. Conhacters Profil CP) 2% 61268 I. Valve Added Tox | VAT) S% 4596.61 LL Total Unit Cost 390.29 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME CCONST./REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA Provision of Furitures/Fxtures, Equipment & Appliances for the Hleld Office of the Item NodDescription avy gees Unit of Measurement le Cutput per hour Quontity 1.00 Is No.of] No.of Designation Reet [Not] baty Rate amount [Tabor 12200 SubtotaltorA zi Name and Capacity Nowof || Noot | paiy Rate ‘Amount Eaunment| paws 2, Equipment Cont GOT ACEL Rates) Subiotaltors ~ 7 el "otal A+B) 7 [b.| Output dey = bray Name and Specification Quantity | unit | unit Cost Total &[aterek [Office Equipment/Facitiies & Supplies 1. Office Toble.xceculive Type w/ chair 1.00 unit 7,900.00 7,900.00 b. LUZ Wooden Ofice Table 100 | each 2,500.00 2,500.00 ¢. Drawing Table 190 unit 5,000.00 5000.00 . Elect Desk Fan 2.00 | unit 1,800.00 3.60000 8. Folding Beds, Good Quality 200 | each 2.70000 5,400.00 1. 6 Sleeping Bed w/pillows and Blanket 2.00 | each 5,000.00 10,000.00 g. Double Bumer Gas Stove (Gasul} 190 unit 3,700.00 3,700.00 h. 10 Cups Rice Cooker 1100 unit 2,500.00, 2'500.00 i Aluminum Cookware 190 set 3150000 3.500.00 J. Plate, Giass, Spoon and Fork 1190 | doz. 2,000.00 2,000.00 I. SSeater Dining Table 190 | each 2,800.00 2,800.00 L. Monoblock Backrest Choir 100 | coz 2,500.00, 2.50000 rm, Prstic Pail & Basin 200] pe. ‘$00.00 1,000.00 1. White Boor! 1100) unit 7,900.00 ©. Bond Paper (Long) 1500 | ream ‘300.00 Bond Paper (Short 1500 | ream 270.00 @. Yellow Pad 490| pod 35.00 ©. White Boars Marker (Assorted colors) 200] pe. 7500 5. Sign Pen (Assoreted Colors) 2.00] doz. 1300.00 + BallPen 200} box 18000 L. Mechanica! Peneit 300} unit 350.00 vy. Pencil Lead, MoS 3.00} box 145.00 w. Puncher 2.00 | unit 250.00 x Stople Padwivire 2.00} unit 27500 ¥. Cutter Blade 200} box 228.00 476.00 Z Seotch Tope 6.00 | roll 48.00 288.00 120 Brown Envelop 6.00} doz 125.00 750,00 ob Folder, long 5.00} doz. 3500 425.00 1c Folder, short 3.00] dex 70.00 210.00 fd Dota Fle Folder 690} pe 3500 510.00 lighting Water Ficures: a. Hlectic Bi 4.00 | mo. 1,300.00 7,200.00 b. Water ail 400} mo. 1200.00 4300.00 6. 1G Gost (11 Ko) 490 | mo. 300.00 3,600.00, ‘Subtoteltert 70,544.00 F[Direst Unit Come +E) 90,548.00 1c. overhead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (OCM J * : H.|[ Contractors Profit (CP) 2% 7,243.52 |. [Voive Added Tex { var) 5% 4.959.38 4.\Totel Unit Cost 102,576.90 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS Nome of Project + CONST /REPAIR/REHAB JIMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO -TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUIMA SUGALA lem No/Description : ~ A.1.(6) Cosnucton of Feld Offce forthe Engineer Untot Mecsuremert Le Output per Hour 190 Quanity : 190 Description oot [Rest] Roteroey | Amount R]leber (DO aos EDGES) T |. Construction Foreman 1 36.00 584.16 | 21,029.76 cc. Skilled 6 36.00 422.32 | 91,221.12 3. Laborer 3 | 3600 32588 9979584 SubTotal Fara 706 ETE Neme and Capacity Novotunis| Wet | Rate/Day Amount B]Eaulpment, (2009 Acel Rafes) ©. Boager Mixer 1 | 1800) 137600 247e800 3. Matertucr 1 | 60 8.52000 3.52000 Minor Teo (10% of Lab) 2.0487 TEESE S70 ic Total A+ 8) 259,999.39 5. Suara REE Tamjaa Name and Specifcation of Matera No.of Unis] Ul _[ Uni Cosi Anant © potas \. Eathnvorks (Excavation Embankment Bedding) ©. Gravel Beading 1 ago] cum. 2597.44 os 75 ©. Selected Fil 19.00 | cum. ‘33000 4270.00 © Soi Potsonina 200 th 196960 212300 IL Concrete Works (Footing.Column, Beams) slob on Grade) ©. Portand cement 4800! bog 310.00 13,980.00 5. Crushed Gravel Gt 400| cum | 2597.44 0389-76 ©. Washed Sana 627| cum. : : I, Reinforcing Bor (Fooling Columns Beams) slab on Grade) «. Deformed Round Bor Grode #0 35000] ke. 47 14,450.00 5. No. 18. Te Wie 25.60| a. 7000 179200 IV, Formos (Columns & Beams) ©. Coco Lumber 22000 | batt 15.00 375000 5. GrainaryPhywood, 1/4838 1390 | pe 52000 8760.00 ©. GWNAsortod $00} ke. 2000 180.00 V. Masonry Werks (Masonry Wall & Plastering) o. CHES The. 480.00] pe. 18.00 2,100.0 ®. Poriland Cement 2500| boa 310.00 7750.00 &. Washed Sand 550| cum.| 281744 1439592 Oram cc. x5m RSE 20236 | “ta 4300 3722.12 &. No. 16G.. Tle Wo 153| ta 7000 107.10 Vi. Doors And Window Jo.” D-.Hetlow Core Fush Type Swina Door w/ Marine 200] set : lb. W-1.Jolouse Window with Ciear Glass Blades on 200| set 7 [e__W.2 ilouie Window win Clear Glos: Blades 200| set : 2 ‘iome and Spectigation of Matera Werf Unis] ~“Unst_| Unit Cost moun [Vit eel Works @. sSxebxémnm.t 25000) ka 4800 1200000 3. 50x50 x drm. 12500| te 80 1000.00 ©. $0250 xAmm.L 2000] ko. 4800 576000 &. Poties C- 15080 x3mm. ain] kg. 4800 1582 ©. lomm. Dia. Cress Seeing sat] ke #800 250882 # lemm. ia. Tum aucke 2400| pe 18000 312000 @. 12mm. The Bose Plate 4298] ko. 190 1737.58 fy 10mm. Thk Baten Plote 2908/19 4100 119228 i 12mm Dia Sag Rod tar2| ta 41.00 ‘sa752 |. 20mm Dia 350mm. Anchor Sots 1200) pe 125.45 151740 . Wotaing Rod 2000] fo. 1350 270000 1 Pimer Zine Cromate 200| gal 65000 11300000 Vil Rooting Works 3. Pre-Painied Gi, Roofing Sheet Lora Span, Ga.26 35.00 sam. 42000 1470000 . Pre-Fointed Ridge Rall Ga.24.0.40m. With 800| ini, 185.00 1480.00 ©. PePointed Rashing, Ga24 9.00) nm. 18500 268.00 4. Tectscrev elf 96500) pe 1.00 355.00 €, Roo! Sealant v.00 |“ 49500 225.00 1 Carpentry Works ©. Rough Lumber, Sun Ded Tonguile 2000] bat. 4500 5400.00 ©. Phywtood, Ordinary Wao" 1200] pe. 520.00 6240.00 . Frshing Nas 300] ks. 0.00 | ‘20.00 . Common Wie Nats 00] Ka 80.00 | 80.00 X Electrical Works | 2, 2xd0vFlovescent lighting Fixture 500] set 00.00 | 2800.00 |b: Porcelain Coiling Outlet w/ Female Sockot 1.90 | pe. £0.00 | 00 |e! Duplex Convenience Outiet 400] pe vr000 | 0.00 | di. Two Gane Switch 200) pe. 13200 | 26400 ©. S.smm2 THW 200| rll 120000 | 240000 © oma TAW 20.00) m 38.00 | 760.00 |. 19mm cio PVC Pipe 2400] pe 119.00 | 288600 |. tomm: ela. VC Couping 1500] pe. 15.00 72500 | 1emm: gio. VC Ebow z000| pe. 15.00 | 30000 | 19mm: dia. PVC Claro 2000| pe. 1300 $60.00 |e 25mm: ci. RSC Flee 300] pe. 766.00 | 2298.00 | 1. 25mm: dia. BC Coping 200| pe. 23.00 46.00 Jim. 25mm. cc. RSC Elbow 200] be. 21.00 | 42.00 |. 25mm. cia. RSC Clamp 900) pe. 2500| 2500 |, 25mm. aia. Sevice Entonce Cap 100] pe. 201.00| 2100 | Wie Helder 00] pe. 90.00 | 90.00 Utility Box 600 pe. 32.00 | 192.00 [8 Cetegonal Box 700] pe, 3400 229000 | Becta tape tia) 600] be. 31.00 | 18500 |. Panel Board (Side Min w/ Branches) oo] set 1,627.00 | 142700 | Painting Works | 12. tates Fat 400) get 720.00 | 2,890.00 |b. Lotex Semi Gloss 400] gal 74000 | 296000 |e. Neuttlzer 400 gol 520.00 | 2,080.00 |. Aci Color 200] ae. 220.00 | 560.00 | ©. Masonry Putty 190] ko. 16700 | 16700 | goamel Ft Well 300] gal 75000 | 2250.00 |.a. Enamel, Sem Gtoss 300] gol 750.00 | 2250.00 |n: Bain! thinner 300] sel 35400 | 1082.00, 1 Glasing Putty 100 sel. 10.00 | 15000 [ii Paint Bran 400] pe, 103.00 | 41200 |. Paint Roller ond Troy 200| be. 10500 | 210.00 LI teguer thinner ‘190g. 56400} 55400 Name ond Spaciicalion of Moterai To-efuints| unt | “Unit Cost ast TRI Fuméing Works i 2. Water Closet [including Fitings and Accessories) 120] set 590000 | 00000 | Lavatory lincuding Fitng: ond Accessories! 100) set 3,800.00 | 320000 [el iz cr Fine S40 200] pe. 788.00 | 115700, |S. Viz WoterFavcer (Bronze) 200] pe 19800 390.00 |e, 11x Assorted Connector 300] pe. 3500 220.00 | srpvc series 000 100) pe. 67500 | $95.00 4. 2 PVE series 1000 190) pe 20.00 | 2000 TR. #°PVG Assorted Connector 400] pe. 34000 | 2040.00 [LL 2 PvE netorted Connector 800| pe 1500 | 10.00 Sea aaE29.76 F [Drool Con [+E] 702,769.18 JG.|overnecc Contigencies ond Miicellansous (OGM) » a7.19306 H.|Contactors proft (CP) 38 5520183 Valve Added Tax IVAN) & 4040923 .ffotet Unit Cost 848, 59375 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME + CONST/REPAIR/REHAB./IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGUMA SUGALA terosonetston < etSty mnoltPe pipseeloa sees oon 100 [ ‘No.of | No. of 3 Teale cave = fae son i 1 [wf au vee | eae ma rea | seal Fovioment, ° |s emcee | |g. Senice Vehicle tle. 1,009,000.00 1,000/000.00 | | One (1) unit Brand new Diesel, Manual transmission, loaded complete with accessories to include: Finer tee ee Se pct conto cnn pte epson he Ao Pa ama ao z aoe tore SE ay rsa Ba sew pe 3) vaso] ae [see sare Engine Oj Lubricants, Greasing ( 20% of Fuel} y ts 19,350.00 19,350.00 aaa ae Foes Oa SaATEAT Tinta loronese correc nctaens (Oi) rs ; rfeoocen Pomc = ; trate saueon 0} = omnis DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME ‘CONST./REPAIR/REHAB.JIMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLU IG LOCAL PROJECTS - NATIONAL ROADS AND BRIDGES - NATIONAL ROADS - IMPROVEMENT/REBLOCKING. (OF BATO-BATO - TARAWAKAN NATIONAL ROAD, PANGLIMA SUGALA, Item No Description: FEA3_Conshvetion Survey and Staking Uni of Mecsurement m Output per hour 006 tend vanity 236 Woot [Nova Designation feof T8231 pai Rate mount labor (For Field Works) ©. Geodetic Engineer 1 | 738 | 42336 ara2a8 ©: Iretementmen 1 | 738 | serve 274i . Skied Laborer 2 | 738 | serse 542682 & Laborer 4 | 738 | ees 8392.16 {For Office Werks) 9. Geadetic Engineer 1 | 2170] 42996 8691 Bbiotal fora ETI Name and Capacity Novof | Novof | pally Rate Amount Eaupment| 0: | «, | Earment Con [01 ACEL Rafe] T ©. Total Stafon w/ complete accessories 1 | 798 | 1200.00 727500 Minor Too! (10% of Labo 2084.18 Subtotal ecb oxen ei Tol (A 8] 39,10074 b.| Ouipei day 02_kmJas Name and Specification Quantity | Unit Unit Cost | Total «| Materae T | a. Siondard Staked Plan [800mm x 910mm) 8.00] pes. 3,200.00 } 9,600.00 |B. Bue Pintng 4020) bes 2524) 1.08.87 | | | | I Tobotal ere Togoasr 7 [Direct Uni Cost (CF ED “arias J |overnaad Contingencies & Mitceteneous (CM) 1% : Contractors Pott (CP) 2% s9762 1 Valve Added Tax VAT) 5% 240436 4. [fot unit Cost 230622 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME + CONST /REPAIR/REHAB /IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL Item No./Description FEAI2 Project Bilbo Unitof Measurement: uni! Output per hour Quanity : 2.00 a No.of | No-of | pay rate 7 Designat ca Daly Ral ‘Amount 4 [Labor ‘e. Construction Foreman 1 29 53280 1,065.60 be. Carpenter 1 20 384.80 769.60 . Laborer 2 20 296.00 1.18600 WbiolalerA 301920, No.of [No.of Name and Capacity Eqvemont| Dee | _Da¥vRate Amount 8. [Equipment Cost (2014 ACEL Rees] ‘Sbietal for 7 el Total (A+ 8) 3019.20, [B.[ Oviput 7 doy Name and Specification Quantity | uni | unitcost Total [Mater <. 1/4" thi. 4x8 Marine Plywood 200] pe. 49200 244.00 b. Tarpautin (4x8) 200] pc. 1,200.00 2,400.00, . Assorted Sizes (umber 150.00 | bat 13.00 1190.00 .C.W. Nails, Assorted Sizes 2.00] kg. 70.00 120.00, ‘Subolal fore 539400 FDrect Unit Cost (+E) 8,413.20 G|overnead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (CM) ™% 508.92 1.| Contractors Profit (CP ) ox 473.08 1. [Vole Added Tex ( VAT) 5% 403.76 4. [Total Unit Cost 5079.47. DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME + CONST./REPAIR/REHAB IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL fem No./Description FEA.5 Construction Safety and Health Program Unit of Meastrement Ie Output per hour Quantity 7 100 gnation No.of [No.of | oy Rate: rou Detignat feet [Ne8t| Daly Rate Amount a lieber T . Fist Alder 1 | 14200 29600 | 4203200 | | | 1 I SubtoraliorA 72,082.00 rR Noe [Nevo] T lame and Capacit Dally Rate | Amount pee Equipment | Days |_OolvRele_ | 8 [Equipment Cost 2014 ACEL Raasy | | | | | | | [ ‘Subiotalfore = a Tolal [A+ 8) 2082.00 | Output day Name and Specification ‘Quantity | unit [Unit Cost Total «Matera «g, Pails, Rubber Boo!s Men, Long with Steel Toe, aan oee abeo er Block ». Pais, Working Gloves (Leather Materials) 2400) pair 17800 4200.00 . Pes. Rein Coats (Reinforced, Hip Lenath small, | 24.09} po, page pear Medium & Loree) . Hod Hat 2400] pe. 45195 tosss.72 | | Tuprelaitore ‘30,187.04 |Brect unit Cost (e+e) 72,169.04 |Overhead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (OCM) 7% - Contactor Profit (CP } a 57362 Value Added Tox (VAT) % 3897.18, Total Unit Cost 81,899.49 DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME ‘CONST /REPAIR/REHAB,/IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING LOCAL Item No./Description = Mobilization/Demobitzation Unit of Measurement Is Output per hour : ‘Quantity : 100 Noe? [No.of T pest [Neel | poiyRate | Amount | Designation a. labor SubTotal tera T No.of [No.of irate | Amount Equipment | 0: eee Name ond Capacity 5. |Equioment Cost 2014 ACEL Rates) Tronsit mixer (S cur) = Payioader (1.50 eum), LM80-2C Dump Truck (10 cum.) Boldozer (155 HP), DESAS . Motorized Road Grader, G710A {Vibratory Rofier (10 ma), SP56 Wester Truck Batching Plant {30 cum.) Cone. Mixer (1 boager) Concrete Screeder (5.5 Hp) .. Concrete Vierator Concrete Saw, Blade @ 14" (7.5 Hp) Bax Cutter, Single Phase, 25mm. (One Bogger Mixer 2.00 11,960.00 8,160.00 paervrvengagge Subtolal orb 7760.00 Tafel (A+ 8] ‘87,760.00 Pp Corp aay Name and Specification Quantity | unit [Unit Cost Total «| Matera t ‘Subtotal fore = F |Ovect Unt Cost O*F) 27,760.00 1c |overnead Contingencies & Miscellaneous (OGM } #.| Contractors Profit (CP) 1 Vole Added Tax [ VAT} - 4.,Total Unit Cost 87,760.00 UNIT COST ANALYSIS FOR HAULING COST FOR ALL AGGREGATES Hauling Cost from the Cotabato supplier fo Wharf 1 (Cotabato) Hem No. : ALLAGGREGATES Terain Ft fo Roling, (paved) Quantity : 1,000.60 Unit cum, Houting Distance 5.00 km. Effective Werking Hous 10.00 hrs Hauling = Using 10.00 cum. capacity Bumpiruck Weight of Dumpiruck (cap. 10.00 cum) 16,000.09 kg. Allowable Axle Load 1350000 kgs. Allowable Tetel/Gross Weight per DT 33,750.00 kgs ‘Allowable Load to be carried per DT 17,750.00 kgs. Unit Weight fo Fine Aggregates 1640.00 Kain? Unit Weight fo Coarse Agaregates 1584.00 kg/m? Mosimum Volume fo be Cariod per DT 1157 eum. *Dumattuck (10 Wheeler} days consumption: TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS. ‘Speed when loaded Hi 30.00 kph Speed when unloaded 40.00 kph s 500 x 60.00 i loaded runnin = 10.00 mins. Looded running Su 10.00 soo x 6000 Unloaded running = ais 7.50. mins Loading and Unloading 500 mins. Total Cycle Time 22.60 mins 300 x 60.00 No.of ris for Dumpiruck per day 2188 soy 2188 tH i ipituck per day Daas cy 21.33 rips Cpacity of Dumptuck 10.00 cum. Dumpiruck daily output 1000 x 2138 = 21833 eum, Using (4) Dumpirucks 400 x 213.33 858.33. cum. 1.No. of dys for Dumptrucks . Lay sey L.17 days No. of days Payloader = Complimentary to Dumptuck = LIT days EQUIPMENT USED: (2014 ACEL RATES) 1 - Unit Payloader @P 18,864.00 fday x05 days 812844 “4 - Unit Ourmpinuck @P 11,860.00 dey x LIT days 53,250.00 Sub - Total 31,373.44 Estimated Quantity 1,000.00 cum. Unit Cost e 1227 feurm./km. (Unit Cost, Hauling per cusm. per ken.) Grand Total P 6137344 Equioment P s1s73.86 Labor P Materials P Hauling Cost from the Cotabato Whert 1 fo Batu-Batu What 2: tom No, Quantity + Hauling ALLAGGREGATES Safe Navigational Route for Cotabato ~ Tawi Temi £00.00 cum, (per2C Harbor Pilot Office) Distance (Cotabato to Zamboanga) 13500 nm. Distance (Zamboanga to Bati-Batu, Saran 196.10 nm. Total Distance 331.10 nm. Using 1800.00 cum. capacity Deck Sarge Weight of Barge (cop. 1000 Tons OWT.) igs Allowable Axle Load kgs Alowobls Totel/Volume per Barge 800.00 eu.m, Unit Weight fo Fine Aggregates 1,840.00 Kgim? Unit Waight fo Coarse Aggregates 1584.09. Kain? ‘Maximum Volume to be Canad per OT 1800-1000 cu.m, "Barge & tugboat doys consumption: TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS. Speed when loaded 3.00 nm. Speed when unloaded 500 am, 331.10 Loeded runnin - ee, * 2 = 10.37 bes 333.10 Unioaded runni . - 68s ino 122 bes Leasing and Unloading 3338 brs, Capacity of Borge £200.00 cum, Total Cycle Time 209.92 hrs. 209.92 No. of days for Barge = 875 s lays 3s for Barge per io ona 875 soy 8.5 days Berge output per'tip 200.00 = 800.00 cum. EQUIPMENT USED: (2014 ACEL RATES) 1 - Unit Crone w/ clomnshell ep 554040 fay x ASP dos = P| 24.209.68 1 - Unit Barge & Tugboat @P 160,776.00 fday «87S days = P__1.406,291.75 Sub-Total _—1.430,461.38 LABoR: 1 Foreman @P 50768 jocy x 87S days = 4aaoe 2 Laborer oP RkAB fay x BTS days =P. 497642 Sub-Totol PATEBE MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: 1 Lumpsum (localoperatersend — @F_—15,00000 Ls. = P___ 1590000 ‘other mise. fess) Sub-Total P_—~—«15.000.00 Extimoted Quantity 200.00 cum. Unit Cost P ‘549 feurm./num. (Unit Cost, Hauling per cum. pern.m.) Grand Total P 4547024 Equipment P 1490,461.38 Leber P FA16 8S Matericls P 18,000.00, Houling Cost from Lugus Whatt 2 to Project Site: Station Baty-Batu Port fo Project Site (Sta. 0+400.00- Sta. 14400.00), TetalHauling Distonce= 0.50 Ki. Item No, ALLAGGREGATES Teain 2 Fick (Paved) Quanity : 1,000.00 eum. Uni cum. Hauling Distance 0.50 to, Effective Working Hours 10000 hrs. Houling = Using 10.00 cum. capacity Dumptruck Weight of Dumpinuck (cop. 10.09 eur) + 16,000.00 kgs Allowable Axle Load 18,500.00 kg. Alowable TotoliGross Weight per DT 3275000 kgs. Allowable Load fo be carted per DT + 17,750.00 kgs. UrifWeight of ne Agoregates 1164000 Klee Unit Weight of Course Agorogates 183400 kg/m? Maximum Volume to be Carried per Dt 1187 cum *Dumptruck (10 wheeler) days consumption: TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS Speed when loaded 25.00 koh Speed when unloaded 58.00 kph oso x___ 60.00 Loaded renni = 2X 008 0.56 mins. dad 35:00 % Unioaded running = oss mins ‘55.00 Loading ond Unloading 5.00 mins. Total Cyele Time 6.0. 200 x No.of ripe for Dumpinvek per dey x $000. 7457 soy 7497 tps Capocity of Dumptuck 10.00 even. Dumpruck daily output ooo x 7497 749.70 eum. Using (4 Dumptucts 400 x 749.70 239878 cum, £00.00 1. No, of days for Dumptrucks =e = soy 0.38 dos day pt ae 033 soy 5 No. ef days Paylocder = Complimentary to Dumptrvck 038 days EQUIPMENT USED: (2014ACEL RATES) 1 Uni Payloader @P 1386400 day x 0.17 days=P 2011.60 4 Unit Oumptrect @r —115380.00 fday x 038 days = P_ 15,152.81 ‘Sub Total par asaan Eslimated Quantity 1,000.00 cum. Unit Cost P 34.93. fours. (Unit Cost, Hauling per eum. per km.) Grond Total P airs Equipment P asda Labor P - Materials P 7 summary of Hauling Cost By Lond Tronsportalion : P 12.27 percum.perkm. {Cotabato supplier to Whort 1) P3493 percum.perkm. (hart? to Project Site) By Berge Transportation : P 549 percum.pernm. (Whar to Wht) Totel Cott for all Aggregates: [for Batu-batu, TawiTowi} “oat _| | Steer ty Lond rensperaion [7227] x[Sa0]= 6187 (Cotabato supple to Whar 1 3493] x [050 ]= 1746 [Whar ooo So) sy Barge tonsprttion : [549] x Sr0]=_.81880 Whar 0 war) Toll Having Cor of Aggrogston + va07ae Pickup Pce of fine Aggregates 72000 Total Having Cox of Aggregates: e974 Told Cod ne aggregates Paras soy noire Pick-up Price of Corse Aggregates Total Having Cost of Aggregates: Total Cost Coarse Aggregates 2597.44 Pick-up Price of Sub-Base Course Materials Total Hauling Cost of Agaregates Total Cost Aggregete Sub-Base Course Materias: 2472.48 Pickup Price of Base Course Mterials : Total Haviing Cost of Aggregates Total Cost Crushed Aggregate Base Course Materials: 2549.44 Pickup Price of Aggregate Surface Course: - Total Having Cost of Agaregates : Total Cos! Boulders: P soy 2872.48 Pickup Price of Boulders Materials: Total Having Cos! of Asgregates: Total Cost Boulders 397.44

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