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Contaminant Cleanup Environmental cleanup laws govern the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, sediment surface water or ground water. Unlike pollution control laws, cleanup laws are designed to respond after-the-fact to environmental contamination, and consequently must often define not only the necessary response actions, but also the parties who may be responsible for undertaking (or paying for) such actions. Regulatory requirements may include rules for emergency response, liability allocation, site assessment, remedial investigation, feasibility Studies, remedial action, post-remedial monitoring, and site reuse. Chemical Safety Chemical safety laws govern the use of chemicals in hum: activities, particularly man-made chemicals in modern industri applications. As contrasted with media-oriented environment laws (@.g., air or water quality laws), chemical control laws s: to manage the (potential) pollutants themselves. Regulatory et include banning specific chemical constituents in consumer produ (e.g., Bisphenol A in plastic bottles), and regulating pesticides. Resource Sustainability What is Sustainability? The terms Sustainable and Sustainability are used describe many different approaches toward improving our way life. Sustainability does not (and should not) have a rigid definiti Here are some views of what Sustainability can encompass... Sustainability means reducing our harm on the environi and ultimately reversing the harm we have already caused. ¥ Sustainability means renewing resources at a rate equal or greater than the rate at which they are consumed. ¥ Sustainability means living within the resources of the pia without damaging the environment now or in the future. v Sustainability means creating an economic system provides for quality of life while renewing the environ and its resources. v A sustainable community is one that resembles a livé system where all of the resources (human, natural, | 150 introduction to Cybercrime and Environmental Laws and Protection

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