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Interview England

Host parent: Jill, Maidstone

Cleans houses for elderly people and takes care of exchanging students like us.

‘Did you expect the death of the queen would happen so fast after they
announced about her bad health?’
‘To be honest, yes. We all saw the hand of her. It was becoming blue or black
because the oxygen was leaving her body. That was quite scary, but we all saw
it coming I guess.’
‘What are your thoughts about Charles II being/becoming king? Do
you have any expectations? Did you prefer someone else?’
‘It is all right. The elderly people (me 😉) prefer him, instead of William. Likely
in some way Charles has the same way of thinking as his mother. Although the
younger people prefer William, because he is younger and will go on for a
while. But I like it this way. I can not say something about him yet, because
there have not been made any decisions or so.’
‘Did Diana and Elisabeth had something/a lot in common?’
‘Yes, they had. There are to many examples to give, but they were both lovely to
the people they met or had appointments with. Diana and Elisabeth were both
also gorgeous.’
‘Do you think Diana was an option to rule the country and becoming
queen if the accident did not happen?’
‘Probably. She was polite for the people she was with. It is the same for
Elisabeth. They were both so sweet and successful.’
‘Did the queen meant anything special specifically to you?’
‘Even though I am not the youngest anymore, I have not met the queen once.
But I think she had showed us all multiple views on different cases or stories.
But no, she did not mean something special to specifically me, which is quite
odd because I really liked her and wanted to meet her once. She seemed nice to
people she met, what I have seen on TV.’

I did not really end the interview because we were eating dinner and I asked the
questions while we were watching the funeral of the Queen.
Young woman on the street: Juliet, Cambridge
Teacher on one of the universities they have there a lot.
‘Did you expect the death of the queen would happen so fast after they
announced about her bad health?’
‘I did not expect it to happen at all and so fast. At first, I thought she would be
ok because she was so strong. She made through World War II and has been on
the thrown for 70 years. Which is something unique and outstanding.’
‘What are your thoughts about Charles II being/becoming king? Do
you have any expectations? Did you prefer someone else?’
‘It is ok. I have not seen him doing anything special. I will just wait for him to
settle down and get the feeling, later I will judge or not. I mean I can not rule the
country by my own. Especially after the gorgeous Queen. Of course, and
probably everyone else would prefer Elisabeth, but since she is not with us
anymore it is fine.’
‘Did Diana and Elisabeth had something/a lot in common?’
‘I did not experience Diana really by my self. But what I did saw was that they
were both so lovely and beautiful. The sparkle in their eyes told most of the time
a lot even when they had not said anything and were just looking to the crowd.’
‘Do you think Diana was an option to rule the country and becoming
queen, if the accident did not happen?’
‘I think I can not actually say something about that, because I have not
experienced her. But I would love to experience her so I can have an opinion
about her.’
‘Did the queen meant anything special specifically to you?’
‘Not really. I did saw her often on TV supporting clubs or companies in
interview, but that did not happen to me.’

‘Thank you for your time. Enjoy the rest of the day!’
‘You’re welcome. Good luck with the rest of the assignment.’
‘Thank you! Bye!’

Young girl on the street: Lily, London

Goes to school there and was walking to the centre of London with her mom.

‘I know it is a hard question for you, but your mom can help.’ ‘Did
you expect the death of the queen would happen so fast after they
announced about her bad health?’
- ‘Well I can give some examples. I saw my mother watching the funeral and I
heard my father and her talking sometimes about what was happening with her
and how she was doing. What I heard was not the best, and she is also old. Hi
‘Your mom can help you with this question if you like.’ ‘What are
your thoughts about Charles II being/becoming king? Do you have
any expectations? Did you prefer someone else?’
- ‘I can try. Charles seems a nice man. I think he can do it!’
‘Indeed I think he will be managed to do so. He had often seen his mother and
she gave him quite some advice for you will never know and for instance in
cases like this.’
‘I think your mom will answer this question.’ ‘Did Diana and
Elisabeth have something/a lot in common?’
- ‘Who is Diana? Mom, you need to help me.’
‘I will sweetheart. Diana was sweet, I do not really remember things about her,
but she was nice to her man and visitors.’
‘Do you think Diana was an option to rule the country and becoming
queen, if the accident did not happen?’
‘I think she could. Diana and Elisabeth had quit somethings in common so she
would make it.’
- ‘Mom how do you know this?’
‘Because Diana died early. Before you were born sweety.’
‘Did the queen meant anything special specifically to you?’
- ‘Mom I can answer this question!’
Go ahead!
- ‘The Queen went once to our school! She talked with our principle, and she
watched our show we made for her.’
‘You did an excellent job Lily! Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day!’
- ‘Thank you miss. Good-bye!’
How I started every interview to be respectful and polite, I did not record this.

Good afternoon. My name is Fréderique. How are you? I am a student from the
Netherlands and am here for a cultural trip. I also had to do an assignment,
which is interviewing local people.
Do you perhaps have any time?
Are you fine by talking about the Queen and her death?
Is it all right to record this? I promise I won’t publish it. It’s just for school.
At first, I will ask you a few basic questions:
What is your name again?
Where are you from?
What do you do in your free time?
What kind off work do you do?
Just to confirm, you are fine by recording right?
Shall we start?

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