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Blog Prinsjesdag

‘Prinsjesdag’ is always and each year on the 3 rd Tuesday of

September. After a ceremonial tour of The Hague, the king (in
our case king Willem Alexander) delivers the 'Troonrede' in a
joint meeting of the States General. The ‘Troonrede’ contains
a summary of the government's policy intentions for the new
year of government. All people of the cabinet, all ministers
and the other
important people will
be there.

Not only the ‘Troonrede’ will be told, also the minister of

finances hands over the suitcase containing the
‘Miljoenennota’ and ‘Rijksbegroting.’ Each ‘begroting’ is
submitted to the ‘Eerste Kamer’ and the ‘Tweede Kamer’ as
a bill. Both ‘Kamers’
must first assess and approve the proposals. Only then can the
government implement the plans.

The ‘Miljoenennota’ are the most important points for the

cabinet in which they will talk about next year. They will talk
about what influence the plans will have and what they are
going to cost. Also, they will talk about the economy in general
in the Netherlands. The ‘Rijksbegroting’ will be handed over as well. The ‘Rijksbegroting’ tells which
ministers gets how much money for the project or plan they will work on. Also, it tells which costs
they can expect.

During Prinsjesdag in the Netherlands, female members of the

States General, the government, and the Royal House wear
hats during the address from the throne. The size, colour, or
model of the headgear is frequently eye-catching. The media
frequently focuses on the most eye-catching headgear.


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