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PE 3 – INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS Period: 1 Semester AY 2022-2023 

NAME: Sophia Mae H. Cabarle Course, Year & Block: BSIT - 2C

INSTRUCTION: Through the graphic organizer below, discuss the information that you have
learned about Physical Education in the boxes around the circle. (15 pts.)

In a social context, physical

Physical education is a education takes a holistic
learning process with a approach that recognizes
primarily physical outcome. the relationship of
This procedure aims to individual health with
increase specific knowledge, societal health and
abilities, and comprehension. environmental health.

Physical development is a Physical activity is

goal of physical education, appreciated and
which is a significant Physical incorporated into daily life
component of general Education in the field of physical
education. education.

The development and The goal of physical

maintenance of fitness for education, a significant
optimum health and well- component of general
being, as well as the education, is to participate
acquisition and in the learner's whole
improvement of motor development.
skills, are all part of the
educational process known
as physical education.
INSTRUCTION: Answer the following question about Physical Education: (5 pts. each)
1. Why is Physical Education included as one of the subjects in the curriculum? How
important is Physical Education to the young leaners/students?
 Physical Education is included as one of the subjects in the curriculum
because it seeks to increase students' physical competence, awareness of
movement, and understanding of safety, as well as their capacity to use
these to participate in a variety of activities linked to the promotion of an
active and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, it helps students build their self-
assurance and general abilities, particularly those related to teamwork,
communication, creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetic appreciation.
Young learners/students place a high value on physical education because
it supports the idea of individual choice by catering to each learner's
unique requirements, interests, and circumstances. Additionally, it offers a
special contribution to all learners' lifelong growth, boosting their physical,
cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. 
2. Differentiate individual sports to dual sports?
 Sports that don't involve team participation are referred to as individual
sports. Although individual sports can be competitive, the participant also
competes against themself while Dual Sports, single athlete competes
against another single athlete in a one-on-one competition in one type of
dual sport; there is no team involved. Two athletes from the same team
playing against two competitors from the opposing team, or "two on two,"
can also occur in dual sports.
3. What are the purposes of Physical Education in relation to one’s everyday activities? 
 Physical education offers cognitive teaching and material aimed at
fostering the knowledge, habits, and motor skills necessary for physical
activity and fitness. Supporting everyday physical education in schools
can provide pupils the skills and confidence they need to stay physically
active for the rest of their lives.

This assessment tool will be used to assess the ideas and

concepts discussed by students about Physical Education.
CRITERIA Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Rate
Satisfactory Improvement

Organization Extremely Organized. Somewhat  Poorly  

well Structure Organized. organized.
organized.  allows reader Structure allows A clear sense of
Order and to move reader to move direction is not
structure of through through some of evident.  Flow
information is content the content is frequently
compelling without without interrupted. 
and flows confusion. confusion.  Flow
smoothly.  The ideas is sometimes
flow interrupted. 
Content Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows  
insightful understanding understanding of incomplete 
understanding of content.  content.  understanding of
of content.  material/content. 
Ideas  Insightful and Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are unclear,  
well considered; somewhat on few connections. 
considered more than topic; makes
ideas making one some
multiple thoughtful connections. 
connections.  connection
is made. 


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